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Monitored actions Not

Complied Bases for non-compliance

of the board complied

1.The board The Board should establish an Audit Committee to

requires that all enhance its oversight capability over the company’s
financial documents financial reporting, internal control system, internal
of the company will and external audit process, and compliance with
be made by applicable laws and regulations. The Audit
company’s Committee will be responsible of all financial
purchasing officer. documents.

2.      The internal

control function and
risk management
All of the committees are assigned to the internal
function has been
control function and risk management although they
assigned by the
have different responsibilities to do in order for a
BOD exclusively to
risk to minimize or prevent it to happen.
the corporate
3.      The board
made no
consultations with
the community
leaders regarding
the possible
The success of the business is dependent on how
expansion of its
we deal with the environment. Thus, practicing
facilities in the
social responsibility allows us to be conscious and
community. The
cautious in our dealings with people and the
following year, the
company pursued
the extension with
some community
leaders protesting
due to potential
pollution problems.

4.      In GHQ,
Corporation, there
10 directors were
chosen. 3 are
directors and the
remaining 7
directors are
Executive Directors.
5.      The
Compliance Officer
has been charged
with all
pertaining to
internal auditing.

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