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1 Complete the passage with the words below. (8 x 2 = 16 points)
rescue • risky • fit • brave • steep • survive • awesome • faced danger
An Adventurous Woman
Annie Smith Peck, born in 1850, was one of the few female mountain climbers of her
time. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, few people were 1. ……………………
enough to do this. It was a terribly 2. …………………… sport. Climbers
…………………… great …………………… because they lacked equipment such as
oxygen tanks to help them 4. …………………… . In addition, there was virtually no
chance of 5. …………………… if there was an emergency. However, Peck climbed many
mountains. One was the very 6. …………………… Matterhorn. In 1897, Peck set the
record at the time for the highest climb by a woman. This 7. …………………… woman
remained physically 8. …………………… enough to continue climbing into her 80s.

2 Write a suitable continuation for each sentence. Use the verbs below and the suffix -ed or -ing. (4 x 3 = 12 points)
thrill • exhaust • worry • frighten
1. We were all really tired after the hike.
It ............................................................................................................ .
2. It was an exciting experience for her.
She ....................................................................................................... .
3. The rhinoceros ran fast towards our jeep.
I ............................................................................................................. .
4. I haven’t heard from Dan since he arrived in Nepal.
It’s ......................................................................................................... .

3 Replace the words in bold with the correct form of a suitable word or phrase. (5 x 4 = 20 points)
1. The ski patrol saved people after the avalanche. ……………………
2. He took many wrong turns while he was driving there. ……………………
3. He did dangerous things, but luckily he was OK. ……………………
4. We took long hikes in the hills of the Lake District. ……………………
5. We used up all our money so we came home. ……………………


4 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a future tense. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
1. A: At this time tomorrow, we …………………… (take) our first scuba dive.
B: I just hope that I …………………… (remember) everything we’ve learned!
2. A: Be careful! You …………………… (fall).
B: Calm down. I …………………… (be) fine.
3. A: …………………… you …………………… (buy) your new mountain bike this summer?
B: No. I …………………… (not make) a decision about which one to buy by then.

5 Complete the blog with the verbs in brackets. Use a future tense or the Present Continuous.
There may be more than one correct answer. (9 x 2 = 18 points)
Springtime in Patagonia
I’m having a great time here in Patagonia! Tomorrow, I 1. …………………… (go) to
Puerto Madryn, on the east coast. That’s where I 2. …………………… (stay) until
I head home. This is the time of the year that thousands of whales are there. I
…………………… (join) a kayaking tour to see them. I can’t believe that by this time
on Thursday, I 4. …………………… (see) these amazing creatures up close! On Friday
morning, I 5. …………………… (take) a day trip to the Punta Tombo Nature Reserve.
Punta Tombo has about a million Magellanic penguins! I know I 6. ……………………
(love) seeing them! Unfortunately, I 7. …………………… (not see) any baby penguins,
because they don’t hatch until November. I 8. …………………… definitely
…………………… (want) to come back here! And I think that in the next few years, even
more tourists 9. …………………… (discover) this wild region of southern Argentina.

5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. (4 x 4 = 16 points)

1. I’m planning to take driving lessons this summer. (taking)
2. Are you packing tonight? (pack)
3. I promise not to do anything risky. (not do)
4. We will arrive before 3 o’clock. (by)

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