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Seamless Baby Hoodie

Materials: 350 (350-400-400) grs of knitting worsted yarn (150

yds/100 grs). Circular knitting needles no 5 and 6 or size to give
gauge, for body of sweater. Dble pointed needles no 5 and 6 or
size to give gauge, for sleeves. 2 st holders - 1 long (about 8")
and 1 short (about 6"). 1 row marker. A separating zipper to fit
the finished front edge.

Note: Cut-to-size zippers can be ordered from

or I usually get a light-weight plastic zipper
from Experiment to see what you like.

Sizes: 6-9 months - 1 year - 18 months - 2 years. Directions for

2nd, 3rd and 4th sizes are given in parentheses. Measurements
for first size are given in inches on chart (end of pattern) with
cm following each inch measurement.

Stitches used: 1. garter st. 2. 1/1 ribbing.

Pattern stitch: Fancy st: row 1: knit; row 2 *K1, P1, repeat from * across row. Always repeat these 2

Gauge: 21 sts = 4" [10 cm] - 24 rows = 4" [10 cm] in fancy st with large size needles.

Body of Sweater: With small sized circular needles cast on 111 (119-127-131) sts and work in 1/1
ribbing. When piece measures 1.5" (4 cm) from beg., change to large size circular needles and continue
in fancy st. When piece measures 7 (8-8.75-9)" [18 (20-22-23)cm] from beg., end wrong side.

Shape armholes: At right side, knit 21 (23-25-26) sts; bind off 13 sts for right armhole. Work even on 43
(47-51-53) sts for the back. Bind off 13 sts for left armhole and knit 21 (23-25-26) sts. Place right front
and back of sweater on stitch holders.

Left Front: Work even on the left front in fancy st until piece measures 10.25 (11-11.75-12.25)" [26 (28-
30-31) cm.], end right side.

Shape neck: at wrong side, every other row, bind off 4 sts (once); 2 sts (twice) = 13 (15-17-18) sts.
When piece measure 11.75 (12.50-13.25-13.75)" [30 (32-34-35) cm] from beg., end wrong side.

Shape shoulder: At right edge, every other row, bind off 5 (5-6-6) sts (twice) and the 3 (5-5-6)
remaining sts.

Right Front: Move 21(23-25-26) sts for right front from holder to needle and work to correspond to left
front but reverse shaping.

Back: Move 43 (47-51-53) sts for back from holder to needle and work even until piece measures 11.75
(12.50-13.25-13.75)” [30 (32-34-35) cm].
Seamless Baby Hoodie
Shape shoulders: at each edge, every other row, bind off 5 (5-6-6) sts (twice) and 3 (5-5-6) sts (once)
and the 17 remaining sts (once).

Sleeves: With small size dble pointed needles cast on 44 (46-48-50) sts, connect row and mark beg. of
row. Work in 1/1 ribbing. When piece measures 2” from beg., change to larger sized dble pointed
needles and continue in fancy st, and at each edge, every 6 rows, inc. 1 st (5 times). Work even on the
54 (56-58-60) sts thus obtained and when piece measures 8.25 (8.75-9-9.50)” [21 (22-23-24) cm.] from
beg., bind off all sts once.

Hood: With small size needles cast on 89 (93-95-97) sts and work in 1/1 ribbing. When piece measures
1.25” [3 cm] from beg., change to large size needles and continue in fancy st. When piece measures 4.25
(4.75-5-5.50)” [11 (12-13-14) cm] from beg., at each edge, bind off 35 (36-37-38) sts, and continue on
the 19 (21-21-21) remaining sts. When piece measures 10.5 (11.5-12.25-13)” [27 (29-31-33) cm] from
beg., bind off all sts.

Borders: At side edge of each front, with small size needles pick up and knit 48 (52-56-58) sts and work
in garter st for 4 rows. Then bind off all sts.

Finishing: Sew in sleeves. Sew back of hood to sides of hood, and sew hood to neck edge. Sew in
zipper at front.

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