Samp 2

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With most of my free time, I end up watching Minecraft Youtubers.

Yes, that might seem weird and

childish for a 10th grader, but I'd appreciate if you heard me out on this. The type of content I watch
revovles around an SMP full of a group of friends. An SMP is a Survival Multiplayer server, meaning they
play the game within a mode where everyone has to fend for themselves and collect their own
It's insanely interesting and fun to see these friends form a society within a massive world where they
are free too goof around, build things, and even start wars against each other. Eventually, they started
throwing roleplay into the mix.
This is where it started to get even more interesting.
One of the most well known plot arc revolves around a group of people who "separated" from the SMP
in order to start their own nation- Which they called L'Manburg. This small decicion ultimately changed
the course of the rest of history for everyone, and caused a lot of upstir and what-not. Most major plot
points revolve around the constant struggle of the nation trying to free itself from the reign of the
tyrant, Dream.
The SMP tackles so many subjects, it's almost insane. There's warfare, betrayal, communism,
democracies, friends, enemies, anarchists, they even tackle subjects as taboo as mental illness in a way
that stays fun and entertaining, while being educational and makes the people who struggle with them
feel seen. A typical live stream of one of the most popular members, Technoblade, can pull around 800k
viewers. Imagine! 800k people watching a Minecraft Youtuber play, all live!
In short, I really like the Dream SMP and the biggest hobby I have at the moment is catching up with all
the streams, lore, and theorizing about what might happen next!

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