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Alexis Bookard
Dr. Sechrist
April 16,2021

Let me introduce you to Mr. Arthur the man who I’m interview, he gave my full consent to

interview me for use his of information. This a brief summary telling, about his life story. In this

interview you will see when how he grew up with 8 siblings and being from a low income

family. He came from a strong family foundation beating the odds of some stereotypes, but also

facing controversy when it came to growing up while being a black man. This man is a son,

father, grandfather, veteran and a minister. This will cover growing up while black in America as

an African American male, along with being religious and staying with ones preference of

religion. You get to see the perspective an African American growing up in an era where black

lives didn’t matter to those around them, such as police brutality when there was no social media.

This is a man who believes in God and strongly believes in what he was taught from his parents

and church. His opinion is spoken on how he feels about things in the world such as police

brutality and religion.


Let me introduce you to Mr. Arthur who gave me the full consent to ask him about his

religion and life. Before asking any questions, I asked Mr. Arthur is there any questions you like

to stay away from that would trigger anything. He was very open to telling, about his life story

and religion. Here’s some basic background knowledge for Mr. Arthur. He is a 64 year old male

who identifies as a man born June 1956, born in Baltimore MD, who is African American. He’s

the second oldest child of 8 children. Mr. Arthur grew up in Newark, Nj then by the age of 16.

moved to Orange, Nj. He was married twice he got married the first time at the age 21 in

November 1977 to Ms. Sallie who he had 3 girls and now 8 grandchildren divorced in the 80’s.

At the age of 37 Mr. Arthur married Ms. Carol in 1993 who he later divorced in 2004. At the age

of 17, he served the United States Military and is now a Veteran. I was informed that Mr. Arthur

wanted to change his life at 17 coming Newark Nj that he forged his father’s signature to run off

the Army because at 17 you need a parents consent.

Growing up in was typically tough having 8 siblings. They were poor but their parents

managed to keep food on the table. Often some siblings shared clothes mostly his sisters, him

and his older brother didn’t because his older brother was always taller and bigger in size. They

lived in the hood of Newark, Nj which was typically round and still is until today. Although

segregations had started when he was born at the time there was different sides to Newark one

side mostly white and the other side mostly Black there wasn’t completely any Hispanics until

around the 1970’s. Before they moved to Orange, Nj his grandmother took over to be his legal

guardian during his 9th grade year so he could go to school out there. This was because his local

high school was very dangerous. It took him 1 hour and 15 mins to walk to school every day, he

was often late for school. Then his parents soon moved to Orange allowing him to be closer to

the school. His school was mixed mostly black and whites only. He didn’t graduate high school
he would the at the age of 17 go to the arm and earn his GED in 1973. He began serving in the

Army in 1973, then switched to the reserves later in 1976.

Mr. Arthur comes from a very religious background his mother and father were both

ministers. While growing up his parents gave them a very strict up bringing not allowing to be

involved in events that would take away from being a Christian. They were not allowed to go

out with friends or hang out on Sundays. Sunday was completely for resting and church services

known as the “Lord’s day”. Often services were held on Wednesday and Friday nights and

regular Sunday. There were two services on Sunday both Sunday school and morning service

were expected to be attended along with special services. They were expected to go to every

service since his father was a pastor. In their house there was no smoking, cussing, drinking and

nor disrespectful action towards any family members close or distant or friends. During his

teenage years there was a strict curfew unless working.

Mr. Arthur was raised in a church called The House of God Keith Dominion Inc. He’s

been in a member of his church for all of his life. I was informed that this is just a short version

of his church name. The long version is “The House of God Which is The Church of the Living

God the Pillar and Ground of The Truth Without Controversy Inc Keith Dominion”. This church

falls under Pentecostal but is all about. What is Pentecostal / holiness one may ask it’s those who

believe that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are alive, available. According to the bible 1

Corinthians 12:4-10, the manifestations or gifts of the Holy spirit were seen. This was believed

that the signs and wonders of the message of wisdom, knowledge, faith , gifts of healing,

discerning spirits, tongues and interpretations of tongues were happening.

Following his father and mother’s footsteps he became a minster in 1976 at the age of 20

years old. This happened during a convention in which they call the Sunday Bible School
convention on youth night in July of 1976. Being young often decisions don’t stay the same well

Mr. Arthur left the church in 1977 and then married Ms. Sallie who he met from the church. As a

revolving cycle back in the church in 1978 just to leave again in 1981. But once again he came

back again in 1995 staying permanently.

Back to some history of his church and what they are about they established in the year of

1903 their church was broken into different groups hence why it has “Keith Dominion Inc.” at

the end of the name. They are taught from the bible the specific on that is used is the King James

Version. Along with the teaching their leaders write lessons in a book they call the Sunday

School Book. It’s life lessons, spiritual lessons that they use to teach and break down the bible to

those from the age of 3 until the adult years. In this church, they believe and do firmly teach in

the pure unadulterated word of God.

This church has a Decree book, in which is the bylaws and outline of how the church

should be ran. It talks about what is acceptable in their church of what will be tolerated, basically

explaining how they are operating. But it gives also the history of the church, talking the founder

of the church, the helpers, their overseers and the different administration. As of 2021 they are in

their 5th administration due to the passing of their last overseer who recently passed in 2021.

Every time they get a new overseer, they release revisions of the decree book adding on just

Constitution of the United States. Along with the decree book have a minster handbook, as well

as deacon, and membership handbook.

Again, I asked Mr. Arthur what does he believe in? He stated something from their

Sunday school book, that has to do with their church statement saying, “ We believe and do

firmly teach that the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ abolished a long list of

sacrificial and ritual laws, all which had their fulfillment or completion in him, but all moral laws
as we know, are eternal.” This was just a brief of what part of they believe in which could be

backed up by the bible for their references.

Mr. Arthur explained why he stayed in his religion as opposed to going to another

church/denomination or religion such as Islamic faith or Jehovah witness. He quoted 1 peter 1:16

“You shall be Holy, for I am Holy”, meaning that because Jesus is holy it’s only right to be a

follower after Christ. Mr. Arthur talked about how his faith grew due to him having health

issues, explaining how he’s a strong believer in how God is capable of doing extraordinary

things for us as people that we could never make happen. That alone made him stay in his

religion along with his organization. This is where he felt comfortable most at along with his

family being in this organization for many years his family belonged to this well before he was

born, now both him and his children with the exception of one still belong to this organization.

I began running out of questions to ask Mr. Arthur, because he was explaining his life

story in detail it was very interesting to hear from someone older and their life story. But there

was one main question I wanted to ask. It was “ What is like being an African American Man in

America?”, I mean sure I could relate but can I really relate to the male prospect of being in

America. Yes, I can relate to just being black but it’s far deeper. Mr. Arthur delivered in a very

positive prospect. Once again, he was born in Baltimore Md, moving to Newark, Nj both not

really good areas and high in crimes. He explained to me a black fold tax, this is where a black

person has to work twice as hard for something rather than getting it just as easy as a Whiteman.

Sure, they may put in work, but they don’t have to put in the work like a black man. He grew up

in the era of black panthers, and Malcom X along with the nation of Islam. So, he seen

something happening and such as riots. Sad to say racial discrimination still happens often today

despite what happened back then you would think it would be progress.
One day, he was walking down the street not far from his house there was a purse on the

floor, and he went to check and see if it was an identification card in it. Well, it wasn’t, and an

officer seen him do it well they followed him to his house and slammed him against the house

door. His mother came out and asked what happened? The officer said he stole a purse, which he

didn’t but they painted the picture as if he did. His mother came to his defense, because she knew

her son wouldn’t steal a purse from someone, and the officer let him go after his mother came to

his defense. Well in this part of Jersey it was known for officers to set Black people up, so it was

no surprise to him. He said the very same things we see today are what happened to this during

his younger days.

Police brutality only is being seen more in the media due to the new technology. It was

very relevant during his younger age but now more than ever. Mr. Arthur expressed how he’s

happy that it’s being seen on the news and different media outlets because it can’t be hiding or

ignored anymore. Way to often it was ignored back than but since the technology is advanced

there’s more cameras, to show it openly.

Ending the interview, I asked Mr. Arthur if my interview made him uncomfortable or did

it unlock and trauma for him. He told me, that he was very grateful that I wanted interview him

instead of someone else. I must say I am very honored to interview him. I learned so much about

him in such little time. You think you know someone until you sit down and talk to them about

their life. I thought we came from a similar background, but it shows that our up bringing was

very different. Mr. Arthur was very understanding of the questions asked and gave so much

detail due to the details some had to be cut out of the paper. But once again, I am delighted to

that I was able to interview a Veteran, a Father, Grandfather and a Minister.


Fairchild, Mary. “Who Are Pentecostals and How Did They Get the Name?” Learn Religions,

“House of God Keith Dominion.” The House of God Keith Dominion,

“The Analysis:” Religious Interview: Examining the Religious Experience,


Committe, Sunday School. senior Book ed., 2020.



1. What was is like growing up as minsters child?

2. How was it growing up in Newark, Nj?

3. What is your religion about?

4. What’s the name of your church and denomination?

5. what made you stay in your religion rather than converting to another religion

6. Can you explain what you believe in and why ?

7. When did you become a minister?

8. What is like being an African American Man in America?

9. Is there a difference from back than with police brutality than now?

10. Did interview make you uncomfortable or brought any old trauma?

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