Course Reflection Paper

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OGL 345 Organizational Ethics

Balmilero, Deborah
November 21, 2021
Module 6
Course Reflection Paper

Organizational ethics was a subject that I was very worried about studying, since it

seemed that most ethics teaching concentrated on showing one path that was the right, and only

path to take for the work environment. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case in

OGL 345, Organizational Ethics, and was amazed at the thought provoking ideas, not all of

which I would have thought of, would be a part of thinking ethically. Working in the same

industry for the last twenty years has provided me with many examples of ethical behavior that

forced me to examine my own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors about colleagues, clients, and

employers. This course was able to provide many perspectives to some of the challenges that I

have faced, and enabled me to re-examine them from new angles in order to gain clarity, and to

solidify my own values.

The Fryer Textbook: Ethics Theory and Business Practice

This textbook was clear and concise, providing numerous ideas that were new, but

familiar in a presentation style that increased my understanding. I was surprised that a topic,

expected to be stuffy and overbearing, provided avenues of clarity on ethics, which made sense,

and were different than what I imagined. While we all keep up with current events as best that

we can, by watching the evening news when not studying, the concepts presented were easily

understood, clearly articulated, and kept my interest as the stories were not just from my own

country, but from around the world. I found that concept refreshing and insightful. When you

live and work in the same environment for a long time, your circle of friends stay the same and
the things you discuss are not as dynamic as they would be when you move from city to city or

job to job. Mr. Fryer was able to gather concepts from all over the world and help me to

understand the universality of the concepts and ideas presented. Having dynamic videos and real

life examples, provided connections that helped me to see the concepts in action and relate them

to my own environment.

The Perusall Discussion Format

The format of the perusall book, and the concept of providing dialogue along the way,

that articulates my understanding of the concepts, is a great way to connect with others and grasp

the material. I have used this method of study in a few other classes and find that by describing

what, and how I have experienced a concept, very important. The fact that one of my fellow

classmates can add their understanding of the ideas, gives more depth to my initial thoughts. In

this particular class, I felt connected with a few people and that the dialogue was fun, interesting,

and thought provoking. It was like we were all sitting down together, talking about the ideas and

our experiences with them. I feel that this is a comfortable method of connecting without having

to set up a group connection. While there were some comments from individuals that I didn’t

agree with, the format provided a respectfulness that may not be possible in an in-person group

or team dynamic. I have actually made a point to connect with at least one or more individuals,

and hope to continue to get to know them as we seemed to create a good connection within our

concept discussions.

The Planet Jockey Moral Minefield Simulation

Mr. Allen’s simulation, while interesting, is something that I have to say, is not my favorite

venue for the learning environment. I have taken a few other simulations with this same venue
and I have not felt that I was able to fully grasp the concepts easily. In actuality, the concepts were

great, but the format wasn’t comfortable. I did not like the idea of answering questions before

learning about the concepts. I would have preferred to understand the concept, see an example or

simulation, and then be asked a question that I would be scored on. Some of the concepts were so

contrary to how I have seen business done, and while they were novel, I am not sure how I would

apply them. This may be related to the cultural differences where I live, and may be relegated to

the style of management that I have experienced.

I will say that the references at the bottom of each section, are invaluable. I made time to

review some of the material and I hope to be able to utilize these lists as I move forward in my

management career. The material was enlightening and possibly the highlight of this simulation.

I will hopefully be able to access these pages to take screenshots of the material so I can add them

to my managerial library as a resource for myself and others in my company.

Changes that occurred in my understanding of business ethics over the semester and why.

While I was not aware of the variety of topics that ethics covers, by reviewing contrasting

views on how the world of business forms meaningful connections to the decision makers, and

what they do to arrive at a final outcome, gives me a deeper understanding of my role in business.

I can’t claim to have changed my opinions on certain issues, but I have been provided with broader

views that help shape and temper my responses to various activities when I see them in action.

How you plan to continue using what you’ve learned for your own personal development.

Understanding that doing the right thing isn’t a static, black and white dilemma, but shaded

with multiple layers of gray, helps me process information where I can own my decisions, right or

wrong, without feeling judged by them. When I started my journey in Organizational Leadership,

it was with the idea that I would come away, understanding the why of the leaders of my
organization, and that I would discover and enhance my own path to leading with value to the

organization and the people that I serve. Dissecting the ethical connection is helping me piece the

puzzle together a little more concisely.

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