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Group 4


Adteg, Rahila G.


Kadil, Sittie Shaina Mae M.

Kadtungan, Rissamae E.

Entek, Sandara G.

Ganda, Kyla S.

Guiabel, Alvin N.

Guiaber, Muhaibin M.

Mandaguia, Jamjamin S.

Dee, Hamidin



Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Challenges are encountered by everyone. Challenges give an experience, make us

learn and help us to become wise and strong. Challenges always remind how strong

people are and what people capable can do. Challenges is one of the weaknesses of some

teachers and students. It is the reason why some people lose their confident but

somehow challenges can lead us to become a better person.

Challenges are important parts of life especially this year of pandemic. Challenges

are experienced by everyone including the teachers and students of Gani L. Abpi

College, Incorporated. Without experiencing challenges will not able to see what can

people can do more. Challenges clarify what people truly in life it can sharpen your grit

and make your achievement even sweeter. "Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed

and gotten through many struggles and defeats" (Alcott, 2015).

While challenges is often seen as particular problems of senior high school

teachers and students it is also one of the difficult to surpass. The possible challenges

that they encountered during this distance learning modality are poor internet

connection, lack of sleep, distraction, and lack of focus. That challenges thought them to

growth and motivates themselves do not give up and continue achieving their goals.

"Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life

meaningful" (Marine, 2017).

As a researchers conducting this study is our way to know the situation of Senior

High School teachers and students and how they struggling to the challenges they

encountered during this distance learning modality.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the Challenges Encountered by the

Senior High School Teachers and Students of Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated in

Distance Learning Modality during the Academic year 2020–2021.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

A. What are the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?

B. What are the challenges encountered by the Senior High school teachers and

students in distance learning modality?

C. What are the possible solution for those challenges?

Objectives of the Study

This study on the Challenges Encountered by the Senior High School Teachers and

Students of Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated in Distance Learning Modality will seek

to attain the following objectives:

1. To determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents.

2. To determine the challenges encountered by the Senior High school teachers and

students in distance learning modality.

3. To find out the possible solution of those challenges.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will reveal the challenges encountered by the Senior High

School teachers and students of Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated in Distance Learning

Modality including their strength to face the challenges they always encounter. This

study will be beneficial to teachers to know what they can do more in their teaching

strategies and to improve their teaching skills.

This study will also help students to face the challenges that they may encountered

to determine their learning strategies in blended learning modality.

And last, this study will be a guide the future researchers, as this will be useful for

them for their guide in making a research about Distance learning modality.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus to determine the challenges encountered by the Senior High

School teachers and students of Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated in Distance Learning

Modality during the academic year 2020–2021. The respondents will be composed of 30
randomly selected senior high school teachers and students of Gani L. Abpi College,

Incorporated. (15 teachers and 15 students).

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms are

operationally define:

Challenges – The situation of being faced with.

Distance Learning Modality – Distance learning modality is a method of

distance education that uses technology

Senior High School Teachers – Refers to the Senior High School teachers of

Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated.

Senior High School Students – Refers to the students of Senior High School

of Gani L. Abpi College, Inc.

Misuse of technology – Lack of knowledge of using the technology.

Intrinsic Motivation – Self motivation

Extrinsic Motivation – Motivate by other

Chapter ll

This chapter present the different citation from books, articles and internet

sources. The related literature includes the following: Distance Learning, Importance of

Distance Learning, Challenges Encountered in Distance Learning and Achievements of

the Students in Distance Learning.


Distance Learning

Distance learning is one of the contemporary trends of education and one of the

news trends of the teachers in the twenty first century; it can be described as an

educational method in which more than one means is used for transmitting knowledge

and experience to learners to achieve the best of the learning outputs (Freiahat, 2004);

accordingly, this model combines the advantages of e-learning and the benefits of

classroom education between the traditional learning and e-learning (Al-Rimawi, 2016).

Distance learning is provided by the effective combination of different modes of

delivery, models of teaching and styles of learning which one are exercised in an

interactively meaningful learning environment. Distance learning courses combine

online and uses resources in an optimal way in order to improve students learning

outcomes and to address important institutional issues (Garisson, 2004).

Distance learning is a method of distance education that uses technology (high

technology such as television, internet, and low technology such as e-mail by voice and

conference) with traditional teaching and learning (Smith's, 2001).

Based on the discussion above, distance learning is one of the new trends in 21st

century, it is used for transmitting knowledge and experience to learners to achieve their

goals. Distance learning is used technology like cellphone, laptop, internet and so many.

Distance learning is the best way for students to continue their studies even Covid-19 is


Importance of Distance Learning

Distance learning environments have grown rapidly over the last decade, and have

probably become the "New Normal" in University course delivery, (Dziuban, Moskal,

Kramer, and Thompson, 2013). Although discussion of the precise meaning of the term

"Distance Learning" is still ongoing (Graham and Allen, 2009), there seems to be

widespread agreement that distance learning involves a combination of face-to-face and

online learning (Graham and Dziuban, 2008). Distance learning can be seen to reduce

and remove the weakness of online learning (Chou and Chou, 2011).

American society for training and development identified distance learning as one

of the top ten trends to emerge in the knowledge delivery industry (Rooney, 2003) as

cited by (Bonk and Graham, 2006).

The President of Pennsylvania State University was quoted as saying That the

convenience between online and residential instruction was the single-greatest

unrecognized trend in higher education today (Young, 2002) as cited by (Bonk and

Graham, 2006).

Based on the discussion above, it can concluded that distance learning is important

because it is the combination of online and classroom learning activities and used to
improve students learning outcome and to discover new thing that students didn't

discovered in face-to-face class.

Challenges Encountered in Distance Learning

In terms of the challenges on the use of distance learning (Albiladi & Alshareef,

2019; Bataineh & Mayyas, 2017; Crawford & Jenkins, 2017; Medina, 2018; Shand &

Farrelly, 2018), studies have shown that not all faculty members are inclined towards

distance-based instruction (Benson et al.,2011). Some still considered the use of ICT as

"time consuming" (Benson et al., 2011, p.148). For example, it was revealed that

preparation for lecture or teaching material design and development on web-based

platform require more time than face-to-face interaction. Some believe that the use of

hybrid approach is more rigorous when it comes to teaching and learning preparations.

This explain the idea presented by Ma'arop and Embi (2016) where they descirved

distance learning as a burden, both physically and cognitively.

For Aldosemani et al. (2018), the lack of faculty training and support, language

barriers, poor promotion incentives for distance learning initiation are some of the

challenges that teachers are experiencing on the use of distance learning. It was

mentioned, for instance, that the use of language text in LMS in Saudi context is

presented using English language, thus, the faculty members are having difficulty to

academically communicate with their students and colleagues, considering English

language is not their primary or secondary language. It was also revealed that

technological infrastructures, such as lack of computers, internet connection, and LMS

instability, prohibit blended learning in the country.

These Challenges presented by Aldosemani et al. (2018) are also observable in

developing countries like the Philippines. Dotong, De Castro, Bolot, and Prenda (2016)

illustrated some limitations of ICT Integra like shortage of ICT facilities, poor

maintenance of available or existing ICT resources, lack of ICT budget (e.g., Lorenzo,

2016; Tomaro, 2018; Vergel de Dios, 2016). In fact, there are still areas in the

Philippines, particularly in rurals areas, where reliable supply of electricity and internet

are miles away to achieve. Thus, it inhibits and affects the capability of teachers to

become skillful on the use of ICT in blending with teaching and learning.

Based on the explanation above, it can concluded that distance learning is full of

challenges, challenges that causes difficultness especially for teachers and students, but

challenges also built strength to improve the teaching and learning process of teachers

and students.

Achievements of the Students in Distance Learning

Success is define in multiple ways and different people or institutions value certain

accomplishment over others. While there may be differing views concerning how to

define or quality success in an educational setting the word 'achievement' is commonly

used. Along with the word 'succes' , achievements also has a myriad of different

definitions. As define by Chavarria, Villada Zapata, and Chaves Castaño (2012), and for

the of this study, achievement will be defined as "the quality of activities or their

outcomes as evaluated by some standard of excellence" (Chavarria, Villada Zapata, and

Chaves Castaño, 2017). In the field of distance learning, much research has been done

that measures not only numerical achievement, but also deepening of the richness of

individual courses of the study. "The central purpose that should drive all other
motivates is to improve student learning. Distance approaches permit faculty to change

the way they use class time all for the purpose of helping students master the content

more effectively" (Osgulthorpe and Graham, 2003). While there are arguments that

achievements means much more than a number, for the scope of this study it is

important that achievements is quantifiable.

When considering where educational theories or philosophies of learning have

brought the current educational landscape, understanding that students have changed

just as much as the philosophies while schooling looks much the same as it did before.

Research shows that when comparing a distance learning environment consisting of a

focus on student directed, student led, technology infused instruction with a traditional

learning environment consisting of a focus on direct, teacher led instruction, "the

academic average of the students who have studied in distance environment has been

found higher than the students who have studied in traditional learning environments"

(Kazu and Demirkol, 2014).

Distance learning offers an opportunity for higher students achievements that may

not be available to students otherwise. That the traditional learning is ineffective in term

of learners participation and interaction, it is filled into a limited time period and

distance learning has caused the emergence of this new learning environment (Kazu and

Demirkol, 2014). The logic for offering a distance learning environment is an

educational setting is one that gives students much more flexibility in their learning as

well as more depth and richness to their studies. Major reason for faculty adoption of

the distance technique are to increase students engagement and involvement in the

learning (Kenny and Newcombe, 2011), thereby increasing their level of achievement,
distance learning is used by some institutions to help strengthen their pedagogical goals

(Kenny and Newcombe, 2011).

Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that distance learning is

effective for the students because it given an opportunity for higher students

achievements and distance learning is higher than the who have studied in traditional

learning environment because it it the educational setting that gives students more

flexibility in their learning.

Conceptual Framework
This study is anchored on the different challenges encountered by the senior high

school teachers and students.

The finding of the study is to show that the challenges encountered by teachers and

students are different but those challenges are both hard to surpass, but those

challenges can teach them to become strong.

Challenges encountered by the

teachers and students

Poor internet connection

Online Distance Learning
Lack of sleep


Lack of focus

Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the different challenges encountered by the senior high

school teachers and students.

The finding of the study is to show that the challenges encountered by teachers and

students are different but those challenges are both hard to surpass, but those

challenges can teach them to become strong.

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm

The box on the left side is Online distance learning while the right side is

challenges encountered by teachers and students which is poor internet connection,

financial problem, poor of time management and lack of interaction. The arrow

connecting the two boxes assumes that there is a significant effect of the online distance

learning to the challenges encountered by the teachers and students.

Chapter lll

This chapter presents the methodology of the study. Including the research design,

locale of the study, respondents of the study, research instruments, data gathering and

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive method design that design to describe the

challenges encountered by the Senior High School teachers and students at Gani L. Abpi

College, Incorporated. The descriptive method design is appropriate to use because it

best serves to answer the research problems of this study.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated situated at

Buayan Datu Piang, Maguindanao. It located thirty-five kilometers (35 km) away in

Midsayap North Cotabato and ten kilometers (10 km) away in Datu Saudi Ampatuan,

Maguindanao. And this school near at Southern Philippines Academy College,


Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated (GLACI) is a private school in Datu Piang

Maguindanao. It was established in 1960 as the Central Maguindanao Institute (CMI)

and was known by this name until 2003. The school is committed to providing quality

and affordable education that Incorporates Islamic value to develop students who are

productive, responsible, and peace loving members of the community.

Respondents of the Study

Thirty (30) randomly selected Senior High School teachers and students of Gani L.

Abpi College, Incorporated were the respondents of the study. The researchers used the

simple random sampling to select the respondents from the Senior High School


Research Instrument

To get the correct data needed, the researchers will use interview questionaire

with three (3) parts. The first part is to gather respondents profile such as their name,

gender, age, parents educational attainment and parents occupation, the second part is

to determine the challenges encountered by the Senior High School teachers and

students of Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated, and the last part is a ways to avoid that

challenges they always encounter.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will give a letter to the Principal of Senior High School

Department asking permission to conduct the study at Gani L. Abpi College,

Incorporated. After the letter was approved the researchers coordinate to the thirty (30)

respondents of Senior High School teachers and students to inform the plan about the

study. After that the researchers will gather the respondents and orient them about the

study and personally administer the survey questionaire to the respondents. Then after

that the researchers will retrieve the survey questionaire and come up with the final

copy of the manuscript.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistical treatment of data is essential to make use of the data in the right form.

Raw data collection is only one aspect of any experiment. The organization of data is

equally important so that appropriate conclusion can be drawn (Siddharta Kalla, 2009).

Frequency counts, percentage and weighted mean was used in describing the data gathered. It

was used to determined the socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the challenges they have

encountered in distance learning modality.


% = f / n x 100


% = percentage

F = frequency

N = number of respondents

Chapter IV

This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data gathered. It includes the

discussion of the following: A. Socio-demographic profile of the teachers and students such as

Age, Sex, Religion, Tribe, Course finished and Grade level and Strand. B. The challenges

encountered by the Senior High School teachers and students in distance learning modality.

Socio-demographic Profile of Teachers

Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the Senior High School teachers at Gani L.

Abpi College, Incorporated in terms of age, sex, religion, tribe, and course finished.


In terms of age, 10 or 66.7% respondents were 20-25 years old, 3 or 20% respondents

were 25-35 years old, 1 or 6.7 respondents were 35-40 years old and 1 or 6.7 respondent was

40-45 years old. It implied that the Senior High School teachers in Gani L. Abpi College,

Incorporated in terms of age majority are 20-25 years old.


In terms of sex, 9 or 60% respondents were female and 6 or 40% of the respondents were

male. It implied that most of the respondents were female.


In terms of religion, 15 or 100% respondents were Islam. It implied that all of the

respondents were Islam.


In terms of tribe, 15 or 100% respondents were Maguindanaon. It implied that all of the

teachers in Senior High School at Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated were Maguindanaon.

Course Finished

In terms of course finished, 2 or 13.3% respondents were BEED, 7 or 46.7% respondents

were BSED-English, 1 or 6.7% respondent was BSED-Mathematics, 2 or 13.% respondents were

BSIT and 2 or 13.3% respondents were BSSW. This implied that most of the respondents were


Table 1. Socio-demographic Profile of the Senior High School teachers at Gani

L. Abpi College, Incorporated. SY. 2021-2022
n=30 (%)

20-25 10 66.7

26-35 3 20.0

36-40 1 6.7

41-45 1 6.7


Female 9 60.7

Male 6 20.0


Islam 15 100.0


Maguindanaon 15 100.0
n=30 (%)
Course Finished

BEED 2 13.3

BSED-English 7 46.7

BSED-Mathematics 1 6.7

BSED-General Science 2 13.3

BSIT 1 6.7

BSSW 2 13.3

Challenges encountered by the Senior High School teachers at Gani L. Abpi College,

The table 2 contains the challenges encountered by the Senior High School teachers at

Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated. With their response presented in table 2 below.

As reflected in table 2, there were 2.60% respondents who were agreed that sometimes

misuse the technology. This means that they should work hard and spend times in learning the


In same table, there were 2.20% respondents who were disagreed about the delivering of

quality of instructions in teaching. This means that most of the teachers were good in delivering

their lesson through online.

Furthermore, there were 1.90% respondents who were strongly disagreed about the poor

network services in delivering their lesson. This means that some teachers in Senior High School

at Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated were having a good internet connection.

This result are supported by the theories and studies. A study on teachers perception on

the use of ICT has shown that teachers felt a need to be trained on the didactic use of ICT (Mura

and Diamatini, 2014; Mirzajani, Mahmud, Ayub and Wong 2014). Among the impediments cited

are "educator stress, limited teachers experience with ICT and opportunities for continuing

teacher education and professional development, lack of technological tools in schools, lack of

knowledge about the actual benefits of ICT in educational situations, limited opportunity for a

regular use of technology and teachers limited skills and lack of confidence regarding the use of

ICT" (Mirzajani, Mahmud, Ayub and Wong 2014, p.27)

Table 2. Possible Challenges Encountered by the Senior High School teachers at

Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated. SY. 2021-2022

Misuse of technology. 2.60 Agree

Personal monitoring may cause health risk. 2.40 Disagree

Lack of direct teaching and learning. 2.40 Disagree

Students failure to follow the schedule set for the 2.26 Disagree
submission of assignments/activities.

Limited time in checking due to other tasks. 2.20 Disagree

The quality of instructions. 2.20 Disagree

Low scores of students. 2.06 Disagree

Difficulty in validating students performance. 2.00 Disagree

Transaction system between parent and teachers. 2.00 Disagree

Poor network services. 1.40 Strongly disagree

Rating Scale:
1.0-1.49 Strongly disagree
1.50-2.49 Disagree
2.50-3.49 Agree
3.50-4.0 Strong Agree

Socio-demographic Profile of Students

Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,

religion, tribe, and grade level and strand.


In terms of age, 14 or 93.3% respondents were 15-20 years old, 1 or 6.7% respondent was

21-25 years old. It implied that most of the respondents were 15-20 years old.


In terms of sex, 9 or 60% of the respondents were female and 6 or 40% of the

respondents were male. It implied that most of the respondents were female.


In terms of religion, 15 or 100% respondents were Islam. It implied that all of the

respondents were Islam.


In terms of tribe, 15 or 100% respondents were Maguindanaon. It implied that all of the

respondents were Maguindanaon.

Grade level and Strand

In terms of grade level and strand, 1 or 6.7 respondent was Grade 11 STEM, 2 or 13.3%

respondents were Grade 12 STEM, 4 or 26.7% respondents were Grade 12 HUMMS, 6 or 40%

respondents were Grade 12 GAS and 2 or 13.3% respondents were Grade 12 HE. It implied that

most of the respondents were Grade 12 GAS.

Table 1. Socio-demographic Profile of the Senior High School students at Gani

L. Abpi College, Incorporated. SY. 2021-2022
n=30 (%)

15-20 14 93.3

21-25 1 6.7


Female 9 60.7

Male 6 20.0


Islam 15 100.0


Maguindanaon 15 100.0

Grade level and Strand

Grade 11 STEM 1 6.7

Grade 12 STEM 2 13.3

Grade 12 HUMMS 4 26.7

Grade 12 GAS 6 40.0

Grade 12 HE 2 13.3
Challenges encountered by the Senior High School students at Gani L. Abpi College,

The table 2 contains the challenges encountered by the Senior High School students at

Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated. With their response presented in table 2 below.

As reflected in table 2, 2.80% of the respondents were agreed in skipping classes. This

means that teachers should motivate his/her students both in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Similarly, table 2 generated also the means of 2.00% described as disagree. This means

that 7 out of the 15 respondents have troubled in poor time management.

Lastly, 1.73% of the respondents were disagreed about the financial problem. This means

that 1 out of 15 respondents were facing financial problem.

This result are supported by the theories and studies. One motivation behind skipping

class may be that students do not find some classes stimulating enough. Many students said

they try to attend all classes in order to keep up with coursework, and most students said they

avoid skipping smaller classes that take attendance (Klawunn, 2014).

Table 2. Possible Challenges Encountered by the Senior High School students at

Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated. SY. 2021-2022

Skipping classes. 2.80 Agree

Poor note taking. 2.40 Disagree

Poor learning. 2.20 Disagree

Lack of sleep and time to answer all of the given 2.06 Disagree
assignments or task.

Poor time management. 2.00 Disagree


Multitasking. 2.00 Disagree

Lack of interaction. 1.93 Disagree

Mentally and emotionally tired because of activities. 1.93 Disagree

Poor internet connection. 1.80 Disagree

Financial problem. 1.73 Disagree

Rating Scale:
1.0-1.49 Strongly disagree
1.50-2.49 Disagree
2.50-3.49 Agree
3.50-4.0 Strong Agree



This chapter discussed the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations of the


The study is entitled "Challenges Encountered by the Senior High School Teachers and

Students at Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated in Distance Learning Modality". It was

conducted to determined the challenges encountered by the Senior High School teachers and

students in blended learning modality.

It specifically aimed to determined the challenges encountered by the Senior High School

teachers and students in distance learning modality and to find out the possible solution to

those challenges.

The study used a quota allocation of 30 respondents, 15 teachers and 15 students and

focused on the challenges that they have encountered in distance learning modality at Gani L.

Abpi College, Incorporated.

Frequency counts, percentage and weighted mean was used in describing the data

gathered. It was used to determined the challenges they have encountered in distance learning


Findings of the study

After the further analysis and interpretation of data gathered by the researcher for their

study here are the findings of the study:

1. Out of 30 or 100 percent respondents were Maguindanaon. Most of them were female

60 percent, majority were teachers BSED-English teachers 46.7 percent and most of the

students respondents were Grade 12 GAS 40 percent.

2. The teachers respondents agreed that sometimes"misuse the technology" were the

obtained mean of 2.6 percent and they disagreed about the delivering of quality of

instructions in teaching 2.20 percent they are strongly disagreed about the "poor

network services" 1.90 percent.

3. The students respondents agreed that they are "skipping classes" were the obtained

mean of 2.80 percent and they disagreed about the poor time management" 2.00

percent they also disagreed about the financial problem" 1.73 percent.


1. Misuse of technology is one of the challenges encountered by the teachers.

2. Senior High School teachers of Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated were good in

delivering lessons through online.

3. Skipping classes is one of the challenges facing by the students during this online


4. Financial problem is not the problem of Senior High School students.

5. Poor network services are not the problem according to teachers of Gani L. Abpi

College, Incorporated.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study the following are highly


1. Junior High School administrator should conduct seminar or workshop about awareness

of using technology in teaching.

2. Teachers and parents should always monitor the performance of the students in order

to avoid skipping classes.

3. School administrators should conduct seminar in order for the teachers and students to

aware technology.

4. Further studies must be conducted to verify a further related results.

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