Examples of OSPE Stations

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Examples of OSPE Stations

Lab 1
Question Answer
Regarding this test:
1- The doctor is examining.

2- In case of A the result is...

3- B result is...

4- B result may be due to...

5- This test may give false results in case of

Question Answer
1- This instrument is called...

2- It's used for...

3- Janderassik maneuver helps during these tests to...

4- In case of bilateral UMNL, you notice...

5- There is no response of the patient in case of...

6- What is the centre for biceps jerk

Lab 2

A) This test examines....

B) The center of this reflex is.....

C) How is it bilateral??

D) What is its importance......

Lab 3

A) What does this doctor examine?

B) In case of air conductive hearing loss which ear will hear better ?

C) Sound is weak in case of....

D) Can this test differentiate between both types of hearing loss ? why why
not ..

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