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Apocalypse Now

Warriors Journey of
Personal Redemption
Willard suffering from Soul Shock from his first tour. It
strangely enough both broke him and enticed him to come
back for more. It was the stimulation of the combat zone
that made him feel alive. Stateside was comfortable but
boring, he needs the rush for the Fisher King has bitten Kurtz balance of his Psyche is The Recycling of evil – a fresh beginning
Achilles (heroic warrior) is
him hard. Fisher King is an archetype of addiction to a blown apart from the horror of what
sent into depressive
grander felt reality, once felt it can never be forgotten. he had become by his archaic
mourning when Patroclus
Hillman called this the terrible love of war. regression to the primitive
(innocence of youth) is
unmoderated jungle mind.
killed by the Trojan hero

Willard emerges from the primal swamp he

has been in, to end the control of the
malignant forces of the unconscious (the
Chief is the protector of the crew and steers the
The PBR was the vehicle that transported the horror of the psychological wound) so that he
course on the river. Military protocol is their bad
archetypes or characters. It was a safe haven may create a new life once again.
karma shield, they falsely believe it exonerates their
for the crew and their personal moral postures. futile attempts to cling to innocence. He sees no
Along the way they would all loose this problem with Clean slaughtering the sampan crew
connection to innocence with each bloody but abhors Willards killing of a wounded women.
The top brass had already decided Kurtz had crossed the situation. The boats name is Erebus which is Colby was Willards predecessor but did not finish the
Be careful what you ask for! This is not a normal boundary. Not of moral deprivation, but of authoritative Greek for thigh wound. mission as he was seduced by the doctrine and
mission though, it is a warriors journey of personal control. Loose canons are a threat to the hierarchy regardless absolute power from the dark side. He was the
redemption into the Heart of Darkness (the of their in-field combat effectiveness. warning to Willard what could happen if you lost your
psychological wound of war) Willard can no longer General Corman: “In this war, things get confused out focus and will to finish the mission.
lead a normal life within the confines of civilization. there—power, ideals, the old morality, and practical military Hopper is Kurtzs doctrine salesman. He is continuously over-
He has tried and failed, and now he feels necessity because there’s a conflict in every human heart hyped like anyone selling an illusion. Without any material
compelled to return to combat. between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil. substance to archaic regression, despite its military utility,
And good does not always triumph”. The infamous Green many hypo words are need to disguise the hidden bad karma.
Beret scandal line of ‘terminate with extreme prejudice’ is used
in the meeting to indicate the intended outcome.
Chef represents the attitude of many of the draftees, they
simply don’t want to be there. Chefs head is tossed into
Willards cage (the cost of war). He like Lance uses drugs
to get emotional distance from the ugliness of their
Mr. Clean is a naive kid from the Bronx (if thats possible) immediate environment.
Shoots from fear and kills many but is not admonished
because it was within protocol. This demonstrates the
paradoxical hypocrisy of war Joseph Conrad described as
fundamental to all forms of imperialism. He is killed while
listening to an audio tape from home, representing the
Willard arrives at Kurtzs camp to an array of regressive archaic
avoidance approach many took due to the emotional toll it
archetypes. Stone Age tribesman, stupefied commandos sent in to
took on innocent minds.
capture Kurtz, and a cult salesman US photographer. His entry is
Peeling away the tinsel
like Virgil from Dantes Paradiso into the bowels of Hades.
thin mask of civilised
conduct to reveal the
tribal archaic mind that
still rules Hominids lives.
The attack under the auspices of the Ride of the Valkyries. A The main message of
modern mechanised army slaughtering peasants from the Conrads Heart of
paddy fields fighting for their lives. Darkness poem.
The mouth of the river is wide and lazy, there is little current and
plenty of manoeuvrable protection. The further upstream it went
The River has several meanings. It is the the more narrow and less protection from enemy attack. The I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.
path, the means to get there; the mother closer to the target the more danger lurked representing the The last of the cowboys with a John Wayne wild west mind set Chief is killed by a tribal attack but tries
field of the boat; both the protector and the double edged sword of profound introspection. and likened to the Cyclops in Greek mythology. The use of to kill Willard while he is nursing him
danger; the ascension to meaning. It mechanised cavalry motifs is deliberate. It alludes to how the
west was won, with much imperialistic bloodshed and The Armageddon Man
enables the characters descent into literal
and metaphorical darkness and fog. everywhere the war machine goes the result is the same, it Lance the happy-go-lucky innocent surfer was initially
doesn’t really matter who they are because they are the alien more concerned about his suntan than the war. But as
that they have what you want. According to Hesiod, the the journey progresses his gentleness is trashed and he
Cyclops were strong, stubborn, and "abrupt of emotion." Their becomes quickly traumatised and uses drugs to buy his
every action ebbed with violence and power. distance from his immediate environment

The sampan raid was showing the hypocrisy of hubris

clouded combat operations. Kids with big guns and
without a cool head. Whereas the crew saw no
problem with Clean shooting everyone within protocol,
but because Willard didn’t they no longer trusted him.
After Willard shoots the survivors he muses “It was
Willard becomes ever more obsessed with
the way we had over here of living with ourselves.
Kurtz, increasingly seeing his plight as the end Anima taunting. Playmates shaking Last Post is the gates of Hades. It is the
We’d cut them in half with a machine gun and give
of the road for his own personal trajectory. some booty in Nam set off a riot. This chaos of combat zones and the sheer
them a Band-Aid. It was a lie—and the more I saw of
This narration is the silent voice of the descent was indicative of the lose of feminine terror of animalistic regression so often a
Homers the Odyssey of Odysseus is a Bronze them, the more I hated lies.”
into madness, it allows us to avoid disengaging comforts and the disgust of combat zone successful survival strategy.
Age War Vets re-integration journey back to from repulsion and to stay in touch with them
civilian life. It is the first western narrative of
lifestyles and the cravings to obtain The rivers run red – The Warriors world
as they plummet downwards. homely comforts and sanities.
how to deal with ‘Soul Shock’

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