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Areas of Improvement Proposed Solution

1. Late deliveries of module 1.Increase the number of printers and printer

operators. As observed in the previous semesters,
there has been a bottleneck in the printing
department. Modules take a long time to get printed
which is one of the main causes of delay in its
delivery. The problem can be attributed to the
inadequate number of printers. Given more printers,
multiple modules can be printed simultaneously.
However, this action needs to be paired with hiring
additional personnel which will operate the
additional printers. This proposal involves increased
costs but it will also increase HBL student
satisfaction through the prompt deliveries of their
2. Cost of Modules 2. I think we can reduce the cost of modules just by
sending the soft copy of it and the only thing that the
school will print out is the answer sheet. A day or
even an hour of downloading pdf don’t take too
much of your time. It’s the same as passing your
answer in the gsuite. By this, less ink and paper to
use, less cost. Printing of answer sheets don’t take
too much time as printing the whole module so the
problem of late deliveries will also be solved.
3. Student-Teacher relationship 3. Take time to check the students. Students’
performance is not the same as before pandemic.
Some are struggling and some can’t pass the
requirements on time because of having a part-time
job or any other reason. We are all busy and
checking them up will help students gain more
motivation. You don’t need to message them one by
one, gc is enough. Or you can also consider their
excuses and give them ample time to answer.
4. Infrastructure Improvement 4. Maintain cleanliness and improve some other
things inside the classroom (example aircon) that
will let the students feel like it’s their second home,
also the faculty offices. Toilet infrastructure also
needs to maintain its beauty since the health of the
students and faculties are important.
5. Block Schedule 5. For every block, there’s 6 weeks allotted time to
finish, and 2-3 subjects. After those 6 weeks, the
subjects and all the activities to answer should be
done. A maximum of 6 units per subject, and every
unit has 1-2 activities to answer. Giving it every
Monday, and due at Saturday. Since that week,
teacher will discuss the topic, the students will be
able to answer the activities (only if the activity is
easy and the teacher taught it so well). So that the
next week, there is a different activity to answer. And
after 6 weeks, the subject is done, the activities are
done. And if there is final output to answer, teacher
can give it 2 weeks before the block ended, and a
month of due. At least the only activity that they are
going to answer is the output, they are not loaded of
so many activities for the next block. And I guess
teacher can have a class everyday (1 hour), or every
other day (2 hours).
6. Academic Break 6. A month of academic break after every semester.
This is to cater unfinished activities that the students
failed to do (because teacher give it last minute or
any other reason). If there are unfinished activities
and the next semester will start there is a possibility
that the students will cram, and more backlogs to
have. And also, for the mental health of the students,
as well as the teachers.
7. Fair Treatment of Student 7. Dress code should be properly implemented,
whether they are beautiful or not. If short skirt is
prohibited, then it is prohibited. And other things
that the school doesn’t allow.
8. Grading system 8. Teachers should check whether the students
attend the class or answer the activities. There are
instances wherein some EL students pass the activity
though it is beyond the due date yet some HBL
students garner grades higher than them even
though they haven’t passed their module. Or
instances wherein they both had the same answer to
the activities yet the other one receives much even
though he/she haven’t attended classes.
9. Queries of students 9. Late or not, answer the student’s queries. Being
busy is not an excuse since we all are. Sometimes,
their classmates can’t answer the question that they
want to ask.
10. 10.

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