Complete The Sentences With The Correct Form of The Verb in Brackets

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets .

1. If I had to make a speech I   pretty nervous . (BE)

2. If I   you were sleeping I would not have woken you. (KNOW)

3. If the weather   fine tomorrow we will be able to go to the beach


4. You dog   so fat if you didn't feed it so often (NOT BE).

5. If her hair were black she   completely different (LOOK).

6. If the boy does not write to Santa Clause, he won't get a present (NOT


7. They   to the meeting if they had been informed about it.


8. If the trip hadn't been so expensive we   reservations for a

better hotel (MAKE).

9. If they   him for permission he would have agreed (ASK).

10. I'll   you the money if you pay me back next week. (GIVE)

11. The workers   the road if they had had enough tools


12. If it   yesterday we would have gone on a picnic (NOT


13. If they locked the door properly nobody   into their house


14. If he   much time he would go to the university (NOT


1. If I found a wallet on the street I   it to the owner (RETURN).

2. If I   offered a loan I would accept it. (BE)

3. If you ask the policeman he   you how to get to the station (TELL).

4. You   healthier if you ate less junk food. (BE)

5. The police   into the warehouse , if there hadn't been any

gunshots. (NOT BREAK)
6. If I   $1,000 I could afford to repair my house (HAVE)

7. If the movie   more than 3 hours I won't be able to sit through it.

8. If I   for a walk this morning I would have seen that broken tree.

9. If he   time he will call his parents (HAVE).

10. If it   the match will be cancelled (RAIN)

11. If you had studied more you   the exam (NOT FAIL).

12. I would lend you my scooter if you   to be careful with it.

13. If you had had the money,   it to me? ( YOU LEND)

14. He would have gone to work last week if he   ill (NOT

ct form of the verb in brackets .

1. The teacher will be very angry at you if you   your homework


2. If he   me what was wrong, I could help him (TELL)

3. If you hadn't watered the flowers, they   (DIE)

4. If you don't hurry, you   the bus (MISS)

5. If I   you, I wouldn't buy that car, (BE)

6. We are going to play tennis if the weather   good (BE)

7. She could have won the race if she   harder (TRY).

8. If she   to bed early, she will get up early (GO)

9. We would have got wet if we   our raincoats (NOT HAVE)

10. If I knew it, I   earlier (COME)

11. What will you do if you   a bad mark (GET) ?

12. If she wears a necklace, the dress   better (LOOK).

13. If you   near the dog, it would have bitten you (GO)

14. If she   the book carefully, she would understand it


15. If Mary had been free yesterday I   (INVITE) her.

16. If the weather   (BE) miserable what would you have done ?

17. If you hadn't called I   (NOT KNOW) about the


18. If she had received an invitation she   (JOIN) us.

19. If it   (NOT RAIN) yesterday we would have gone on a


20. You would have done it if you   (TRY).

21. He   (NOT BE) so surprised if he had gone to their last

22. If I had bought some fresh food I   (NOT HAVE) to eat
canned food for breakfast,

23. The constructors   (BUILD) the road if they had had

enough tools.

24. The author would have finished the book he he   (NOT
FALL) seriously ill.

25. The car engine   (WORK) if the mechanic had done his
job properly.

26. He would have taken the job if he   (FIND) the offer

rd Conditional - Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. I   (TELL) you the news if I had seen you sooner.

2. I would have bought the larger model if I   (BE ABLE) to afford


3. I would never have believed it would be possible if I   (NOT SEE)

it with my own eyes,

4. If we   (HAVE) enough money we would have gone to the concert.

5. If he   (NOT FALL) asleep he would not have crashed his car.

6. I   (PHONE) Sally if I hadn't forgotten her phone number.

7. If the wind hadn't been so strong the bridge   (NOT

8. If you   (COME) earlier you would have seen a famous actor.

9. If my alarm clock had rung I   (ARRIVE) on time.

10. If I had seen Mary I   (TELL) her.

11. If they   (NOT PASS) the exam their teacher would have
been sad.

12. If it had rained yesterday ,   (YOU STAY) at home ?

2nd Conditional - Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. If the tent were any smaller one of us   (HAVE) to sleep outside.

2. If her hair were black she   (LOOK) completely different.

3. If we   (HAVE) enough money we would stay in a hotel.

4. If my brother   (BE) a foot taller he would be a great basketball


5. If I had a good teacher I   (BE) good at maths.

6. If I lived in Canada I   (SPEAK) English fluently.

7. If you   (NOT LIVE) so far away I would visit you more often.

8. If he were asked to drive the car he   (NOT REFUSE).

9. If they locked the door nobody   (BREAK) into their house.

10. If he   (NOT WASTE) so much time he would go to the

11. If they   (GIVE) everybody a present they would run out of


12. They   (CELEBRATE) their honeymoon in Asia if they

could afford it.

2nd Conditional - Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. I   (NOT LIKE) it very much if they gave Mark the job.

2. I wouldn't get so angry with you if you   (GET) more work done.

3. What would you do if you   (HIT) a parked car in the street?

4. If I knew how it worked I   (TELL) you what to do.

5. You   (BE) smarter if you graduated from the university.

6. If I   (WIN) in the lottery I would give up working.

7. If we   (CATCH) the nine o'clock train we would get there on time.

8. What   (YOU DO) if you found a one hundred dollar note on the

9. If John   (BE) here, he would prepare a meal.

10. It would be nice if the rain   (STOP).

11. I   (SING) a song if I had my guitar here.

12. If he were a young man he   (BE ABLE) to walk faster.

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