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Escuela Republica de Japón

First Grade

English Class

Student-Teacher: Karen Fuentes y Scarleth Raudales

Topic: Greeting Expressions

Vocabulary: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night, Hello, Bye

Skills: listening and speaking

Date: Monday, 16th, February, 2015

General Objectives: Students will be able to name a set of greeting expressions and
relate it in different time of the day and situation.

Specific Objectives:
Students will be able to:
1. Apply greeting expression in context.
2. Identify the time of the day and situation to say some greeting expressions.
3. Dramatized the greeting expressions with their classmates and teacher.

 Anticipatory set:
Warm-up: We will present a song “Good Afternoon Teacher”
We will sing the song first and then the students will repeat the song in parts, after
that we will sing the song a third time all together.
 Direct instruction:
We will paste on the whiteboard three funny pictures that show the time of the say,
so we will use a sun with a cloud that is going to represent the expression, good
morning, then we will use a sun that is going to represent good afternoon, and
finally the picture of the moon is going to represent the expression good night. Also
we will give examples: When we wake up (Dramatizing) we say good morning,
when we come to school we say good afternoon and finally when we go to bed we
say good night. So we will explain this, then the students will repeat after us each

 Guided practice:
Students will repeat the expression when the teacher show them the pictures that
represent the expression.

 Closure:
As a wrap up of the lesson we will dramatize the different expressions and the
students will say the expression aloud.

 Independent practice:
Students will cut the pictures that represent the expressions good morning, good
afternoon, good night, hello and bye. Then they are going to paste it in their
notebooks in order.

 Require materials and equipment:

White Board, marker, visual aids, colored pencils, worksheets, masking tape,
stamps and ink.

 Assessment and follow-up:

Students will be evaluating by oral expression, repetition and participation during
the activities.

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