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1. The word delinquency is derived from the Latin word? ______________

2. It means leave or to abandon. _____________
3. It means away. _____________
4. It can be defined as a child who has not attained a certain age at which he, like an adult
person. ________________
5. It is not merely Juvenile Crime; it includes all deviations from normal youthful behavior.
6. It defines delinquent as a child who has committed an offense. ____________
7. Juvenile is a boy who has not attained the age of _____________
8. Juvenile is a girl who has not attained the age of _____________
9. Delinquency is not merely _____________
10. It is the act of committing a crime at a very young age _____________
11. It is a young person, particularly a teenager under the age of eighteen, who breaks a state
or federal law by committing a crime. _______________
12. Teens are still immatures and do not think like adults, therefore they are prone to making
mistakes or __________________ that are not fully in their control.
13. It describes something that is related to youth or young people. ________________
14. Juvenile can also be used to describe something that is related to youth in a
_________________, such as being immature or naive, as in Drawing on the walls is
juvenile behavior that most parents won’t tolerate.
15. delinquency, criminal behavior, especially that carried out by a ____________
16. Depending on the nation of origin, a juvenile becomes an adult anywhere between the
ages of _________________ although the age is sometimes lowered for murder and other
serious crimes.
17. It implies conduct that does not conform to the legal or moral standards of society; it
usually applies only to acts that, if performed by an adult, would be termed criminal.
18. In US _______________ of children between 7 and 17 years attend juvenile courts
19. Increasing during the past 2-3 years due to changes in cultural pattern of people,
urbanization and industrialization
20. Highest incidence _____________
21. Among boys _____________ times more than girls
22. It holds that crime is caused by the difficulty faced in achieving socially valued goals by
legitimate means by those in poverty. ________________
23. this refers to the processes at the societal level which filter down and affect how the
individual perceives his or her needs, i.e., _____________
24. this refers to the frictions and pains experienced by an individual as he or she looks for
ways to satisfy his or her needs, i.e., if the goals of a society become significant to an
individual, actually achieving them may become more important than the means adopted.
25. General strain theory introduces ________ main sources of strain
26. Loss of positive stimuli ______________
27. Presentation of negative stimuli _____________
28. The inability to reach a desired ____________.
29. it suggests young people are motivated to commit crimes by delinquent peers and learns
criminal skills from them
30. is one of the most important criminological theories in the last sixty years
31. According to this theory, an individual learns delinquent behavior, accepts it from others,
and learning flows through the _________________.
32. also impacted Sutherland thoughts when he observed how people reacted differently
during that time, so he decided that crimes and criminal behavior are results of condition
opportunity and values rather than feeble-mindedness. ___________________
33. who stated “individuals who engage in behavior that was not criminal at one point could
become criminals engaging in the same behavior subsequent to the mere passage of law”
34. Kids experience what Sutherland called “_______________” when they are exposed to
different and opposing attitudes toward what is right and wrong or moral and immoral.
35. The _________________ may vary in duration, frequency, priority, and intensity.
36. one of the most prominent forms of social learning theory is the
37. “Individuals who engage in behavior that was not criminal at one point could become
criminals engaging in the same behavior subsequent to the mere passage of ________”
38. ____________ 4-5 times more than girls
39. ______________ 15 years and above
40. _______________ Increasing during the past 2-3 years due to changes in cultural pattern
of people, urbanization and industrialization
41. ____________ 2% of children between 7 and 17 years attend juvenile courts
42. _______________ implies conduct that does not conform to the legal or moral standards
of society; it usually applies only to acts that, if performed by an adult, would be termed
43. Juvenile can be defined as a _________ who has not attained a certain age at which he,
like an adult person under the law of the land, can be held liable for his criminal acts.
44. Delinquency is not merely Juvenile Crime; it includes all ____________ from normal
youthful behavior.
45. The children act _________ defines delinquent as a child who has committed an offense
46. ______________ A boy who has not attained the age of 16 yrs. or a girl who has not
attained the age of 18 years
47. ‘DE’ means away and ‘________________’ means to leave or to abandon
48. The word _______________ is derived from the Latin word “DELINQUERE”
49. A juvenile delinquent is a _____________, particularly a teenager under the age of
eighteen, who breaks a state or federal law by committing a crime.
50. Teens are still _______________ and do not think like adults, therefore they are prone to
making mistakes or committing crimes that are not fully in their control.
51. ______________ refers to offenses where there is no private offended party.
52. ______________ refers to a 24-hour residential care facility managed by the Department
of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), LGUs, licensed and/or accredited NGO's
monitored by the DSWD, which provides care, treatment and rehabilitation services for
children in conflict with the law.
53. _____________refers to a 24-hour child-caring institution managed by accredited local
government units (LGU's) and licensed and/or accredited non-government
organizations (NGO's) providing short-term residential care for children in conflict with
the law who are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other agencies or
54. ____________ refers to offenses which discriminate only against a child, while an adult
does not suffer any penalty for committing similar acts. These shall include curfew
violations, truancy, parental disobedience and the like.
55. ____________ refers to a principle which requires a process of resolving conflicts with
the maximum involvement of the victim, the offender and the community.
56. ____________ refers to an undertaking in lieu of a bond assumed by a parent or
custodian who shall be responsible for the appearance in court of the child in accordance
with the law, when required.
57. ____________ refers to any act or omission whether punishable under special laws or the
Revised Penal Code, as amended.
58. ____________ refers to the person in authority or his/her agent as defined in Article 152
of the Revised Penal Code, including a barangay tanod.
59. ____________ refers to a system dealing with children at risk and children in conflict
with the law,  which provides child-appropriate proceedings, including programs
and services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and aftercare to
ensure their normal growth and development.
60. ____________ refers to a series of activities which are designed to address issues that
caused the child to commit an offense. It may take the form of an individualized
treatment program which may include counseling, skills training, education, and other
activities that will enhance his/her psychological, emotional and psycho-social well-
61. ____________ refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a child in conflict with
the law by law enforcement officers or private citizens.
62. ____________ refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to
undergo after he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal
court proceedings.
63. ____________ refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the
responsibility and treatment of a child in conflict with the law on the basis of higher
social, cultural, economic, psychological or educational background without resorting to
formal court proceedings.
64. ____________ refers to any form of detention or imprisonment, or to the placement of a
child in conflict with the law in a public or private custodial setting, from which the child
in conflict with the law is not permitted to leave at will by order of any judicial or
administrative authority.
65. ____________ refers to a family court or, in places where there are no family courts, any
regional trial court.
66. ____________ refers to the programs provided in a community setting developed for
purposes of intervention and diversion, as well as rehabilitation of the child in conflict
with the law, for reintegration into his/her family and/or community.
67. ____________ refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having
committed an offense under Philippine laws.
68. ____________ refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing
criminal offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances.
69. ____________ refers to a person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
70. ____________ refers to the totality of the circumstances and conditions which are most
congenial to the survival, protection and feelings of security of the child and most
encouraging to the child's physical, psychological and emotional development. It also
means the least detrimental available alternative for safeguarding the growth and
development of the child.
71. ____________ refers to the security given for the release of the person in custody of the
law, furnished by him/her or a bondsman, to guarantee his/her appearance before any
court. Bail may be given in the form of corporate security, property bond, cash
deposit, or recognizance.
72. ____________ The Act creating the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.
73. ____________ the State recognizes the right of every child alleged as, accused of,
adjudged, or recognized as, having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner
consistent with the promotion of the child's sense  of dignity and worth, taking into
account the child's age and desirability of promoting his/her reintegration.
74. ____________ should be construed liberally in favor of the child in conflict with the law.
75. ____________ A youth who has been found by a judge in juvenile court to have
committed a violation of the criminal law, that is, a delinquent act. The judge can
formally adjudicate the youth as an initial step before imposing a disposition (a sentence
or punishment), or the judge can decide not to adjudicate the youth and instead impose
conditions that, if met, will result in dismissal of the charges.
76. ____________ The fact finding (trial) phase of a juvenile case in which a judge receives
and weighs evidence before deciding whether a delinquency or status offense has been
proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
77. ____________ Factors to be considered that may increase the seriousness of the offense,
such as prior offenses, weapon use, heinous nature of crime, and threats to victims or
78. ____________ A law enforcement officer charges an offender with a criminal act or
violation of law and takes the offender into custody based on probable cause.
79. ____________ Use of communication skills and creative thinking to develop voluntary
solutions that are acceptable to disputants.
80. ____________ A broad array of juvenile justice programs and services ranging from
prevention programs for young children and youth at risk of delinquency to intervention
programs serving high-risk youth in secure residential settings.
81. ____________ A local ordinance that requires, under specific conditions and exceptions,
a specific group of persons (usually juveniles under a certain age) to refrain from
unsupervised activities after a designated hour within the confines of a selected area, city,
or county.
82. ____________ Being in the care of a criminal or juvenile justice agency or official or
being taken into custody by a law enforcement officer pursuant to the laws of arrest if the
juvenile were an adult and the offense is criminal in nature.
83. ____________ Programs and services designed to keep at-risk youth from entering the
juvenile justice system.
84. ____________ Any act committed by a youth that would be a criminal violation if
committed by an adult.
85. ____________ A youth who has been found responsible for having committed a
delinquent act--the equivalent of being found guilty of a criminal offense.
86. ____________ In custody (secure, non-secure, or home confinement) while awaiting an
adjudication hearing, disposition, or commitment placement.
87. ____________ A judicial hearing generally required to be held within 72 hours of a
youth being taken into custody, at which point the court determines whether (1) there is
probable cause to believe that the youth has committed a delinquent act or a court order
exists that requires the continued detention of the youth, and (2) continued detention is
required pending an adjudicatory hearing.
88. ____________ The hearing in a juvenile case (like a sentencing hearing in criminal
court) at which the court receives a predisposition report containing information and
recommendations to help determine the appropriate sanction. These sanctions can include
probation, commitment to the custody of the state's department of juvenile justice, or
community-based sanctions.
89. ____________ A process by which a youth is channeled from the juvenile justice system.
Examples are Informal Adjustment, Truancy Court, etc.
90. ____________ The process used for every youth referred to juvenile court. Intake
involves screening each youth to determine the appropriateness for release or referral to a
diversionary program or agency for nonofficial or nonjudicial handling. This screening
also identifies the presence of medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and
educational problems or other conditions that may have caused the youth to come to the
attention of law enforcement or intake. Intake includes initial screening of a status
offender to determine the recommended action to be taken in the best interests of the
youth, the family, and the community.
91. _____________ Any program or activity related to juvenile delinquency prevention,
control, diversion, intervention, treatment, rehabilitation, planning, education, training,
and research.
92. _____________ A process by which a neutral third person, or mediator, encourages and
facilitates the resolution of a dispute between two or more parties. It is an informal
process designed to help the disputants reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary
agreement. Decision making authority rests with the parties. The role of the mediator
includes, but is not limited to, helping the parties identify issues, fostering joint problem
solving, and exploring settlement alternatives.
93. _____________ Generally involves providing support and guidance to and spending time
on a regular basis with a youth. Mentoring activities can include participating in sports,
playing games, shopping, taking hikes, helping with homework, and doing chores.
94. _____________ Factors that help to reduce the impact of risk factors in a young person's
95. _____________ Certain problem behaviors present risk factors in a young person's life
that may contribute to later delinquency. A few examples include the availability of drugs
and firearms in the community, family conflict, and friends who engage in problem
96. _____________ Non-criminal offenses only applicable to children--for example, being
truant, running away from home, possessing alcohol or cigarettes, or violating curfew.
97. _____________ A young person who is absent from school without
permission or authorization.
98. _____________ The result of a planned or accidental act that causes physical or
psychological harm.
99. _____________ Crimes of violence include rape, robbery, assault, or murder.
100. ____________Is one who has no proper parental care or guardianship or whose parents
or guardians have deserted him for a period of at least 6 continuous months.
101. _____________ 18th century.
102. _____________ Youth Custody Centers and detention center.
103. _____________ Father of Criminology.
104. _____________ explains that delinquency is the by-product of social arrangement.
105. _____________ Is one who is without a parent, guardian or other custodian or one whose
parents, guardian or other custodian for good cause desires to be relieved of his care and
106. _____________ Acts against norms, mores of society.
107. _____________ Is a stage of human existence where one has ceased to believe in love
whereby the child ends up bitter, empty, lonely, resentful and in most cases emotionally
108. _____________ Radical Non Intervention – if a child commits an offense, he should be
left alone.
109. _____________ Liberty from parental authority.
110. _____________ Are those who although not afflicted with insanity or mental defect are
unable to maintain normal social relations with others and the community in general due
to emotional problems and complexes.
111. _____________ Transmission.
112. _____________ Delinquency
113. _____________ Constituted jointly by the husband and the wife or by unmarried head of
a family, is the dwelling house where they and their family reside and the land on which
it is situated.
114. _____________ Pleasure, highest goal of man's life.
115. _____________ Process of weighing pleasure and pain.
116. _____________ Any act committed awaits an explanation to the natural world.
117. _____________ Introduced punishment of imprisonment.
118. _____________ Juvenile Justice System
119. _____________ person/Minors/Youth whose mental and emotional faculty has not been
fully developed.
120. _____________ Person commits any act of delinquency.
121. _____________ Offender is removed from JJS and diverted to other government
122. _____________ Internationalist Perspective – any youth who commits a crime should be
left alone
123. _____________ is one whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended or
inadequately attended.
124. _____________ Modified the classical theory, excepted the child and lunatics from
125. _____________ Rights and obligations which parents have in relation to the persons and
property of their children until their emancipation and even after this under certain
126. _____________ Child and Youth Welfare Code – Approval – Dec.10,1974
127. _____________ Means the condition of that group whose income is low, therefore, the
standard of living is not enough to maintain normal health and efficiency.
128. _____________ 18 years old - age of majority.
129. _____________ Law which created the family court.
130. _____________ Frequent Absences
131. _____________ Is the positivistic approach which holds that young offenders should be
helped rather than punished.
132. _____________ Social Conflict Theory – society is composed of the ruling class and the
ruled class.
133. _____________ below 18 years old.- Is one who is over 9 years but under 18 years of age
at the time of the commission of the offense.
134. _____________ Children trapped in an armed conflict based on RA 7610.
135. _____________ Child and Youth Welfare Code
136. _____________ Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004.
137. _____________ Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006
138. _____________ over 9 years old but under 18 years old at the time of the commission of
the offense.
139. _____________ causes of crime lie within the individual offender rather than in their
external environment.
140. _____________ absence or breakdown of communal institutions and communal
relationships that traditionally encouraged cooperative relationships among people.
141. _____________ crime is caused by the difficulty of those in poverty in achieving socially
valued goals by legitimate means.
142. _____________ young people are motivated to commit crimes by delinquent peers and
learn criminal skills from them.
143. _____________ once a person is labeled criminal they are more likely to offend. Once
labeled as deviant, a person may accept that role and more likely to associate with others
who have been similarly labeled.
144. _____________ proposes that exploiting the process of socialization and social learning
builds self-control and can reduce the inclination to indulge in behavior recognized as
145. _____________ punishment is threatened or applied for wrongful behavior and
compliance is rewarded by parents, family and authority figures.
146. _____________ youth refrains from delinquency through the conscience or super ego.
147. _____________ by identification with those who  influence behavior because his/her
delinquent act might cause pain and disappointment to parents and others with whom
he/she has close relationships.
148.  _____________ through needs satisfaction, if all individuals needs are met, there is no
point in criminal activity.
149. _____________ A US court decision where it held that juveniles cannot be tried when
acquitted in juvenile court then tried again in adult criminal court. Double jeopardy
applies to juveniles as well as adults.
150. _____________ is the participation in illegal behavior by minors who fall under a
statutory limit.
151. _____________ is a person who is typically under the age of 18 and commits an act that
otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were an adult.
152. _____________ is an action that is prohibited only to a certain class of people and most
often applied to offenses only committed by minors. example, underage smoking.
153. _____________ is a category of crime that includes theft, robbery, motor vehicle theft,
arson, shop lifting and vandalism.
154. _____________ in which the offender uses or threatens to use violent force upon the
155.  _____________ is the threshold of adulthood as it is conceptualized, recognized or
declared by law. The vast majority of country including the Philippines set majority age
at 18.
156. _____________ a person between the ages of 20 and 40 whereas adolescent is a person
between the ages of 13 and 19.
157. _____________ crimes committed by minors which are dealt with by the juvenile courts
and justice system.
158. _____________ crimes dealt with by the criminal justice system.
159. _____________ offenses which are only classified as such because one is a minor, such
as truancy which is also dealt with by juvenile court.
160. _____________ is any intentional unauthorized absence from compulsory schooling.
161. _____________ Ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable. The
term includes criminal damage such as graffiti and defacement directed towards a
property without the permission of the owner.
162. _____________ is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched or sprayed illicitly on a wall
or other surface in a public place.
163. _____________ refers to marking or removing the part of an object designed to hold the
viewers’ attention.
164. _____________ (life-course-persistent offender) - begins offending or showing anti-
social/aggressive behavior in adolescence or even childhood and continuous in
165. _____________ (adolescence-limited offender) - juvenile offending or delinquency
begins and ends during their period of adolescence.

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