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2021 business performance

2022. 2
I. 2021 Business Performance Highlights

II. Key Takeaways

Ⅲ. Detailed business performance

IV. Asset quality status

Ⅴ. Management performance of major affiliates

Ⅵ. References

Disclaimer Statement
1. The business performance included in this document has been prepared in accordance with the Korea International Financial Reporting Standards (K-IFRS), and the figures for the fiscal year 2021 have been prepared without an external auditor's auditing completed, and are subject to

change in the future.

2. Until 2017, the Company classified interest income from financial assets at fair value through profit or loss as net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss under other
operating income items. Therefore, please note that this has been rewritten by applying retroactively from the 2017 business results included in this document.

3 2017.07.07 The Company incorporated KB Insurance Co., Ltd. and KB Capital Co., Ltd. as wholly subsidiaries. As a result, the consolidated performance of KB Insurance and KB Capital was 100% from the group management performance in the third quarter of 2017.

written including.

4. 2020.08.31 The Company incorporated Prudential Life Insurance Co., Ltd. as a wholly subsidiary, and therefore, 100% of Prudential Life's consolidated performance is included from the group management performance in September 2020.

5. From the 3rd quarter of 2021, the Company has applied the accounting policy changes related to Korean Accounting Standards (K-IFRS) No. 1019 (employee pay). Please note that the previous management performance included in this

document has not been rewritten retrospectively.

6. Some item amounts and totals may be different due to rounding.

I.2021 Business Performance Highlights _Group management performance overall

Group Profit and Loss Analysis of changes in group net income(billion won)

billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ
313 257
667 out of business 368 142
net interest income 11,229.6 9,722.3 15.5 2,974.2 2,854.3 4.2 securities and insurance profit or loss decrease in profit
General maintenance fee

net commission income 3,625.6 2,958.9 22.5 881.7 911.3 - 3.2 net fee
Derivative/Forex increase
credit loss 492 4,410
Conversion Profit and Loss provision
increase in profits

decrease increase in transfer amount

Other operating income - 371.6 - 188.6 NA - 234.4 - 113.8 NA corporate tax expense

increase, etc.
gross operating profit 14,483.6 12,492.6 15.9 3,621.5 3,651.8 - 0.8
net interest income

General maintenance fee 7,200.9 6,833.2 5.4 2,143.4 1,664.9 28.7 increase

Provision for credit loss 1,185.1 1,043.4 13.6 588.6 199.4 195.2

operating profit 6,097.6 4,616.0 32.1 889.5 1,787.5 - 50.2

Non-operating profit and loss - 16.0 145.6 NA - 44.3 - 4.5 NA

Net Income 4,384.4 3,502.3 25.2 586.1 1,305.7 - 55.1
2020 2021
Net Income from Equity of the Parent Company 4,409.6 3,455.2 27.6 637.2 1,298.1 - 50.9

Group net income trendOne) (billion won) Net Income by Affiliatemain)and non-banking sector contribution(billion won)

CAGR 7.4% 4,410

4,410 168
1,165 419 non-bank 42.6%
3,455 3,455
3,311 3,312 302
3,061 186
325 594

2,591 Bank 57.4%

637 2,298

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 4Q21 2020 2021 2021

Major one-time factors2)
Note 1) Based on the parent company's net income Bank stock non-life insurance Card Prudential Life Others (including consolidation adjustment)

2) 4Q21 major one-time factors (pre-tax basis)

262 billion won for hopeful retirement expenses, 264 billion won for additional bad debt provisions related to future economic prospects and COVID-19, 82 billion won for additional bad debt Note) Based on net income in the financial statements for group consolidation of each affiliate

provisions for overseas subsidiaries, 34 billion won for bad debt provisions related to changes in credit card rating model, 30 billion won from securities private equity-related provisions etc
I.2021 Business Performance Highlights _ Key Financial Indicators (1)

group profitability(%) Bank won loan growth(trillion won, %) Net Interest Margin (NIM)(%)

3.4 2.2
12.50 1.7
11.48 11.73 0.4 319 1.85
10.18 10.22 319 1.83 1.83
312 % 1.82 1.82
302 7.9
8.79 297 149 295 +
5.54 3.4 4.6
2.7 1.61
0.85 0.1 1.58 1.58
0.77 0.81 1.56 1.56
0.69 164 170 170 1.51
0.6 0.2
1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 2020 2021 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12 2020 2021 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 2020 2021

ROAs ROE ROE (excluding singular factors) ancestry Enterprise Quarterly growth rate Quarterly growth rate (household) Quarterly growth rate (company) group Bank

group profitability and Continued solid credit growth Due to the rise in interest rates and reduction in the cost of procurement

Earnings Fundamental Enhancement Growth momentum maintained in 4Q Expanding net interest margin

• Group ROA and ROE in 2021 will record 0.69% and 10.22%, • As of the end of 2021, the bank's won-denominated loans stood at 319 trillion won, compared to the previous year. • In the fourth quarter of 2021, group NIM was 1.85% and bank NIM was 1.61%, up 2bp and 3bp

respectively, further enhancing group profitability Continued solid growth with an increase of 7.9% from the previous quarter, respectively, expanding for two consecutive quarters

• Excluding one-off factors such as voluntary retirement expenses and preemptive • 2.2% growth in 4Q, led by corporate loans, maintaining growth momentum • Annual group and bank NIM both improved by 7bp compared to the previous year, leading to growth in

additional loan loss provisions, the 4Q recurring ROE stood at 10.18%. interest income due to the impact of a rise in market interest rates and a reduction in the procurement cost
• Household loans grew at an appropriate level by 5.1% compared to the previous year, led by

ratio due to the expansion of low-cost deposits.

• Earnings Fundamental continues to be strengthened through solid Jeonse loan, but slowed in the fourth quarter due to regulations

growth in core earnings and diversification of non-bank portfolios • Considering the base rate hike and easing of household loan competition, NIM is expected to
• Corporate loans increased by 11.2% compared to the previous year and 4.6% from the end of

continue to expand for the time being and earnings will improve.
* ROE: Calculated based on the return on common equity centered on common September thanks to a steady increase in SOHO and SME loans and a recovery in loan demand

equity excluding the impact of hybrid capital securities from large corporations.

I.2021 Business Performance Highlights _ Key Financial Indicators (2)

Group Cost Effectiveness (CIR)(%) loan loss provision ratio (CCR)(%) Group Capital Ratio(Based on Basel III, %)

55.2 54.9 54.7 0.26 15.78
54.5 0.21
0.20 0.20
15.23 15.28

49.7 0.20 0.21

14.60 14.48 14.55
0.13 14.60
51.8 0.11
50.9 14.06
50.5 13.97
49.4 13.86
0.05 0.04 0.04 14.60
46.3 0.06 13.97
13.58 13.46

2017 2018 2019 2020 22002211 2017 2018 2019 2020 22002211 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021(e)

CIR CIR (excluding singular factors) group Bank Excluding outliers BIS Tier 1 CET1

In line with the increase in revenue generation stable health management and the highest level in the financial sector

Significantly improved cost-efficiency Proven industry-leading risk management Maintain capital adequacy

• Group CIR in 2021 was 49.7%, a significant improvement of 5%p compared to the previous year • Group CCR in 2021 was 0.30%, slightly higher than the previous year due to the reflection of • By the end of 2021, the group BIS ratio will be 15.78%, and the CET1 ratio will be

as a result of continuous core profit increase and company-wide cost management efforts future economic prospects in the fourth quarter and the effect of large-scale preemptive 13.46% expected

provision for bad debts related to COVID-19

• Excluding special factors such as voluntary retirement and • Despite an increase in risk-weighted assets and an increase in dividends, it rose by 50bp from the

digitalization costs, the normal CIR was 46.3%, entering the mid-40s. • Group CCR excluding specific factors is 0.21%, maintaining 20bp previous year. Maintaining the highest level of capital adequacy in the financial sector through

level for the past 5 years, stably managing it, demonstrating strategic capital management such as issuance of new capital securities and excellent capital strength
• Continue to improve cost efficiency through company-wide cost reduction efforts

industry-leading risk management centered on common stock based on solid profit-generating power
and manpower efficiency excluding investment costs for future growth

• Maintaining a conservative risk management stance in consideration of the full-scale rise in • At the end of 2021, the bank's BIS ratio and CET1 ratio will each be 17.46%,

interest rates and the end of financial support related to COVID-19 14.68% expected

II.Key Takeaways 2022 Challenges and KB Response Strategy

2022 Concerns about weakening non-interest business Possibility of deterioration in asset quality Intensifying platform competition My Data competition in full swing

Full-scale interest rate rise cycle · Data Move, data economy

Changes in investment trends · Platform market dominance

· Stock market slowdown andMon ey move · Corona 19 Friridge end of circle Intensifying competition with big tech and fintech Market preoccupation and differentiated content essential

Non-interest business-enhancing strategies Industry-leading proven risk management capabilities

Ability to generate non-interest income(landscape gardening) Contribution to non-banking net profit(%) Group NPL Coverage Ratio(%,billion won) Bank real delinquency rate, real NPL rate(%)

208. 9
+ 61.5% 28.8 42.6 0.96
One47. One
One38. 9
3.7 71.2 One07. 9
57.4 0.51
2.8 0.60 0.36
2.6 0.49
2,140 2,668 0.49
2,430 2,514 2,755 0.40
1983 1,920 1,652 1,491 1,319

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Note) Based on performance excluding new insurance fee and forecast fee Bank non-bank NPL Coverage Ratio NPL Provision amount real delinquency rate Real NPL Ratio

W.M. Capital Markets Selection of multi-debtor core management sectors and strengthening of monitoring

• Reinforcement of ETF/alternative investment and overseas investment sourcing capabilities • Advancement of profit and loss management through diversification of revenue sources

Debt level inspection and stress test of borrowers with high exposure
• Differentiate HNW asset management through the advancement of channels, products, and services and strengthening of treasury operation capabilities interest rate rise

Cycle correspondence
• Differentiation of My Data-linked non-face-to-face asset management service • Expand customer channels by providing OTC derivatives solutions
Permanent monitoring of marginal companies with potential for insolvency

Reinforcement of credit rating checks for vulnerable sectors/issued sectors

• Expansion of eco-friendly and future-oriented investments such as ESG and Green New Deal • Reinforce the profit base by upgrading the CPC operating system
Corona 19 financial support companies soft landing support

• Strengthen market position in ECM and M&A sector through collaboration within the group Expansion of investment in high-yield assets such as alternative investments, stocks, and structured products
Corona response
• Global IB, Investment IB, New Biz expansion • Expansion of market share for value-oriented strategic products in preparation for IFRS17 Strengthening rebalancing such as semi-annual intensive inspection of potential bad assets

II.Key Takeaways 2022 Challenges and KB Response Strategy

2022 Concerns about weakening non-interest business Possibility of deterioration in asset quality Intensifying platform competition My Data competition in full swing

Full-scale interest rate rise cycle · Data Move, data economy

Changes in investment trends · Platform market dominance

· Stock market slowdown and money move End of financial support for COVID-19 · Big Tech, Fintewow intensifying competition in · Market dominance anddiscrimination Localized content required

Securing competitiveness of top-tier digital platform Leading the My Data market through linking between Biz-specialized services and group platforms

Through seamless face-to-face-non-face-to-face channel connection

• Securing market leadership by providing specialized services based on financial expertise
Providing optimal products and services from the customer's point of view
• Providing differentiated asset management contents and super-personalized services

• Establishment of group-wide customer integrated profile system and strengthening of linkage between platforms
group platform navigator, Linkage of core services of affiliates

With the number of issuers exceeding 9.5 million

strong group leader
Recognized for convenience and security
Comprehensive asset management platform

Bank stock Card

The gateway to digital platforms Group Super App.

Omni channel based Financial investment specialization life-related benefits,

group representative Data based financial information

asset management

Comprehensive asset management service Investment PFM service provided

Convenience, scalability, open pay service
KB Mobile Certificate KB Star Banking

payment competitiveness and Financial services as well as various • Senior-specific PFM • Financial investment product diagnosis service • Daily asset change information

Financial and non-financial services

Management support, non-financial content • O2O link service • Various investment contents • Fully open product recommendation

expanded platform capabilities

corporate finance platform

Comprehensive Digital Payments market dominance

KB Pay
KB Star Corporate Banking
non-life insurance

My Data
Finance + Health Comprehensive auto finance and

Convergence data based living platform

investment trend deto change digital life coach
M-able mini Liv Next service
respond proactively future prospects
to expand the customer base
to expand coverage • Future Health Asset Simulator • Automobile assets/operation type

• health asset stress test

Generation MZ, stock beginner
Gen Z only comparison analysis

Dedicated MTS • AI-based point of sale notification

financial platform

Ⅲ.Detailed business performance _ net interest income

Group net interest income credit growth(trillion won, %)

302 312
billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ 295 297
287 292
net interest income 15,210.9 14,485.7 5.0 4,074.2 3,824.0 6.5 280

loan receivable 12,760.0 12,196.6 4.6 3,418.3 3,210.0 6.5 9.9

securities 2,129.8 1,994.5 6.8 561.9 537.5 4.5 7.9
Other interest-bearing assets 321.1 294.6 9.0 94.0 76.5 22.9 5.5

General maintenance fee 3,981.3 4,763.4 - 16.4 1,100.0 969.7 13.4

Jesus debt 2,218.6 2,916.8 - 23.9 616.3 531.9 15.9 4.2 3.4
borrowings 1,680.1 1,759.3 - 4.5 458.7 417.2 9.9 2.4 2.2
1.7 1.2 1.7
Other interest-bearing liabilities 82.6 87.3 - 5.4 25.0 20.6 21.4
'20.3 '20.6 '20.9 '20.12 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12
net interest income 11,229.6 9,722.3 15.5 2,974.2 2,854.3 4.2
Bank Won Loan Quarterly growth rate Annual cumulative growth rate

Group net interest income(billion won) NIM(%)

9,722 1.85
580 1.83 1.83
9,197 462 349 1.82 1.82
8,905 112
2,974 1.83
457 1,391
2,854 +4.2
% 161 1.75
8,247 478 1,266 1.74
1,230 625 154 90 1.76
534 1,168 616 556 88 358 1.73
511 350
1,084 616 530 160 1.61
465 542 158 136 1.58
599 1.58
1.56 1.56 1.56
6,364 6,755 1,962 2,069 1.51
6,101 1.50 1.49
5,565 1.51

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q21 4Q21 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Bank stock non-life insurance Card Prudential Life Others (including consolidation adjustment) group NIM Bank NIM Cumulative standards

Note) Affiliate figures are based on net interest income in the financial statements subject to group consolidation

Ⅲ.Detailed business performance _ non-interest income

group non-interest income Proportion of commission income from banking and non-banking sectors

billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ

net commission income 3,625.6 2,958.9 22.5 881.7 911.3 - 3.2

Credit card fee income 695.2 529.6 31.3 188.1 162.1 16.0 35.6% 32.8%
Trust Profit 586.9 486.4 20.7 135.1 143.4 - 5.8
Agent handling fee
205.2 196.5 4.4 45.9 54.3 - 15.5
(Bancassurance, etc.) 2020 64.4% 2021 67.2%
Securities agency fee
174.7 172.1 1.5 35.6 44.3 - 19.6
(Fund sales, etc.)

Banking related fees 178.4 189.1 - 5.7 44.7 43.9 1.8

Securities business import fee 881.4 793.3 11.1 176.6 224.9 - 21.5

other fees 903.8 591.9 52.7 255.7 238.4 7.3

Bank non-bank

Other operating income - 371.6 - 188.6 NA - 234.4 - 113.8 NA

non-interest income 3,254.0 2,770.3 17.5 647.3 797.5 - 18.8
Note) Based on simple aggregation of net commission income in financial statements subject to group consolidation of each affiliate

Group net commission income(billion won) Composition of commission income from banking and non-banking sectors(Accumulated basis, KRW billion)

2,959 75

877 147 528

2,355 573 314 649
2,243 911
- 3.2% 882
2,050 229 380 401 546
240 231
240 265 262
133 125 148
Bank non-bank
917 1,015
552 626 580
308 341
255 205
1,125 1,123 1,133 1,068 1,188 298
291 296

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q21 4Q21 Bancassurance fund sales, etc. trust Securities custody Credit card trust IB Other

Banking business related Credit card service agent Foreign currency fees, etc.

Bank stock Card Others (including consolidation adjustment)

Note) Affiliate figures are based on commission income in the financial statements of each company for group consolidation Note) Based on simple aggregation of net commission income in financial statements subject to group consolidation of each affiliate

Ⅲ.Detailed business performance _General administrative expenses and credit loss provisions

Group general management fee Group credit loss provisions

billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ

employee benefits 4,635.1 4,343.2 6.7 1,382.5 1,064.6 29.9 provision for bad debt 1,121.8 967.2 16.0 542.0 198.0 173.7

depreciation 850.6 874.9 - 2.8 229.5 213.8 7.3 Provision for payment guarantee 57.5 - 13.6 NA 9.0 4.5 100.0

cost of goods 1,475.2 1,381.0 6.8 471.9 334.5 41.1 Provision for unused commitments 6.6 89.5 - 92.6 39.1 - 3.1 NA

Other 240.0 234.1 2.5 59.5 52.0 14.4 Financial Guarantee Contract Liabilities - 0.8 0.3 NA - 1.5 - NA

General maintenance fee 7,200.9 6,833.2 5.4 2,143.4 1,664.9 28.7 Provision for credit loss 1,185.1 1,043.4 13.6 588.6 199.4 195.2

Group general management expenses and CIR trends(billion won, %) Group credit loss provisions and CCR trends(billion won, %)

55.2 54.5 54.9 54.7 0.30

49.7 0.26
0.20 0.21 0.20
51.8 50.5 50.9 49.4

7,201 7,201 1,043

6,833 6,833
6,271 558 558 264
5,919 243 243
5,629 626 514 626 514
434 +2.8% 377
345 674 670

5,809 5,964 6,129 5,964 6,129 921

5,284 5,485

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

singular factor M&A factors CIR CIR (except for singular factors) Additional provisions related to future economic prospects and COVID-19 CCR

Note) Special factors: voluntary retirement, costs related to digitalization, etc.

M&A factors: Consolidated impact on financial statements from M&As such as acquisitions of Prudential Life Insurance, Prasac, and Bucopin 09
Ⅲ.Detailed business performance _ group financial position

group financial position Group Asset Total Trend(landscape gardening)

trillion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD
Total assets 663.9 650.5 2.1 610.7 8.7 26.4 26.3
518.5 25.1 27.3
cash and deposit 31.0 27.8 11.4 25.6 21.1 23.7
24.1 41.5
22.2 23.0 39.1
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 66.0 62.1 6.3 61.0 8.1 20.5 36.6 55.5
34.8 57.6
investment financial assets 104.8 104.7 0.2 98.7 6.2 47.8
loan receivable 417.9 402.6 3.8 377.2 10.8
tangible assets 8.2 8.2 - 0.4 8.2 0.0 387.4
other assets 36.0 45.1 - 20.3 40.0 - 10.1

Total Debt 615.6 602.8 2.1 567.3 8.5

2018 2019 2020 2021
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 12.1 12.7 - 5.1 11.8 2.4
Bank stock non-life insurance Card Prudential Life Others (including consolidation adjustment)

Jesus debt 372.0 357.3 4.1 338.6 9.9

Note) The figures for each affiliate are based on group consolidated financial statements

borrowings 56.9 52.7 8.1 49.8 14.2

debentures 67.4 67.2 0.3 62.8 7.4

Group AUM (AUM) Trend(landscape gardening)
other liabilities 107.1 112.9 - 5.1 104.3 2.7

total equity 48.3 47.7 1.3 43.4 11.4 457.3

capital 2.1 2.1 0.0 2.1 0.0
381.8 40.0
new capital securities 2.8 2.6 10.4 1.7 67.3 34.7 116.0
capital surplus 16.9 16.9 0.0 16.7 1.3 266.3 83.0
Accumulated other comprehensive income 1.1 1.4 - 27.2 0.6 72.3 34.5 59.2
retained earnings 25.7 25.1 2.4 22.5 14.0 166.7
treasury stock - 1.1 - 1.1 NA - 1.1 NA 91.6

non-controlling interest 0.8 0.7 19.9 0.9 - 2.9

89.2 93.7 97.4 105.5

group total assetsOne) 1,121.2 1,082.1 3.6 992.5 13.0 2018 2019 2020 2021
Assets under Management (AUM)2) 457.3 431.6 6.0 381.8 19.8 Bank stock asset management Real estate trust, etc.

Note) Group total assets: Simple sum of total assets and assets under management (AUM) in the group consolidated financial statements of each affiliate

Ⅲ.Detailed business performance _ Operation and Procurement Status

bank loan Trend and composition of bank loans in KRW(trillion won, %)

trillion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD 318.7

269.0 7.6
ancestry 170.1 169.8 0.2 161.9 5.1 257.4 6.6
234.9 6.6 12.8
7.0 12.6
housing funds 92.2 90.9 1.3 86.0 7.1 6.8 12.7
general fund 77.9 78.9 - 1.3 75.9 2.6 26.0 2
25.5 25.7
[Housing Mortgage] 30.5 30.9 - 1.3 30.5 0.0 25.6

Enterprise 148.6 142.0 4.6 133.6 11.2 26.3 24.5
small business 124.5 121.4 2.6 114.1 9.1
28.7 29.1 28.9
[SOHO] 83.6 81.6 2.5 76.8 8.9 26.4 27.2

large corporations, etc. 24.1 20.6 17.0 19.5 23.6

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Sum 318.7 311.8 2.2 295.5 7.9
housing funds general fund SOHO small business large corporations, etc.

Bank deposits in KRW and bonds issued in KRW credit card bond

trillion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD trillion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD

KRW deposit 328.4 317.9 3.3 302.5 8.6 KRW deposit 20.7 19.6 5.6 18.7 10.7

core deposit 174.2 170.3 2.3 155.9 11.7 credit sales 13.7 12.6 8.7 12.0 14.2

savings deposit 150.1 143.1 4.9 144.2 4.1 [Installment] 5.9 5.5 7.3 5.4 9.3

[Term Deposit] 137.9 130.8 5.4 131.2 5.1 card loan 5.8 5.9 - 1.7 5.6 3.6

CD, RP, etc. 4.1 4.5 - 8.9 2.4 70.8 cash advance 1.2 1.1 9.1 1.1 9.1

Won-denominated bonds 19.4 19.8 2.0 19.2 1.0 installment finance and others 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.2 7.1

Sum 347.8 337.7 3.0 321.7 8.1 Sum 25.2 23.9 5.4 22.9 10.0

IV.Asset quality status _group manager

Group asset soundness Ratio of non-critical loans / NPL ratio(%)

billion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD

Loans subject to non-return calculation 400,786.2 390,803.3 2.6 366,427.8 9.4 1.60
attention 2,391.4 2,405.0 - 0.6 2,379.2 0.5 1.42
fix 584.4 650.4 - 10.1 653.5 - 10.6
1.06 1.02 1.00 0.98
recall question 482.6 505.1 - 4.5 557.1 - 13.4 0.93

Estimated loss 252.0 267.4 - 5.8 280.4 - 10.1

0.69 0.61
NPL (NPL) (A) 1,319.0 1,422.9 - 7.3 1,491.0 - 11.5 0.49
0.41 0.42
0.39 0.36
NPL rate 0.33% 0.36% - 0.03%p 0.41% - 0.08%p 0.33
Provision for bad debt (B) 2,755.2 2,529.6 8.9 2,513.6 9.6
NPL Coverage RatioⅠ(B/A) Reserve 208.9% 177.8% 31.1%p 168.6% 40.3%p
for bad debt (C) 2,822.7 2,900.4 - 2.7 2,643.1 6.8
NPL Coverage RatioⅡ[(B+C)/A] 422.9% 381.6% 41.3%p 345.9% 77.0%p 2017 2018 2019 2020 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12

Note) Based on simple aggregation of figures for each affiliate (excluding overseas subsidiaries, overseas equity investment companies, consolidated SPC, etc.) Ratio of under-observance NPL rate

group CCR(%) NPL Coverage RatioⅠ(%)

2.33 348.2
2.10 2.14 317.1
320.0 313.8
1.59 1.52 278.1 263.4
1.24 1.45
0.54 173.1 177.8 208.9
0.29 162.3
0.20 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.20 147.1
107.9 225.3
172.8 182.3
0.21 156.7
0.05 0.14 0.08 0.11 130.2
0.04 0.04 0.05 122.3

2017 2018 2019 2020 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 2017 2018 2019 2020 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12

group Bank Card group Bank Card

IV.Asset quality status _ bank and card

Bank Asset Soundness delinquency rate(%)

billion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD 1.23 1.20 1.11
0.94 0.86 0.87
Loans subject to non-return calculation 343,459.7 335,327.1 2.4 315,280.9 8.9 0.82 0.82
attention 1,101.6 1,074.8 2.5 1,019.5 8.1
fix 429.9 489.6 - 12.2 498.2 - 13.7
0.24 0.23 0.24 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.14
recall question 169.9 201.0 - 15.5 270.1 - 37.1 0.12
Estimated loss 98.7 96.8 2.0 103.7 - 4.8
NPL rate 0.20% 0.23% - 0.03%p 0.28% - 0.08%p
2017 2018 2019 2020 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12
NPL Coverage Ratio 225.3% 182.3% 43.0%p 165.2% 60.1%p
Bank Card
Note) Individual standards

NPL rate(%)
Card asset soundness
1.40 1.38 1.37
1.03 1.04 1.00 1.00 0.96
billion won, % 2021.12 2021.9 QoQ 2020.12 YTD
Loans subject to non-return calculation 25,180.7 23,910.6 5.3 22,861.3 10.1 0.58
0.48 0.37
attention 921.5 930.3 - 0.9 846.8 8.8 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.23
fix 4.0 3.9 2.6 3.7 8.1
recall question 174.0 170.7 1.9 162.1 7.3
Estimated loss 62.7 65.4 - 4.1 70.3 - 10.8 2017 2018 2019 2020 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12
NPL rate 0.96% 1.00% - 0.04%p 1.03% - 0.07%p Bank Card
NPL Coverage Ratio 348.2% 317.1% 31.1%p 320.0% 28.2%p

CCR by banking sector(%)

Note) Individual standards

Bank and credit card loan loss provisions
0.17 0.14 0.14
0.13 0.21
0.10 0.10
2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ 0.11 0.06
billion won, % 0.13 0.08 0.05
0.05 0.12
Bank 364.6 390.1 - 6.5 176.5 37.4 371.9 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.07
123.1 257.4 - 52.2 52.0 14.4 261.1 0.01
- 0.06
- 0.10
Enterprise 241.5 132.7 82.0 124.5 23.0 441.3
Card 404.4 362.2 11.7 157.4 87.3 80.4
2017 2018 2019 2020 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21
ancestry Enterprise
Ⅴ.Management performance of major affiliates _KB Kookmin Bank

Bank profit and loss summaryOne) Net Interest Income and NIM Trend(billion won, %)

2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ 1.71 1.71 1.67 1.58
billion won, %
1.58 1.6One
net interest income 7,728.5 6,754.8 14.4 2,069.1 1,962.2 5.4 7,729
6,364 6,755
net commission income 1,187.9 1,067.9 11.2 298.5 291.3 2.5 6,101 2,069
5,394 1,962
Other operating income - 476.9 14.0 NA - 145.3 - 152.2 NA
gross operating profit 8,439.5 7,836.7 7.7 2,222.3 2,101.3 5.8
General maintenance fee 4,402.7 4,201.3 4.8 1,383.2 1,007.4 37.3
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q21 4Q21
Provision for credit loss 522.8 484.3 7.9 333.5 61.9 438.8
net interest income NIM
operating profit 3,514.0 3,151.1 11.5 505.6 1,032.0 - 51.0

Non-operating profit and loss - 22.4 - 19.3 NA - 19.7 - 1.6 NA Net commission income trend(billion won)

Net Income2) 2,590.8 2,298.2 12.7 390.5 777.7 - 49.8 1,225 1,188
1,123 1,133 1,068
228 314
Note 1) Based on the group's consolidated financial statements 2) Net income from equity interests of the parent company
228 215
57 66 299
75 291
176 147 129 89
154 147
235 204 204 75 110
180 156 21
Net Income Trend(billion won) 195 210 222 188
35 17
196 40 33
47 47
306 287 308 234 308
73 63
2,686 10.
2% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q21 4Q21
2,439 2,591 +
2,175 2,259 2,298
trust banking business Credit card service agent fund sales Bancassurance Foreign currency fees, etc.

CIR(billion won, %) CCR(billion won, %)

53.6 52.2 0.13
2,298 2,591 0.11

484 523

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021 289 228

Major one-time factorsmain)

195 295
Note) Major one-time factors (after tax)
2020 2021 2020 2021
2020: Hope retirement expenses (219 billion won), future economic prospects and additional provisions related to COVID-19 (210 billion won), etc. 2021: Hopeful

retirement expenses (184 billion won), future economic prospects and additional provisions related to COVID-19 (162 billion won),
General maintenance fee CIR Provision for credit loss CCR
Additional loan loss provisions transferred to overseas subsidiaries (KRW 60 billion), etc.
Additional provisions related to future economic

prospects and COVID-19 14

Ⅴ.Management performance of major affiliates _ KB Securities

Securities Income SummaryOne) Net commission income trend(billion won)

billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ
net commission income 1,014.8 916.8 10.7 204.6 254.5 - 19.6 44 341
625 255
trust fee 648.7 595.3 9.0 132.6 150.1 - 11.7 552 580 278 205
56 5
48 68 100 3
IB fee 340.6 278.3 22.4 68.9 99.8 - 31.0 216 69
215 267 649
Financial product fee 61.9 57.8 7.1 14.6 16.3 - 10.4 595
353 150 133
288 245
other fees - 36.4 - 14.6 NA - 11.5 - 11.7 NA
interest income 556.4 510.6 9.0 136.3 141.5 - 3.7 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q21 4Q21

Product management profit 115.8 14.6 693.2 - 31.2 53.2 NA trust fee IB Financial product fees, etc.

General maintenance fee 855.1 844.5 1.3 211.1 209.3 0.9

Retail Customer Total Assets(landscape gardening)
Provision for credit loss 18.5 23.8 - 22.3 8.8 5.7 54.4 133
130 131
operating profit 813.4 573.7 41.8 89.8 234.2 - 61.7 117
Non-operating profit and loss - 3.8 8.1 NA - 22.4 - 2.5 NA 36 36 40
594.3 425.6 39.6 51.0 168.9 - 69.8 33
Net Income2) 74
61 64
Note 1) Based on the group's consolidated financial statements 2) Net income from equity interests of the parent company

20 29 95
15 94 93
76 84
46 44 45
Net Income Trend(billion won)
2017 2018 2019 2020 '21.3 '21.6 '21.9 '21.12
616 Trusted assets WM Assets
594 27
485 +
426 WM Financial Instruments

2021 2020 2019 3.0%

272 594
landscape gardening

179 258 14.2%

bond 20.2 19.3 14.1
trust 12.5 7.4 6.1
fund 5.6 5.5 6.7
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021
ELS/DLS 1.2 0.9 1.5 31.7%
Major one-time factorsmain)
Note) Major one-time factors (after tax)

2020: Profits from the sale of overseas investment real estate (30 billion won), private equity TRS-related valuation losses, etc. (2.9 billion won),
Sum 39.5 33.1 28.4
Provisions for trade finance funds (23 billion won), private equity-related provisions (21 billion won), consignment brokerage-related receivables provision (14 billion won), etc. 2021:
bond trust fund ELS/DLS
Private equity-related provisions (21 billion won)

Ⅴ.Management performance of major affiliates _KB Insurance

Non-life insurance profit and loss summaryOne) raw insurance premium

billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ billion won 2021 2020 2019 10.1%

raw insurance premium 11,523.8 10,975.1 5.0 2,887.1 2,856.8 1.1 long-term insurance 7,688.1 7,290.7 7,083.3
protection-type insurance 7,232.3 6,703.8 6,362.8 23.2%
accrued premium 10,298.1 9,577.0 7.5 2,638.1 2,601.9 1.4 62.8%
Savings insurance 455.8 586.9 720.5
loss ratio 84.9% 85.5% - 0.6%p 88.5% 84.2% 4.3%p car insurance 2,668.4 2,610.6 2,206.7
expense ratio 20.2% 21.2% - 1.0%p 18.8% 19.6% - 0.8%p general insurance 1,167.3 1,073.8 982.8
Sum 11,523.8 10,975.1 10,272.8
Insurance operating profit - 526.2 - 650.1 NA - 193.5 - 101.2 NA long-term insurance long-term insurance automobile general insurance

(guarantee) (saving) insurance

Investment operating profit 947.0 844.3 12.2 238.0 272.2 - 12.6

asset management
Net Income2) 301.8 163.9 84.1 32.6 126.3 - 74.2

2021 2020 2019 2.4% 1.5%

RBC ratio 179.2% 174.8% 4.4%p 179.2% 181.8% - 2.6%p billion won

Note 1) Based on group consolidated financial statements 2) Net Income from Equity of the Parent Company cash and deposit 502.3 554.2 746.1 24.2%

securities 23,688.6 22,435.4 18,741.2

Won-denominated bonds 12,906.7 12,678.7 9,871.9
Net income and EVOne)Transition(billion won) stocks, etc. 10,781.9 9,756.7 8,869.3
loan receivable 7,978.3 7,080.9 6,873.7 32.7%
7,819 real estate 786.9 917.8 968.0
cash and deposit Won-denominated bonds foreign currency securities

330 6,795 333 Sum 32,956.1 30,988.3 27,329.0 stocks, etc. real estate


loss ratio(%)


164 302
88.3 88.2 89.2
1,836 85.7 85.5 85.5 88.5
83.4 85.1
164 84.2 85.5 85.8
86.9 83.6 83.3 84.2 87.6
82.2 84.0 80.0
84.7 79.5
80.7 75.7
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021 77.5 78.9
71.3 71.0 74.7
Net Income EV Major one-time factors2)

Note 1) EV applies the same Assumption Set

2) Major one-time factors (after tax)

2017 2018 2019 2020 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

2021: Voluntary retirement expenses (KRW 21 billion), loss related to compensation for large fires (KRW 10 billion)
car insurance
long-term insurance general insurance
Ⅴ.Management performance of major affiliates _KB Kookmin Card

Card profit and loss summaryOne) Card usage amount trend(landscape gardening)

billion won, % 2021 2020 YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ 41.6

39.3 39.4
36.4 37.3 36.5
operating income 4,370.6 4,014.7 8.9 1,141.1 1,087.0 5.0 34.1 35.7 9.5
9.0 9.3
8.7 8.9 8.5
8.2 8.5
Card 3,699.7 3,516.3 5.2 977.1 913.1 7.0
Installment finance and leasing 164.2 116.9 40.5 45.2 39.7 13.9 25.9 27.2 27.7 28.4 28.0 30.3 30.2 32.1
Other 506.7 381.5 32.8 118.8 134.2 - 11.5

2,755.2 2,659.9 3.6 731.7 681.5 7.4

1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21
operating expenses

interest expense 377.5 365.8 3.2 98.9 94.7 4.4 Credit card check card

Fees and other operating expenses 2,377.7 2,294.1 3.6 632.8 586.8 7.8
gross operating profit 1,615.4 1,354.8 19.2 409.4 405.5 1.0 Card asset status

General maintenance fee 577.7 514.8 12.2 169.2 134.3 26.0

billion won 2021 2020 2019
Provision for credit loss 465.3 396.5 17.4 180.5 97.1 85.9 17.7%
Credit card 20,714.8 18,706.4 18,591.9
operating profit 572.4 443.5 29.1 59.7 174.1 - 65.7
credit sales 13,740.3 12,029.8 12,038.2 4.6%
Non-operating profit and loss - 6.6 - 5.5 NA - 1.9 - 2.5 NA 54.6%
Installment 5,866.8 5,379.3 5,127.4
Net Income2) 418.9 324.7 29.0 44.8 121.3 - 63.1
card loan 5,821.4 5,622.6 5,345.4
Note 1) Based on the group's consolidated financial statements 2) Net income from equity interests of the parent company 23.1%
cash advance 1,153.1 1,054.0 1,208.2
installment finance and others 4,462.3 4,151.0 3,312.6
Net Income Trend(billion won)
Sum 25,177.1 22,857.4 21,904.5 credit sales card loan cash advance installment finance and others

419 361 2.4
Procurement Status
317 325
297 287
billion won 2021 2020 2019 14.3%

325 borrowed money 2,789.6 988.8 1,129.2 8.6%

debentures 15,052.2 14,366.8 13,353.2 77.1%

securitized bonds 1,671.9 1,507.5 1,460.3

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021
Major one-time factorsmain) Sum 19,513.7 16,863.1 15,942.7
Note) Major one-time factors (after tax)

2020: Additional provision for bad debt related to COVID-19 (43 billion won), etc.
borrowed money debentures securitized bonds
2021: Transfer of bad debt provisions related to future economic outlook and COVID-19 (KRW 29 billion), transfer of bad debt provisions related to credit rating model change (KRW 25 billion), etc.
Ⅴ.Management performance of major affiliates _ Prudential Life

Prudential Life's profit and loss summaryOne) New contract annuity premium (APE)

billion won, % 2021 20203) YoY 4Q21 3Q21 QoQ billion won 2021 2020 2019 0.0%

net interest income 348.5 112.1 NA 89.9 88.3 1.8 protection-type insurance 109.8 113.8 129.7
net commission income - 8.7 - 2.9 NA - 2.4 - 1.7 NA
pension insurance 158.2 120.4 122.6 59.0% 41.0%
Other operating income 252.2 65.6 NA 71.7 28.1 155.2
savings insurance 0.0 0.3 0.6
gross operating profit 592.0 174.8 NA 159.2 114.7 38.8
General maintenance fee 129.8 81.8 NA 40.0 29.9 33.8 Sum 268.0 234.5 252.9

Provision for credit loss 0.4 0.5 NA 0.3 0.0 NA protection-type insurance pension insurance savings insurance

operating profit 461.8 92.5 NA 118.9 84.8 40.2 asset management

Non-operating profit and loss - 1.0 - 0.1 NA - 2.8 1.1 NA

0.5% 2.3%
Net Income2) 336.2 55.7 NA 80.6 63.2 27.5 billion won 2021 2020 2019 5.0%
RBC ratio 342.5% 428.9% - 86.4%p 342.5% 355.7% - 13.2%p cash and deposit 423.5 367.4 241.4 6.1%
securities 16,716.1 16,334.2 15,091.5
Note 1) Based on the group's consolidated financial statements 2) Net profit from equity stake in the parent company 3) 2020 is reflected from September's business performance after incorporation into a wholly owned subsidiary (Aug. 31, 2020) 83.5%
Won-denominated bonds 15,139.5 15,110.6 14,197.6

Net Income TrendOne) (billion won)

foreign currency securities 1,111.2 869.6 585.7
stocks, etc. 465.4 354.0 308.2
loan receivable 902.0 760.9 995.2
228 225 228 225 real estate 89.1 91.1 93.2 cash and deposit Won-denominated bonds foreign currency securities

stocks, etc. loan receivable real estate

Sum 18,130.7 17,553.7 16,421.3


164 100

Income and loss ratio(billion won, %)
53.6 55.7
52.3 49.5 52.1 50.3 57.3

168 185
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021
45 47 41
Major one-time factors2)

Note 1) Considering comparability, based on Prudential Life’s own individual financial statements (different from the group’s consolidated financial statements)

2) Major one-time factors (after tax)

2018 2019 2020 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21
2020: Profits from the sale of loan bonds (private bond) (149 billion won), special compensation (31 billion won), additional corporate tax due to tax rate adjustment (11 billion won), etc.

quasi-loss loss ratio

Ⅵ.References _ Financial Status by Group Affiliate (2021)

billion won Ownership percentage Total assets total equity Net Income ROAs ROE

KB Kookmin Bank 100.0% 483,564.9 32,888.9 2,590.8 0.55% 8.30%

KB Securities 100.0% 55,494.0 5,485.6 594.3 1.05% 11.24%

KB Insurance 100.0% 41,472.2 4,143.3 301.8 0.75% 7.54%

KB Kookmin Card 100.0% 27,349.6 4,555.6 418.9 1.63% 9.60%

Prudential Life 100.0% 26,287.1 2,294.5 336.2 1.32% 14.67%

KB Asset Management 100.0% 375.7 247.2 79.9 23.09% 36.46%

KB Capital 100.0% 14,529.4 1,822.2 209.9 1.55% 13.47%

KB Life Insurance 100.0% 10,634.6 460.3 - 46.6 NA NA

KB Real Estate Trust 100.0% 496.5 376.8 81.5 17.77% 23.53%

KB Savings Bank 100.0% 2,601.2 262.1 18.9 0.82% 7.65%

KB Investment 100.0% 1,197.7 275.5 55.3 5.84% 22.79%

KB data system 100.0% 43.7 18.6 0.5 1.12% 2.97%

KB Credit Information 100.0% 28.7 16.4 0.4 1.43% 2.48%

Note) Based on the financial statements subject to group consolidation of each company

Ⅵ.References _Income status by group affiliate (consolidated basis)

billion won group performance

KB Kookmin Bank KB Securities KB Insurance KB Kookmin Card Prudential Life KB Asset Management KB Capital KB Life Insurance Othermain)

net interest income 11,229.6 7,728.5 556.4 625.2 1,390.8 348.5 1.1 376.4 171.1 31.6

net commission income 3,625.6 1,187.9 1,014.8 - 173.3 546.0 - 8.7 169.3 723.0 - 18.2 184.8

Other operating income - 371.6 - 476.9 115.8 780.7 - 321.4 252.2 13.3 - 568.7 - 121.1 - 45.7

gross operating profit 14,483.6 8,439.5 1,687.0 1,232.6 1,615.4 592.0 183.7 530.7 31.8 170.7

General maintenance fee 7,200.9 4,402.7 855.1 833.6 577.7 129.8 75.8 144.2 73.4 108.5

Provision for credit loss 1,185.1 522.8 18.5 5.5 465.3 0.4 0.0 111.7 - 2.1 63.2

operating profit 6,097.6 3,514.0 813.4 393.5 572.4 461.8 107.9 274.8 - 39.5 - 1.0

Non-operating profit and loss - 16.0 - 22.4 - 3.8 17.3 - 6.6 - 1.0 - 0.4 3.6 0.9 - 3.6

Net Income 4,384.4 2,538.0 594.2 302.1 421.2 336.2 79.9 211.8 - 46.6 - 52.7

Net Income from Equity of the Parent Company 4,409.6 2,590.8 594.3 301.8 418.9 336.2 79.9 209.9 - 46.6 - 75.8

billion won group performance

KB Kookmin Bank KB Securities KB Insurance KB Kookmin Card Prudential Life KB Asset Management KB Capital KB Life Insurance Othermain)

net interest income 9,722.3 6,754.8 510.6 616.0 1,265.7 112.1 2.4 330.0 148.8 - 18.1

net commission income 2,958.9 1,067.9 916.8 - 171.2 400.5 - 2.9 133.6 537.5 - 15.2 91.9

Other operating income - 188.6 14.0 14.6 588.4 - 311.4 65.6 8.4 - 426.2 - 80.7 - 61.3

gross operating profit 12,492.6 7,836.7 1,442.0 1,033.2 1,354.8 174.8 144.4 441.3 52.9 12.5

General maintenance fee 6,833.2 4,201.3 844.5 829.3 514.8 81.8 65.6 126.1 70.4 99.4

Provision for credit loss 1,043.4 484.3 23.8 - 7.7 396.5 0.5 0.1 127.4 - 0.9 19.4

operating profit 4,616.0 3,151.1 573.7 211.6 443.5 92.5 78.7 187.8 - 16.6 - 106.3

Non-operating profit and loss 145.6 - 19.3 8.1 16.1 - 5.5 - 0.1 - 0.8 2.2 - 16.2 161.1

Net Income 3,502.3 2,319.5 425.6 163.9 324.0 55.7 57.3 143.7 - 23.2 35.8

Net Income from Equity of the Parent Company 3,455.2 2,298.2 425.6 163.9 324.7 55.7 57.3 141.6 - 23.2 11.4
Note) Including holding company and other affiliates, consolidation adjustment, etc.


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