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Name: Cyril D. Diche

Year & Course: Bachelor Of Science in Tourism Management-4A
Topic: Lecture Orientation on RA 11313 for the OJT students
Speaker: Virginia Pinca
Date & Time: Feb. 10 , 1:30 PM

I – Introduction:

Orientation is designed to answer questions before they are asked and to provide solutions
before problems occur. It is a chance for students to learn how things work and this guides them in
the next step of their journey of their lives. To give every student the information they need in order
to function comfortably in the organization.
February 10, 2022 where our orientation conducted virtually via Zoom. The topic was all
about " Lecture Orientation on RA 11313 for the OJT students", with the speaker Mrs. Virginia
Pinca. RA 11313 is an act or law that covers all forms of Gender Based Harassment. Defining
Gender Based Sexual Harassment committed in Public spaces, Streets, Workplaces or Training
Institution. This provides protective measures and prescribes penalties therefore. The Gender-
based Streets and Public Spaces Sexual Harassment. GBSH in street and public spaces is defined
as acts committed through any form of unwanted and uninvited sexual actions or remarks against
any person regardless of the motive for committing such action or remarks. Some of the acts of
gender-based sexual harassment (GBSH) in public spaces are as follows:
a. Catcalling or unwanted remarks directed towards a person, commonly done in the form of
wolf- whistling (paninipol), misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, and sexist slurs, as well as
unwanted invitations;
There's also what we called the Sexist remarks or slurs-statements that are indicative of
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex, typically against women.
Homophobic remarks which are indicative of fear, hatred or aversion towards persons who
are perceived to be or actually identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual and such other
persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or towards any person
perceived to or actually have experienced same-sex attraction.
Misogynistic remarks or slurs- statements that are indicative of the feeling of hating women
or the belief that men are inherently better than women
Transphobic remarks or slurs-statements that are indicative of fear, hatred or aversion towards
persons whose gender identity and/or expression do not conform with their sex assigned at birth.
b. Persistent uninvited comments or gestures on a person’s appearance;
c. Relentless requests for personal details;
d. Statement of sexual comments and suggestions;
e. Public masturbation or flashing of private parts, groping, making offensive body gestures at
someone, and other similar lewd sexual actions;
f. Any advances, whether verbal or physical, that is unwanted and has threatened one’s sense of
personal space and physical safety. This may include cursing, leering and intrusive gazing, and
g. Persistent telling of sexual jokes, use of sexual names; and
h. Stalking or conduct directed at a person involving the repeated visual or physical proximity, non-
consensual communication, or a combination thereof that cause or will likely cause a person to fear
for one’s own safety or the safety of others, or to suffer emotional distress.

The penalties also vary according to the act of GBSH committed and how often a person was
convicted for violating the laws.

For VERBAL Gender Based Sexual Harassment

For 1st Offense- 12 hours’ community service inclusive of Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) and
PHP 1000 fine
For 2nd Offense- the imprisonment of 6-10 days or a PHP 3,000 fine
For the 3rd Offense- Imprisonment of 11-30 days and a PHP of 10,000 fine


For 1st- Offense- 12 hours Community Service inclusive of GST and PHP 10,000 fine
For 2nd Offense- Imprisonment of 11-30 days or PHP of 10,000 fine
For 3rd Offense- Imprisonment of 1 month and 1 day to 9 months and PHP 2,000 fine

The GBSH through stalking, and physical advances, such as touching, pinching or brushing
against the genetalia , groin and breasts.
For 1st Offense- Imprisonment of 11-30 days of a fine of PHP 30,000 provided that it includes
attendance in GST to be conducted by PNP in Coordination with LGU and PCW.
For the 2nd Offense- Imprisonment of 1month and 1 day to 6 months or PHP 50,000 fine
For the 3rd Offense- Imprisonment of 4months and 1 day to 6months or PHP 100,000 fine
Except from mentioned above, there's still other heavy penalties which
Local government units come up with ordinances for the acts specified in the Safe Spaces Act,
subject to the conditions set under the Administrative Code.
The Additional penalties if the perpetrator is the driver or operator of a PUV. The roles of Local
Government Units in Implementing anti-GBSH in streets and public spaces which is the Rules and
Regulations, LGUs shall have the following duties to address GBSH in public spaces. Another was
the Gender Based online Sexual Harassment that includes the cyber stalking and the Gender
Based Sexual Harassment in Workplace which also have heavy penalties if ever one done wrong .
In this case, the duties of heads of educational and training institutions under the Safe Spaces
Act have the same requirements and corresponding penalties imposable upon employers
applicable to heads of educational and training institutions, heads are also required to disseminate
the law, develop their own Code of Conduct and establish and/or update the composition of the
CODI. These heads have to harmonize the CODI for their employees and for their students.
II – Knowledge/Learning Acquired:

Sexual Harassment happens anytime in this current times. Sadly, most of it doesn't
recognize by the government and most victim were under 18 below which is really shows an act of
immorality committed by one person. This day’s victims choose to stay quiet in order not to get
hurt. Criminals have no chosen gender in their bad intentions. It's so terrifying that no matter where
we are , we still doesn't feel the safety of our lives.
Through this orientation I’ve learned a lot about RA 11313 Safe Spaces Act, Which is all about
the different types of Gender Based Sexual Harassment that happens anywhere. Like in Streets, in
public places, in schools even in Workplace. This widens out my knowledge. This does not just
given me a clue on safety tips, but also a whole understanding about the law and the penalties
once a people committed a crime. RA 11313 is the policy of the State to value the dignity of every
human person and guarantee full respect for human rights. It is likewise the policy of the State to
recognize the role of women in nation-building and ensure the fundamental equality before the law
of women and men. I had known that this Safe Spaces Act defines gender–based sexual
harassment in streets, public spaces, online, workplaces, and educational and training institutions
penalizes all forms of sexual harassment in streets and public spaces, as well as in online spaces.
That It is the policy of the State to value the dignity of every human person and guarantee full
respect for human rights. It is likewise the policy of the State to recognize the role of women in
nation-building and ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men. The State
also recognizes that both men and women must have equality, security and safety not only in
private, but also on the streets, public spaces, online, workplaces and educational and training

RA 11313 is well explained, but still I don't understand why people still chooses to violate
things, to do harm in others inspite of all the punishments implemented in the RA 11313. But still
knowing this so, we must still learn to protect ourselves, because this law isn't enough to achieve
the justice we all wanted from disrespecting us. We must still find the strength to stand out and not
to be just tolerated by others, we must have the voice to say what inside us that needs to be heard
specially when it signifies our dignity.

III- Observation:

The lecture about RA 11313 is very well explained by the speaker. This caught the
attention of all listeners because we all know that we can use this knowledge wherever we are and
throughout our whole Journey.
I've also known the different form of Harassment that I didn't pay attention before. I had
observed that most of the Harassment mentioned on RA 11313 is common nowadays, but others
just ignored. Online Harassment is often the most encountered by any of us. But based from what I
had observed , people don't have much knowledge about this matter, that things seem fine to them
without the justice. Law implemented I guess doesn't really followed this day. Because most of the
victims are afraid of facing this harassment maybe because of their fears that thier life will end in
much horrible one. This RA 11313 Is very well known by every institution, by every people in
highest position, but the problem is that most of them are the ones who do such horrible things in
their compatriots. It's was so disappointing that some people out there are suffering in disgrace
because they are not able and don't have the strength to voice out their sufferings. In this is one of
the enormous problem that our country is facing.
No matter the kind of punishment is , if one person is committed in acting Immorals , nothing
will be change. Yet, we must still do good in every one of us ,no matter how bad one person
treated us. It is our will to act accordingly with or without punishments. We must do our obligation
not because it is the right one to do, but because it's a must.

IV- Recommendations/Suggestions:

Knowing RA 11313, I recommend that everyone of us must be careful all the time,
because crime happens at times we don't really expected. We must not trust so easily in people we
do not know.
We must think before we act, know all the consequences first before doing one action. We
must be aware of our responsibility. Things won't always go the way we expected, but we can
always do better. Do not be afraid to call for justice if someone had done you wrong. Always call for
a help and don't just ignore the immorality of others because you may not be the only one that will
suffer if he/she doesn't learn thier lessons.
I suggest that every one of us must Contact the police If you're being harassed and you feel
you're in danger you can contact the police. If you think you're being harassed because of your
disability, race, religion, transgender identity or sexual orientation, you can report the harassment
to the police as a hate incident or crime or to talk to Police or get legal advice or if you want to or
Apply for a Protection Order and or by Documenting the harassment.

V. Documentation:

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