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On Saturday morning Miranti help Nevi make a cake together at Nevi’s house.

Nevi : “ I want to make birthday cake for my sister, but I can’t use the oven, can you help me?”

Miranti : “ Yes sure, Nev”

Nevi : “ Then, what is the first step I should take?”

Miranti : “ First, figure out the basics of your oven and use a thermometer.”

Nevi :” Okay… next?

Miranti :” Place a baking stone on your oven’s floor”

Nevi :” Why shouldIi put that?”

Miranti :” Because, a baking stone can be used to cook things like baked goods and pizzas.
However, it can also help regulate temperature in a gas oven and move items higher up for
browner tops.

Nevi : “ Okay mir next ?

Miranti :” Turn up the temperature for added crispiness gas ovens tend to be more humid, which
can affect crispiness.

Nevi :” Can I put this spoon in the oven?”

Miranti :” Do not use dark metal cookware. You should never use dark metals in a gas oven. In a
gas oven, heat comes from the bottom of the oven. Dark metal cookware will absorb heat faster,
which can result in the bottoms of dishes become brown or burnt.

Nevi : “ Sorry mir, okay I’ll be careful.

Miranti :” How to use the oven is finished, here's how to use it, it’s easy, right?

Nevi :” Yes it's very easy way. I can make a birthday cake for my sister. By the way, if I have
already used this oven, then how to clean it, can you help me too?

Miranti :” Alright… sure”

Nevi : “What should I do?

Miranti : “First, you will need to clean it manually. To start, remove the oven racks and clean
Nevi : “Okay I will do it”

Miranti :” After that, coat your oven in baking soda or paste and water

Nevi :” After applying baking soda or paste, is it rubbed afterwards?”

Miranti: “Yes, true”

Nevi :” After that, is it finished?”

Miranti : “Not yet, it is the last step. After you've cleaned out the interior of the oven, place your
oven racks back in place. Your oven should now be clean and ready to use.”

Nevi : “Thank you for teaching me Mir. Finally I can make my sister's cake easily”

Miranti : “Okay no problem Nev. Good luck for your sister's birthday preparation”

Nevi :” Okay Mir”.

The next day, Miranti called Nevi on her phone.

Miranti : “Hello Nev?”

Nevi : “Hey Mir... What’s up?”

Miranti : “So today I'm really excited”

Nevi : “What happened Mir? Do you have anything new?”

Miranti : “Exactly, today the washing machine my parents purchased has come”

Nevi : “Wow great. So your hand won't get tired from washing clothes anymore”

Miranti : “That's right hahaha. But...”

Nevi : “What?”

Miranti : “But I haven't been able to use it cause I don't know how to use washing machine”

Nevi : “So this is why you called me”

Miranti : “Yup. Can you teach me how to use it?”

Nevi : “Well no problem, because you also taught me to use the oven yesterday”

Miranti : “Yes!!, so what should I do?”

Nevi : “First, separate your clothing. Means, you have to separate your clothing into three
categories. Whites, dark, and bright colors.”
Miranti : “Okay, next?”

Nevi : “Second, read the labels to make sure nothing is dry-clean only or hand wash only. If you
find it, just separate these items into other new pile and put the correct measure into the machine.
Next, add the water and wait the tub until full enough. To get the best result, use hot water for
white clothing, cold for dark clothes, and warm for bright colors.”

Miranti : “Okay.. wait...done”

Nevi : “After that, close the lid and set the speed of your machine or you can choose regular
speed for most clothing. Turn on the washing machine and allow it to run until finished.”

Miranti : “Done!”

Nevi : “After the process of washing has finished, let the water drain through the drain hose.
After that, see the knob of the wash timer again, set up for three minutes more. Do this twice for
a good rinsing. That's all, now your clothes are clean and ready for the drying for a few minutes.”

Miranti : “Wow, it's so easy”

Nevi : “Good job. Aren't your hands tired?”

Miranti : “Nope... Thanks nev for teaching me.”

Nevi : “Glad to help you mir”

Miranti : “Alright, I will hang my clothes first. have a nice day”

Nevi : “Have a nice day, byee”

Miranti : “Byee”

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