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Study Guide: Number ONE. Año. 2020 - 2021 Guía de Estudio.

Número (1)
Asignatura. English. 5to. Año. Envié actividad a la Docente solo por Telegram o
Docente. María Ibarra.
Fecha de entrega a la Docente: 03-05-2021 AL 07-05-2021
Reflexión. “La sabiduría consiste en saber cuál es el siguiente paso, la virtud es
llevarlo a cabo”

Referente Teórico. Passive Voice.

Structure passive voice.

Tense Active Voice Passive voice
Simple Present
Make Is/are made
Write Is/are written
Order Is/are ordered

Simple Past Made Was/were Made

Wrote Was/were Written
Ordered Was/were ordered

Present Perfect Has/have made Has/ have been made

Has/have written Has/have been written
Has/have ordered Has/have been ordered

Past perfect Had made Had been made

Had written Had been written
Had ordered Had been ordered.

Simple future will make Will be made

Will write will be written
Will order will be ordered

Modals Can/must/may/ make Can/must/may be made

Can/must/may write Can/must/may be written
Can/must/may order Can/must/may be ordered.

Como se puede observar en la estructura de la voz pasiva la forma pasiva todos los
verbos son cambiados al pasado participio.

Prepositions using in Passive Voice. (by, of , in) Preposiciones que usaremos en voz
1. Her boss gives the letters to Mary (Active Voice)
The letters Are given to Mary by her boss.

2. María writes many poems.

Many poems are written by María.

3.- Brazil made our car.

Our car was made by Brazil.

4.- Someone has taken my purse.

My purse has been taken by someone.

5.- Teachers educated their children.

Their children were educated by teachers.

6.-Ten million people elected the new French President.

The new French President was elected by ten million people.

7.- Jesús Soto created the work of Art intitled Kinestism.
The work of Art intitled kinestism was created by Jesús Soto.

8.-Miguel de Cervantes wrote “El Quijote”.

“El Quijote was written by Miguel de Cervantes.

9.- Guillermo Meneses will write the novel "

10.- Alfred Novel invented Dynamite in 1967.

Dynamite was invented by Alfred Novel in 1967.

Actividad Evaluada.

Primera actividad. Valor 10 puntos . 2 c/u

The following sentences are in passive voice , change to active voice. Cambie de voz
pasiva a voz activa.
1.-Tea is not drunk with meals in some parts of China.
2.-Many different varieties of tea are sold in Britain.
3.-Coffe Houses had been created in Britain.
4.-Bad news are being told by an unknown man.
5.-A group of highschool students will serve Christmas dinner at the Shelter this year.
Segunda actividad. Valor 10 puntos. 1 cada oración en voz pasiva en el relato y
Redacte una composición sobre un tema personal de su cotidianidad en donde
aparezcan en dicho relato 10 intervenciones en voz pasiva. Como hay 8 tiempos verbales
usted repetirá dos (2) para hacer los diez (10) Máximo de líneas del relato 12. (no es
hacer oraciones enumeradas). Es importante respetar la fecha de entrega de la actividad.
Cualquier duda comuníquese conmigo por whatsApp o llamada telefónica.


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