FAURE Gunter MENSING Teresa - Isotopes Principles and Applications

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The 4 0 ~ ' r * / 3 9Method


HE conventional K-Ar method of dating 7.1 PRINCIPLES

depends on the assumption that the sample AND METHODOLOGY
contained no Ar at the time of its formation
and all radiogenic Ar produced within it was The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method
~r of dating is based on the
quantitatively retained. Because Ar may diffuse formation of 3 9 ~by r the irradiation of K-bearing
out of minerals even at temperatures well below samples with thermal and fast neutrons in a nuclear
their melting point, K-Ar dates represent the time reactor. The desired reaction is
elapsed since cooling to temperatures at which
diffusion loss of Ar is insignificant. However, under
certain circumstances excess radiogenic "Ar may
also be present, which causes K-Ar dates to be too Argon-39 is unstable and decays to 3 9 by ~ p-
old. Another problem is that in the conventional emission with a halflife of 269 years. Because
K-Ar method the concentrations of 4 0 ~ and r K of its slow rate of decay. 3 9 ~can
r be treated as
are measured separately on different aliquots of the though it were stable during the short period of
sample. Therefore, the sample being dated must time involved in the analyses. Whereas Wanke and
be homogeneous with respect to both elements. Konig (1959) actually used a counting technique
This requirement may not be satisfied in all cases, to determine the amount of 3 9 ~ produced
r by
especially by fine-grained or glassy volcanic rocks. this reaction, Memhue (1965) proposed that the
The 4 0 ~ r * / 3method
y ~ of dating, first described "~r*/~~A ratio
r could be measured by mass
in detail by Merrihue and Turner (1966), can over- spectrometry. Subsequently, Memhue and Turner
come some of the limitations of the conventional (1966) described such a procedure and reported
K-Ar method because K and Ar are determined dates for several stony meteorites that appeared
on the same sample and only measurements of the to be in good agreement with conventional K-Ar
isotope ratios of Ar are required. The problem of dates of the same meteorites. The principles of the
inhomogeneity of samples and the need to measure 4 0 ~ r / 3 9method
~r of dating have been presented
the absolute concentrations of K and Ar are thus by Dalrymple and Lanphere (1971), McDougall
eliminated. This method is therefore well suited to (1974), Dallmeyer (1979), McDougall and Harrison
the dating of small or valuable samples such as (1988), and Dalrymple (1991).
meteorites or lunar rocks and minerals, especially When a K-bearing sample is irradiated with
when the samples are heated stepwise with a con- neutrons in a nuclear reactor, isotopes of Ar are
tinuous laser. formed by several reactions involving K, Ca, and C1
Principles and Methodology 145

in the target. In the ideal case, j9Ar is produced only After the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9ratio
~ r of the monitor has been
by the n, p reaction with "K. In the formulation measured, J can be calculated from equation 7.6:
of Mitchell (1968), the number of 3 9 ~ atoms r
formed in the sample by the neutron irradiation is e'.'rn - 1

where t, is the known age of the flux monitor and

(40~r*/39Ar),, is the measured value of this ratio in
where 3 9 is~ the number of atoms of this isotope the monitor.
in the irradiated sample, A T is the duration of The energy spectrum of the neutron flux to
the irradiation, @(E)is the neutron flux density at which a particular sample is exposed during the
energy E , a ( & )is the capture cross section of 39K irradiation depends on its position in the sample
for neutrons having energy E, and the integration is holder. For this reason, several samples of the
carried out over the entire energy spectrum of the flux monitor are inserted into the sample holder
neutrons. The number of radiogenic jOAr atoms in at known positions between unknown samples.
the irradiated sample due to decay of 40K during The entire package is then irradiated for several
its lifetime is given by equation 6.2: days in a nuclear reactor to allow 3 9 ~ to r be
produced. After the irradiation, the Ar in the flux
monitors is released by fusion in a vacuum system
and their 4 0 ~ r * p Yratios ~ r are measured by mass
spectrometry. The J values are then calculated
where the asterisk identifies radiogenic jOAr, Ae is
from equation 7.7 and are plotted as a function of
the decay constant of 4 0 for
~ electron capture, and
their position in the sample holder. The respective
h is the total decay constant of "OK. After neutron
J values of the unknown samples are obtained
irradiation of a sample, its 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9ratio
~ r is
by interpolation of the resulting graph from their
obtained by dividing equation 7.3 by equation 7.2:
known positions in the holder.
The " ~ r * / ~ ~ratios
A r of the irradiated unknown
samples are determined similarly by melting them
individually in a vacuum chamber and by measuring
the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 Aratio
r of the released Ar in a gas source
The neutron flux density and the capture mass spectrometer. The resulting 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9ratios ~r
cross sections are difficult to evaluate from first of the unknown samples are then used to calculate
principles because the energy spectrum of the dates from equation 7.6:
incident neutrons and the cross sections of 39K for
capture of neutrons of varying energies are not well
1 "Ar*
known. However, equation 7.4 can be simplified by t=iln(KJ+l) (7.8)
introducing the parameter J , defined as

Several different mineral concentrates have

been used as flux monitors. Their ages must be
accurately known because they are used for cal-
which leads to culating the value of J in equation 7.7. An error in
the age of the monitor is therefore propagated from
equations 7.7 and 7.8 and results in a correspond-
ing systematic error in the calculated 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r
dates of samples that were irradiated with that mon-
Equation 7.6 suggests that J can be determined by itor. Roddick (1983) published precise K-Ar dates
irradiating a sample of known age (the flux monitor) of four widely used flux monitors (Hb3gr, MMHb-
together with samples whose ages are unknown. 1, LP-6, and FY 12a).
146 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9Method

The estimated analytical error in the calcu- where 295.5 is the 4 0 ~ r / 3 6 ratio
~ r of atmo-
lated date, according to Dalrymple and Lanphere spheric Ar.
(1971), is Actually, Ar isotopes are also produced by
several interfering reactions caused by interac-
tions of neutrons with the isotopes of Ca, K, and
C1 in the sample. Therefore, a series of correc-
tions must be made that are especially impor-
tant for young samples (-lo6 years) and those
where F = 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9a ; US are the variances
:~ r and having Ca/K > l o . The interfering reactions are
of F and J, respectively, expressed in percent; listed in Table 7.1 and can be studied by reference
t is the age of the sample; and h is the total to Figure 7.1. Detailed discussions of the correc-
decay constant of 4 0 ~ The . dates obtained in tions have been given by Mitchell (1968), Brereton
this manner are referred to as total argon release (1970), Turner (197 l), Dalrymple and Lanphere
dates. They are subject to the same limitations as (1971), and Tetley et al. (1980).
conventional K-Ar dates because they depend on The most important interferin,a reactions are
the assumption that no radiogenic "Ar has escaped those involving the isotopes of Ca. Starting at the
from the sample and no excess 4 0 ~ isr present. top of Table 7.1, "Ar is produced by "Ca(n, na)
However, such dates avoid the problems arising 3 6 ~ but
r is removed by "Ar(n, y ) "Ar. These
from the inhomogeneous distribution of K and Ar reactions interfere with the atmospheric Ar cor-
in a sample and require only the measurement of rection, which is based on "Ar. Calcium is also
isotope ratios of Ar. primarily responsible for the production of 37Ar
In the ideal case outlined above, it is assumed by means of "Ca(n, a ) 'jAr. The abundance of
that all of the 4 0 ~ in r the irradiated sample is 3 7 ~ inr an irradiated sample is an indication of
either radiogenic or atmospheric. all of the ' 6 ~ r the extent of Ca interference because the 3 7 ~ r
is atmospheric, and 3 9 ~ isr produced only by yields from " ~ ( n , nd) "Ar and "Ar(n, y) "Ar
39K(n, p) 3 9 ~ rIn. this case, the measured values are small. Argon-37 is radioactive and decays
of the 4 0 A r / ' 9 ~ rand 3 6 ~ r / 3 9ratios
~ r can be used by electron capture to stable "C1 with a short
to calculate the desired ratio of radiogenic '@Ar halflife of 35.1 days. For this reason, a correction
to 3 9 ~ r : for decay of "Ar after irradiation must be made
because the j°Ca abundance derived from "Ar is
used to estimate the contributions to 'OAr by the
reactions 43Ca(n, a ) "Ar and "Ca(n, na) '%,

Table 7.1. Interfering Nuclear Reactions Caused by Neutron Irradiation of Mineral Samples
Produced Calcium Potassium Argon Chlorlne
36~r 40Ca(n, n a )
37~r 40Ca(n,a) 3 9 ~ ( nnd)
, I6Ar(n, y
38Ar "Ca(n, na) " ~ ( n ,d) 'OAr(n, nd, ,!-) y, B-1
"K(n, a , B-1
39~r 42Ca(n,a ) " ~ ( n ,p)" 3 8 ~ r ( ny, )
'"Ca(n, n a ) " ~ ( n . d) ''Ar(n, d, ,!-)
40Ar 43Ca(n, a ) 4 0 ~ ( np),
"Ca(n, nu) 4'K(n,d)
Source Brereton, 1970
"This 1s the pnnclpal reactlon on which the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 method
9 ~ r is based
Incremental Heating Technique 147

Segment of the chart of the nuclides showing most of the stable and unstable isotopes of Ca, K,
Ar, and C1 that participate in nuclear reactions with neutrons.

whereas "Ar is produced by "Ca (n,a) 3 9 ~and r C1 = ' O A I - / ~ ~ A ~ ratio in the atmosphere,
by 4 3 ~ (n, a nu) "Ar. The production of 3 x ~isr =295.5
of little consequence unless an "Ar spike is used C2 = z 6 ~ r / 3 7ratio ~ r produced by
for measuring absolute quantities of Ar. Accord- interfering neutron reactions with Ca,
ing to measurements by Dalrymple and Lanphere 2.72 & 0.014 x lop4
(1971), the correction factors for Ca- and K-derived C3 = " ~ r / ~ ~ratio A r produced by
Ar in the TRIGA reactor of the U.S. Geologi- interfering neutron reactions with K,
cal Survey are ( 3 6 ~ r / 3 7 ~ r= a f 0.014) x
) C(2.72 (5.9 f 0.42) x
lo-', ( 3 % r / 3 7 ~ r )= ~ a(6.33 f 0.043) x and C4 = 3 9 ~ r / 3 7 Aratio r produced by
( ' O A ~ / ~ ' A ~=) ~(5.9 f0.42) x lo-'. The produc- interfering neutron reactions with Ca,
tion ratio of "Ar/"Ar due to Ca is 4.6 x By 6.33 i0.043 x lo-'
far the most important corrections for Ca-rich sam- D = 3 7 ~ r / 3 yratio ~ r in sample after
ples result from the production of 3 y ~byr 42Ca(n, correcting for decay of 37Ar
a ) 3 9 ~and r of 3 6 ~byr 40Ca(n,nu) 3 6 ~ rFor . young
samples having low Ca/K ratios. corrections are
also necessary to remove 'OAr produced by " ~ ( n , p ) 7.2 INCREMENTAL HEATING
4 0 ~andr '" K(n,d) "Ar. Brereton (1970) derived an TECHNIQUE
equation that relates the age of an irradiated sample
to its " ~ r * / ~ ~ ratio
A r corrected for all interfering The principles of the " ~ r * / " ~ A rmethod permit
reactions. Dalrymple and Lanphere (1971) devel- dates to be calculated from the measured 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r
oped a more general expression for their parameter ratio of gas released by melting the sample in a
F = "Ar*/"y~~: vacuum. Consequently, a series of dates can be
obtained for a single sample by releasing Ar from
it in steps at increasing temperatures. If the sam-
ple has been closed to Ar and K since the time of
initial cooling, the 'OAr*/"Ar ratios and thus the
where A = measured value of the"A~-/~~Ar ratio dates calculated at each step should be constant.
B = measured value of t h e 3 6 ~ r / 3 9ratio
~r However. if radiogenic Ar was lost from some
Incremental Heating Technique 149

0.02 1 (a) 0.02 + (b) 5.

Fraction of 3 9 ~released
r Fraction of 3 9 ~ released
FIGURE 7.3 ( a ) Theoretical Ar release patterns for a sample whose age is 4.55 billion years, which was
partially outgassed at 0.5 Ga. The numbers on the curves are the fraction of 4 0 ~lost r and the horizontal
bars indicate the average " ~ r * / ~ ~ratio
A r and the corresponding total-release date of the sample. Note that
the plateau dates for 40Ar loss greater than about 20 percent are less than the age of the sample. The
mineral grains were assumed to be spheres of uniform size. (b) Theoretical Ar release patterns for the same
samples assuming a lognormal distribution of grain radii (a = 0.33). Note that the release curves become
concave upward in cases where the partial Ar loss is about 80 percent or more. The 4 " ~ r * / 3 9ratio
~ r of gas
released at low temperatures from samples with large Ar loss indicates the date of outgassing, while the
high-temperature fraction approaches the age of the sample where Ar loss has been small. From G. Turner,
in L. H. Ahrens (Ed.), Origin arid Distribution of the Elements, Pergamon, Oxford, 1968, pp. 387-398.
Adapted by permission of the publisher.

but may underestimate the original cooling age Baksi et al., 1991, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,
of K-bearing rocks and minerals that experienced 104:292-297. Harlan et al., 1996, Can. J.
partial loss of radiogenic 4 0 ~during
r a metamor- Earth Sci., 33:1648-1654.
phic episode.
The incremental heating technique has been
widely used to date terrestrial rocks and minerals 7.2a Marble Mountains, California
from metamorphic terranes:
The crystalline complex of the Marble Mountains
Bryhni et al., 1971, Norsk Geol. Tidsskrift, in southeastern California formed between 1400
5 1:391-406. Brereton, 1972, Geophys. J. and 1450 Ma based on a Rb-Sr date of biotite
Roy. Astron. Soc., 27:449-478. Lanphere (1410 k 30 Ma: Lanphere, 1964) and a U-Pb zir-
and Albee, 1974, Am. J. Sci., 274545-555. con date of 1450 Ma (Silver and McKinney, 1962).
Dallmeyer et al., 1975, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., However, the conventional K-Ar date of biotite is
86: 1435- 1443. Dallmeyer, 1975, Geochim. 1152 f 30 Ma and that of microcline is only 992 f
Cosmochim. Acta, 39: 1655- 1669. Berger, 26 Ma (Lanphere and Dalrymple, 1971). The K-Ar
1975, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 26:387-408. dates of both minerals are less than the crystal-
Hanson et al., 1975, Geochim. Cosmochim. lization age of the complex, which indicates that
Acta, 39:1269-1277. AlbarCde, 1978, Earth both lost radiogenic 4 0 ~ during
r a later thermal
Planet. Sci. Lett., 38:387-397. Claesson and event. The Ar loss of the biotite is about 20 percent.
Roddick, 1983, Lithos, 16:61-73. Lopez- The microcline lost even more "Ar, consistent
Martinez et al., 1984, Nature, 307:352-354. with its lower retentivity noted before (Chapter 5).
150 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 AMethod

Other age determinations reviewed by Lanphere crystallization age by 5 to 10 percent as predicted

and Dalrymple (1971) suggest that the loss occurred by Turner's calculations for mineral grains that lost
160 to 180 million years ago. 20 percent Ar.
The partial-release spectrum of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r The spectrum of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 partial-release
dates of biotite from a sample of granite in the dates of microcline from the same rock specimen
Marble Mountains in Figure 7.4 fits the pattern differs significantly from that of the biotite. The
for a mineral that has experienced partial Ar first fraction yielded a date of 1063 million years,
loss (Turner, 1968). The dates increase from 223 f while the next fractions have dates of about 200
30 Ma for the first Ar fraction and attain a plateau million years. The dates then rise to a maximum
after about 30 percent of the 39Arwas released. The value of 1133 f 10 Ma without achieving a stable
average plateau date of 1300 million years is about plateau. In such cases, the maximum date at the
150 million years greater than the conventional highest release temperature may be regarded as
K-Ar date but is lower than the crystallization age a lower limit to the crystallization age. The high
by 100 to 150 million years. The total-Ar release date obtained for the first fraction of gas may
date has an intermediate value of 1251 1 6 1 Ma. result from a small amount of "Ar that diffused
The plateau date of this biotite is less than its known from crystal lattice to nonlattice sites from which
it is readily removed at low temperature. The
40Ar released at low temperature may also have
been picked up from ambient fluids and stored in
Marble Mountains,
sites from which it is released at low temperature.
The lowest dates of both the microcline and
the biotite are overestimates of the age of the
thermal event that caused Ar loss from these
minerals. Nevertheless, the 4 0 A r * / 3 9 ~plateau
r date
of the biotite approaches the presumed age of
this mineral and hence that of the granite in the
Marble Mountains.

7.2b Diabase Dikes in Liberia, West Africa

The presence of excess "Ar in some minerals

and whole-rock samples causes serious errors in
conventional K-Ar dates that cannot be corrected.
Fraction of 3 9 ~ rreleased, %
Lanphere and Dalrymple (1971) therefore analyzed
FIGURE 7.4 Spectrum of dates calculated from two whole-rock samples of diabase dikes in Liberia
4 0 ~ r * / 3 9ratios
~ r of gas fractions released by that are known to contain excess 4 0 ~inr order to
incremental heating of neutron-irradiated biotite determine whether the stepwise heating technique
and microcline from the Precambrian basement can overcome this difficulty.
complex of the Marble Mountains in southeastern The diabase samples were taken from dikes
California. The age of these rocks lies between that intrude crystalline rocks of Precambrian age
1400 and 1450 Ma. The high-temperature gas in western Liberia. Dating by the Rb-Sr method
fractions of the biotite indicate a date of 1300 Ma, indicated that the basement rocks are from 2700 to
while its conventional K-Ar date is only 3400 million years old. Conventional K-Ar dates of
1152 130 Ma. The plateau of the microcline whole-rock samples and plagioclase from the dia-
dates is not well established, which suggests base dikes are highly inconsistent and range from
significantly greater losses of 4 0 ~from
r this 1200 to 186 Ma. The K-Ar dates on similar dikes,
mineral than from the biotite. Data from Lanphere intruding Paleozoic sedimentary rocks elsewhere in
and Dalrymple (1971). Liberia, give more concordant dates ranging from
173 to 193 Ma, and paleomagnetic pole positions of 268 f4 Ma and then rise again to 1995 f 16 Ma
all of the dikes suggest that they are post-Triassic for 3yAr released at llOO°C. Although none of
and pre-Tertiary in age (Hurley et al., 1971; Dal- these dates equals the known age of the Liberian
rymple et al., 1975; Onstott and Dorbor, 1987; diabase dikes (175- 190 Ma; Lanphere and Dal-
Dupuy et al., 1988; Mauche et al., 1989). rymple, 1971), the presence of excess "'Ar in
The conventional K-Ar date of a sample of these rocks is clearly indicated by the old date
these dikes determined by Lanphere and Dalrym- of the Ar released at the lowest temperature. The
ple (1971) is 853 f26 Ma and its total-release spectrum of partial 40~r*/'9Arrelease dates of a
40Ar*/"~r date is 838 f42 Ma. Both dates are second sample of diabase from Liberia analyzed
well in excess of the age of this rock. The spectrum by Lanphere and Dalrymple (1971) is similar to
of " ~ r * / ~ ~ partial-release
Ar dates in Figure 7.5 that in Figure 7.5. Therefore, the authors con-
has a saddle-shaped pattern with an excessively cluded that the excess " ~ roriginated from the
old date of 3827 f 136 Ma for gas released at Precambrian basement rocks into which these dikes
40OoC, which represents only 0.4 percent of the were intruded. This conclusion was later con-
total "Ar in this sample. Gas released step- firmed by Dalrymple et al. (1975). Brereton (1972)
wise at increasing temperatures yields progres- reported a similar result for a diabase dike from
sively lower ' O A ~ * / ~ ~dates
A ~ that decrease to the Frederickshab area of southern West Green-
land that also contains excess "Ar. In addition. Lee
et al. (1990) and Radhakrishna et al. (1999) studied
the effects of contact metamorphism on 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 A r
Jurassic Diabase, dates of diabase dikes intruding Precambrian base-
ment rocks in the Superior structural province of
4000 ;-
- Ontario and of the granulite terrain in southern
2 India, respectively.
3000 r -
7.3 EXCESS J o ~ r
5 2000 4-
The diabase dikes of Liberia exemplify rocks and
/ minerals that contain varying amounts of 'OAr that
1°00 did not form by in situ decay of 'OK within the

-*\ . .-.
0 I I ' - r 1 I I I i '
/* -- rocks or minerals under consideration. In some
cases, the excess 4 0 ~ enters
r the minerals of
igneous rocks at the time of their crystallization
20 40 60 80 100
from a magma. In other cases. the "Ar collects
Fraction of 3 9 ~ released,
r % in grain boundaries and fractures in minerals of
FIGURE 7 5 Spectrum of dates obtained by igneous and metamorphic rocks or diffuses into the
incremental heating of a neutron-irradiated crystal lattice (Maluski et al., 1990).
whole-rock sample of diabase from Liberia. This Conventional K-Ar dates of minerals contain-
dike is post-Triassic to pre-Tertiary in age. It was ing excess 40Ar are greater than their cooling ages
contaminated with 4 0 ~during
r intrusion into the and are not valid age determinations. The incremen-
granitic basement rocks, which range in age from tal heating technique of the 40~r*/39Ar method can
2700 to 3400 Ma. The conventional K-Ar date of sometimes detect the presence of excess 40Arby the
this rock is 853 f 26 Ma, which is clearly in "saddle-shaped" spectrum of dates like that shown
excess of its geological age. The spectrum of in Figure 7.5. Such patterns have also been reported
dates reveals the presence of excess 4 0 ~inr the for biotite, pyroxene, hornblende, and plagioclase
low-temperature fractions but does not permit a from rocks known to contain excess 40Ar (Lanphere
geologically meaningful interpretation. Data from and Dalrymple, 1976; Hamson and McDougall,
Lanphere and Dalrymple (1 97 1). 1981). Although these patterns reveal the presence
152 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9Method

of excess "Ar in the material being dated, its age

cannot be inferred from the spectrum or from a
plot of data points in coordinates of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 6and~r
3 9 A r / 3 6 ~ rEven
. more disturbing are reports that
biotites from metamomhic rocks known to con-
tain excess 4 0 ~have r partial-release spectra with
flat plateaus that exceed the known geological ages
of the rocks (Pankhurst et al. 1973; Roddick et al.,
1980; Foland, 1983.)
In these circumstances, the incremental heating
technique does not distinguish between the radio-
Biotite, Kola Peninsula,

genic 40Ar that formed by decay of 40K in the rock 3 8 O O L d - I

400 600 800 1000 1200
and the excess 4 0 ~that r was added after or dur- Temperature, "C
ing crystallization. The reason is that the excess FIGURE 7.6 Stepwise Ar release pattern of biotite
4 0 ~ isr distributed uniformly with respect to the from granitic rocks intruding gneisses of the Kola
K in the sample. Evidently, just because the spec- Peninsula of Russia. The spectrum of ' " ~ r * / ~ ~ A r
trum of partial-release dates of a sample has a dates of this mineral has a well-developed plateau
well-developed plateau does not necessarily indi- with an average date of 4982 Ma. The
cate that its 4 U ~ r * / ' yplateau
~r date is geologically anomalously old date is attributable to the
valid (Foland, 1983). presence of excess ' O A ~ that was not recognized
by the 4 0 ~ r * / " ~method.
r The plateau date in this
example exceeds the age of the Earth. Data
7.3a Kola Peninsula, Russia from Ashkinadze et al. (1978).

A spectacular example of excess Ar is illustrated

in Figure 7.6 for a biotite from granitic rocks that minerals of mafic rocks on the Kola Peninsula but
intrude the gneisses along the Voronaya River in the also in K-rich minerals such as biotite.
Kola Peninsula of Russia. The age of these granitic
rocks is 2736 f 65 Ma based on the decay of U
and Th to Pb. However, the conventional K-Ar 7.3b Anorthoclase, Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
date of the biotite shown in Figure 7.6 is 5200 Ma,
which exceeds the age of the Earth. A stepwise Anorthoclase-bearing phonolite lavas have been
release of Ar from this biotite yielded a normal- extruded by Mt. Erebus, an active volcano on Ross
looking pattern of dates with a good plateau and an Island off the coast of southern Victoria Land in
average 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9date
~ r of 4982 Ma. AsNunadze Antarctica (Kyle, 1994; Faure. 2001 ). Nevertheless,
et al. (1978), who reported these results, concluded the anorthoclase phenocrysts of lava flows that were
that this and other biotites from the Kola Peninsula erupted in 1984 have yielded K-Ar dates up to
contain excess 4 0 ~ rthat
, the " ~ r * / ~ ~ method
Ar 400,000 years because of the presence of excess
in this case does not indicate the presence of the 4 0 ~(Armstrong,
r 1978).
excess 4 0 ~ rand
, that the plateau date is not the age Esser et al. (1997) demonstrated that the inte-
of the biotites. grated "Ar*/'%r dates of anorthoclase increase
The presence of excess "'Ar in mafic rocks from about 49,000 years (I percent melt) to
of the Kola Peninsula was originally discovered 179,000 years (10 percent melt) and to 640,000
by Gerling et al. (1962) and confirmed by Kaneoka years (30 percent melt). Therefore, the excess
(1974) and Kirsten and Gentner (1966). This phe- 40Ar is apparently concentrated in melt inclusions
nomenon was later discussed by Gerling (1984) within the anorthoclase crystals. Esser et al. (1997)
and was mentioned in Section 6 . 2 ~ .The work attempted to remove the melt inclusions by crush-
of Ashkinadze et al. (1978) demonstrated that ing the anorthoclase and by leaching the frag-
excess 40Ar can occur not only in the K-poor ments with hydrofluoric acid. However, small melt
Argon Isotope Correlation Diagram 153

inclusions within the anorthoclase grains persisted. the stepwise heating of an irradiated sample (after
The Ar trapped in these melt inclusions was correction for interfering reactions) is
released primarily at temperatures above 1200°C
when the incongruent melting of the anortho-
clase host allowed the Ar in the melt inclu-
sions to escape. Consequently, anorthoclase sam-
ples containing less than 1 percent melt yielded where the subscript c identifies contaminant Ar,
low-temperature (c1200°C) plateau dates as low as which includes both the atmospheric compo-
8000 f 2000 years, whereas the high-temperature nent and Ar that was either occluded during
Ar released at > 1200°C yielded dates in excess of crystallization or entered the mineral at a later time.
100,000 years. Equation 7.12 can be rewritten as
In retrospect, the presence of small amounts
of excess 4 0 ~ in r present-day volcanic rocks is
consistent with the derivation of magma from
the mantle of the Earth where the Ar has much (7.13)
higher "Ar/"~r ratios than the present atmosphere where the subscript m identifies measured ratios
(Section 6 . 4 ~ ) .The presence of mantle-derived and k refers to Ar produced by K in the sample.
4 0 ~ increases
r the K-Ar and 40Ar*l'9Ar dates, Equation 7.13 represents a family of straight lines
especially in samples that are young or have low K in coordinates of ( 4 0 ~ r / ' 6 ~ r ) rand
n (39~r/"6~r)rn
concentrations or both. whose slopes are equal to the "Ar*/"~r ratio. It
follows that the measured 40Ar/"6Ar and 3 y ~ r / 3 6 ~ r
ratios of incremental gas fractions released from
undisturbed mineral or rock samples define a
series of points that fit a straight line. This line
is an isochron whose slope is the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r
The conventional K-Ar and " ~ r * / ~ ~ methodsAr ratio, which is related to the age of the sample
of dating require a correction for the presence
by equation 7.8. The intercept of the isochron is
of atmospheric 4 0 ~ rThis . correction is based on
the 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the contaminant, that is,
the assumption that j6Ar is of atmospheric origin
the ratio of these isotopes in the nonradiogenic
and that the 4 0 ~ r / ' 6 ~ratio
r of the atmospheric
fraction of this gas associated with a given
component is 295.5. This assumption may not be
sample. The use of the Ar isotope correlation
strictly valid because the " ~ r / ~ ' A r ratio of Ar
diagram was discussed by Dalrymple et al. (1988)
that was incorporated into minerals at the time of
and Heizler and Harrison (1988). Dalrymple and
their crystallization may differ significantly from
Lanphere (1974) demonstrated that the isochron
that of Ar in the modern atmosphere (Musset and
dates of 11 undisturbed samples are identical,
Dalrymple, 1968). Therefore, the observed amount within experimental errors. to their respective
of "Ar in a rock or mineral does not necessarily
plateau dates and that, in most cases, the initial
permit an accurate correction to be made for the
4 0 ~ r / 3 6ratios
~ r do not differ significantly from
presence of nonradiogenic " ~ r . If the " ~ r / ~ ~ A r
the atmospheric value of this ratio (295.5). An
ratio of the inherited Ar is greater than 295.5,
alternative interpretation of Ar isochrons discussed
an apparent excess of radiogenic "Ar will result.
by Roddick (1978) is that they are mixing lines
If the 4 0 ~ r / 3 6ratio
~ r of the inherited Ar is less
whose slopes yield incorrect dates.
than 295.5, there will be an apparent deficiency
of radiogenic 4 0 ~ r which
, is then erroneously
attributed to partial loss of "Ar. 7.4a Portage Lake Volcanics, Michigan
This difficulty can be avoided by use of the Ar
isotope correlation diagram, which was originally The reliability of Ar isochron dates was tested
suggested by Merrihue and Turner (1966). The by Dalrymple and Lanphere (1974) by analyzing
measured " ~ r / ' ~ A rratio of gas released during minerals (muscovite, biotite, hornblende, sanidine,
154 7. The " ~ r * / ~ ~ Method

and plagioclase) and whole-rock samples of igneous 1960a, b). The basalt flows of the Portage Lake
rocks (dacite, diabase, and basalt) that had not Volcanics crystallized between 1096.2 f 1.8 and
been disturbed after initial crystallization. One 1094.0 f 1.5 Ma, as indicated by U-Pb zircon
of the samples they analyzed was a plagioclase dates reported by Davis and Paces (1990).
concentrate obtained from a drill core of the The partial-release 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 spectrum
~r of
Portage Lake Volcanics on the Keweenaw Penin- dates of the plagioclase in Figure 7 . 7 ~is flat,
sula of Michigan. as expected for presumably unaltered minerals,
The Portage Lake Volcanics are part of a and yields a plateau date of 1048 f 11 Ma for
large basalt plateau that formed as a result of 68.8 percent of the total 39Ar that was released.
rifting of the North American continent at about This date is based on values of the decay con-
1.1 Ga (Hutchinson et al., 1990; Nicholson and ~ are no longer used: A, = 0.585 x
stants of 4 0 that
Shirey, 1990; Nicholson et al., 1992). The plateau lo-'' y-' and Ap = 4.72 x 10-l0 y-' with a total
basalts and associated sedimentary rocks on the decay constant h = 5.305 x lo-'' y-'. The Ar
Keweenaw Peninsula contain large deposits of isochron in Figure 7.7b is based on the same data
native Cu and strata-bound Cu sulfide deposits that that define the plateau and indicates a date of
made this region one of the principal sources of Cu 1057 f 12 Ma with an intercept at 4 0 A r / 3 6 ~=r
in the United States during the late-nineteenth and 188 f 116. The date derived from the plateau and
early-twentieth centuries (Broderick, 1956; White, from the isochron are indistinguishable from each

690 7 6 0 8 4 0 _ 1 0 0 0 -
m 230 630 - 920 108t
6 800 - Plateau
3 4 b
,- t = 1048+11Ma
ma Plagioclase,
?> 400 Portage Lake Volcanics,
$ Michigan

Fraction of 3 9 ~ rreleased, % 39~r/36~r

FIGURE 7.7 (a) Spectrum of " ~ r * / ~partial-release

~ ~ r dates of plagioclase in tholeiite basalt of the Portage
Lake Volcanics on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan. The numbers above the gas increments are
release temperatures in degrees Celsius. The plateau date of 1048 f 11 Ma is the weighted average of
4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r and represents 68.8 percent of the 39Ar that was released. The decay constants of 40K
used in this study, he = 0.585 x 10-l0 y-l, hg = 4.72 x 10-l0 y-', and h = 5.305 x 10-l0 y-', have been
replaced by the values recommended by the IUGS Subcommission on Geochronology (Steiger and Jager,
1977). (6) Argon isotope correlation diagram based on measured values of 40Ar/36Arand 3 9 A r / 3 6 ~ratiosr
after correcting for interfering neutron capture reactions with Ca and K. The slope of the straight line was
calculated from the coordinates of the same gas fractions that define the plateau in part (a). The regression
was based on the method of York (1969) with correlated errors. The slope of the isochron line yields a date
of 1057 f 12 Ma based on the decay constants of 40K stated in part (a). Although the plateau date and the
isochron date are identical within the stated errors, both are younger than the crystallization age of the
basalt flows of the Portage Lake Volcanics. Data from Dalrymple and Lanphere (1974).
Argon Isotope Correlation Diagram 155

other and are consistent with the Rb-Sr dates of where 80.25 is the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 yratio
~ r (slope of
related rocks on the Keweenaw Peninsula reported the isochron) as determined by Dalrymple and
by Chaudhuri and Faure (1967) and Bomhorst Lanphere (1974) by the regression method of York
et al. (1988), but it is lower than the U-Pb dates (1969). The recalculated date (relative to h =
of Davis and Paces (1990) and others. The explana- 5.543 x lo-'' y-') is only about 1 percent lower
tion suggested by Dalrymple and Lanphere (1974) than the value reported by Dalrymple and Lanphere
is that the plagioclase had lost radiogenic 4 0 ~ r (1974) because the decrease in the date is partly
during a low-grade metamorphic event recognized offset by the increase in the J value. As a
by Jolly and Smith (1972) that may have been result, the conclusions concerning the " ~ r * / ~ ' A r
associated with the deposition of the Cu ores by dates of plagioclase in the basalt of the Portage
hydrothermal fluids. These fluids also deposited Lake Volcanics are not significantly altered by the
chlorite, K-feldspar, epidote, and calcite in the vesi- recalculation.
cles of the Portage Lake Volcanics between 1060 f
20 and 1047 f 33 Ma based on Rb-Sr isochron
dates reported by Bornhorst et al. (1988). Conse- 7.4b Lunar Basalt and Orange Glass
quently, the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 yplateau
~ r date of plagioclase
in Figure 7.7a underestimates the age of the Portage The partial-release technique and the Ar isotope
Lake Volcanics and does not reveal the loss of 40Ar correlation diagram have been extensively used
that occurred during the alteration of the flows. to date both lunar rocks and meteorites by the
The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 ydates
~ r calculated by Dalrymple 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method.
~r The partial-release spectrum
and Lanphere (1974) for the plagioclase in the of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r of a lunar basalt from the
Portage Lake Volcanics can be converted from Taurus-Littrow valley in Figure 7.8 has a well-
h = 5.305 x lo-'' y-' to h = 5.543 x lo-'' y-' defined plateau date of 3.77 f0.05 Ga based on
(Steiger and Jager, 1977; Begemann et al., 2001) by three gas fractions that contained 46.2 percent
first recalculating the J value (0.00937) determined
from the flux monitor, whose age was 160 Ma.
Since J is defined by equation 7.7,
Basalt,Taurus-Littrow, Moon

where t is the age of the flux monitor and h is

the decay constant of 40K, the J value for the
plagioclase (A = 5.543 x lo-'' y-') is


600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Release temperature, "C

where 0.08858 = e" - 1 for h = 5.305 x lo-'' FIGURE 7.8 Partial-release 4 0 A r * / 3 y ~spectrum
r of
y-' and 0.09273 = eA' - 1 for h = 5.543 x lo-'' dates for a basalt sample (75083, 2.5) collected by
y-'. The date calculated from the slope of the the astronauts of Apollo 17 in the Taurus-Littrow
isochron by means of equation 7.8 (h = 5.543 x valley of the Moon. The plateau date of
lo-'' y-') is 3.77 f 0.05 Ga is based on three gas fractions that
yielded similar 40~r*/3yAr dates. The fraction of
3 y ~(in
r percent) released at each incremental
temperature is indicated by the number beside the
data point. Data from Husain and
Schaeffer (1973).
156 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 YMethod

of the jqAr (Husain and Schaeffer, 1973). The 'O0k Orange Glass, Taurus-Littrow. 4
dates in Figure 7.8 are plotted versus the release
temperature, whereas the fraction of "Ar associated
with each step is indicated in the diagram. The
dates of the low-temperature gas fractions at 650
and 800°C are lower than the plateau date because
of loss of "Ar*. The last gas to be released
(4.13 percent at 1600°C) yields a date of 4.14 f
0.29 Ga, which is not significantly higher than
the plateau date. The decay constant of O ' K was
taken to be h = 5.305 x lo-" y y ' rather than the
currently used value of h = 5.543 x 1OyI0 y y ' .
Husain and Schaeffer (1973) also dated a
sample of orange glass that was collected by
the astronauts of Apollo 17 in the vicinity of
Shorty Crater in the Taurus-Littrow valley. At the
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
time it was collected, this material was thought Release temperature, "C
to have resulted from recent volcanic activity on
the Moon and therefore attracted much attention. FIGURE 7 9 (a) Argon isotope correlation diagram
Husain and Schaeffer (1973) analyzed Ar from for orange glass (74220, 39) from the
an 85-mg sample of this glass by the stepwise Taurus-Littrow valley of the Moon (Apollo 17).
outgassing procedure. One of the problems of The coordinates of the data points are isotope
dating material from the Moon by the 4 0 ~ r / 3 9 ~ r ratios of Ar released by stepwise degassing of a
method is that both "Ar and 'OAr are implanted neutron-irradiated sample weighing only 85 mg.
The slope of the correlation line is the '0Ar*/3y~r
in rocks exposed to the solar wind (Davis, 1977).
To calculate the ''~r*/'~Ar ratios of Ar released *
ratio and has a value of 154 3 that corresponds
from lunar samples, a correction must therefore to an age of 3.7 Ga. ( b ) Spectrum of
be made for the excess 'OAr due to the solar partial-release 40Ar*/3yArdates for gas fractions
wind. The ratio of this component was released at different temperatures from the same
d e t e m ~ n e dby Husain and Schaeffer (1973) by orange glass. The " ~ r / ' ~ ratios
~ r were corrected
means of the Ar correlation diagram shown in for excess "Ar due to ion implantation by the
Figure 7.9a. A least-squares fit of the data points solar wind using the intercept value of the
gives an intercept value of 3.3 f 0.2 and a slope correlation line [part (a)], which is 4 0 ~ r / 3 6=~ r
of 1 5 4 f 3. The intercept was used to correct 3.3 f 0.2. The average plateau date is
each gas increment for the presence of excess 3.71 f 0.06 Ga, calculated from the gas fractions
'OAr. The resulting 4 0 ~ r * / " 9ratios
~ r give rise to released between 1150 and 1350°C. The total
a spectrum of dates shown in Figure 7.9b. The decay constant of 'OK is h = 5.305 x lo-'' y-'.
best estimate of the age of this sample is the Data from Husain and Schaeffer (1973).
mean of the dates obtained for fractions released
between 1150 and 1350°C. The plateau date of
the orange glass in Figure 7.9b is 3.71 & 0.06 Ga estimate of the age of thls material based on
relative to h(40 K) = 5.305 x y - l . This date equation 7.8:
is identical to the age of basalt fragments in the soil
that covers the floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley.
Therefore, the orange glass is not the product of
recent volcanic activity.
The slope of the Ar isotope correlation The numerical value of J can be recovered from
diagram for the orange glass in Figure 7.9a the dates and ' % ~ r * / ~ ~ Aratios
r reported by Husain
( 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9=~ r154 f 3) provides an alternative and Schaeffer (1973) for any of the gas fractions
Laser Ablation 157

released by the orange glass. For example, the gas (1973) first reported anomalously low 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r
released at 650°C has a corrected " ~ r * / ~ ~ratio
Ar partial-release dates of about 1.4 f 0.1 Ga for six
of 205 f 13. from which the authors calculated a gas fractions released from 630 to 1195OC by the
date of 4.18 f 0.2 Ga. Accordingly. the value of J Ca-rich achondrite Lafayette. This result was the
is given by equation 7.7: first indication that the age of Lafayette differs
from those of most other achondrite meteorites and
ultimately led to the conclusions that Lafayette and
the other SNC meteorites originated from Mars
(Section 5 . 3 ~ ) .
The 40Ar*/'yAr date indicated by the slope of the
isochron in Figure 7 . 9 ~

The power of the " o A ~ / ~method~ A ~ of dating was

increased greatly by the use of lasers to release
Ar from single grains of neutron-irradiated miner-
This date is identical to the plateau date of the als and rocks. A laser was first used by Megrue
orange glass in Figure 7.9b. (1971) to date individual clasts of a lunar breccia
Additional examples of 4 0 ~ r / 3 ydating
~ r of by melting small volumes of rock in discrete pits.
lunar basalt and meteorites include the following: This method was subsequently refined by Schaeffer
(1982), who used a pulsed ruby laser to date min-
eral grains embedded in polished surfaces of ter-
Podosek, 1971, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,
35: 157- 173. Bogard and Hirsch, 1980, restrial and extraterrestrial rocks. Schaeffer and his
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 44: 1667- 1682. associates melted minerals in pits having diameters
Turner, 1970, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., between 10 and 100 pm and analyzed the gases
9: 177- 180. Podosek, 1972, Geochim. Cos- in a conventional gas source mass spectrometer
mochim. Acta, 36:755-772. Sutter et a]., 1971, that was connected directly to the vacuum cham-
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 11:249-253. Turner ber containing the sample. The release of Ar from
et al., 1971, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 12:19-35. small volumes of minerals (-0.2 pg) has many
Turner and Cadogan, 1975, Proc. 6th Lunar advantages over the conventional method of melt-
Sci. Con$, pp. 1509-1538. Schaeffer and ing larger amounts (-100 mg) of irradiated rocks
Schaeffer, 1977, Proc. 8th Lunar Sci. Con$, or minerals:
pp. 2253-2300. Guggisberg et a]., 1979, Proc.
10th Lunar Sci. Con$, pp. 1-39. Eichhorn 1. Single grains of minerals can be dated without
et al., 1979, Proc. 10th Lunar Sci. Con$, pp. interference from inclusions of other minerals.
763-788. Herzog et al., 1980, Proc. 11th 2. The small volume of melt greatly reduces the
Lunar Sci. C o n f , pp. 959-976. Husain et al., volume of the Ar blank and thereby reduces
1971, Science, 173:1235-1236. Husain et al., analytical errors.
1972, Science, 175:428-430. Husain, 1974, J. 3. Different minerals or several grains of the same
Geophys. Res., 79:2588-2608. mineral in a polished specimen of rock can
be dated.
The incremental heating technique has also 4. Mineral separations, which are time consuming
been used to date meteorites that originated from and not always effective, are unnecessary.
Mars (e.g., Shergotty by Bogard et al., 1979; ALH
84001 by Turner et al.. 1997) and meteorite impact However, the dates obtained by melting small
craters on the Earth (Layer, 2000). The results have volumes of minerals in laser pits of larger grains
permitted significant advances in the study of the are equivalent to total-release 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r that
solar system. For example, Podosek and Huneke are sensitive to loss of radiogenic "Ar.
158 7. The . ' ' ~ r * / ~ ~~e~t hr o d

This limitation of the laser ablation method 18 km and is presently occupied by a lake.
was eliminated by York et al. (1981), who used The bedrock surrounding the crater consists of
a continuous 15-W Ar ion laser to heat selected volcanic rocks (rhyodacite tuff and ignimbrite with
grains of minerals and fine-grained rocks. The minor amounts of rhyolite, andesite, and basalt)
mineral grains were irradiated individually rather of Cretaceous age. Layer (2000) dated 16 samples
than as part of whole-rock specimens. York et al. of meltrock, collected primarily from the rim of
(1981) demonstrated that individual mineral grains the crater, by the laser ablation partial-release
of biotite, muscovite, and hornblende can be heated 40Ar/39Armethod described by Layer et al. (1987).
with a laser until they melt completely, thereby Ten of the meltrock samples yielded plateau dates
yielding total-release 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 Adates
r that are ranging from 3.38 f 0.08 to 3.74 i0.12 Ma with a
identical to dates obtained by the conventional weighted average of 3.58 i0.04 Ma. Two samples
method of fusion. In addition, York et al. (1981) had somewhat older plateau dates of 4.10 f 0.20
released Ar stepwise from a grain of slate (-3 rnrn and 4.38 f 0.14 Ma, three samples failed to yield
in diameter) by illuminating a spot (-600 bm) " ~ r * / ~ ~plateaus,
Ar and a Cretaceous volcanic rock
with laser light stepwise at increasing power until suffered extensive "Ar loss as a result of partial
the entire grain melted. The plateau date of the resetting of the K-Ar systematics at 3.58 Ma.
slate (2.56 f 0.01 Ga) obtained by the stepwise The narrowly defined age of the meltrock (3.5 f
laser ablation method is identical to the plateau 0.04 Ma), together with the presence of shocked
date obtained by the conventional stepwise release quartz, identifies Lake El'gygytgyn as a relatively
method of a larger sample of the same slate (2.55 i recent impact crater. Samples of unaltered volcanic
0.01 Ga). rocks from the vicinity of the crater yielded
The stepwise laser ablation method has become " ~ r * / ' ~ A r plateau dates ranging from 89.3 to
the standard procedure of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dating
~ r because 83.2 Ma and are clearly of Cretaceous (Turonian
it permits selected mineral or rock grains to be to Santonian) age.
dated with excellent precision and sensitivity: Age determinations by the " o A ~ / ' ~ Amethod
of shocked rocks and impact melts from many
Glass et al., 1986. Chem. Geol. (Isotope other known impact craters have been reported
Geosci. Sect.), 59:181-186. LoBello et a]., in the literature, including the Brent Crater in
1987, Chem. Geol. (Isotope Geosci. Sect.), Ontario (Davis, 1977), Manicouagen Lake in Que-
66:61-71. Layer et al., 1987, Geophys. Res. bec (Wolfe, 1971), Mien and Siljan craters in
Lett.. 14:757-760. Dalrymple and Duffield, Sweden (Bottomley et al., 1978), Nordlinger Ries
1988, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15:436-466. crater in Germany (Jessberger et al., 1978), and
many others.

7.5a Dating Meteorite Impact Craters

7.5b Sanidine Crystals, Yellowstone Park,
The Earth has been bombarded by large meteoroids Wyoming
and comets throughout its history. A partial record
of these impacts has been preserved by more than Another important refinement of the " ~ r * / ~ ~ A r
about 160 craters that formed by the explosions method is the dating of suites of individual
that followed the impact of meteoroids or comets sanidine crystals extracted from rhyolite tuffs
on the continents and continental shelves of the of Pleistocene age. The crystals are irradiated
Earth. These meteorite impact craters are charac- with fast neutrons and are then fused by means
terized by the presence of shocked minerals (e.g., of a 6-W Ar ion laser (Gansecki et al., 1996).
quartz and zircon) and of melt rocks composed This methodology is being used increasingly to
of glass. date volcano-sedimentary rocks of Quaternary age
The El'gygytgyn impact crater at 67' 27' N (e.g., Lippolt et a].. 1984, 1986; van den Bog-
and 172" 05' E in the Okhotsk-Chukotka region ard et al., 1987, 1989; van den Bogaard, 1995;
of northeastern Russia has a diameter of about Lanphere et al., 1999).
Sedimentary Rocks 159

Gansecki et al. (1998) used this technique to age determination of sanidine of the Fish Canyon
date sanidine crystals taken from three rhyolite Tuff by Renne et al. (1997) yielded a date of
tuff (ignimbrite) layers in Yellowstone Park of 28.03 f 0.09 Ma, which is identical to the date
Wyoming. One suite of 28 sanidine crystals from of 27.98 f0.15 Ma obtained by Villeneuve et al.
Member B of the Lava Creek Tuff yielded total (2000). However, K-Ar dates of biotites from the
4 0 ~ r * / " ~ fusion
r dates ranging from 0 . 5 5 4 f Fish Canyon Tuff range from 2 7 . 4 2 f 0.31 Ma
0.003 to 0.607 f 0.006 Ma. The weighted average (preparation FCT-3) to 27.55 f 0.24 Ma (FCT-
of these dates is 0.602 f 0.004 Ma. A few older 2) (Lanphere and Baadsgaard, 1997, 1998). The
sanidine crystals that originated from the same effect of various flux monitors on the accuracy
stratigraphic unit are probably xenocrysts that of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r was also considered by Renne
were entrained into the rhyolite magma during its et al. (1994), Baksi et al. (1996), and Renne et al.
explosive eruption. (1998a, b), whereas Renne et al. (1997) extended
The " ~ r * / ' ~ A r dates of sanidine crystals dating by the 4 0 ~ r * / ' 9 method
~r into the historical
reported by Gansecki et al. (1998) confirm the time of Pliny the Younger.
dates published previously by Obradovich (1992)
and Obradovich and Izett (1991), who obtained
dates of 0 . 6 1 7 f 0.008 and of 0.61 f 0.02 Ma, 7.6 S E D I M E N T A R Y R O C K S
respectively, for sanidines of the Lava Creek Tuff.
These results exemplify the current state of the art, The importance of dating sedimentary rocks has
which has made it possible to date very young rocks already come up for discussion in Sections 5.5
whose ages approach historical time (e.g., Chen (Rb-Sr) and 6.5 (K-Ar). Consequently, all of the
et al., 1996; Spell and Harrison, 1993). strategies of the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method
~r have been
used to date sedimentary rocks and the authigenic
K-bearing minerals they contain (e.g., glauconite
7 . 5 ~ Intercalibrations and illite).

The high precision and versatility of the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r

method of dating have inevitably led to compar- 7.6a Loss of 3 9 ~byr Recoil
isons of 1 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r with age determinations
of cogenetic minerals and rocks by the U-Th-Pb The attempt to date clay minerals by the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r
methods, which are equally precise and similarly method initially yielded unexpectedly old dates.
versatile. The principal sources of uncertainty in For example, Brereton et al. (1976) reported exces-
the numerical values of isotopic dates are the mea- sively old total-release 4 0 A r * / 3 9 ~dates
r for Early
sured values of the relevant decay constants and, Ordovician glauconite from Vastergotland in Swe-
in the case of the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method,
~r the age den. whereas their conventional K-Ar dates are
(or 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 Kratio) of the flux monitors used about 8 percent lower than their known geologi-
in the neutron irradiations (Roddick, 1983). For cal age. Brereton and his colleagues attributed the
this reason, Villeneuve et al. (2000) proposed that anomalous 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r of these glauconites
the age of biotite phenocrysts (MAC-83) from an to the loss of 3 9 ~by r recoil during the irradia-
Oligocene Tuff (Cerro Huancahuancane Formation, tion and concluded that 40Ar*/39Ardates of glau-
Cordillera de Carabaya, southeastern Peru) is fixed conites are not geologically meaningful. These con-
by cogenetic monazite crystals whose 2 3 5 ~ - 2 0 7 ~ b clusions were subsequently confirmed by Foland
date is 24.21 f 0.10 Ma. Use of this date estab- et al. (1984) and other investigators.
lishes a direct link between ' O A ~ * / ~ dates
~ A ~ and The assumptions of the incremental heating
U-Pb dates. An age determination of sanidine in technique do not take into account the possible loss
the Fish Canyon Tuff. which has been widely used or relocation of 39Ar as a result of the recoil of the
as a flux monitor in 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dating,
~r yielded nucleus of 39K caused by the emission of a proton
~ r of 27.98 f 0.15 Ma relative to
a 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9date during the (n, p) reaction. If a significant fraction
24.21 f 0.10 Ma for MAC-83. A previous K-Ar of the 3 9 ~isr lost from the irradiated sample, its
160 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / " 9Method

' O A ~ * / ~ ratio
~ A ~is increased correspondingly, and a decrease of the " ~ r * / ~ ~ratio
A r at the highest gas
its total-release date would be older than its release temperatures.
geological age. The loss of 3%r from a K-
rich mineral grain occurs from a surface layer
whose thickness is about 0.08 vm, according to 7.6b Glauconite and Illite
calculations by Turner and Cadogan (1974). The
effect of 3 9 ~ lossr by recoil therefore depends When the 40~r*/'%r method is used to date
essentially on the size of the K-bearing minerals. glauconite and illite, the problems that must be
Fine-grained samples, or those in which the K- overcome concern not only the time of closure
bearing minerals are hlghly fractured, lose a larger of these minerals (Sections 5.5b and 5 3 ) but also
proportion of 3yArby recoil during the irradiation the loss of 3 9 ~ as r a result of recoil. One way
than do coarse-grained rocks in which the K- to minimize the loss of "Ar is to encapsulate the
bearing minerals are well crystallized and not sample and to measure the amount of "kreleased
fractured. These considerations suggest that the during the irradiation. When this gas is added to
'OA~*/~'A~ method may not be reliable for dating the Ar released during step heating, the resulting
K-rich clay minerals such as glauconite, which "integrated 4 " ~ r * / 3 9 dates"
~r are equivalent to
commonly occurs in the form of green pellets that total-release ' O A ~ * / " ~and
A ~to conventional K-Ar
consist of aggregates of platy crystals about 1 vrn dates. However, the use of lasers allows single
in thickness. glauconite pellets and single illite flakes to be dated.
The effect of 3yArloss by recoil on the shapes thereby improving the measurement precision and
of partial-release spectra is not well understood. assuring the homogeneity of the material.
Turner and Cadogan (1974) considered the possibil- Smith et al. (1993) used the laser ablation
ity that the actual increase of the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9ratio
~r technique to date single glauconite pellets ranging
of the K-rich phases depends on their grain size in age from Ordovician to Tertiary. The samples
and therefore on their surface-to-volume ratio. A were irradiated in evacuated ampules (-lop7 Torr)
sample containing small grains of K minerals hav- composed of quartz glass (-0.2 mL). After the
ing a large surface-to-volume ratio may exhibit a irradiation. the ampules were opened within the
greater increase of the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 % rratio because of gas inlet system of the mass spectrometer and
3 9 ~loss
r by recoil than a similar sample contain- both the amount and isotope composition of the
ing larger grains of K-bearing minerals. Therefore, recoiled gas were measured. Subsequently, the
the partial Ar-release pattern of a sample affected glauconite pellets were heated by irradiating them
by the recoil phenomenon should show an ele- stepwise with a continuous 20-W Ar ion laser. In
vated 4 " ~ r * / 3 qratio
~ r in the low-temperature gas addition, Smith et al. (1993) irradiated a second set
fraction. The magnitude of this effect should be of the same glauconites in air for comparison of
inversely proportional to the size of the K-bearing the resulting " ~ r * / " ~ Adates.
r The authors reported
minerals. However, the effect may be masked by that the recoiled Ar in the evacuated ampules
loss of radiogenic 'OAr from grain boundaries as a was composed predon~inantlyof "Ar and did not
result of diffusion after crystallization. contain significant amounts of '("Ar. The fractions
The 3 9 ~ expelled
r from the surface layer of recoiled 'OAr ranged from 27 to 64 percent of
of the K-bearing minerals may be embedded in the amounts expected from the K concentrations.
neighboring K-poor minerals. such as pyroxenes, Consequently, the "Ar*/"Ar dates calculated from
which are generally more retentive than K-rich the recoiled Ar were close to zero.
minerals, such as K-feldspar or mica. Therefore, The partial-release " ~ r * / ~ ~ dates
A r of a Cre-
the argon released at high temperature may have taceous glauconite pellet in Figure 7.10 increase
low 4 0 ~ r " 1 3 yratios
~ r because it originates from from near zero (recoiled "Ar) to about 110 Ma.
pyroxenes that contain the 3yAr expelled from the The integrated date of this in vacuo irradiated glau-
K minerals during the neutron irradiation of the conite pellet is 83.8 & 1.1 Ma, compared to its
sample. This effect may explain why the stepwise conventional K-Ar date of 89.8 f 3.6 Ma reported
release spectra of some rocks from the Moon show by Odin (1982). The fact that the 'OAr*/"'Ar date
Sedimentary Rocks 161

the oldest dates approach the stratigraphic age of

' Glauconite, Partial Release, in I the host rock of the glauconite pellets, exclud-
Vacuo Irradiation I ing only relict grains that yielded anomalously old
dates. The remaining dates have a polymodal distri-
bution, which implies that the process of glauconi-

, ,K-Ar , date:

, 89.8

Integrated date: 83.8 + 1.1Ma
, * ,3.6Ma

0.8 1.0
tization was modulated, perhaps because of time-
dependent variation in sea level. Therefore, Smith
et al. (1998) proposed that gaps in the spectrum of
glauconite 4 0 ~ r * / ' 9 ~dates
r represent intervals of
low-sea-level stands on the continental margins.
A statistical treatment of the 4 0 ~ r * / " ~dates
of glauconites analyzed by Smith et al. (1998) in

Fraction of 3 9 ~released
r Table 7.2 yielded age estimates for three strati-
FIGURE 7.10 partial-release spectrum of 4 0 ~ * / 3 y ~
graphic boundaries that agree with the values given
dates of a Cretaceous glauconite pellet irradiated by Harland et al. (1989) within the stated errors.
in an evacuated ampule and heated stepwise by a The existence of a formation interval for
continuous 20-W Ar ion laser. The loss of 3yArby glauconite pellets revealed by their " o A ~ * / ~ ~ A ~
recoil increased the measured 4 0 ~ r * / 3 yratios,
~r dates explains why 4 0 ~ r * / ' 9 ~and
r K-Ar dates
causing the calculated dates to exceed the age of derived from bulk samples containing hundreds
this mineral. However, when the recoiled 3 9 ~isr of individual pellets are, in most cases, less than
added to the rest of the Ar released by laser the stratigraphic age of the host rock and why
heating, the "integrated 4 0 A r * / 3 9 ~date"
r closely they are not as reproducible as expected from
approaches its conventional K-Ar date. Adapted the errors of measurement. The multimodal spec-
from Smith et al. (1993). trum of 4 0 A r * / 3 9 ~dates
r of suites of individual
glauconite pellets contrasts sharply with the uni-
modal distribution of dates that Smith et al. (1998)
was measured on a single glauconite pellet, rather recorded for 49 individual crystals of sanidine for
than on an assemblage of pellets as in the conven-
tional K-Ar method, may improve its reliability as
an estimate of the age of this glauconite. Table 7.2. 40Ar*/39ArDates of Single
In general, the results reported by Smith et al. Glauconite Pellets Irradiated in Evacuated
(1993) indicate that the glauconite pellets that were Ampules
irradiated in evacuated ampules yielded lower inte-
grated 40Ar*13y~r dates in all cases than the same Boundary Best Estimate (Ma)
samples irradiated in air. Recent studies by Foland
et al. (1992), Dong et al. (1997), Onstott et al. Smith et al., Harland et al.,
(1997), and Lin et al. (2000) likewise addressed the 1998 1989"
problems caused by the loss of 3yAr from lamel-
lar mineral grains with thicknesses of less than
Burdigalian to +20.5 2.6, 21.5
Aquitanian -2.5
about 1.0 Lm.
The reliability of "Ar*/"'Ar dates determined
on single glauconite pellets after irradiation in
Bartonian to +
43.4 2.9, 42.1
Lutetian (Eocene) - 1.7
evacuated ampules was evaluated by Smith et al.
(1998). Their results indicate that the integrated
Cenomanian to +96.7 3.1, 97.0
Albian (Late to -2.7
40Ar*/39Ar dates of individual glauconite pellets
Early Cretaceous)
taken from the same layer of rock range over an
interval of from 6 to 7 million years during which Source: Smith et al., 1998.
some of the glauconite pellets continued to mature. "The dates refer to the ages of the boundaries between
Consequently, Smith et al. (1998) concluded that these stages.
162 7. The " ~ r * / ~ ~Method

the Taylor Creek Rhyolite, which yielded a mean Mountain batholith. The slates of the Meguma
of 27.92 0.05 Ma (not shown). Consequently, Group were originally dated by the conventional
4 0 ~ r * / ' dates
9 ~ or Rb-Sr and U-Pb dates derived whole-rock K-Ar method (Reynolds et al., 1973).
from individual crystals of high-temperature min- Spectra of partial-release " ~ r * / ~ ~dates
A r of these
erals in tuffaceous sediment (e.g., sanidine, mus- rocks reported by Reynolds and Muecke (1978) in
covite, phlogopite, biotite, and zircon) are the most Figure 7 . 1 1 ~include a sample of hornfels from
reliable indicators of the ages of sedimentary rocks. the contact zone with a well-constrained partial-
release " ~ r * / ~ ~date
A r of 385 & 1 Ma, which is in
good agreement with K-Ar dates of biotite in the
7.7 METASEDIMENTARY South Mountain batholith. Therefore, Reynolds and
ROCKS Muecke (1978) concluded that the K-Ar systemat-
ics of this and other samples collected close to the
The ' ' ~ r * / ~ ~ Aand
r K-Ar methods have
been widely used to study whole-rock samples
of metasedimentary rocks (Dodson and Rex, 197 1;
Adams et al., 1975) and separated minerals (e.g., 6001Meguma Group, Nova Scotia
phengite, biotite, hornblende, garnet) because the
stepwise release procedure can provide information
Hornfels I
about the history of metamorphism of such rocks
and minerals. For example, Scaillet et al. (1990)
demonstrated that partial-release 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
of phengites (sericite) in the Dora Maira nappe Plateau date: 385 + 1 Ma
of the western Alps of Italy record several (reset by contact effects)
tectonometamorphic episodes both in the form of C
partial-release plateau dates and by the range of 20 40 60 80 100
spot-fusion dates on single flakes of phengite.
Similar results were reported by Wijbrans et al.
(1990) for phengites from the Cyclades of Greece. a
S 200
Additional references to 3 0 ~ r * / 3 9dating
~ r of low- Plateau date: 420 + 5 Ma
grade metamorphic rocks include the following:

Sission and Onstott, 1986, Geochim. Cos-

mochim. Acta, 50:2111-2118. Reuter and
Dallmeyer, 1987, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.,
97:352-360. Ross and Sharp, 1988, Contrib. No ~ l a t e a udate
Mineral. Petrol., 100:213-221. Dunlap et al., 0 20 40 60 80 100
1991, Geology, 19(12):1213-1216. Fraction of 3 9 ~ released,
r %
FIGURE 7 11 (a) Partial-release ' O A ~ * / ~ dates
~ A ~ of
7.7a Meguma Group, Nova Scotia hornfels from the contact between
metasedimentary rocks of the early Paleozoic
The slates of the Meguma Group in Nova Sco- Meguma Group and the granitic intrusives of the
tia have attracted attention because they contain South Mountain batholith in Nova Scotia, Canada.
gold-bearing quartz veins (Kontak et al., 1998). (b) Spectrum of ''~r*/'~Ar dates of slate of the
The sedimentary rocks of the Meguma Group were Meguma Group unaffected by the intrusion
deposited in early Paleozoic time and were sub- of granites. ( c ) Spectrum of ' ' ~ r * / ~ ~ A
r of
sequently subjected to low-grade regional meta- slate containing detrital microcline. No plateau
morphism during the Acadian orogeny followed date can be calculated. Data from Reynolds and
by intrusion of the granitic rocks of the South Muecke (1978).
Mefasedimentary Rocks 163

contact were completely reset by the intrusion of method can be applied not only to very young
the granitic rocks. minerals (e.g., sanidine in Pleistocene tuff) but
A second group of slates collected farther also to metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of
from the intrusive contact also yielded well-defined Early Archean age, such as the Isua supracrustals in
4 0 ~ r * / " 9 partial-release
~r plateaus, including an southern West Greenland and the low-grade meta-
older date of about 420 f 5 Ma in Figure 7.11b. morphic rocks of the Barberton greenstone belt in
The plateau dates of these slates exceed the age Swaziland, South Africa.
of the batholith but underestimate the age of the The metavolcanic rocks (komatiites) of the
Acadian orogeny in this region. Two additional Onverwacht Group in the Barberton greenstone
samples of slate, one of which is shown in belt yielded 4 0 ~ r * / 3 y plateau
~r dates between
Figure 7.11c, contained detrital K-feldspar and 3.11 and 3.49 Ga (Lopez-Martinez et al., 1984).
formed steplike profiles that did not permit a The oldest 4 0 ~ r * / 3 ydates
~ r between 3.45 and
reliable age determination. 3.49 Ga are not distinguishable from the whole-
The results of the study of Reynolds and rock Sm-Nd isochron date of 3 . 5 4 0 f 0.015 Ga.
Muecke (1978) can be summarized as follows: Since the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r reflect the time of
last alteration of the K-Ar systematics of these
1. Slates unaffected by later contact metamorphism rocks, Lopez-Martinez et al. (1984) concluded that
yield age spectra with well-defined plateaus that the komatiite flows of the Onverwacht Group were
reflect the time of regional metamorphism. subjected to low-grade regional metamorphism less
2. Slates that were reheated by nearby magmatic than 100 million years after their eruption.
activity have plateau dates that reflect the time of The metavolcanic rocks of the Onvenvacht
reheating even though this event is not recorded Group are overlain by the metasedimentary rocks
by mineralogical changes. of the Fig Tree and Moodies Groups. The lat-
3. The 4 0 ~ r * 1 ' 9 ~dates
r of slates containing K- ter contains the oldest record of tides on the
feldspar increase with increasing gas release Earth (Eriksson and Simpson, 2000). The Fig
temperature and fail to form a stable plateau. Tree Group is composed of greywackes and
4. The plateau dates of slates that do not contain shales but includes also conglomerates, sandstones,
K-feldspar are slightly higher than their total- banded iron formation, chert, and barite. Alexan-
release and conventional K-Ar dates because der (1975) obtained a saddle-shaped profile of
the low-temperature gas fractions appear to be 4oAr*/'yAr dates for a sample of chert with a total-
depleted in radiogenic 4 0 ~ r . release date of 2.976 f0.026 Ga (A = 5.5305 x
10-l0 y - ). Other age determinations reviewed
An important point to be made in conclusions by de Ronde et al. (1991) indicate that the age of
is that the 40Ar*/"yArplateaus of slates can be inter- the Fig Tree Group is less than 3.453 f 0.018 Ga
preted to date the time of regional metamorphism but older than about 3.23 Ga, whereas the age of
only when it can be shown from field evidence the Moodies Group is 3.164 Ga.
that the rocks were not reheated in the course of De Ronde et al. (1991) used a continuous
magmatic activity subsequent to their metamorphic Ar-ion laser to heat selected grains of irradiated
crystallization. barite, sandstone, and shale at stepwise-increasing
temperatures. The isotope composition of the Ar
released during each step was measured by mass
7.7b Barberton Greenstone Belt. Swaziland spectrometry. All corrections for the presence of
atmospheric Ar and for interfering neutron capture
Metasedimentary rocks of low grade contain miner- reactions were made by a preprogrammed dedicated
als with different blocking temperatures for radio- computer. The Ca/K ratios of the samples were
genic 4 0 ~ rTherefore,
. spectra of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~r calculated from the 3 7 ~ r / 3 yratios
~ r because 3 7 ~ r
obtained by stepwise release of Ar from whole-rock is produced by the 40Ca (n, a ) "Ar reaction.
samples can record the occurrence of more than one Similarly, the 3 8 ~ r / 3 yratio
~ r yielded the C1/K
metamorphic episode. In addition, the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 y ~ r ratio of the sample because ' 8 ~ is r formed during
164 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9Method

the irradiation by the 37Cl(n, y , B - ) 38Ar reaction. that the high-temperature gas containing about
The Ca/K and C l K ratios calculated by this 20 percent of the released 39Ar originated from
method provide information about the minerals a mineral that had a higher Ca/K ratio (0.3 to
from which the Ar in the sample was derived at 1.0) than the lower temperature gas (0-80 percent
different temperatures. of 3yAr), which originated from a mineral having
The results, illustrated in Figure 7.12 for a a low C d K ratio (<0.1). The plateau date of
sample of barite in the Fig Tree Group, indicate the low-temperature gas is 2.673 f 0.0018 Ga.
The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ratios
~r of the high-temperature
gas yielded an older date of about 2.820 Ga. A
sandstone sample that was closely associated with
Barite, Fig Tree Grp., the barite recorded a plateau date of only 2.408 f
Barberton Greenstone Blt. 0.0014 Ga calculated for the low-temperature gas
South Africa derived from illite or sericite (not shown).
Other mineral phases in metasedimentary
rocks of the Fig Tree Group (e.g., quartz, tour-
maline, barite, and illitelsencite) yielded dates of
about 2.350-2.400 and 2.025-2.090 Ga. De Ronde
et al. (1991) concluded that these ' O ~ r * l ~ ~dates
record the effects of thermal overprinting associ-
ated with the intrusion of granitic plutons (2.673 4
0.018 Ga) and with the occurrence of large-scale
tectonothermal activity that accompanied the intru-
sion of the Bushveld Complex (2.025-2.090 Ga)
composed of differentiated gabbros and ultramafic
rocks (Faure, 2001).
The wide range of " ~ r * / ~plateau ~ ~ r dates
reported by Lopez-Martinez et al. (1984) and de
Ronde et al. (1991) for rocks of the Barberton
greenstone belt (3.49 and 2.025 Ga) is attributable
both to the tectonothermal conditions of rock sam-
(4 ples in different parts of this belt and to differences
I 1 ' I I 1 ' I 1
in the blocking temperatures of the principal K-
0 20 40 60 80 100 bearing minerals they contain (e.g., amphiboles,
Fraction of 3 9 ~released,
r % barite, illite, quartz, and tourmaline). Metasedi-
FIGURE 7.12 (a) Spectrum of C d K ratios of barite mentary rocks containing two or more K-bearing
in the Fig Tree Group of the Barberton greenstone minerals with different blocking temperatures can
belt in Swaziland, South Africa. The C d K ratios yield complex 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9partial-release
~r spectra. In
were calculated from the isotope composition of cases where the intensity of metamorphic episodes
Ar released during stepwise heating, as explained decreased with time, the most retentive minerals
in the text. The increase of the C d K ratio of the record the earliest event, whereas the least retentive
high-temperature fractions of Ar was caused by minerals record the last episode of metamorphism.
the presence of a second mineral that has a higher Consequently, the spectra of 40Ar*/'9~rdates of
blocking temperature (i.e., is more retentive) than rocks containing minerals having different blocking
barite. (b) Spectrum of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 ydates
~ r of the temperatures may have two valid plateaus.
same barite showing two plateaus with dates of
2.673 f 0.0018 and 2.820 Ga. The age of the 7 . 7 ~ Dating of Low-K Minerals
metasedimentary rocks of the Fig Tree Group lies
between 3.45 and 3.23 Ga. Adapted from A final point to be made here is that the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 A r
de Ronde et al. (1991). dates reported by Lopez-Martinez et al. (1984)
Metasedimentary Rocks 165

and de Ronde et al. (1991) were obtained from

rocks whose minerals had remarkably low K con-
centrations (e.g., 80 ppm for the komatiites of
the Onverwacht Group). Both studies were car-
ried out by members of the research group of
Derek York in the Physics Department of the Uni-
versity of Toronto. York and his associates have
demonstrated that even minerals having low K con-
centrations may be amenable to 40~r*/39Ar dat-
ing by the laser step-heating procedure, such as
pyrite (York et al., 1982), pyroxene (Hanes et al.,
1985), hornblende (Layer et al., 1987), and mag-
netite (Ozdemir and York, 1990).
The possibility of dating common sulfide
minerals by the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method
~r is especially
noteworthy because minerals such as pyrite (FeS2)
occur in certain kinds of ore deposits as well as in FIGURE 7.13 Isotope correlation diagram for Ar
shales, limestones, and many kinds of igneous rocks released by fusion of pyrite samples from the
and meteorites. For example, Niemeyer (1979) sulfide ore body at the Geco Mine,
reported that he had dated troilite (FeS) from Manitouwadge, Ontario. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9ratio~r
the iron meteorites Pitts and Mundrabilla by the given by the slope of the line corresponds to a
' O A ~ * / ~partial-release
~A~ method. The spectrum of date of 2500 f 120 Ma and the initial 4 0 ~ r / 3 6 A r
dates he obtained was complex and required careful +
ratio is 359 17. The date derived from the pyrite
interpretation. Nevertheless, these results suggested is indistinguishable from 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9plateau
~ r dates
that even K-poor sulfide minerals may be datable of biotites from the Geco Mine. Data from York
by the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method.
~r et al. (1982).
York et al. (1982) subsequently demonstrated
that pyrite from the Geco Mine at Manitouwadge
in northern Ontario is datable by the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r bartonite at Coyote Peak was 9.91 percent (C1 poor)
method. They irradiated six pyrite samples and and 10.7 percent (C1 rich). It also contained Fe
plotted the measured 4 0 ~ r / 3 6and
~ r3 9 ~ r / 3 6ratios
~r (50.5 and 49.0 percent), S (38.2 and 37.3 percent),
on an isotope correlation diagram. The results in and small amounts of Cu, Ni, C1, and Na. The
Figure 7.13 are linearly correlated and correspond 40Ar*/39~r total-release dates of the rasvumite and
to a date of 2500 f 120 Ma. This date is similar bartonite in Table 7.3 are in good agreement with
to plateau dates of two biotites from the Geco a " ~ r * / ~ ~total-release
Ar date of phlogopite from
ore body. Coyote Peak (Czamanske et al., 1978). Although
In a related study, Czamanske et al. (1978)
dated the K-bearing sulfide minerals rasvumite
(KFe2S3) and bartonite (K3FeloS14)by the total- Table 7.3. 40Ar*/39ArDates of Fe-K Sulfide
release 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method.
~r These minerals occur Minerals Rasvumite and Bartonite at Coyote
in an alkali-rich mafic diatreme of Tertiary age Peak, California
that intruded a melange of Franciscan rocks at
Coyote Peak about 42 km north of the town "~r*/~~Ar K- Ar
of Arcata in northern California. Rasvumite was Mineral (Ma) (Ma)
originally discovered in the alkali-rich Khibina
Phlogopite 28.3 f0.4 30.2 f 1.0
intrusion on the Kola Peninsula of Russia. The
Rasvumite 26.5 f0.5
specimen of rasvumite at Coyote Peak contained
Bartonite 29.4 f0.5
16.3 percent K, 44.8 percent Fe, 37.5 percent S,
and 0.06 percent Na. The K concentration of the Source: Czamanske et al., 1978.
166 7. The 40 ~r */39 ~r Method

rasvumite and bartonite are rare minerals and are The P b Z n ore at Broken Hill occurs in
K rich rather than K poor, their existence provided high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Willyama
an opportunity to date sulfide minerals by the Complex, which consists of metasedin~entaryand
4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method.
~r metavolcanic rocks with minor granitic, mafic,
and ultramafic intrusives (Vernon, 1969).The rocks
exposed at the surface range in grade from
7.8 METAMORPHIC ROCKS: andalusite-muscovite gneiss in the north to two-
BROKEN HILL, N.S.W., pyroxene granulites in the south. These rocks were
AUSTRALIA subjected to three episodes of folding followed by
the intrusion of granitic rocks of the Mundi Mundi
The " ~ r * / ~ ~partial-release
Ar method continues to type and by ultramafic rocks.
be used to date minerals in high-grade metamorphic The whole-rock Rb-Sr method used by Pid-
rocks. The minerals that are singled out for analysis geon (1967) and Shaw (1969) yielded a date of
include not only muscovite and biotite but also 1660 f 10 Ma (A = 1.42 x lo-" y-') for the age
hornblende, pyroxene, and plagioclase: of the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Mine
Sequence which hosts the ore at Broken Hill. Pid-
Dallmeyer, 1975a, Geochim. Cosmochim. geon (1967) also obtained a Rb-Sr date of 1490 f
Acta, 39:1655-1669. Dallmeyer et al., 1975, 20 Ma for whole-rock samples and muscovite of the
Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 86:1435-1443. Han- Mundi Mundi granitoids. However, K-Ar as well as
son et a]., 1975. Geochim. Cosmochim. Rb-Sr dates of biotites in the Mundi Mundi grani-
Acta, 39: 1269- 1278. Berger, 1975, Earth toids indicate the occurrence of a thermal event at
Planet. Sci. Lett., 26:387-408. Dallmeyer and about 520 Ma and the neoformation of muscovite
Rivers, 1983, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, at about 484 Ma in shear zones that cut the Mine
47:413-428. Claesson and Roddick, 1983, Sequence (Richards and Pidgeon, 1963; Binns and
Lithos, 16:61-73. Berry and McDougall, Miller, 1963).
1986, Chem. Geol. (Isotope Geosci. Sect.), The conventional K-Ar dates reported by
59:43-58. Lippolt and Kirsch, 1994, Chemie Harrison and McDougall (1981) for minerals in the
der Erde, 54: 179- 198. Pickles et al., 1997. metamorphic rocks at Broken Hill in Figure 7.14
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 61 :3809-3834. range from 529.3 f 9.0 Ma (biotitej to 6150.0 f
Hames and Cheney, 1997. Geochim. Cos- 62 Ma (plagioclase). The occurrence of K-Ar
mochirn. Acta, 61:3863-3872. Kelley et al., dates in excess of 3.5 Ga in several samples of
1997, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 6 1:3873- plagioclase and pyroxene indicates the presence
3878. Siebel et al., 1998, Geology, 26:31-34. of excess " ~ r ,whereas the uniformly low biotite
dates (529.3-540.0 Ma) reflect the time of final
In addition, the 3 0 ~ r * / 3 ' ~method
r has been cooling of the Willyama Complex to the blocking
used to date ore deposits: temperature of this mineral. The K-Ar dates of
hornblendes that are clustered between 1.5 and
Dallmeyer, 1975b, Econ. Geol., 70:341-345. 2.0 Ga in Figure 7.14 actually have a bimodal
Harrison and McDougall, 1981, Earth Planet. distribution with means of 1660 i 27 and 1850 f
Sci. Lett., 55: 123- 149. Wu, 1992, Mineral. 35 Ma. Although the average K-Ar hornblende
Deposits, 10(4):358-369. Kontak et al., 1998, date of 1660 f 27 Ma is identical to the whole-rock
Can. J. Earth Sci., 35:746-761. Bierstein Rb-Sr isochron date (1660 f 10 Ma) of Pidgeon
et al., 1999, Austral. J. Earth Sci., 46:301. (1967) and therefore presumably dates the time of
high-grade metamorphism, the wide range of K-Ar
Additional reports on J 0 ~ r * l - ' 9 ~dating
r of ore dates and the evidence for excess ' " ~ r in several
deposits have been published in Economic Geol- minerals do not permit a definitive interpretation of
ogy, Mineralium Deposita, and other earth sci- these dates in terms of the geological history of the
ence journals. ore deposit at Broken Hill.
Metamorphic Rocks: Broken Hill,N.S.W., Australia 167

Granulite, 4 Hornblende, Granulite

Broken Hill, NSW, Broken Hill, NSW
Australia Australia

o) *\ Plateau
S 2i'
a n
Hornblende 0

r l I I I I ,
' ' '074' ' '018' ' '11.2)0 20 40 60 80 100
3 4 5 Fraction of 3 9 ~released,
r %
0 - Pyroxene FIGURE 7.15 Spectrum of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r of
& 2- hornblende in the granulite at Broken Hill,
1 2 3 4 5
N.S.W., Australia. The dates calculated from the
4-- Plagioclase
low-temperature gas (1.3 percent) are inflated
because of the presence of excess 4 0 ~ rThe.
- I -,
plateau date is 1577 f 3 Ma. Data from Harrison
and McDougall (198 1).
O o1 2
d 3n 4 5
- Biotite
2 - Muscovite
- I I I I
form the plateau in Figure 7.15 also define a K-Ar
O0 1 2 3 4 5 isochron (not shown) corresponding to a date of
Conventional K-Ar date, Ga 1573 i 5 Ma and an initial 4 0 ~ r / 3 9ratio
~ r of 348 f
58, in agreement with atmospheric Ar. There-
FIGURE 7.14 Conventional K-Ar dates of minerals
fore, Harrison and McDougall (1981) concluded
(hornblende, pyroxene, plagioclase) in granulites
that this hornblende cooled through its blocking
and in granitic intrusives (biotite and muscovite)
temperature of about 500°C at the time indicated
at Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. The
by the plateau and the isochron at about 1575 Ma.
anomalously old dates (>2.0 Ga) are caused by
The anomalously old dates of the low-temperature
the presence of excess 4 0 ~inr all of the minerals
gas indicate that the excess 4 0 ~diffused
r from grain
in the granulite gneisses. Data from Hamson and
boundaries into the surface layer of this and other
McDougall (198 1).
hornblendes and that the 4 0 ~ r / 3 6ratio
~ r of this
Ar was greater than 1500. The plagioclase in the
same sample of granulite yielded a conventional
The 40~r*/39Arspectrum of dates reported K-Ar date of 1971.0 f 18.0 Ma, which exceeds
by Harrison and McDougall (1981) for one of the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9plateau
~r date of the hornblende in
the hornblendes (K-Ar date: 1628 f46 Ma) in this rock. Since plagioclase does not retain 40Ar as
Figure 7.15 clearly demonstrates the presence of well as hornblende, the plagioclase also contains
excess 40Ar, especially in the first 1.30 percent of excess jOAr.
39Ar released at T < 860°C, which yielded dates A plagioclase in a rock from a nearby
approaching 4.0 Ga. However, about 20 percent of location in the same layer of granulite yielded
the gas released between 940 and 1020°C formed the saddle-shaped pattern in Figure 7.16 in which
a plateau with an average date of 1577 f 3.0 Ma. the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r of the low-temperature gas
Therefore, the conventional K-Ar date of this horn- (t550°C, 7.38 percent of 3 9 ~ rreach ) a value of
blende (1628 Ma) is in error because of the pres- 5748 f 23 Ma before declining to 599.8 f 17 Ma
ence of excess 4 0 ~ rThe
. dates calculated from for gas released at 840°C (7.4 percent of total 3 9 ~ r ) .
the high-temperature gas (1050- 1120°C) increased The dates then increase to 5598 f 18 Ma (T =
stepwise to 2307 Ma. The six gas fractions that 1250°C, 2.7 percent of total 3 9 ~ r )The
. minimum
168 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9Method

anorthite-rich and albite-anorthite lamellae. Each

' C Plagioclase, Granulite

Broken Hill, N.S.W. I pair of anorthite-albite lamellae is about 50 A
wide and is separated from the neighboring pair
by a surface along which rapid diffusion can
occur. The existence of lamellae causes loss of
3 9 ~byr recoil, which results in an increase in the
4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 Aratio
r of the gas released at high tem-
perature primarily from the anorthite-rich lamel-
lae. Similar complex spectra of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates~r
may occur in pyroxene, which also contains exso-
lution lamellae. The problems of dating feldspars
by the 40Ar*/39Ar method have been discussed
O k 20
l l 40
l l 60' l80 l 100
l l 'by Harrison (1990), Harrison et al. (1991), and
Fraction of 3 9 ~released,
r % Reddy et al. (1999).
The thermal history of this region revealed
FIGURE 7.16 Spectrum of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9dates
~ r of by the age determinations includes the following
plagioclase in granulite at Broken Hill, N.S.W., events (Harrison and McDougall, 1981):
Australia. The saddle shape of the spectrum is
typical of all plagioclase spectra at this locality.
The presence of excess 4 0 ~isr indicated by the
anomalous dates of the low-temperature gas
- -
1. High-grade regional metamorphism at 1660 Ma
and T 800°C (whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron).
2. Cooling to T 500°C at 1575 Ma, implying a
(1 1 percent). The dates in the saddle are older
cooling rate of about of 3.5"C per lo6 years.
than the time of complete outgassing and
(40~r*/39Ar plateau date of hornblende).
subsequent introduction of excess 40Ar. The
excessive old dates of the high-temperature gas
3. Continued cooling to T 350°C at about
1450 Ma at a rate of 1.2"C per lo6 years (K-Ar
(>50 percent) result from the presence of lamellae
dates, muscovite, Mundi Mundi granitoids).
formed by Huttenlocher exsolution. Data
4. After continued cooling, the temperature rose to
from Harrison and McDougall (1981).
300 or 350°C at 520 Ma (K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates
of biotite).
5. Continued cooling to 100°C at 280 Ma (fission-
date of this feldspar is an overestimate of the time track date of apatite). (See Section 22.2).
when this mineral lost all previously accumulated
radiogenic 4 0 ~ and
r also predates the time when
the excess "Ar entered the plagioclase by diffusion
from the grain boundaries. 7.9 THERMOCHRONOMETRY:
An important question considered by Hamson HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS,
and McDougall (1981) is why the dates of high- ONTARIO, CANADA
temperature gas in this and all other feldspars
at Broken Hill rise to values exceeding the age Age determinations of minerals by the conven-
of the Earth. The presence of highly retentive tional K-Ar and 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9methods
~r may be used
accessory minerals, which may explain the saddle- to determine the age as well as certain physical
shaped spectrum of the whole-rock sample of dia- parameters relating to the diffusion of Ar. This
base in Figure 7.5, does not apply here because extension of the K-Ar methods of dating was dis-
the saddle-shaped pattern in Figure 7.16 is for cussed by AlbarCde (1978) and was later developed
a highly purified sample of plagioclase. Hamson by Berger and York (1981) and Harrison (1981).
and McDougall (1981) attributed the anomalously Berger and York gave the name "argon isotope
old 40Ar*/39Ar dates of the Ar released at high thermochronometry" to such studies. The basic
temperature to the effects of Huttenlocher exso- objective of thermochronometry is to determine
lution, which causes the formation of alternating not only dates for different K-bearing minerals in
Thennochronometry: Haliburton Highlands, Ontario, Canada 169

a rock but also the temperatures that existed in

the rock at the times recorded by the minerals.
In the ideal case, this information may be com-
bined to construct a cooling curve for the rocks
and, hence, its thermal history (McDougall and
Harrison, 1988).
To accomplish this objective, one must assume
that Ar is, in fact, transported by diffusion and
is not released during loss of water, phase trans-
formations, or melting of the mineral. To assure
that Ar was released by diffusion, Harrison (1981)
heated hornblendes under hydrothermal conditions
at different temperatures and calculated the diffu-
sion coefficients for Ar from the fraction of the
radiogenic 4 0 ~ released
r as a function of tem-
perature using a formula derived by Fechtig and FIGURE 7 17 Arrhenius plot of diffusion coefficients

Kalbitzer (1966). The relationship between the dif- for Ar in hornblende (sample 77-600) at different
fusion coefficient D (in cm2/s) and the temper- temperatures between 750 and 900°C. The slope
ature T (in kelvin) is given by the Arrhenius of the straight line yields an activation energy
equation E = 66.1 f 3.9 kcallmol and a frequency factor
D = D ~ ~ - ~ I (7.14) ~ ~ +
Do = 0.061 0.36, -0.10 cm2/s. The hornblende
was heated under hydrothermal conditions to
assure that the Ar was released only by diffusion
where Do is the frequency factor (in cm2/s), E
and not by loss of water or melting of the mineral.
is the activation energy (in kcallmol or kJ/mol),
Data from Harrison (1981).
and R is the gas constant (1.987 cal/deg/mol or
8.3 1441 J/mol/K). This equation is transformed
into a straight line by taking natural logarithms of
both sides: the grains from which Ar is diffusing. This pro-
cedure for determining Do and E is illustrated
in Figure 7.17 by diffusion data for hornblende
from Harrison (1981).
By combining diffusion coefficients for Ar
To make the activation energy E (expressed in in hornblende obtained experimentally and geo-
kcal/mol) compatible with R (cal/deg/mol), E is logically, Harrison (1981) obtained an activa-
multiplied by lo3: *
tion energy E = 64.1 1.7 kcallmol and Do =
0.024 0.053, -0.01 1 cm2/s. He used these results
to calculate closure temperatures (Tc) between 578
and 490°C for hornblende grains having effective
diameters of 80 k m and cooling rates ranging from
Therefore, the numerical values of diffusion coeffi- 500 to 5OC per lo6 years using Dodson's formula:
cients, calculated from the partial-Ar-release data at
stepwise-increasing temperatures, generate a series
of data points that define a straight line in coor-
dinates of In D and 103/T. The activation energy
E is determined from the slope m of this line by where A is a geometry factor equal to 55 for
the relationship E = mR, whereas the frequency spherical grains and 27 for cylindrical grains and
factor lnDo is given by its intercept with the ordi- d T / d t is the cooling rate at the closure temperature
nate. The Arrhenius equation can also be writ- Tc (Dodson, 1973, 1976, 1979). Equation 7.17 can
ten in terms of ~ / a where~ , a is the radius of be solved iteratively by substituting an arbitrarily
170 7. The 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9Method

selected value of Tc into the logarithmic term, effective radius of the grains, and (3) the rate of
which is then used to calculate Tc for appropriate cooling at the closure temperature.
values of A, R , ~ o / a E~, ,and d T / d t . The value Among the 18 mineral concentrates Berger
of Tc obtained in this way is then back-substituted and York (1981) analyzed in their study, 11 met
into the logarithmic term until the calculated both of their criteria for data selection. They
value of Tc becomes constant with successive used these reliable data points to construct a
iterations. Harrison's work demonstrated that the cooling curve for the Haliburton Highlands of
closure temperatures of hornblendes increase with the Grenville Province of Ontario, shown in
increasing grain size and cooling rate but appear Figure 7.18. The cooling rates implied by this
to be independent of the chemical composition of curve decrease with time from about 20°C/106 y
the hornblende. at 975 Ma to about 2"C/106 y at 925 Ma and about
Berger and York (1981) used the results of 0 . 3 " ~ / 1 0y ~at 700 Ma. By using the metamorphic
step heating for dating by the 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9method
~r to grade of the rocks of the Haliburton Highlands
determine frequency factors and activation energies to determine lithostatic pressure, Berger and York
(1981) estimated that the depth of burial was about
for the diffusion of radiogenic 4 0 ~inr hornblende,
21 km at about 1000 Ma when the temperature was
biotite, K-feldspar, and plagioclase of rocks from
about 700°C. These results imply a high geothermal
the Grenville structural province of Canada. They
gradient for the region of about 33"Clkm compared
calculated diffusion coefficients from the relative
to the present gradient between 15"C/km and
volumes of radiogenic 4 0 ~ released
r at different 20°C/km. The cooling curve preferred by Berger
temperatures and applied two criteria for selecting and York (1981) indicates that the rocks had
reliable data: (1) at least five points must form a reached a temperature of about 140°C at 550 Ma.
"reliable" plateau in the spectrum of 4 0 ~ r * / 3 9 ~ r The geothermal gradient given above indicates
dates and (2) the same points must form a straight that the rocks had been uplifted from a depth
line in the Arrhenius plot in coordinates of lnDo of 21 km at 1000 Ma to about 4.3 km below the
and 103/T. The results, summarized in Table 7.4, surface at 550 Ma, which implies at rate of uplift
confirm that the closure temperatures for radiogenic of 37 m/106 y, or 0.037 m d y . Subsequently, the
4 0 ~ofr these minerals decrease sequentially from uplift rate decreased to a time-integrated value of
hornblende, biotite, K-feldspar, and plagioclase. about 8 m/106 y in the period from 550 Ma to
However, the numerical values of the closure the present. These deductions are compatible with
temperatures depend on the assumption that Ar the geology of the Grenville Province and may be
was, in fact, lost by diffusion and on other factors, taken as confirmation of the validity of Ar isotope
including (1) the geometry of the grains, (2) the thermochronometry.

Table 7.4. Summary of Closure Temperatures Calculated from Rate Parameters for Diffusion of Ar
in Different Minerals at Cooling Rates of 5"C/106y
Mineral Temperature, "C Grain Size, k m Reference
Hornblende 490 80 Harrison, 1981
Hornblende 685 f 53" 210-840 Berger and York, 1981
Biotite 373 f 21" 500-1410 Berger and York, 1981
K-feldspar 2 3 0 f 18' 125-840 Berger and York, 1981
Plagioclase 176 f 54".' 125-210 Berger and York, 1981
Microcline 1 3 2 f 13 125-250 Hanison and McDougall, 1982
"Average of several determinations judged to be "reliable" by the authors
b ~ o o l i n grate assumed to be 0.5"C/106 y.
Summary 171

I I I - I I I I
800 - Hallburton Highlands, -
Grenville Structural Province, Canada

- -

600 - -

oE.. - Cooling
curve -
- x -
X Biotite
f - A K-feldspar -
0 Plagioclase
200 - -
Assumed cooling rate:
- 0

5 " ~ / 1 0 ~ ~+ +- 0 . 5 " ~ l 1 0 ~ ~ 0
1000 900 800 700 600 500 400
Age, Ma
FIGURE 7.18 Cooling curve for the Haliburton Highlands, Grenville structural province, Ontario, derived by
determining both a date and a closure temperature during step heating of minerals for dating by the
" O A ~ * / ' ~method.
A~ The error bars have been omitted to avoid obscuring the cooling curve. The results
imply a high geothermal gradient of about 3 3 " C h at about 1000 Ma and cooling rates that decreased
from about 2 0 " ~ / 1 0y ~at 975 Ma to about 2"C/106 y at 925 Ma and to about 0.3"C/106 y at 700 Ma. By
combining the thermal history with estimates of lithostatic pressure at 1000 Ma, time-integrated uplift rates
of about 37 mllOh y between 1000 and 550 Ma and about 8 rn/106 y from 550 Ma to the present are
indicated. Adapted from Berger and York (1981).

Additional application of this technique have 7 . 10 S U M M A R Y

been presented elsewhere:
The 4 0 ~ r * / ' 9 ~method
r is based on analytical
Harrison and McDougall, 1982, Geochim.
procedures that permit its application not only
Cosmochim. Actn, 46: 1811- 1820. Harri-
to extraterrestrial rocks from the asteroids. the
son and Be, 1983, Earth Planet. Sci.
Moon, and Mars but also to dating single grains of
Lett., 64:244-256. Harrison et al., 1986,
minerals in terrestrial rocks whose ages approach
J. Geophys. Res.. 91(B2): 1899- 1908. Scail-
historical time:
let et al., 1996, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,
60:4673-4688. Holm and Lux, 1998, Can. J.
Earth Sci., 35:1143-1151. Foster et al., 1989, 1. Potassium is determined by 39Ar formed by an
J. Geol., 97(2):232-244. n, p reaction on 3 9 in~ a nuclear reactor.
2. The neutron flux to which the samples are
A summary of studies on cooling histories was exposed during the irradiation is determined by
published by York (1984). a monitor consisting of a K-bearing mineral
172 7. The J o ~ r * / 3 5~~e rt h o d

whose age has been accurately determined by or rocks containing excess '"Ar. in many cases.
another method. have saddle-shaped spectra of "'Ar*/"%r dates, but
3. The minerals or whole-rock samples are heated the lowest dates in the middle of the saddle, in
stepwise at increasing temperatures and the most cases, overestimate the age of the minerals
J 0 ~ r * / 3 ' ratios
~ r of the gas released at each step or rocks.
are used to calculate a spectrum of dates. The 40~r*/3'Armethod has been widely used
4. The spectrum of "Ar*I3'Ar dates can be to date high-grade metamorphic and igneous rocks
interpreted to detect that contain several K-bearing minerals with differ-
a. loss of "'r* from lattice sites that release ent blocking temperatures (e.g.. hornblende, mus-
Ar at low temperature because they have low covite, biotite, K-feldspar). The blocking tempera-
activation energies; tures of these minerals and their '"Ar*/"Ar dates
b. presence of excessaAr in the form of dif- can be used to reconstruct the cooling histories of
fusion profiles that extend from the surfaces the rocks. which reveal not only episodic heating by
into the interiors of mineral grains; the intrusion of magma but also uplift and erosion
c. presence of a "plateau" consisting of a sig- of blocks of continental crust.
nificant fraction of the released Ar, yielding The miniaturization of sample size and of the
constant dates within analytical errors; and gas-handling equipment has greatly reduced the
d. presence of two or more mineral components contamination of samples by atmospheric Ar, which
having different CaIK ratios that release Ar has improved the sensitivity of the equipment and
yielding different 40Ar*/39Ardates. the precision of the measurements. As a result,
5. Individual mineral grains in a polished rock samples with ages on the order of lo4 years
surface can be dated by releasing gas from small can now be dated successfully. In addition, the
pits by means of a pulsed laser to obtain multiple use of computers in the control of the equipment
total-release dates. and in the reduction of the data has facilitated
6. Separated grains of minerals and of fine-grained the analysis of samples to such an extent that
rocks can be heated stepwise by means of a several laboratories are now equipped to operate
continuous laser whose power can be adjusted. continuously in automatic mode.
7. The 4 0 ~ r / " ~and r 39Ar/3hArratios of gas that
was released at increasing temperatures are
linearly correlated and define a straight line
whose slope is the 40Ar*/39Ar ratio of the REFERENCES FOR PRINCIPLES
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