OHS PTO Board Meeting Minutes April 22, 2021 4:00pm

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OHS PTO Board Meeting Minutes April 22, 2021 4:00pm

Present: Missy Harrin, Shannon- Heather Wall, Margaret Hurt

Approve March meeting minutes- Marg opened for discussion; there were no comments; copy of
minutes was available during the meeting.

Meeting goals-Marg mentioned goals of today's meeting

Plans for remainder of this school year
Spring staff appreciation

*Parent email list *OHS FB page *OHS website *Sunday message
We will do the following:
 SAW to create Sign up Genius for needs from volunteers- drinks / dessert for Luncheon
Hope to send Sign up Genius to our parent email
Marg to give to office to post on OHS FB
 Marg to ask Ms.Turner to include brief info about SAW on Sunday message next two

Review updated finance document
General discussion on spending for remainder of spring 2021
No discussion; per Missy, no changes in our account; a copy of the statement from last meeting
was available for reference. If Missy feels she needs more that the current $395 amount
designated for staff appreciation, she will let board know and we can decide a plan.

Staff Appreciation Planning for Staff Appreciation Week, May 3-7

Mon May 3: Dynamite Coffee/ breakfast treats
Missy to order Dyn Coffee using our coffee credit from this school year; to get
breakfast items at Sam's; set up in Media Center by 7:30am

Tues May 4: Missy to put small treat in staff boxes

Wed May 5: Luncheon: Mexican bar in the Media Center ;

 Missy to purchase chicken/rice/beans/condiments(cook in croc pots)
 SHOW to create Sign Up Genius to get parents to bring canned drinks/dessert
 Missy to inventory paper product supply
 Marg to confirm lunch serving time from M.Turner
 Marg to inquire about tables in media center for staff to sit; we will put simple
decorations/tableclothes if can use
 Missy to discuss use of cart in office Tu/Wed of the week for office staff to place
food donations on for the lunch

Thurs May 6: Missy to put small treat in staff boxes

Fri May 7: Marg in discussion with Biltmore Baptist Church about Chick fil a sandwich
donation for full staff list; we will offer to set up/clean up and PTO can provide chips and
water drink, if needed. Marg to work out details for delivery, etc. If we have extra drinks
or dessert from Weds, we will use here.

General Tasks for SAW:

 Volunteers: Marg to secure volunteers to fill shifts for Mon Coffee pick up/ set up
Wednesday Lunch- set up/ serve/ clean up; she and Missy will coordinate shift

 Possible volunteers to contact (that have helped in past): Hope Burk, Helen Hey,
Sandy Roundtree, April Roy, Alison Banzhoff, Hope Burk, Teresa Elder, Amy
Berry, among others
 Marg to ask MTurner about "thank you staff" memo on front digital kiosk

Fundraising - nothing schoolwide during Covid; communicate opportunities for business support
Marg to check with Goodwill about any plans for trailer fundraiser to start back up

Calendar: Discuss Next meeting and a Summer Planning Meeting

Agreed to hold off on a meeting date for now; if anything is needed in late May following SAW,
we will handle business by text/email, or schedule meeting as needed.
Agreed to hold a longer summer planning meeting to include items such as:
Budget Planning (include Yvonne Hale, new treasurer, in this)
Brainstorm fundraisers
Revisit past support- ex. professional development grants
Board members and what roles needed

*Minutes prepared by Margaret Hurt on 4/23/21, 4:15pm

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