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31 October 2021


La Trinidad
Province of Benguet

Thru: Honorable Ben Jamin

Deputy Provincial Prosecutor

Re: Request for Ten (10) Days Extension to File Counter-Affidavit

Ki Re, Complainant, vs. Li Bag, Respondent.
For: Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Damage to Property and Multiple Serious
Physical Injuries, NPS Docket No. I-05-INV-21

Dear Hon. Deputy Provincial Prosecutor:

I, Li Bag and the named Respondent in the above-entitled case, received a Subpoena from
your Honorable Office on 22 October 2021, directing me to submit a Counter-Affidavit and other
supporting documents or affidavits of my witnesses pursuant to the Complaint filed by the
Complainant in the above-entitled case within ten (10) days from receipt thereof, or until 1
November 2021.

Due to the complexity of the issues and charges alleged in the Complaint, I am writing to
you to humbly request for an extension of ten (10) days from 01 November 2021, or until 11
November 2021, to file my Counter-Affidavit.

This request is not intended for delay but solely for the above reasons.

Thank you very much and I am hoping for a favorable action regarding this request.

Respectfully yours,

Li Bag

cc: Ki Re
Tuba, Benguet
(By Registered Mail due to distance and the Covid-19 pandemic situation)

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