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Arellano University

Neatness: 2
Senior High School Department
Completeness: 3
S.Y. 2020-2021 Creativity: 2
Content: 8
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Total: 15

Date: February 7, 2022

TOPIC: Writing a Comprehensive Review or Reaction Paper
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Define Precis, Abstract, and Summary;
b. Identify what is the purpose of a Comprehensive Review Paper, Reaction Paper,
and Critique Paper;
c. Write a Comprehensive Review Paper, Reaction Paper, and Critique Paper.

REFERENCES: MELCs (English for Academic and Professional Purposes), Syllabus, Course
Outline, and Curriculum Guide, Google/Internet

CONCEPT NOTES: Writing a Comprehensive Review or Reaction Paper

❖ Review paper – A review sometimes called a critique or an evaluative

paper, critically and carefully examines another writer’s work.

❖ A review sometimes called a critique or an evaluative paper, critically and

carefully examines another writer’s work, almost like a peer review. May
provide an overall assessment or may focus on specific parts of a piece of

Writing a review or critique on a work helps you to develop:

1. Knowledge of the work’s subject area
2. An understanding of the work’s purpose, intended audience, development of
argument, the structure of the evidence, or creative style.
3. A recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work.
❖ Parts of a Review Paper:
❖ A reaction paper is an essay in which you describe the emotions a certain person,
object, or event caused in you. It is not only an expression of your emotion, but a
reaction paper is a type of academic paper that requires the ability to present thoughts
in a scholarly manner.

❖ Reaction or response papers are designed so that you'll consider carefully

what you think or feel about something you've read or seen

Purpose of a Reaction Paper:

1. to develop the ability in expressing oneself in an academic and professional manner.
2. to understand and communicate information is the essence of being educated
3. provide the opportunity for you to explore a particular topic.
❖ Parts of a Reaction Paper:

Guide questions:
1. What is the definition of a reaction paper and review paper?
2. What is the purpose of each paper?

Discussion of the following:
A. What are the differences between a reaction paper and a review paper?
B. Do you think a reaction paper and review paper will help you in writing an
academic text? Why?


Directions: Use the table below to compare Review and Reaction Paper
Review Paper Reaction Paper
Read and study the following topics:

Types of Academic Text

a. Reaction Paper
b. Review
c. Critique: Formalism and Feminism

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