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Historical Essay- Pharaohs

The pharaoh was the most important person in Egypt. “Due to the
beliefs of people, the Pharaohs played a large role in Egyptian
culture,” will be proved to be correct. Who Pharaohs were, what
they did, when they were in power, how they were chosen, why they
were needed and well known and important pharaohs; will be

The Pharaohs, also known as the Egyptian Kings, were seen as gods
and as humans. They were needed because they brought divine
powers to the throne which helped hold order and harmony
throughout Egypt. They were extremely powerful in the eyes of the
Egyptians because they could speak to the Gods on behalf of them.
All pharaohs were seen as the son of Ra (the Sun God) and the
embodiment of Horus (the Sky God). Women were rarely pharaohs,
when they were; it was because there was no other heir to the
throne, or because the male heir was too young. Pharaohs usually
married their siblings; this was done to keep the throne in the one
family. They had a main Queen and a couple of minor ones.

Pharaohs were the political and religious leaders of Egypt. Pharaohs

were thought to of; controlled the river, made the floods happen to
make the crops grow, protected his people from various threats and
brought good fortune. He performed rituals (every aspect of his life
was a ritual) and built temples to honour the Gods.

Pharaohs were in power for over three thousand years. It is unknown

how many pharaohs there were in total because at times in Egypt’s
history the country was split up, and therefore; were several
pharaohs at once. To become Pharaoh a man would have to marry
the eldest daughter of the Pharaoh because the royal blood line runs
through the women.
The said to be first pharaoh of Ancient Egypt was known as King
Narmer. He ruled in the 31st century BC (3200BC) but it is unknown
when his reign ended. Narmer is seen to be the unifier of the two
Egyptian kingdoms (Upper & Lower), and the founder of the First
Dynasty; therefore, Egypt’s first Pharaoh. His burial place has been
identified as Tomb B17-18 at Umm al-Qa'ab at Abydos.

Tutankhamen, also known as King Tut, is possibly the most well

known Pharaoh of all time. He is the youngest recorded Pharaoh,
and died mysteriously at the age of eighteen. Possible suspects to
the smash on the back of his head which caused his death are both
his wife and his grandfather. His tomb was finally discovered in 1922.

Ramses II is another well known Pharaoh. This was because of the

one hundred children he fathered with 12 separate women. He
reigned for 67 years, and built more temples than any other

In conclusion, “Due to the beliefs of people, the Pharaohs played a

large role in Egyptian culture,” is correct because: the Pharaohs held
order in Egypt, were extremely powerful, spoke to the Gods on
behalf of the people, lead politics and religion, protected his people,
brought good fortune and kept Egypt united.

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