Catanauan II Reaped 100% Perfoming Schools in The Evaluation of New-Normal Appropriate Instructional Practices

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Vol. 1 Number 1 October 2020-July 2021 T o w a r d s E x c e l l e n c e

Catanauan II Reaped 100% Perfoming Schools in the Evaluation of

New-Normal Appropriate Instructional Practices
by: Lowella DG. Formento

1st Place: San Isidro Elementary School

“All schools in our district did a very good job! It’s a really tight
contest among the 20 schools. We find it very hard to judge.”

This was stated by ours Schools Division Supervisor, Madame

Chona D. Andrade during the evaluation of schools in the 2N-AIP
Program last May 24, 2021.
2nd Place: Dahican Elementary School
As we are now in the mid of the pandemic, the Department of Education
continue to serve the people by providing new school practices to secure the
safety of the learners and its employee and to continue the teaching-learning
process. These practices are indicated in a program called the 2N-AIP or the
New-Normal Appropriate Instructional Practices. For the previous three quar-
ters, this program has been effective as the schools in the Catanauan II district
achieved the practices.
The quarterly evaluation of school shows the achievement of the schools
in terms of the teaching-learning process, management, and provisions of pro-
grams that will answer the needs of the learners in the time of pandemic.
The evidence presented by the schools were measure as their performance.
It was shown, during the evaluation that each school in the district were able
to provide programs for the learners, parents, and stakeholders that will help
and support the needs of each one of them. Schools also shows the safety
measures they do in teaching process. They provide activities to enhance the 3rd Place: Tuhian Elementary School
skills of the learners even they are in the corners of their home. Schools use
the different media to ensure the quality instruction and communication for
everyone. Schools also provided rewards or incentives for the supports they
received from the parents.

School heads and other employee gave their best to perform the 2N-AIP
and made amazing video presentation to showcase the school achievement.
The committee, led by Madame Rebie A. Marciano with Silver A. Bandol and
Jonny P. Cruzado, able to provide an amazing program every quarter in recog-
nition to the effort and achievement of each school. Certificate of recognition
was given to the top three winners and certificate of participation was given to
each school. Judges were also recognized as they were the one who evaluated
video presentation and evidence of schools in practicing the 2N-AIP. These
judges are the school heads of junior high school and elementary.
During the evaluation, meals were sponsored by different stakeholder such
the LGU and the District Supervisor, Madame Chona D. Andrade.
For the lasts three quarters, San Isidro Elem and San Isidro NHS have the high-
est rank in the evaluation as they were entered the top 3 rank twice, while
Tuhian Elem. and Dahican Elem were followed.
Meal/Snack from Special Education Fund were

served in the morning and afternoon

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