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n Edward C. Godnig, O.D. Introduction

Abstract achistoscopic training, also increase the number and/or complexity of

Tachistoscopic training, also known a known as Flash Recognition the visual targets while maintaining accu-
Flash Recognition Training (FRT), is a per- Training (FRT) in some cir- rate recall. Often numbers have been used
ceptual enhancement technique designed cles, requires an individual as the visual targets, and research has
to improve the recall of visual information. to gather visual information shown that humans have the capability of
The speed and accuracy of this recall al- and immediately recall as much as possi- recalling correctly and in the proper se-
lows for integration of vision with prior ex- ble about the information. A second phase quence, eleven numbers exposed for a
periences in an optimal manner. This requires the individual to express the de- 0.53 second flash duration.1
article briefly reviews the history of the rived information via verbal, written or This article will present a brief history
tachistoscope and some of the research that keyboard computer means. The first ta- of the tachistoscope and discuss its uses in
supports the efficacy of the tachistoscope as chistoscopes were essentially sophisti- optometry and other fields. It is hoped that
a diagnostic and training device. Its uses in cated shutter aperture devices that this discussion will motivate optometrists
optometry, law enforcement and military allowed precise brief exposures of images to maximally utilize this instrument in
training and as a research tool in psychol- to appear on a screen. Tachistoscope is their vision training programs and to be-
ogy are discussed, along with its applica- derived from the Greek words ‘tachys’ come involved with other fields that have
tion to sports vision.
meaning swift and ‘skopion’ meaning in- used it in the interest of optimizing various
strument for viewing or observing. Most areas of human performance.
tachistoscopes were designed to allow ex-
Key Words Background
posures ranging from 2 seconds to 0.01
accuracy, automoticity, flash recognition In 1938, Bender used visual motor pat-
second duration. They also usually al-
training, law enforcement and military terns, i.e., patterns that the subject views
training, memory, perceptual speed, psy-
lowed for precisely timed intervals be-
and then draws, as stimuli to illustrate a
chology, reading, sports vision, tachisto- tween exposures.1 With modern techno-
Gestalt function. She defined Gestalt as
scopic training, visual recall logy, the basic tachistoscopes have been
“that function of the integrated organism
replaced with computer programs that
whereby it responds to a given constella-
generate exposure times with more grada-
tion of stimuli as a whole; the process it-
tions and variable time intervals allowing
self being a constellation, or pattern, or
exposures as fine as .01 second differ-
Gestalt.” This can be interpreted as mean-
ences between exposures. Computer tech-
ing that the whole is greater than the sum
nology allows more flexibility in FRT
of its parts. She further discussed the use
program design.
of the tachistoscope in experiments to re-
Visual recall is enhanced as the flashed
veal more fundamental features of the vi-
images are either increased in number or
sual motor Gestalt. She wrote; “In
complexity as exposure duration times are
summary, it seems that the use of a short
decreased. The protocol I use involves a
term exposure of the form by the
grading system which provides feedback
tachistoscope leans to the experiencing of
to the trainee concerning the accuracy of
more primitive forms which suggest that
the responses. When at least 70 percent
the temporal factor is important in total
accuracy is achieved, the next level of dif-
experience, and that the active relation-
ficulty is displayed for recall and re-
ship that exists between the observer and
sponse. The goal of the training is to
the stimulus, and which creates the visual

Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 14/2003/Number 2/Page 39

motor Gestalt or experience, requires an Grooved Peg Board and the Divided Form sence, it goes beyond the mechanical vi-
actual time unit for the creation, and that Board tests. By recording the time neces- sual input parameters and is used to maxi-
this temporal factor moreover results in a sary to complete these tests these re- mize basic aspects of visual processing
different type of Gestalt experience. If the searches then discussed the relationship and memory. It is used to enhance visual
time is insufficient, the pattern experi- between accuracy and automaticity. function in normal and compromised
enced is similar to that of a small child.”2 Groffman and Solan reported that, “Effi- readers.
It is unclear whether Bender’s descrip- cient learning proceeds in the direction
The emerging role of
tion of a more primitive type of Gestalt re- from accuracy to automaticity. As in
tachistoscopic training in military
sponse results in a more unbiased visual reading and mathematics, automaticity re-
and police training
motor response: one that is less influenced flects the ability of the child to rapidly in-
Another use of tachistoscopic training
by expectation and prior experience, and tegrate the necessary subskills.”7
is predicted on the concept that during
results in a Gestalt form reproduction that Groffman and Solan drew a very im-
combat or stressful tasks requiring high
is more representative of the observed portant conclusion on the importance of
degrees of mental workload, there is a ten-
stimuli. considering the temporal elements of vi-
dency for humans to develop ‘tunnel vi-
The efficacy of tachistoscopic training sual-motor and visual perceptual learning
sion. 10,11 This perceptual narrowing
dates back to research during the WWII by stating: “When the lower order percep-
response limits the extent of maintaining
era when the military was investigating tual and sensory-motor skills dominate
visual awareness of objects and targets lo-
training protocols to improve combat the child’s performance rather than serv-
cated in peripheral field of view. This spa-
readiness. One study involved training pi- ing as essential background in the organi-
tial constriction limits attention to
lots to better recognize enemy aircraft. zation of the visual percept, the child
peripheral visual information that may be
Renshaw used tachistoscopic training to probably will not develop the expected
necessary for survival or optimal perfor-
teach U.S. Navy pilots how to quickly and level of automaticity and may not be ready
accurately recognize airplanes.1 to learn to read.”7
Research has demonstrated that
In 1945, Renshaw used tachistoscopic In another study, Solan demonstrated
tachistoscopic training can increase the
training to demonstrate an increased func- that there exists a group of readers with
size of the peripheral field of view and
tional visual proficiency in perceiving above average abilities on standardized
reading speed. This ophthalmological
forms, sizes, positions and distances. He reading tests, yet complained that their
study gave evidence that tachistoscopic
summarized that; “Tachistoscopic train- reading was slow and inefficient. This
training has the potential to teach individ-
ing with digit patterns produces marked group of readers showed substandard se-
uals to process increased visual informa-
increase in reading comprehension and quential tracking skills. Solan further
tion more rapidly, and at the same time be
speed, measured by standardized tests. It concluded that “this special group of inef-
more aware of a larger volume of visual
enlarges form fields, in the vertical as well ficient readers is easily helped by the op-
space during a single glance.12 This re-
as horizontal meridians, and assists in the tometrist. Training with the tachistoscope
search can be interpreted as a reason to ap-
reduction of myopia. Used in Naval Avia- and Guided Reader (Instructional/Com-
ply tachistoscopic training to marksmen
tion, the method has made a useful contri- munication Technology, Huntington Sta-
so that they can more rapidly and accu-
bution to the more accurate and speedy tion, New York, NY) an instrument
rately locate targets and counteract the
identification of airplanes and ships.”3 customarily used to improve reading effi-
above mentioned ‘tunnel vision’ that can
ciency using a rectangular slot moving left
Speed of perception research at occur during combat or stressful situa-
to right, and projecting a portion of a film
the State University of New York, tions.
strip which can be read on a screen at a de-
State College of Optometry Although not directly related to
sired speed) provides rapid improvement
College of Optometry (SUNY) tachistoscopic training, other research
in 15 to 20 hours. Eye movement record-
Between 1984 and 1987, speed of per- studies support the concept that enhance-
ings completed before and after training
ception was studied by researchers at ment of visual skills can have a positive
can confirm the patient’s subjective im-
SUNY.4-6 They proposed that speed of effect in military related performances.
pressions of increased reading effi-
perception is a cognitive skill concerned For example, training mental imagery has
with the rate of processing visual informa- proven to enhance marksmanship
Working with children on tasks that
tion. Speed of perception was among a scores.13 And another study conclusively
provide sensory-motor feedback (i.e. vi-
number of visual abilities that were inves- links gains in visual function and pistol
sual-motor integration training) leads to
tigated while studying normally achieving shooting performance following a three
levels of visual perceptual automaticity.
readers in kindergarten through grade month visual training program14 These
The above optometric research gives evi-
five. One of the conclusions that emerged last two cited studies are included to sup-
dence that tachistoscopic training can be
from these papers was that perceptual port the general concept that vision is a
an important tool to enhance one’s ability
speed as measured with the tachistoscope process that can be trained to enhance
to proceed from an accurate to an auto-
was significantly correlated with reading skills used during combat situations.
matic level of visual processing.
at all grade levels.7 A prime example of the use of
Thus, the tachistoscope has been, and
An interesting outgrowth of the tachistoscopic training in police work
continues to be used in optometric prac-
SUNY tachistoscope studies was that the (here called flash recognition training or
tice, particularly as an extension to the
researchers then time-normed the FRT) began in 1985 at the Indiana Law
remediation of visual dysfunctions.9 In es-

Volume 14/2003/Number 2/Page 40 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

Enforcement Academy (ILEA). The goal records of progress be kept and shown to visual field. The results of this research
of this program was to improve deci- trainees. indicated that positive facial images were
sion-making skills in ‘deadly force’ situa- The ILEA staff believed that their pro- identified more quickly then negative fa-
tions. Training continued through 1987 gram helped an officer to visually improve cial images when presented to the right vi-
when the training board found the results the ability to “identify, retain, perceive sual field.20
of the FRT convincingly favorable as to and react – quickly and decisively. More A tachistoscope test was one in a series
recommend FRT become part of the cur- importantly, however, good visual skills of tests measuring psychological behav-
riculum. could make the difference between life or ioral effects on blood alcohol levels in
Much of the initial design of the ILEA death for the officer.”16 male subjects. Repeated measured analy-
training program was modeled after the What was most impressive about the ses of variance on each test indicated that
work of Rolland L Soule, Professor Emer- ILEA course of training is that upon com- the tachistoscope test added more sensi-
itus of Police Science at the University of pletion of the course, the ILEA staff re- tivity to the battery of tests than did digit
Louisville, Kentucky. One of his former ported that the trainees gained about 60% span memory and the Archimedes Spi-
students, Dale Vannatter, was primarily from the baseline in their ability to quickly ral.21 The tachistoscope has also been used
responsible for developing the FRT pro- and decisively deal with visual informa- as a speed of perception screening test to
gram for the ILEA. Professor Soule’s ex- tion in an accurate manner. “In a recent detect organic mental disorders.22
periences with FRT reinforced the class of 126 students, the class improve- Background masking provides evi-
concept that visual skills have a learned ment was 58%. Of interest to the students dence that perception is not instantaneous
component and 30 hours (not to exceed 2 is how much of this sight and retention and that it occurs sequentially in distinct
hours per day) of training was necessary ability will they keep. Research by Dr. stages. The tachistoscope was used in a
for optimal learning to occur. He also pos- Samuel Renshaw and Professor Soule study to provide a series of targets for
tulated that “the purpose of the shows that 60-65% will be retained as the 50ms duration within a masking study.
tachistoscope is to work on one’s skill of newly gained abilities are used on a daily This novel visual stimulus demonstrated
perceiving in larger units. It is used to de- basis. Improvement in sight and retention that backward masking can be modulated
velop a larger span of recognition.”15 of information are put to work immedi- by voluntary visual attention.23
The final design of the ILEA program ately even though it may be an involuntary A psychological research paper mea-
consisted of a 30-hour course that ex- act.”17 sured the effect of exposure time upon
tended over a seven week period. The ILEA program was discontinued perceived size. Ten subjects were ex-
Training sessions lasted about one hour. after the death of the program director, posed to circles for 100-1000msec by the
Images alternated with sets of numbers (4 Dale Vannatter. Although her studies tachistoscope, and then asked to compare
to 10 digits in length), pictures of crime were not controlled studies, the pre-train- the observed circles to circles of other
scenes depicting shoot/don’t shoot sce- ing and post-training results showed sig- sizes. The results indicated that exposure
narios and words (single to groups of four nificant gains in retaining visual details of time has a role in the perception of size.24
words). During a one-hour training ses- perceived images. It would be a service to A group of migraine headache and
sion, all three sets of stimuli were flashed the law enforcement community if re- cluster headache patients and three con-
for recognition. Exposure times started at searchers in optometry reproduce the trol groups, age-education-and sex-
1/30th of a second, and as training pro- ILEA program under controlled condi- m at ched, under w ent a se t o f
gressed, 1/100th second of exposure times tions.. Until that is accomplished, I pro- neuropsychological tests and tachisto-
were used. Other aspects of training in- pose that tachistoscopic training scopic tasks to investigate cognitive func-
cluded in the daily training were visual- maintains its place as a proven and effec- tion and interhemispheric balance. No
ization and concentration drills. tive enhancement technique in law en- significant differences became evident
During the 30-hour training period, forcement training. between patients and controls, and it was
five tests were administered to trainees. concluded that between attacks of head-
The tachistoscope as a research
One test before the program began, three ache no evidence of cortical dysfunction
tool in psychology
tests during the 30-hour training period, was recognizable.25
The tachistoscope has been used ex-
and a final test upon completion of the
tensively in various psychological re- The use of the tachistoscope in
FRT program. The tests were identical,
search studies. For example, a tachisto- sports vision
and the results were used to measure the
scope was utilized to deliver subliminal Sports vision involves using visual
percentage of change between the first and
messages to measure their impact on eat- testing and training techniques to measure
last test.
ing disorders of women.18 In a different and/or enhance sports and athletic perfor-
Experience at the ILEA showed that
study, a tachistoscope presented a mean- mance. The tachistoscope has played a
students usually demonstrated one or two
ingless series of consonants to subjects in role in sports vision research and training
regression periods during the 30-hour
order to investigate the idea that right studies. One example of such a study in-
training period. Regression periods were
hemisphere brain processing systems run volves vision screening of basketball offi-
characterized by a temporary reversal of
along a physical code.19 Another study cials. A tachistoscopic test was included
visual recognition skills. As the training
used a tachistoscope to present images of in a battery of visual screening tests. Re-
continued, improvement occurred once
faces showing positive or negative emo- sults indicated that the visual skills of offi-
again in most cases. To keep motivation
tional expressions to either the right or left
high, ILEA recommended that accurate

Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 14/2003/Number 2/Page 41

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Volume 14/2003/Number 2/Page 42 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

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