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Stress Analysis of Waveguide with Two Layers of Material

Polyester – Chitosan Using Finite Element Method

Ojo Kurdi1, 2, *, a), Rusnaldy1, 2, b), Djoeli Satrijo1, c), Ian Yulianti3, d), Risavel
Abelardo Hutagalung1, e)

Mechanical Engineering Department, Diponegoro Universiti, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Indonesia
Physics Department, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The treatment on optical fiber can be in the form of heating, applying connection material, pressure,
indentation or by giving treatment by replacing protective sleeves and jackets. For this reason, optical sensors such as
waveguides are continuously optimized in every aspect, one of which is their mechanical properties, such as their
resistance to pressure. Previously, someone had researched the construction of a waveguide, but had not yet analyzed the
stress and strain. The aim of this research is to determine the exact composition of the waveguide with polyester-chitosan
composite material. This study uses the finite element principle using ABAQUS 2017 software to simulate waveguide
conditions. The composition variation for the waveguide itself is 50% Polyester - 50% Chitosan, 40% Polyester - 60%
Chitosan, 30% Polyester - 70% Chitosan, 20% Polyester - 80% Chitosan, 60% Polyester - 40% Chitosan, 70% Polyester
- 30% Chitosan, 80% Polyester - 20% Chitosan with a total length of 50 mm and a maximum width of 1 mm, and a
thickness of 1 mm. The load on the waveguide is stressed 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 MPa. The boundary condition given is the
encastre at both ends of the waveguide. The model shows the highest voltage when the model is subjected to a maximum
pressure of 35 MPa. The best results were obtained when the composition was 80% polyester - 20% chitosan. For von
Mises results from the composition of 80% polyester - 20% chitosan produced 43.01 MPa on polyester material and
54.58 MPa on chitosan material. The strain resulting from the composition of 80% polyester - 20% chitosan is 0.03392
for polyester material and 0.05187 for chitosan material. The highest safety factor of polyester material is when the
composition is 80% polyester which is 1.465 and the highest safety factor of chitosan material is when the composition is
20% chitosan which is 1.026.

Submission of information from an information source to the recipient of information can be carried out if there
is a system or delivery medium between the two. Where generally the delivery media of information in the form of
physical transmission media (cable) or non-physical (without cables). Physical transmission media is a transmission
medium that has a physical form. Generally using cable, waveguide or optical fiber, while non-physical media is in
the form of air or free space [1]. The advantages of optical fiber as a sensor are that it does not come into direct
contact with the measurement object, does not use electricity as a distance, because of its high measurement, and
small size [2].
Long with the times, more and more technologies are produced. To produce a technology, of course, must use
the transmission line in the technology. Transmission line is a medium used to send electrical energy from one point
to another in an electrical circuit. There are several transmission lines in common use today such as two wire line,
coaxial cable, balanced shielded line, microstrip and waveguide. Waveguide is a single channel that serves to deliver
electromagnetic waves (microwave) with a frequency of 300 MHz - 300 GHz.
Optical waveguide (OWG), which relies on total internal reflection for wave isolation, plays an important role in
optical communication. The use of OWG can reduce costs and increase the stability and durability of optical circuits
because it can integrate multiple devices on a single substrate. The device's waveguide-based reliability is
potentially high because there are no moving parts. OWGs can be designed and modified for a wide variety of
applications in optical communications such as demultiplexers, optical logic gates, and optical modulators [3]. The
performance of the waveguide is influenced by the structure of the waveguide including the type of constituent
material, the geometric structure and the dimensions of the waveguide [4]. There are various kinds of waveguide
geometric structures, some of which are buried waveguide, strip loaded waveguide, rib waveguide, ridge waveguide,
and diffused waveguide. When compared to other geometric structures, buried waveguide has the advantage of low
power loss [5]. Therefore, buried waveguide has the potential to be used as a sensor.
Applications of Finite Element Methods can be classified according to three categories [6]. One of them is the
type of solid object mechanics problem, namely stress and strain analysis on elderly sticks. The finite element
method used is 3D, in this case the triangular plane element with 3 nodes is based for the purposes of analyzing a
continuum in the form of area. The problems that can be solved by this triangular plane element involve the element
stiffness matrix, plain strain and plain stress 3 as well as the force vectors acting on the elements of the elderly stick
product [7]. The basic concept of the finite element method is that a continuum (total structure) can be modeled
analytically by subdivision into regions (finite elements) in which each behavior is described by a separate set of
functions that are assumed to be pressures or displacements in that region. The principle of minimum potential
energy provides a variational basis for the formulation of a complete force-displacement relationship [8].
Unsaturated Polyester Resin (UPR) is a type of thermoset polymer. UPR is made from polymerization reaction
between dicarboxylic acid and glycol. The polymer is dissolved in a reactive monomer such as styrene to produce a
low viscosity liquid. When it dries, the monomer will react with the unsaturated bonds in the polymer and turn into a
solid thermoset structure. In the composite industry, the use of Unsaturated Polyester Resin (UPR) is quite large,
which is 75% of the total resin used. Unsaturated Polyester Resin or generally called resin is a chemical in the form
of a liquid resin with a relatively low viscosity, so it can harden at room temperature using a catalyst without
producing gas as a side effect [9]. PMMA and UPR were used since they have good transparency, durable and low
cost [10].
Chitosan is a type of natural polymer that has a linear chain form, as a product of chitin deacetylation through a
chemical reaction process using a strong base [11]. Chitosan is a product of chitin deacetylation which is a long
chain polymer of glucosamine (β-1,4-2 amino-2-deoxy-D-Glucose), has a molecular formula [C6H11NO4]n with a
molecular weight of 2.5x10-5 Dalton. Chitosan is in the form of yellowish white flakes, odorless and tasteless.
Chitosan is insoluble in water, in strong alkaline solutions, in sulfuric acid, in organic solvents such as alcohol, in
acetone, in dimethylformamide, and in dimethylsulfoxide. Slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid and in nitric acid,
soluble in 1%-2% acetic acid, and easily soluble in 0.2%-1.0% formic acid [12]. Pure chitosan contains an amino
group (NH2), while pure chitin contains an acetamide group (NH-COCH3). The difference in this group will affect
the chemical properties of chitin and chitosan. In fact, commercially produced chitin and chitosan have both
acetamido groups and amino groups in their polymer chains, with varying compositions of these groups [13].
In existing research, trials have been carried out on optical fiber embedded in acrylic material using the finite
element method. The result is that the optical fiber embedded in it becomes stronger and more flexible [14]. This
study observes the effect of pressure loads that occur on the core waveguide using polyester-chitosan composite
material on the mechanical properties tested with variations in the composition of the polyester-chitosan composite
using the finite element method. To meet the requirements for sensor application in liquid such as chemical and
biochemical sensors, we fabricated waveguide which operates in visible light to minimize absorption and light
attenuation [15]. The buried square core waveguide was chosen as waveguide structure since it has a good fiber-to
waveguide coupling and little polarization dependency [16]. The author uses the ABAQUS 2017 software to analyze
the voltage at the core waveguide. From this test, it will be known the maximum stress value from the analysis using
the finite element method, so that a safe composition can be determined from the polyester-chitosan combination.
The following is a flow chart on a waveguide simulation using the finite element method.

FIGURE 1. Research flow chart

The finite element method is a numerical procedure that can be used to solve engineering problems, such as
stress analysis in structures, personal frequencies and their shape modes, heat transfer, electromagnetism, and fluid
flow. To find out the stress and strain experienced from each model, a simulation was carried out using the Finite
Element Method which was simulated with ABAQUS 2017. From the results obtained, we can find out the most
optimum modeling to be applied along with the factors that contribute greatly in influencing the stress and strain.

Waveguide Model
The waveguide design was made using the ABAQUS 2017 software. This waveguide has a length of 30 mm and
a width of 1 mm, and a thickness of 1 mm. The material used in this modeling is two layers of polyester – chitosan.
There are seven variations of the layer polyester-chitosan that will be used in writing for research. The composition
variation for the waveguide itself is 50% Polyester – 50% Chitosan, 40% Polyester – 60% Chitosan, 30% Polyester
– 70% Chitosan, 20% Polyester – 80% Chitosan, 60% Polyester – 40% Chitosan, 70% Polyester – 30% Chitosan,
80% Polyester – 20% Chitosan. One of the waveguide models can be seen in Figure 2.
FIGURE 2. Waveguide model

For simulation purposes, the mechanical properties of the material are needed, both the mechanical properties of
polyester and the mechanical properties of chitosan. The mechanical properties required are modulus of elasticity,
poisson ratio and density. The mechanical properties of the two materials, namely polyester and chitosan, are shown
in table 1.

TABLE 1. Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Material
Properties Polyester Chitosan
Density 1,38 x 10-9 ton/mm3 2,3 x 10-10 ton/mm3
Tensile Strength 63 MPa 56 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity 1000 MPa 800 MPa
Poisson's Ratio 0,33 0,24

Giving Interaction
Interaction is used to make contact between polyester and chitosan. The first thing to do to create an interaction
is select module > interaction > create Constraint > select Type Tie > Continue. Then select the polyester surface as
the master surface and the chitosan surface as the slave surface.

FIGURE 3. Interaction on waveguide

Load and Boundary Condition

The load on the waveguide is placed on the top, bottom, left, and right surfaces of the waveguide. The type of
load is the pressure at that point. The resultant 3D force is applied where the load applied to the waveguide is varied
from 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 MPa. The waveguide loading can be seen in Figure 4.
The boundary condition given to the waveguide (named BC-1) is the boundary condition of the encastre type on
the edge of the +Z and -Z axes. The purpose of giving this boundary condition is so that there is no translational or
rotational movement of the section in the x, y and z directions. The purpose of giving this boundary condition is that
when the press step occurs, the waveguide only undergoes translation and no rotation occurs. The boundary
conditions on the waveguide can be seen in Figure 4.

FIGURE 4. Load (a), Boundary Condition(b)


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Result of Static Linear Simulation

After performing simulations on all composition variations and pressure variations on the waveguide, there are
differences in stress and strain in each composition variation. The higher the applied pressure, the higher the
resulting stress and strain. Of all the variations in the composition of the waveguide, the most optimum composition
is the composition of 80% polyester – 20% chitosan. The maximum pressure that can be accepted by the waveguide
is 35 MPa because at a pressure of 40 MPa the chitosan material has failed. Von Mises stress and strain simulation
results can be seen in table 2 and table 3.

TABLE 2. Von Mises

35 MPa
Polyester Chitosan
20%Poly-80%Chi 53.06 63.55
30%Poly-70%Chi 49.44 63.16
40%Poly-60%Chi 46.99 62.49
50%-50% 45.32 61.46
60%Poly-40%Chi 44.19 59.96
70%Poly-30%Chi 43.45 57.79
80%Poly-20%Chi 43.01 54.58

TABLE 3. Strain
35 MPa
Polyester Chitosan
20%Poly-80%Chi 0.04444 0.06371
30%Poly-70%Chi 0.04068 0.06319
40%Poly-60%Chi 0.03812 0.06230
50%-50% 0.03636 0.06094
60%Poly-40%Chi 0.03517 0.05895
70%Poly-30%Chi 0.03439 0.05608
80%Poly-20%Chi 0.03392 0.05187
Figures 5 show the von Mises stress and maximum strain in waveguide modeling with a composition of 80%
polyester – 20% chitosan. The von Mises stress and simulation results from the variation of 80% polyester – 20%
chitosan are 43.01 MPa on polyester material and 54.58 MPa on chitosan material. The simulated strain of 80%
polyester – 20% chitosan is 0.03392 on polyester material and 0.05187 on chitosan material.

FIGURE 5. Von mises on 80% polyester material with a pressure of 35 MPa (a), Von mises on 20% chitosan
material with a pressure of 35 MPa (b)

FIGURE 6. Strain on 80% polyester material with a pressure of 35 MPa (a), Strain on 20% chitosan material with a
pressure of 35 MPa (b)

From the von Mises data obtained, it will be obtained the value of the safety factor of the waveguide. The value
of the safety factor can be seen in Figure 7. The value of the safety factor on a waveguide with a composition of
80% polyester – 20% chitosan with a pressure of 35 MPa is 1.465 for polyester material and 1.026 for chitosan

FIGURE 7. Safety factor

Convergence Test Results

To determine the appropriate number of elements to be continued with the optimization process, a convergence
test is carried out which can be seen in Table 4 until convergent results are obtained for each increase in elements by
making mesh improvements gradually and in certain areas.

TABLE 4 The maximum von misses stress value for each element
Number of Elements Von Mises (MPa)
400 23.19
2004 23.26
50000 40.79
97500 59.38
226576 60.91
400000 61.46
Based on the variation of the increase in elements in Table 4 above, the more the elements increase, the stress
that occurs remains the same, so it can be concluded that these elements show that they have converged. This study
uses the results of the last convergence test, which is 400000

In this study, it can be concluded that the greater the polyester composition, the smaller the von Mises stress will
be. The maximum pressure that can be received by the waveguide with polyester – chitosan composite material for
each modeling ranges from 30 – 35 MPa. Of all the variations in the composition of the waveguide, the most
optimum composition is 80% polyester – 20% chitosan
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