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Answer ANY 10 Form the following : 10x1=10

1) Which of the following are correct controls in ASP.NET Source View?()?

a.<asp:textbox runat="server" id="Msg" text="Hello, R4R" />

b.<asp:button runat="server" id="Send" text="Send”

onclick="Send_Click" />

c. None

d. Both

2) Which is used to add event code(on C# Code) for TextBox control in

Source view ( ASP.NET)?

a. MsgSent.Text = Msg.Text;
b. MsgSent.Text = Msg.Text
c. Both
d. None

3) ASP.NET Supports “Nested Master Page”?


4) Correct syntax of ASP.NET directive:

a.<%@ directive [attribute=value] %>.

b.<% directive [attribute=value] %>.

c.<@ directive [attribute=value] %>.

d.<@ directive [attribute=value] >.

5) Syntax for Assembly directive specifies

a. < Assembly runat="server" [language="language"]>

</ Assembly >

b. <%@ Assembly Name="r4r" %>

c. 1 and 2

d. None

6) Syntax for Register directive specifies

a. < Register runat="server" [language="language"]>

</ Register >
b. <%@ Register Tagprefix="r4r" TagName="CustomControl
Src="CustomControl.ascx" %>
c. 1 and 2
d. None

7) Which two cause a compiler error? (Choose two)

a. float[] = new float(3);

b. float f2[] = new float[];
c. float[] f1 = new float[3]
d. float f3[] = new float[3];
e. float f5[] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f };
f. float f4[] = new float[] { 1.0f. 2.0f. 3.0f};

8) A project on which you are working calls for you to store small amount
of frequently changing information about a page on the client.
For this project, security is not a worry. Which is the best method to

a)     A cookie

b)     A query string

c)     A javascript function

d)     A hidden form field

9) What is the last stage of the Web forms lifecycle?

a)      Page_Load

b)      Validate

c)     Page_Unload

d)      Page_Init

10) What attribute must be set on a validator control for the

validation to work?

a)     Validate

b)      ValidateControl

c)      ControlToBind

d)     ControlToValidate

11) What DataType is return in IsPostback property?

a)     Bit

b)     Boolean

c)     Int
d)     String

12) How do you explicitly kill a user’s session ?

A)     Session.Close()

B)     Session.Discard()

C)     Session.Abandon()

D)     Session.End()

Answer the following :

1) What is Postback? Can We Use Postback Inside the events other than
the Page_Load Event? What is the value of (ISPostBack) Pressing the
browser refress button? 2+1+2=5
2) List the ASP.NET validation controls? What r the purpose of the
validators (with syntax)? 2+3=5
3) Explain Minimum FOUR TemplateFields Of GridView. 5
4) What is UpatePanel in ASP.NET? Why it used? What is the syntax
structure of UpdatePanel?What is the postbackTrigger of
Updatepanel? 1+1+2+1=5
5) What are the architectures of ADO.NET? Explain. 2+3=5
6) What are the different types of authentication mode SQLSERVER?
What are the connection string are used for different type of
Authentication mode? 2+3=5
7) What is javascript? Why it is client side scripting language? Give
syntax to delete any value pressing a button after javascript
confirmation. 1+1+3=5
8) What are the differences between DataTable and Dataset? What is
SqlDataAdapter? Why we use SqlDataAdapler da = new
SqlDataAdapler(query,con) instead of SqlDataAdapler da = new
SqlDataAdapler(con,query)? 2+1+2=5

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