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Lesson Title: HI-YAH!!!

Martial Arts and Meditation

Grade Level: 7th

Subject: World History/Social Studies

Time frame: 90 minutes (2 class periods)

Learning Goals
Learning Goals Goal 1 How will they be met
Content Specific Goals WH7.5.3 Describe the values, social customs, Students will read and complete an Actively Learn article
and traditions prescribed by the lord-vassal titled, “The Martial Arts.”
system consisting of shogun, daimyo, and
samurai and the lasting influence of the warrior Students will record a video of themselves teaching the
code in the twentieth century. class about the martial art they selected and demonstrate
some techniques for participation points.
WH7.5.4 Trace the development of distinctive
forms of Japanese Buddhism.

Technology-based Goals Empowered Learner: Students leverage Empowered Learner: Students will use technology as a
(NETS-S) technology to take an active role in choosing, resource to read and complete their assigned Actively
achieving and demonstrating competency in Learn article titled, “The Martial Arts.” Students will also
their learning goals, informed by the learning use the class’ Google Slides on the chapter to gather more
X Empowered Learner sciences. information regarding the objective. Students will be
encouraged to use technology to research secondary
Creative Communicator: Students resources to help them create a script for their video
communicate clearly and express themselves recording.
Digital Citizen creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital
Creative Communicator: Students will use technology
media appropriate to their goals. to allow them to record a video lesson to share with their
classmates. Students will be teaching the class about the
Constructor history of a martial art form and demonstrate set of moves
from that martial art form (kicks, chops, grappling, etc).
Innovative Designer



X Creative


Global Collaborator

Other Goals Students will learn different forms of martial Students will use what they’ve learned from their martial
arts and the history behind them. art form to teach the class a few self-defense moves.
Materials Needed for Lesson (tech and Students will need a digital device (laptop/Chromebook, iPad), Google search engine,
non-tech) Actively Learn login information, and a camera.

Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview: Share how the activities in the lesson will help to meet the learning goals. How will technology play a role in
meeting the learning goals?

Students will be going back in time to where the martial arts of the world all started. Based on previous participation points, students will be
given the chance to select a martial art form that they would like to research. After every student have selected their martial art form,
students will research two more additional forms to compare and contrast the similarities and differences with one another. Students will
then decide which martial art form they believe is most effective of teaching the lessons of the philosophical leaders who founded the
martial art form. Research will consist of who the founder of the martial art form was, where the form started, the connection to an eastern
philosophy, and the key characteristics of the martial art form. Students will also include the reasons why they chose the martial art form
they chose. Students will complete this activity by using the research they have gathered to record a video of themselves teaching us about
the martial art form they have selected as well as demonstrating a set of moves from their martial art form. Technology will play a vital role
in this lesson as the tool of choice for research as well as demonstrating examples.
Triple E Framework Considerations
Share which technology tools you plan to integrate into the lesson. Describe how each tool will help
to meet your learning goals. In addition, share the instructional practices that you plan to develop in
conjunction with the tool to optimize the learning.
Name of Tool Tool #1 Tool #2 Tool #3 Tool #4

Google Search Engine Actively Learn Camera for Recording

(Canvas, Smart Phone,
iPad, etc)
Learning goal(s) met by Students will use their Students will log into Once students have
using the Tool classroom Google Actively Learn with their gathered all their
Chromebooks to access student emails, read, and information, they will
the web to search for complete the assigned either use a camera from
secondary recourses to article titled, “The a smart phone, iPad, or
gather information for Martial Arts.” from any digital device to
their recordings. record a video of
themselves teaching and
demonstrating either a
martial art or form of
mediation. Students will
upload their recording to
How is the Tool Being Individual X Individual X Individual Individual
Team, individual, pairs, or Pairs Pairs Pairs Pairs
X Teams Teams Teams Teams

Other Other Other Other

What features of the Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow
technology tool have students to focus on the students to focus on the students to focus on the students to focus on the
assignment/learning with assignment/learning with assignment/learning with assignment/learning with
elements of engagement? less distraction (Time on less distraction (Time on less distraction (Time on less distraction (Time on
Answer the Triple E Task)? Task)? Task)? Task)?
Engagement questions No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
concerning how technology
can bring about co-use, time- Can the technology Can the technology Can the technology motivate Can the technology motivate
on-task learning and focus on motivate students to begin motivate students to begin students to begin the students to begin the
the learning process? the learning process? learning process? learning process?
the learning goals. No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
Anywhere there is a lower
score (less than 4), consider
adding in instructional moves Can the technology cause a Can the technology cause a
in the notes to help push the shift in behavior, from more Can the technology cause a shift in behavior, from more
score up! Some instructional passive to active social Can the technology cause a shift in behavior, from more passive to active social
moves are listed in the rows learners (co-use)? shift in behavior, from more passive to active social learners (co-use)?
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 learners (co-use)? No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
below. passive to active social
learners (co-use)? No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 Score=___/6
Score= 4/6
Score= 5/6 NOTES:
NOTES: Students may be Score= 6/6
tempted to use the Google NOTES: Students will have Teaching Moves
search engine to surf the NOTES: Students will take mixed feelings about this Included (From list
web and not use the links more pride using this use of technology because below):
that are assigned to them to technology because they some students are camera
gather the information they know that this is an friendly and enjoy recording
need for their recording. assignment that will be and editing videos, while
graded. Students are also other students are camera
Teaching Moves aware that the teacher can shy. However, knowing the
Included (From list see how much time they’ve assignment is worth more
below): spent reading the article as points, students may have a
well as the effort they put more serious approach in
into their responses to the using this technology to
article questions. enhance their learning.

Teaching Moves Teaching Moves

Included (From list Included (From list
below): below):
Which teaching moves X Guided practice Guided practice X Guided practice Guided practice
could be integrated to aid
technology in helping Modeling thinking Modeling thinking Modeling thinking Modeling thinking
students engage in the
learning goals? Modeling navigation Modeling navigation Modeling navigation Modeling navigation
In other words, what is of the tool of the tool of the tool of the tool
lacking in the technology tool
(from the score above) that Software tour Software tour Software tour Software tour
could be improved by good
instructional strategies. I do, we do, you do I do, we do, you do I do, we do, you do I do, we do, you do
Which strategies listed might
Teacher monitoring X Teacher monitoring Teacher monitoring Teacher monitoring
be helpful. Note: This is just
a suggested list.
Student self-reflective Student self-reflective Student self-reflective Student self-reflective
monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring

Co-use or co- Co-use or co- Co-use or co- Co-use or co-

engagement engagement engagement engagement

X Purposeful partnering Purposeful partnering Purposeful partnering Purposeful partnering

Gradual release of Gradual release of Gradual release of Gradual release of

learning learning learning learning

Create a mentor text Create a mentor text Create a mentor text Create a mentor text

Share-aloud Share-aloud Share-aloud Share-aloud

Turn and talk Turn and talk Turn and talk Turn and talk

Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo

Other Other Other Other

What features of the Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow
technology tool include students to develop or students to develop or students to develop or students to develop or
demonstrate a more demonstrate a more demonstrate a more demonstrate a more
elements to enhance student sophisticated understanding sophisticated understanding sophisticated understanding sophisticated understanding
learning? of the learning goals of the learning goals of the learning goals of the learning goals
Answer the Triple E (possibly use higher-order (possibly use higher-order (possibly use higher-order (possibly use higher-order
Enhancement questions thinking skills)? thinking skills)? thinking skills)? thinking skills)?
concerning how technology No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
can bring about learning
supports/scaffolds, higher-
Can the technology create Can the technology create or Can the technology create or
order thinking, and value- or provide supports provide supports (scaffolds) provide supports (scaffolds)
Can the technology create or
added over traditional tools. (scaffolds) to make it easier provide supports (scaffolds) to make it easier to to make it easier to
Anywhere there is a lower to understand concepts or to make it easier to understand concepts or understand concepts or ideas
score (less than 4), consider ideas (possibly differentiate understand concepts or ideas (possibly differentiate (possibly differentiate or
adding in instructional moves or personalize)? ideas (possibly differentiate or personalize)? personalize)?
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 or personalize)? No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
in the notes to help push the
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
score up! Some instructional
moves are listed in the rows Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create
below. paths for students to Can the technology create paths for students to paths for students to
demonstrate their paths for students to demonstrate their demonstrate their
understanding of the demonstrate their understanding of the understanding of the
learning goals in ways they understanding of the learning goals in ways they learning goals in ways they
could not do with traditional learning goals in ways they could not do with traditional could not do with traditional
tools? could not do with traditional tools? tools?
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 tools? No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
Score= 5/6 Score= 6/6 Score=___/6
Score= 6/6
NOTES: Students will be NOTES: Students will be
able to use this technology able to use this source of NOTES:
to enhance their learning by NOTES: Students will be technology to get creative in
reading through multiple challenged to use higher their own way. Students will Teaching Moves
secondary resources to level thinking with this use be encouraged to use props, Included (From list
provide them with the of technology from the dress up, video edit with
information they need to questions being asked in by special effects, etc. Students
assist them in teaching and the article. This use of understand that this is their
demonstrating a martial art technology will also be a assignment, this is their
tech scaffolding resource for opportunity to teach and
students due to being set at demonstrate in the way they
Teaching Moves the Lexile level each student feel is best to their
Included (From list is currently at. classmates.
Teaching Moves Teaching Moves
Included (From list Included (From list
below): below):

Which teaching moves Active listening Active listening X Active listening Active listening
could be integrated to aid
technology in enhancing the Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo
learning goals?
In other words, what is Self reflective Self reflective Self reflective Self reflective
lacking in the technology tool practices practices practices practices
(from the score above) that
could be improved by good Visible thinking Visible thinking Visible thinking Visible thinking
instructional strategies.
routines routines routines routines
Which strategies listed might
be helpful. Note: This is just X Graphic organizers Graphic organizers X Graphic organizers Graphic organizers
a suggested list.
X Visual X Visual X Visual Visual representations
representations of representations of representations of of learning
learning learning learning
Reflective notebooks
Reflective notebooks Reflective notebooks Reflective notebooks Anticipation guides

Anticipation guides Anticipation guides Anticipation guides Questioning practices

X Questioning practices Questioning practices Questioning practices Predicting

Predicting X Predicting Predicting Differentiation

X Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Personalization

Personalization Personalization X Personalization Share-aloud

Share-aloud Share-aloud X Share-aloud Other

Other Other Other

How does the technology Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create
extend the learning goals? opportunities for the opportunities for the opportunities for the opportunities for the
students to learn outside the students to learn outside the students to learn outside the students to learn outside the
Answer the Triple E Extend typical school day? typical school day? typical school day? typical school day?
questions concerning how No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
technology can bring about
learning that connects to Can the technology create a Can the technology create a Can the technology create a Can the technology create a
everyday life, allows learners bridge between school bridge between school bridge between school bridge between school
to continue to learn 24/7 and learning and everyday life learning and everyday life learning and everyday life learning and everyday life
(authentic experiences)? (authentic experiences)? (authentic experiences)? (authentic experiences)?
helps them develop soft No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
skills. Anywhere there is a
lower score (less than 4), Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow
consider adding in students to build authentic students to build authentic students to build authentic students to build authentic
instructional moves in the life skills, which they can life skills, which they can life skills, which they can life skills, which they can
notes to help push the score use in their everyday life use in their everyday life use in their everyday life use in their everyday life
(soft skills)? (soft skills)? (soft skills)? (soft skills)?
up! Some instructional
moves are listed in the rows No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
Score= 6/6 Score= 6/6 Score= 6/6 Score=___/6

NOTES: This digital tool NOTES: This resource will NOTES: This digital tool NOTES:
will provide students with give students the allows students to share
the opportunity to learn opportunity to build what they know in the way Teaching Moves
outside the classroom as authentic life skills by that they have learned it. Included (From list
well as serve as a secondary helping them enhance their Students learn in different
resource in multiple ways. reading skills. Since this ways, and by allowing
Students will be able to digital tool is set at each students to use this digital
discover the same content student’s current Lexile tool, they can teach and
they are looking for from level, students will be able demonstrate their
multiple resources outside to be met where they are at knowledge to their
of their traditional textbook. and challenged to improve. classmates in the way they
Students will be able to When these digital tools learned it. Some of their
build authentic life skills have options to differentiate classmates may inquire the
with this use of technology for students, students can content better than being
due to how much we rely on learn the same subject provided in another form.
our internet search engines. content at the level they are
Students will enhance their at. Teaching Moves
researching skills and be Included (From list
able to interpret new Teaching Moves below):
information. Students will Included (From list
also be able to choose to use
their search engines to read
or view the information
they are looking for.

Teaching Moves
Included (From list

Which teaching moves X Real world issues X Real world issues X Real world issues Real world issues
could be integrated to aid
technology in extending the Partner with real Partner with real Partner with real Partner with real
learning goals?
In other words, what is world organizations world organizations world organizations world organizations
lacking in the technology tool X Connect with
Connect with Connect with Connect with
(from the score above) that
could be improved by good authentic experts authentic experts authentic experts authentic experts
instructional strategies.
Which strategies listed might Engage students in Engage students in Engage students in Engage students in
be helpful. Note: This is just authentic discourse with authentic discourse with authentic discourse with authentic discourse with
a suggested list. others others others others

X Pen Pals Pen Pals Pen Pals Pen Pals

X Student’s investigate Student’s investigate Student’s investigate Student’s investigate

and direct their own and direct their own and direct their own and direct their own
project project project project

Role playing Role playing X Role playing Role playing

Use authentic tools Use authentic tools Use authentic tools Use authentic tools
that are prominent in that are prominent in that are prominent in that are prominent in
everyday life everyday life everyday life everyday life

Other Other Other Other

Lesson set up. I will have students The day before the I will have an exemplar
charge their digital lesson, I will have the for my students to view in
How will I prepare for this devices (Google article assigned to my class the day of the lesson
piece of technology in this Chromebook/iPad) in the students and set to open so that they can get ideas
lesson? classroom cart before on the day of this lesson of how they would like to
they are dismissed the so that I do not have to film their recordings.
What do I need to do to get class before. spend time assigning it
the technology ready? before the lesson.
 Selecting the just On the day of this lesson,
right tool or part of I will have students I will have students will
the resource signed into their student logged into Actively
emails, and ready to go. Learn, have their
 Setting up Accounts headphones with them,
 Differentiating On Canvas, I will have and opened up to the
the recommended links assigned article titled,
 Personalizing posted in the assignment “The Marial Arts.”
folder within the module.
 Creating models or
Assessment Students will have to As students are reading Students will be assessed
create a script on a the article, they will be in the time and effort they
How will you assess the Google Doc to share with assigned questions to put into their recording.
activities happening me the notes they answer from the text. The rubric for this area of
through the tool? gathered from their Students will receive assessment will consist of
secondary resources with multiple choice, True or 1. The length of the
 Monitoring/ the link they used to False, and Short Answer recording, 2. How
observations obtain their information. questions. Actively Learn clearly/blurry we can see
 Formative saves their responses for the student teaching and
me to view and grade demonstrating, 3. The
later. This digital tool audio of the video, 4. Any
 Informal also allows me to see video editing to the
assessments how long students spent recording.
completing the article. If
 Summative students have multiple
assessment tabs open, and are not on
the Actively Learn
article, it will not track
that time no matter how
long they have been
logged on for.

What is the minute-to-minute activity that will be happening in the lesson. Describe what the
teacher is going to do and say, as well as what the students are going to do.
Time stamp and what is What are the students going to do? What is the teacher going to say?
the teacher going to do
5 Minutes: Teacher will Students will respond to the discussion “Good morning, 7th Grade! Everyone, log into Canvas, go to the most
introduce the lesson with question by typing in complete sentences. recent module, and select the DQ (Discussion Question) of the day. The
a discussion question. Students will then share what they typed question is, “What do you do to keep your mind, body, and spirit under
with their classmates sitting in their group. control? *Repeat the question again in a slower pace. You are going to
respond to that question by typing in complete sentences. *Give
5-10 Minutes: Teacher students a chance to respond. Okay, turn to your elbow partner and
will give students the Students will take turns selecting their share what you wrote and why. 2 minutes!”
opportunity to select the preferred martial art form. Students will
martial art form(s) of their then listen to the instructions for each
choice. Next, Teacher will specific task at each station. Students will “Excellent! Okay, when you hear your name, you will be selecting one
place students in groups at raise their hands to ask any questions of the options from the list. Once one of the options is selected 3 times,
separate stations. Teacher regarding their tasks. Students will gather it is no longer available to choose from. Make sure to have 3-4
will then give instructions their belongings and materials to have preferences so that if one option closes, you can still choose another.
for each station. ready to start at their station. *Last student chooses their option. Excellent! Okay, if I call your name,
you will be placed at Station 1. The next set of students will be at
Students will be working on the task Station 2. The final set will be placed at Station 3. *After every student
assigned to their particular station. For is at their assigned station. “WATERFALL, WATERFALL! Shhhhh.
20 Minutes: Teacher will example, students in Station 1 (Teacher-
be in the Teacher-Led Excellent! Okay everyone, I need you to listen to the instructions for
Led) will have their notebooks and writing today’s blended learning lesson. In Station 1, you will be with me. We
Station working with
students on their research. supplies with them to take notes and will be looking the at slides I posted on Canvas and discussing about
Once Teacher has his engage in the whole group instruction. the different forms of martial arts that have been established in the
group of students Students in Station 2 (Collaborative) are to world today. In Station 2, you will be working together to gather the
working, Teacher will go help each other find and gather information you need for the martial art form that you selected.
around the classroom to information from the assigned links on the Everyone is going to assist each other regardless of the martial art you
make sure that students in martial art form they have chosen to create selected. Once you have gathered your information, you begin working
the other stations are on a script for their future recording of on your script and typing out ideas for how you’re going to film your
track and completing their themselves teaching a lesson on their recording. In Station 3, you will be working quietly and independently
assigned tasks. martial art form. Students at station 3 on your assigned Actively Learn article titled, “The Martial Arts.” Your
(Independent) will be working quietly on Short Answer response needs to be at least 5-8 sentences long and
their assigned Actively Learn article titled, supported by examples from the text. If you finish the article before the
30 Seconds-1 Minute: “The Martial Art.” 20-minute timer, you may either begin or continue working on your
Teacher will instruct script. You may also log onto Redbird until it is time to rotate. If you
students to gather their any of you have any questions, write them down so that we can answer
belongings and materials Students will be gathering all their them as a class after the 20-minute timer is up. When the timer goes
and smoothly rotate to the belongings, placing them in their travel off, students at Station 1 will rotate to Station 2. Station 2 will rotate to
next station. bags, and smoothly rotating to their next Station 3, and Station 3 will rotate to Station 1. Any questions before
station. *When the 20-minute timer goes we begin. *After questions are answered. Alright, the timer is on, let’s
Repeat Cycle 2X off, they will repeat this process 2 more giddy up!”

2 Minutes: Teacher will *After the 20-minute timer goes off. “TIME!! WATERFALL,
encourage students to Students will reorganize their current WATERFALL! Shhhhhh! Great work, 7th Grade! What questions do
gather their belongings station, gather all of their personal we have? *Answer questions. “Alright, everyone has their belongings?
and materials, reorganize belongings, and move back to their Everyone knows where they are going next? Fantastic! 3…2…1…
the station they are original desks. rotate! Station 1, go to 2. 2 go to 3. 3, you’re with me. Let’s roll!”
currently at, clean up, and *Repeat this process 2 more times.
get back to their original
Students will complete the exit ticket by
answering a question in their assignment “TIME! WATERFALL, WATERFALL! Shhhhh! Excellent, 7th Grade!
folder on Canvas. Okay, everyone. I need you all to gather all of your belongings, and
5 Minutes: Teacher will place them in your travel bags. Next, let’s make sure the station we are
close the lesson with currently at looks even better then the way it did when we arrived.
questions about the tasks *After students gather their belongings and reorganize their stations.
at each station followed Okay, everyone, I need you all to go back to your original desks, and be
by assigning the Exit ready for the wrap up of today’s lesson.

*Students are in their original desks. “Alright everyone, what did we

cover today?” *Last student responds. “Fantastic! What questions do
we have about the classwork?” *Last question answered. “Give me a
thumbs up if you’re completely confident in what you’re doing for
homework tonight. A thumb to the side if you’re somewhat confident
about the homework tonight, and a thumb down if you’re completely
confused on what you’re doing for homework tonight.” *Students show
their thumb reaction. “Alight, great! Before you are dismissed, I need
you to complete the Exit Ticket posted on Canvas that asks, “Why are
martial arts still used today?”

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