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Nabila Azhari








In this chapter, the researcher first presents the background of the research, highlighting
some reasons why the researcher is interested in doing this research. Following this, the
researcher describes the research aims and objectives as well as the limitation of this study. The
next section discusses the significance of the study.

A. Background of the study

In this modern era, people are required to keep up with the growing technology.
One such example is the use of social media that cannot escape from kids in millennials
today. One of the most popular social media among today's teens is YouTube. YouTube
is a social media with videos that provide a range of information about moving pictures.
YouTube is indeed available for those who want to find video information and watch it
live. The viewer can also participate in uploading a video about information to a
YouTube server.

It also has a video called a vlog. The terminology of the vlog is a blog video that
is posted on the blog but is a video. The vlog was created from a video of daily activities
or activities on a show that was uploaded to a YouTube platform. In the past, Vlogs were
known as podcasts, a term that refers to the merging of audio and video blogs and now
the term has changed and has its characteristics (Combe and Codreanu, 2016).

A vlog is a private log from a video-sharing platform that is distributed publicly,

for example, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, and so on. Not only that, but vlogs are also a
form of merging activity between blogs and videos as a tool to become the main media
source (Mccarthy, 2010). Combe & Codreanu (2016) say that vlogs have enormous
potential to support informal learning of various languages, learn to speak foreign
languages , and interact between cultures with other users.

According to (Kahler, Jacobs, Raftery, & Ditnes, 2017) most school students have
a habit of watching videos. They watch videos for the sake of their class material or to
complete assignments given by the teacher. A total of 68% of students said that they even
watched videos during their class. With these student statements, it can be concluded that
one of the most effective strategies to become learning media or teaching materials is to
use vlogs through existing video-sharing platforms. According to (Sustainari, 2019),
video blogs (vlogs) have many advantages over ordinary text blogs because they combine
video, sound, images, and text to clarify the information contained in the video.

English has become a connecting language that connects people between

countries and cultures (Majanen, 2008; Baker 2009). Not only informal interactions such
as trade relations and business but also informal interactions in introducing national
cultures between countries and so on. By looking at the functions and benefits of English
today, the ability to speak fluently is very necessary for active participation as an active
communication skill. Apart from the importance of the role of English in various aspects,
the number of Indonesians is still very minimal who can apply English in their lives
(Gani, Fajrina, & Hanifa, 2015; Gunantar, 2016). This phenomenon can be understood
that English in Indonesia is still seen as a foreign language, so students in schools rarely
use English in daily conversation and most students are afraid or hesitant to use it in
everyday conversation.

English has not been used in everyday conversation in Indonesia which causes
students to have fewer opportunities to practice and causes fear to speak in English.
Based on the researcher's observation, most of the students are reluctant to speak English.
This scourge worries most of the students who just stay silent in English class, these
events occur because of the pressure of speaking assignments that require students to
communicate in English individually and spontaneously causing them to feel doubtful,
worried, and afraid to say the wrong thing. Therefore, the needs of today's students are
more on speaking practice and eliminating the fear of speaking English in everyday life.
Based on the explanation above, the research will focus on the use of vlogs as learning
media to improve students' speaking skills.
B. Identification of Problem

The use of English to communicate in everyday life is very poor, as English

among Indonesian is still considered foreign. These concerns caused the student to feel
afraid and hesitant about speaking in English in the English class. However, in this online
era, social media is very influential for current students, and from this phenomenon,
social media can be utilized as a learning medium with ease. Hence, the study focused on
whether vlog can improve students speaking ability and English learning motivation.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The study will be limited to discussion about teachers’ perception of using video
blogs in online English classes especially speaking skills in the pandemic era. Also, the
data will be taken from teachers’ interview results and online journals on the internet.

D. Formulating of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problems of this research are
formulated into the following statement:

1. What are the advantage and deficiencies of using vlog as a learning media in speaking
skills, and what obstacles are presented?
2. What needs to be further developed in the use of video in online learning in the
E. The objective of the Study

In general, the study aims to: analyze how teachers’ perception of vlog effect is
on students’ ability to speak in learning during the covid-19 pandemic. While the
specifies of this research are to analyze:

1. To find out the advantages, deficiencies, and obstacles encountered during the use of
vlog as a learning medium in speaking skills during the pandemic.
2. To find out what to develop again from using vlogs and YouTube for online learning.

F. Significance Study
1. The benefits obtained from this study include, first, for researchers as a student, this
research can be enriching the researcher knowledge about the learning process, and
platform YouTube which to help online learning during pandemic Covid-19.
2. The second benefit for the researcher as a teacher. Can help teachers to find a
suitable medium for learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Specifically on a
YouTube platform to upload a bunch of bunch learning videos that are easy to access
and easy to understand students.
3. The third is to related institutions, to improve the quality of the online teaching
process with YouTube platforms that have both features and variability and can
increase student learning motivation, especially in English learning.


In this chapter, the researcher presents a review of the literature relating to the title and
purpose of this research. This literature forms some books and articles on the internet

A. The Theory Relates To The Title And Objectives

In this section, the researcher focuses on elaborating the literature on related

topics which include speaking skills, YouTube, ELT media, and perception.

1. Speaking Skill
a. Basic Concept Speaking

Speaking is saying, conversing, discussing, getting opinions, and

negotiating. Speaking, in general, is defined as the storage of ideas, thoughts, or
hearts from someone to each other by using spoken language that allows someone
to understand the meaning. Speaking is a functional language skill in everyday
life, this is because by speaking we can obtain and equate information. but among
the Indonesian people speaking English fluently is a very formidable challenge,
this phenomenon occurs because Indonesia has not used English as the language
of daily communication in its environment. Training and improving English
speaking skills for students is the task of English teachers which of course
improves students' speaking skills is not easy and being a homework for teachers
creates creative and innovative teaching methods to develop students' speaking

Ladose (in Nunan, 1991:23) speaking is an activity to explain one's

activities in certain situations to produce something. but according to Tarigan
(1990:8), speaking is a way to communicate that affects our daily lives. It can be
deduced from the two opinions above are a way of communicating that can affect
a person's life. The author concludes that speaking is a means to express what we
feel which is manifested in the form of spoken language between two or more

b. Aspects of Speaking

The process of speaking occurs because of interactions and some features

of talk involved. According to Duong (2014, .86), the most wanted of important
aspects of speaking are grammar, precision, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

The first is vocabulary, Vocabulary is words that have meaning in each

function. Words can also express content or ideas that should be avoided to avoid
confusion in communication. The role played is useful for defining an object,
action, idea. According to Horby (1989, p. 289), acceptable language consists of
numbers and vocabulary. Mastery of one's vocabulary will determine a person's
ability to understand language. Then grammar is almost the same as rigid rules in
oral and written form. Brown (2000, p. 36) says that Grammar is a conventional
regulatory system of word order and relationship in a sentence. The third is
Pronunciation, pronunciation is the process of removing certain words in the right
way, and at the same time must be able to be accepted by others this is one aspect
that is needed in speaking as a well. Nation and Newton (2009, p.76).

Fourth is fluency, to know about how he expresses ideas fluently without

pausing with words ("um" and "ah") when speaking in front of other people.
Yingjie (2014, p. 58) said that fluency is an ability to speak verbally fast, and
effectively, talk to and produce the right words without a second thought. The last
one is accuracy. According to Kusnierek (2015, p. 78), accuracy refers to a proper
understanding of words in structure, syntax, and the process of capturing the
meaning of the message conveyed without any part of the error and does not cause
doubt in an interaction.
2. YouTube
a. Definition

YouTube is an online-based video site that has a function as a medium for

searching, viewing, and sharing videos among users of this platform from all over
the world via a website (Budiargo 2015, p.47). From this opinion, the researcher
concludes that YouTube can be an interesting learning medium during the
COVID-19 pandemic.

b. YouTube as a Learning Medium

According to Nurita (2018, p.173), learning media is something that is

used to channel messages and can help for a purposeful and controlled teaching
and learning process to occur. Media is a tool for conveying and delivering
messages for the teaching process in the classroom. Learning media is also an
intermediary for teachers and students to make it easier to convey material or
effective teaching material. The purpose of learning is to educate students to
have better abilities after studying some material that has been obtained
accompanied by the knowledge that has been sourced from the curriculum,
Sudjana, and Rivai (2015, p.1).

Wigati, Rahamawati, Widodo (2018, p.811) explain the purpose of

learning media that makes YouTube a learning medium, explaining that YouTube
is used to create interesting and interactive learning conditions and atmosphere.
Learning videos on YouTube can be used for interactive learning in the
classroom, both for students and teachers through online and offline presentations.
Based on some of the explanations above, the researcher concludes that the
purpose of learning by using YouTube media can increase students' ability to
receive material presented by the teacher and make classroom learning interactive,
and can also increase student learning outcomes.

1) The Advantages of YouTube as a Learning Media

Wigati, Rahmawati, Widodo (2018, p.811) also explained that the

advantages of YouTube as a learning medium are as follows:

a) Practically, YouTube is easy to use and accessible to all people, including

b) Potentially, the YouTube site is currently the most popular site in the
internet world that can provide a different feel for education.
c) Interactively, YouTube facilitates users to discuss, ask questions and even
review a learning video on YouTube.
d) Informative, YouTube provides information about the development of
education, technology, and culture among countries.
e) Economically, YouTube is free and can be accessed by anyone without
subscribing or spending money to find information there.
f) Shareable, this site has an HTML link facility that serves to share existing
learning videos.

Based on this explanation, the researcher argues that the advantages of YouTube
can help to learn and make learning more practical and effective and can also provide
more information that can be accessed for free.

3. Video/Video Blog

English is a foreign language in Indonesia, but English is an international

language in the world. From this fact, English must be mastered well by everyone,
including students. To improve students' ability in English especially in speaking skills
which is the most important to learn today, as millennial students, students tend to use
technology to support their learning in English. Some references state that technology
makes things easier for many people “Technology provides access, authenticity, and
insight.” One of the parties who feel the ease is students.

In addition, technology leads students to be more active in their environment.

Technology also provides students with the means to learn English especially to improve
speaking skills. One of the media used by students today is E-Vlog. "Vlog is a form of
blogging in which the main medium is video, short for video blogging". Nowadays Vlogs
are very popular and reach many masses. People know Vlogs because they are easily
accessible via smartphones, laptops, and others that use the internet. In the teaching and
learning process, students prefer E-Vlog as an alternative means to support their English
learning. This is because the E-Vlog expression and video content in the Vlog are more
natural and interesting than any written blog, while for speaking skills, the E-Vlog serves
as a supporting media and model for students to learn to speak independently at home due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. 19 as of now. E-Vlogs directly provide information from
native speakers in the form of videos which are very helpful in improving speaking skills.
In addition, students can also enjoy learning through E-Vlog because it is more
interactive, effective, descriptive, and with very attractive visuals.

Therefore, E-Vlog has various benefits to support students in improving their

speaking skills. In addition, there are several types of Vlogs such as personal life videos,
news, entertainment, and magazines. Examples of well-known British vloggers include
Graham Walker and Josh Wolf. Vlogs are also commonly used by artists, news reporters
or journalists, and tech geeks. In this study, the author focuses on how teachers maximize
E-Vlogs by watching them in online classes through YouTube media and also making the
making of E-Vlogs an independent task for students during online learning to support
their English subjects, especially speaking. Students use a commonly used type of E-Vlog
where students talk about their daily lives while studying at home. As in this study, the
writer analyzed the teachers' perceptions and their strategies to improve speaking skills
through the use of E-Vlogs.
4. Perception

Perception plays an important role in the learning process. perception is a process

by which people experience what they see through sensory receptors. Definitions are
supported because he defines perception as a thought process or feeling something.
Moreover, Sankhya’s theory relates with personal knowledge of perception to
demonstrate ego in one. Information that has been retrieved by people can be rejected or
accepted by sensory receptors. Perception relates to the experience of how people
perform activities on certain objects around them. Thus, objects are perceived by the
senses and the body in several reflections. Based on the above theory can be concluded
that perception is a process in which people reflect something based on their own
experience as stimulation results in producing a piece of information. Reference defines
perception can be determined by two factors, namely internal and external. Internal
factors include beliefs, experiences, self-acceptance, background, personality, and
attitude, while external factors include variables, measurements, movement, familiarity,
and something new. second these factors can influence how people express their
thoughts. In this study, the teacher's perception is related to the student's experience
watching the E-Vlog as a strategy teacher to improve speaking skills.

B. Related Studies

As previously mentioned, the purpose of this study was to find out the teacher's
perception of the use of video blogs for students' speaking skills during the pandemic.
Therefore, researchers need relevant research to assist researchers in establishing a
consistent path in conducting this research. In this special section, the researcher reviews
several related studies on video blog media as a medium for teaching speaking skills
during a pandemic. However, studies may differ in some contexts such as the focus of the
study, level of education, or perhaps the method of conducting the study. However, studies
can differ in several ways such as the focus of the study, level of education, or perhaps the
method used in conducting the study. Any kind of research variation can help researchers
to ensure that the topics discussed by researchers are relevant to study.

Through a paper on Students' Perceptions on the Use of English Vlog (Video

Blog) to Enhance Speaking Skills by Nailis Sa’adah Safitri and Ianatul Khoiriyah from
English Education Department Universitas Islam Indonesia (2017). The author did
experimental studies at a university in Yogyakarta. The author took five students majoring
in English education who studied listening and speaking courses. The author applies a
sampling technique that aims to get a sample. This type of research is qualitative research.
The research method is related to students' perceptions of the use of English Vlogs and
students' strategies to use data derived from student interviews, observations, and
documents. The results showed that students' perceptions of using English Vlogs to
improve speaking skills were good through various strategies. In addition, students have
good English skills by using English Vlogs as a medium for learning English.

Another study related to this research was conducted by Muhammad Ali, Ali
Ashari, and Febti Ismiatun (2021). the author raises the issue of students’ perception of the
use of English video blogs towards their speaking performance, this research is based on
the fact that during the Covid-19 pandemic, students are required to practice speaking
English more actively so that their speaking skills continue to improve. Thus, students are
required to use a method that is flexible and easy to use anywhere and anytime. Therefore,
the researcher then conducted a study to provide a detailed description of how students'
perceptions of the use of English video blogs on their speaking performance. The
participants in this study were 10 fourth-semester students of English at the Islamic
University of Malang. The participants were selected randomly. To explore students'
perceptions of the use of English video blogs on their speaking performance, online-based
questionnaires, and online-based interviews were used as data collection methods. the
results of this study the participants found that English vlogs were very useful for students
who wanted to improve their English-speaking skills. Overall, the students had positive
perceptions about using English vlogs as their learning media in improving their English-
speaking performance.
Another study related to media application is conducted by Mega Wulandari from
Sanata Dharma University (April 2019). The research that the author made on whether
Instagram Vlogs increase the increase EFL speaking ability. This is also the student's
perception of integration of Instagram vlog in speaking class. The author took 28
participants who were involved in this activity research. To determine the impact of
Instagram Vlogs on the speaking ability of EFL students ability, pre-and post-tests were
administered to measure improvement. That The results show that the implementation of
Instagram Vlogs is at the basic level speaking class improves students' speaking ability in
terms of pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, syntax, and general use of the target language.
The questionnaire analysis showed that the use of Instagram vlogs contributes to the
speaking skills of EFL learners in improving fluency, acquiring vocabulary items, and
increasing self-confidence and motivation.

One of the studies on ELT media that deals with visual media are conducted by
Anita Anggreni, Cynantia Rachmijati, and Dwi Listia Apriliyanri (January 2020) from
Siliwangi University. In this research, the researcher focuses on looking at the Is there an
increase in students' speaking ability after using the media? vlogs. The research method
used is mixed. The subject of this research is 13 vlogs made by students with the theme of
tourism places. The 13 vlogs were rated using the scoring rubric developed by Dan Rooney
(1998). Results of this study found that there were errors that were found the most
including how to deliver an introduction to the start of vlogs, in concluding activities, and
in the use of grammatical structures in pronunciation. The results of the study also state
that vlogs activities increase the ability of students to speak, especially aspects that appear
in terms of vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, and intonation. Furthermore, this study
recommends the use of Vlogs as an alternative learning tool in teaching speaking skills
because of positive responses from students.

However, in the same field, as previously mentioned, Hyasintha (2017) surveyed

Teachers’ Perceptions of English Language Teaching media. in this study, the authors
researched the task of teachers who are not only teachers who explain in front of the class
but must be able to be good facilitators. Thus, teachers are given a big responsibility in
facilitating students ‘learning. Meanwhile, the media has been applied for a long period to
assist teachers in delivering teaching materials in class, as some researchers have found,
involving media in teaching English has a positive impact on both teachers and students.
This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of the media in teaching English.
This research is described into three main dimensions of perception as described by
Vernon (1987), namely understanding, views, and actions. the results of the study did not
show a positive response. However, overall, the teacher's perception of the media in
teaching English in this study is categorized as a good perception. or it can be concluded,
that all teachers have a positive perception of the media in teaching English.

As we can see from previous research the media in any form plays an important
role in teaching English. Many studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of
the media. Through this case study, the researcher focuses on how the teacher as a person
who facilitates students in ELT is not only in its application but also how they understand
and view ELT.

C. Theoretical Framework

This is different from the old learning concept which refers that all kinds of
knowledge that can only be obtained from teachers in schools. However, education is
currently moving to the fact that knowledge can be obtained from anyone, anywhere and
anytime not only from teachers in schools. However, the changes that occur will not
eliminate the existence of teachers in the learning process. In fact, in the field, students
still need someone who can guide, facilitate and supervise them in the process of
acquiring knowledge so that they stay on the right track and with this, they can
synchronize their existing knowledge with the knowledge of the teacher at school.
Harmer (2007) says that the teacher acts as a facilitator for students. Indirectly, the
teacher is one of the providers of knowledge for students at school. Indonesian teachers
are currently creative in developing their learning materials (Permendiknas Number 16 of

This means that teachers must be innovative in providing a variety of interesting

learning media so that students can participate in the learning process and acquire
knowledge independently. Focus on activities that are expected to remain on students
were students' long-term knowledge. One way that can be applied in the classroom to
develop students to seek knowledge independently is to use learning media. Various
kinds of media can be used by teachers to assist in transmitting knowledge.

However, when the teacher decides to use ELT media, he as the person
who designs, plans, conducts teaching and learning activities must have a good
perception of the media. Learning media is a medium that can convey messages from
teachers to students. They serve as a helpful tool in triggering students to learn (Gagne,
1987). Media in teaching English is believed to provide several benefits for teachers and

A teacher becomes more creative in delivering teaching materials to children

because it is given in various ways. Media also supports teachers to use creative and
innovative ways to help students achieve learning goals. As for students, the media is
very helpful in creating a more lively and fun class because the activities are not focused
only on the teacher's explanation. Students are also stimulated to think critically because
they get indirect knowledge from the teacher. Media has a big role in facilitating the
learning styles of different students because they come in various forms.

As for students, the media helps create a livelier and more fun classroom
atmosphere because the activities are not only explained by the teacher but students are
also invited to think analytically because they get indirect knowledge from the teacher.
The media has a great influence in facilitating the learning styles of different students.


This chapter discusses the research method in this study. It covers discussion about
research design, subject of the study, data and data source, data collecting technique and
instrument, the technique of data verification, and data analysis.

A. Type Of The Research

This study uses research results from interviews and several articles and uses
qualitative methods in descriptive research. According to Sugiyono (2016: 9), descriptive
qualitative methods are research methods based on the philosophy of post-positivism that
are used to examine the condition of natural objects (the opposite is an experiment) where
the researcher is the instrument. The key to data collection techniques is triangulation,
data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and qualitative research results are more important
than generalizations. Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe and explain, in
more detail, the problem to be studied by studying as many individuals, groups, or events
as possible. In qualitative research, humans are research instruments and the results are
written in the form of words or statements that are by the actual situation.

B. Subject And Object

Suhasini aristo (1998:15) the research object is a variable or what is the focus of
the research, while the subject of study is the place where the variables are connected.
Data will be taken from articles, questionnaires, and interviews with several English
teachers who use YouTube platforms as learning media at this time of the pandemic era.
And added with several existing articles to see how YouTube and Vlogs are for learning
English, especially students' speaking skills when learning online.

In this study, the researcher chose the subject by applying selection. To choose
the right subject, the researcher observed the subject of the vlog case learning media as.
From the observations, the subjects are English teachers who use the YouTube and Vlog
platforms when learning English, especially when learning to speak section.

C. Data Collecting Method

Data collection activities are a very important part of any form of research. First,
the data will be taken from various sources of articles with similar topics such as this
research. The next data will be taken from the results of interviews with teachers to find
out how far teachers use YouTube and vlogs and how much influence the effective use of
YouTube and Vlogs has in online learning, especially in the speaking skill section.

D. Data Analyzing Method

An instrument is a tool that is required to get information. Gay and Airasian

(2000: 145) stated that an instrument is a tool that is used in collecting data. While
Arikunto (2000: 134) revealed that an instrument in collecting data is a tool that is used
by researchers to help them in collecting data to make it more systematic and easy.
Here, the instrument is the researcher herself. Sugiyono (2008: 222) stated that the
instrument is the researcher in qualitative research. Hence, the researcher should be
validated by themselves about their ability in conducting research.

In qualitative research, collecting the data mostly is done in participant

observation, depth interviews, and documentation. Sugiyono (2008: 225) stated that the
fundamental method relied on by qualitative researchers for gathering information is
participation in the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, and documentation
review. In this research, the researcher uses interviews supported by questionnaires and

1. Interview

The interview is the activity that involves the interviewer and interviewee
where the interviewer will give some questions to be answered by the interviewee.
Ary (1985: 342) stated, “In an interview, data are collected through face-to-
face or telephone interaction between the interviewer and the respondent”. Thus,
in this case, the interviewer has to conduct collecting data by doing interaction or
communication directly. But it can be conducted face to face or via electronic. In
additional, Syamsuddin (2011: 95) stated that in qualitative research, interview
activity has two functions. The first function is as the main strategy in collecting
data like data in the form of interview transcripts, and the second function is as an
additional strategy for other techniques like participatory observation, document
analysis, and photography. Then, Creswell (2008: 226) also classify the interview
into four types, those types are (1) one-on-one interview, (2) focus group
interview, (3) telephone interview, (4) electronic E-mail interview.

Based on the types of interviews above, the researcher uses one-on-one

interviews. According to him, the one-on-one interview is a data collection
process in which the researcher asks questions and records answers from only one
participant in the study at a time. The researcher prepares eight questions to relate
to vocabulary learning strategies by using English. To collect data from the
interviews, the researcher makes some procedures. Those are (1) preparing the
concept of questions that want to be asked to subject and (2) the researcher
transcripts the result of the interview.

Table 1

Questions for teacher

No Questions for teacher

Apa alasan bapak/ibu menggunakan YouTube sebagai platform dan video blog sebagai
media pembealajaran di masa pandemic covid-19?
Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu penggunaan video/video vlog ini efektif di gunakan
untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemic ini?
Bagaimana cara bapak/ibu memanfaatkan YouTube ini sebagai platform
pembelajaran di kelas ?
Apa kelebihan YouTube dan vlog sebagai media pembelajaran di kala pandemic
menurut bapak/ibu?
Apa kekurangan YouTube dan vlog sebagai media pembealajaran di kala pandemic
menurut bapak ibu?
Adakah hambatan yang dialami bapak/ibu selama menggunakan YouTube dan vlog
sebagai media pembelajaran ini?
Seberapa berpengaruhnya perkembangan siswa dalam keamampuan berbahasa
7 inggris selama bapak/ibu memberikan materi dari youtube dan tugas siswa berupa
pembuatan video selama pembelajaran jarak jauh ?
Menurut bapak/ibu apa yang perlu di kembangkan atau di perbaiki dalam penngunaan
YouTube dan Video Blog dalam pembelajaran daring ini?

E. Technique of Data Analyzing

To analyze the data, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative to analyze data.
According to Sugiyono (2008: 245), three activities are analyzed in descriptive qualitative
research. Those activities are data reduction, data display, and conclusion
drawing/verification. Based on those statements, the researcher divides the activity in
analyzing data into three activities, they are data reduction, data display, and conclusion

In short, the steps in analyzing the data are: (1) the researcher collects the data
through interviews. Then, the researcher selects, identifies, and focuses on the data by
referring to the formulation of the research problem. (2) After selecting the data, the
researcher displays those data into good sentences. (3) After displaying data, the
conclusion is drawn. Moreover, to get validity of data, the interview. This questionnaire
is analyzed by using descriptive statistics where frequency counts are tabulated and
converted to percentages.


This chapter presents data presentation, data search, and discussion. The findings of the
data designed to answer the research questions were interviews with teachers. The results include
information on each teacher's opinion on using YouTube and videos as a medium for learning
English, especially in speaking skills for students in online learning during the Covid-19

A. Data Presentation

In this section, the results of research on teachers are presented. Perceptions in

using YouTube and videos as media for learning English, especially in speaking skills
English at junior high school level used interviews as the main instrument to collect data.
Qualitative data were analyzed using purposive techniques by determining the sample
criteria to be interviewed, which aims to obtain logical results and represent the existing

A total of 6 English teachers at the Junior High School level in Kulon Progo were
the resource persons for this research. Respondents were selected with the following

1. Respondents must be an English teacher who teaches junior high school.

2. Respondents are English teachers who use YouTube as a medium of learning in the
3. Respondents are English teachers who use video as a student's independent task to
improve students' speaking skills during the pandemic.
4. This qualification is used so that research is right on the initial target to find out
teachers' perceptions about using YouTube and videos for learning during a pandemic,
especially in students' speaking skills

B. Research Result

The first dimension of perception put forward is understanding. In this section, the
researcher collects data on teachers' understanding of the use of video blogs for teaching
speaking during online learning from interviews.

1. Data from the interview

The following descriptions are some of the results of interviews with five teachers
who were respondents in this study. This section will describe the results of interviews
to gather further information to support and data on teachers' understanding of the use
of video blogs for teaching speaking skills in the classroom during a pandemic. There
are eight questions asked to the teacher, the first is about opinion how to learn during a
pandemic like today, the effectiveness of vlogs for distance learning, how to use
YouTube as a learning platform in the classroom, the advantages of YouTube and
vlogs as learning media, lack of YouTube and vlogs as learning media, obstacles
experienced while using YouTube and vlogs as learning media, the influence of
student development in English language skills while giving student assignments in
the form of making videos, and what needs to be developed or improved in the use of
YouTube and Video Blogs in learning.

Answers The interviewees for the first question have varied answers but the
essence of the answers is almost the same. This first question is about the reasons for
using YouTube as a learning medium during the pandemic.
According to the first source, the content on YouTube is more varied and interesting.

She said,

The reason I use YouTube is simple, sis, this YouTube contains a lot of learning
content on YouTube that relates to the material we teach at school. I use it to make it
easier for students to understand the material because if only the teacher explains it, it
seems less understandable and less interesting for students. (Interviewee 1)

Another resource person who argued that teachers must keep up with the times,
not the times that follow our developments in the world of education,

He said,

I use YouTube because yes, as I talked about earlier, before the interview, today's
teachers have to follow the times, not the times that follow the development of teachers.
So, yes, in today's developments, most children have gadgets that are capable of playing
social media and are even very able to access YouTube on the sidelines of their online
school time now. so as much as possible I make what students like or like now into
teaching materials or media during a pandemic like this. So, my most basic reason is
that students can say they hold gadgets every day and use YouTube every day, so I
was a teacher take advantage of what students are interested in so that learning is fun
and not boring. because I believe that if students continue to use media that are not liked
by students, students will quickly get bored and feel lazy to study during a pandemic
like this. (Interviewee 2)
Other statements came from different sources regarding the first interview

He said,

My reason, sis, if I was asked the real reason, I'm a bit confused too, because this
is nature's demand, yes, because there is a covid-19 virus that destroys us, everything
online, offline is also limited. if you only use assignments or I explain via WhatsApp
group or google meet, it seems that these students don't listen, they tend to attend
important learning. If you use YouTube, for example, I share it with their students, I ask
them to paraphrase what they are watching. With this, it's easier for them to understand
the material that is presented. Now the teacher is asked to become a facilitator for
students to seek knowledge. (Interviewee 3)

The next speaker asked a different question from the previous one.

She said,

For me, I used YouTube recently, Ms., at first, I only shared the logbook that I
had and my students asked me to study on their own at home. After a while, I felt that
this student was bored with studying with this system, so I replaced it with a system of
viewing some interesting material videos on YouTube, if the signal supports it, I usually
open classes through Google Meet and then watch the material videos and continue with
quizzes. The most basic reason is that some students complain that they are bored with
learning a system that only shares logbooks, therefore I also made simple research on
some interesting platforms for distance learning and I feel that YouTube is the most
effective and appropriate to use at this time. (Interviewee 4)
There have been several statements from different interviewees, and there are still
statements from 2 interviewees why they use YouTube in online learning.

She said,

For a particular reason, it seems that it doesn't exist for me because it follows the
times and there are also some of my friends who propose eating YouTube as a medium
for distance learning. (Interviewee 5)

The last statement of the first question from the interviewee.

She said,

Talking about using YouTube, I use YouTube because there are several
factors like this on YouTube, there is a lot of interesting educational content that can
make students think critically, besides that, because YouTube can be used anytime
anywhere and is also easily accessible and YouTube is also very familiar among
students today. (Interviewee 6).

As previously mentioned, the 6 people interviewed had a variety of different

reasons, several reasons were almost the same but in general, several reasons were
different for each person being interviewed.

After knowing the reasons people interviewed why they use YouTube as a
distance learning medium. Then the second question asks about the effectiveness of
using YouTube as a distance learning medium. Whether or not the use of YouTube is
effective is taken into account by the statements of the six interviewees.

The first interviewee said,

Effective or not, it is clear that it is effective, very effective because now students'
hobbies or hobbies are opening YouTube and watching YouTube videos without
knowing the time, smartphones are now a top priority. So, teachers must be as creative
as possible to take advantage of this smartphone for effective, innovative, and fun
learning for students. (Interviewee 1)

Then the second interviewee said,

If I was asked whether it was effective or not, there would be those who agreed
and disagreed that would appear. This platform is effective because students who have
a gadget with an internet connection will benefit greatly. Students can search for
information, the material on YouTube at any time as they like and without time limits.
so, students can also preview the material that has been explained in class. which is
considered very effective for learning during a pandemic. but there is also
ineffectiveness on the part of students who do not have a capable gadget/mobile phone
to open YouTube. Besides being ineffective, this problem is also a bit burdensome for
students. (Interviewee 2)

While the third interviewee said,

If you ask if it's effective or not, it's effective for me hahaha.. because all the
material on average already exists and there are many YouTubers or content creators
who provide educational content that can be used by teachers and this is very helpful
for us, old teachers like me. (Interviewee 3)

Next, the fourth interviewee said,

I think YouTube or vlog is very effective, it's effective like this, right now
YouTube or videos on YouTube can be watched offline without data or signal
packages and can also be downloaded. So, students can see at any time without signal
problems. (Interviewee 4)

Then, the fifth interviewee said,

YouTube is very effective for teachers to use today because it is easy to use and
easy to access too. for teachers who are not able to follow technology like me, it's easy
to use, in my opinion, I was taught 2-3 days how to operate YouTube, I can already do
it, but there are still a few problems. (Interviewee 5)

The last statement for the second question from the sixth interviewee.

She said,

Very effective because it can and is easily accessed by students when I use
YouTube as a learning medium. This is also very suitable and keeps the learning
atmosphere good even though schools rarely hold face-to-face meetings due to the
pandemic. (Interviewee 6)

The statement about how effective YouTube is as a learning medium is that the
average answers from all interviews are the same. it can be concluded that YouTube is
effectively used for online learning media during the pandemic, although there are
several obstacles faced by each teacher.

For the next question, talk about how teachers use YouTube and the vlog itself
according to what the interviewees did during online learning.

The first statement from the interviewee,

She said,

The way I use YouTube is by sharing learning videos that relate to what is taught
at school so that students can get an overview of the material presented by the teacher
so students don't just imagine it. and to support the students' speaking skills, I gave
them the task of practicing speaking in front of the camera and recorded. (Interviewee

Next statement from the second interviewee.

He said,
For its use as student reference material regarding the material taught at school.
Right now, many YouTube creators upload materials taught in schools that are
packaged attractively for students to learn. And yes, I believe this is very interesting
and very helpful for teachers to find teaching materials. Using the video for
independent assignments at home to improve students' speaking skills at home. The
contents of the video are about student activities while at home. (Interviewee 2)

Then, the third interviewee said,

For the use of YouTube itself, I assign students to watch YouTube which I share
in Grub and then the students explain what they understand from the video. and also,
occasionally I ask my students to make short videos containing the material they are
learning, it can also be between them at home they can repeat the lessons they learned
during distance learning. (Interviewee 3)

Next statement from the fourth interviewee.

She said,

I use it by sharing educational YouTube videos and my students make online

classes using Zoom and later watch YouTube videos about the material to be
discussed. sometimes also several times my students ask to find their material from
YouTube to hone student activity and then my students ask to share the videos they
find and explain what the contents of the video are to their classmates. (Interviewee 4)

The fifth interviewee said,

I use YouTube, I only share videos with students and ask questions to students to
see how well they understand the material they are watching. (Interviewee 5)

The last statement from interviewee sixth for the third question.

She said,

For the use itself, it's quite simple, I share video material on YouTube and some
simple speaking videos such as vlogs or daily vlog content creators on YouTube and
ask students to watch and recreate the vlog videos to increase their speaking skills.
(Interviewee 6)

There are various ways to use YouTube and video blogs by interviewees. if seen
from the results of the interviews, almost all interviewees use YouTube to share
material on YouTube to the student WhatsApp group and ask students to understand
the material that has been shared and make videos of daily activities at home to
improve their speaking skills.

For further interview questions regarding the advantages of using the YouTube
platform and video blogs during online learning. Some statements from the

For the first statement of the first interviewee.

She said,

The advantages of this YouTube are many, Ms, students are easy to understand
the material and students can also open the material at any time and the assignment of
making daily videos at home is also a way to explore the ability of students to speak
English, especially in speaking skills because they cannot meet in person to find out
the development of students' speaking skills, I replaced them with the assignment of
making videos at home. (Interviewee 1)

Statement regarding the further advantages of the second interviewee.

He said,

The advantages are very much almost the same as whether YouTube is effective
or not for distance learning as it is today. The advantage is that it is easier for students
to accept the material provided, students are also more active in learning. Yes, the
most important thing is that students don't get bored when learning takes place because
if students get bored in the middle of a child's learning, there is a little difficult for the
teacher to raise the mood of the students again, especially since we only meet
virtually. (Interviewee 2)

The third interviewee said,

There are many advantages of YouTube and vlogs, Ms, who can help and make it
easier for us, technology-stuttering teachers who want something easy in this era of
very rapid technological development, and students are more active when using
YouTube media during learning. (Interviewee 3)
Next, the fourth interviewee said,

If it is concluded from the initial questions, there are many advantages to using
YouTube, besides being very effective, YouTube also makes students more active
during learning and makes students more critical. apart from the mindset, YouTube
also makes students increase their knowledge and develop their speaking skills little
by little. because to be honest, if students are limited during the pandemic, our teachers
are confused about how to train students' speaking if everything is limited as it is now
because this phenomenon makes teachers have to think creatively. (Interviewee 4)

Then, the fifth interviewee said,

The advantage is that students are very familiar with the YouTube platform, so it's
easier to use and for now it's also easy to access. For the material, many millennial
teachers also create educational content about the material being studied and can be
used by all teachers. (Interviewee 5)

The next statement from the sixth interviewee.

She said,

The advantages are many, if we look at it from an educational perspective, now

many millennial teachers are making video materials that can be used for teaching and
learning. Another advantage is that students are more enthusiastic about participating
in online learning than just sending material or assignments to students, which makes
students bored quickly. Another benefit is that many content creators from abroad
create content about simple speaking that can be an example to improve speaking
skills at home when learning online. (Interviewee 6)

The advantages of using YouTube and video platforms as online learning are very
diverse, ranging from making students more active during online learning, students
also not getting bored during learning to being able to develop students' speaking skills
even though they can't do offline learning like before the pandemic.

After asking about the advantages, then about the disadvantages of using
YouTube and videos during online learning. there will be 6 statements that are almost
equal to each other.

The first interviewee said,

The disadvantages so far are not from YouTube or the making of the video, Ms.
but the individual students. Some students like to learn, they will use YouTube as
much as possible during the learning process. but some are a little lazy to learn, so
YouTube is open only for formalities and also students here are not a few who do not
have smartphone facilities like the others due to family economic factors, so schools
facilitate computers for students who are asked to come to school who do not have
smartphones. so every time I study, they go to school. (Interviewee 1)

The second interviewee said,

If it's a disadvantage, maybe it's a signal. because this YouTube can be opened if
there is an internet quota and a supporting signal. For now, the internet quota has
been subsidized every month by the government, but the signal is that there is no
subsidy, so like it or not, students have to find a place that has a supportive signal if
learning uses YouTube, Zoom, Classroom, and Google Meet. From a personal
perspective, Alhamdulillah, my students are happier if learning using YouTube is
more fun for them. (Interviewee 2)

Next, the third interviewee said,

The disadvantage itself is in the signal which is rather difficult especially if I

teach at home the signal at my place does not support it and when teaching, many
obstacles are caused by signals that do not support and some students are also
constrained because of the signal. (Interviewee 3)

Then, the fourth interviewee said,

Talking about disadvantages may be a bit difficult to find the disadvantage

because the disadvantage may be only the signal of the teacher or student caused by
the distance from the house, which may be difficult to signal at home. but there are
also my students who don't have smartphones that support the internet, so I give a
solution by asking students to go to school once a week to do assignments so they
don't get left behind with their friends. (Interviewee 4)

The fifth interviewee said,

The disadvantages may be that students who don't like learning this system
sometimes make students who don't like it even lazy to study because the use of
YouTube is even misused, instead of watching videos that have nothing to do with the
material being taught. (Interviewee 5)

The last statement from interviewee sixth for the fifth question,

She said,

The only disadvantage is that some of the material is incomplete in the

explanation of the YouTube video and I have to add some material or explanation, or I
make a simple video about the material to be studied so that students are also
enthusiastic about taking lessons. (Interviewee 6)

Of the six statements that have been made from the interviewees, it can be
underlined that the disadvantage of using YouTube and this video are not from the
platform or the media but external elements such as inadequate student signals and
facilities, besides the personality of the students themselves. Some interviewees stated
that the drawbacks of using YouTube are that some materials are not on YouTube
which requires the interviewees to make videos for learning or add material by sharing

The next interview question is the obstacles faced by each interviewee when using
YouTube and videos during this online learning. the same as the previous questions,
there will be six different answers from each interviewee.

Answers about the obstacles faced first from the first interviewee.
The first interviewee said,

In the use of this media, the problem is the signal, the signal that determines
whether or not you can use YouTube and videos for learning, but we as teachers do
regular home visits every few days to optimize distance learning. (Interviewee 1)

Then the second statement from the second interviewee.

He said,

The obstacle he faces may be the signal that is sometimes not supportive in each
region. but fortunately, none of the students complained about this obstacle,
especially now that it can be overcome because blended learning is allowed. So, for
students whose signals at home are not very supportive, I suggest going to school.
use the facilities at school with strict health protocols of course and only 5-10
students are allowed every day, so every day before my study, I share a list of anyone
who wants to go to school so it can be said that for now there are no obstacles hard
for me while using this YouTube. (Interviewee 2)

Next statement from the third interviewee.

He said,
When it comes to obstacles it's almost the same as the drawbacks, Ms. because
actually, the problem is that the signal in each house is different and some students
don’t have smartphones or students who use smartphones belonging to their parents
who require them to wait for their parents to come home and then they can open
assignments or materials that I share via WhatsApp. but because those who don't
have a smartphone, their house is close to my house so I usually ask their children to
come to my house and use the devices in my house to do assignments or view
material from YouTube that I have shared. (Interviewee 3)

Then, the fourth interviewee said,

Yes, it's not much like the disadvantages of using YouTube, the obstacles are the
same as signal problems in their respective homes and there are more obstacles,
maybe this is from each student. Many of them when the lesson starts they are
excited but not infrequently some students are a bit lazy to listen or watch material
on YouTube and do video assignments. (Interviewee 4)

The next statement of the fifth interview.

She said,

The question about obstacles, yes, if we disadvantage about these obstacles,

actually the only obstacles are that. What is certain is that the signal is for now because
the conditions in each region are different, ma'am, so we as teachers also have to
understand if the obstacles are due to signal problems. But as much as possible we
rack our brains so that this obstacle has a solution and the teaching and learning
process continues. (Interviewee 5)
The last statement from interviewee sixth for the sixth question,

She said,

If it's the obstacle itself, maybe it's more to the students from me, madam, there
are students whose reason is that the internet quota is running out or the signal is bad
during teaching and learning hours. For the video speaking assignment, maybe the
obstacle comes back to the students' motivation or self-motivation. Some are given
assignments that are immediately carried out with pleasure and the results are
maximum, and some are lazy and the results are less than optimal, even though they
have good speaking skills but because they are lazy to do it and seem mediocre the
results are also modest. (Interviewee 6)

With the results of the sixth question interview, most of the interviewees
explained that these obstacles were almost the same, some even had the same
drawbacks. Some of the obstacles experienced by interviewees during the teaching and
learning process, namely, internet quotas, signals at home that are not supportive, and
the absence of facilities for smartphone students to support the teaching and learning
process. but some interviewees say that the obstacles themselves are not only from the
internet network but also from the students and teachers themselves.

The next interview question regarding the effect of making videos into speaking
skill assignments during online learning, which will be found here is a statement
according to interviewees as long as they make videos as assignments or a means to
develop students' kicking skills when learning online.
The first interviewee said,

Very influential, because students are enthusiastic and explore their abilities
during the making of this assignment. I also give rewards for students whose speaking
is good in addition to satisfactory grades; the student's video speaking will also be
used as an example of correct speaking for their friends. (Interviewee 1)

The next statement from the second interviewee.

He said,

The effect is quite large, yes, students catch material faster than just explaining it, I
think students also do assignments that only answer questions/work on multiple-choice
questions. besides that, students can also explore their abilities in speaking skills even
though they are limited in space and time like this. (Interviewee 2)

Then the third interviewee said,

The effect is quite large, especially for students in my class. They better
understand the material seen from the weekly quiz scores and also for vlog making
they enjoy and can hone their speaking skills during a pandemic. (Interviewee 3)

The next statement from the fourth interviewee with a statement that is almost the
same as the previous three statements.
She said,

The effect that I felt while I was using YouTube and videos to teach was very big
for students' speaking skills. because students can explore or hone their speaking skills
during the pandemic because they can't study offline as usual and it's not uncommon
for videos made by students at home, I can make assignments or weekly exercises for
students and I can also find out how far or how far students hone their speaking skills.
(Interviewee 4)

The next statement is about the effect of using YouTube and videos on students'
speaking during this online learning from the fifth interviewee.

She said,

The effect is clear, Ms. because with YouTube, this is very helpful and students
don't get tired of studying with a system like this because it's online. for students'
speaking skills are also very influential and begin to develop because, in addition to
students listening to the material on YouTube, students also make videos to find out
how far the students' speaking skills are during this online learning. because we
teachers can't control students directly like offline schools at times like before the
pandemic. so, the effect is not only on the skills of the students but also on the teachers
who teach as well. (Interviewee 5)

Last, the sixth interviewee said,

For the influence is very influential, especially on their speaking skills, students
become more aware of new vocabulary through videos on YouTube, students are also
more or less able to apply the correct way of speaking even though our learning so far
is limited because it is only online, but for online learning with the progress that the
students gave was very good in my opinion. (Interviewee 6)

The last interview question was about what needs to be developed or improved
again from YouTube and videos during online learning according to the teachers'

She said,

The thing that needs to be improved is that from me there is nothing because
seeing from what obstacles you are facing is only about the signal. So, if you ask what
needs to be fixed so far, there isn't anything, because students and teachers still enjoy
using YouTube and this video during learning, although there are some small
obstacles, they can still be overcome. (Interviewee 1)

Next argument from the second interviewee,

There are no things that need to be improved, Ms. because both YouTube and this
video help teachers become educators as well as facilitators for students to learn and
seek knowledge. especially in a situation where we are experiencing a pandemic
situation like this for the first time which requires anything to be online and on the
student’s side, they must also continue to learn even though everything is limited as it
is now. (Interviewee 2)
Then, the next statement from the third interviewee.

He said,

From me, maybe what needs to be improved is more to the teacher's abilities, Ms.
Because you can say that there are many elderly teachers like me, Ms. So, there is a
need for maybe some kind of online learning support technology training for older
teachers. Yes, from me, maybe the improvement is in terms of the ability of the
teacher, Ms. (Interviewee 3)

The fourth interviewee said,

Maybe what needs to be improved from me is the quality of the teacher, Ms.
Maybe teachers can make their educational content for their students and it can even
be useful for other teachers. If it's YouTube, in my opinion, only if there is a special
YouTube for education. Like YouTube now, there is YouTube music, its only music,
so if you can, YouTube also makes YouTube education, it contains education like
learning material at school, maybe there is also the right way of speaking and so on.
(Interviewee 4)

Then argument from the fifth interviewee.

She said,
In my opinion, the thing that needs to be improved or developed is more hopeful,
actually, Ms. I hope that in the future YouTube can make YouTube specifically for
education or there is a special application that contains videos of learning material
videos that are like Ruangguru but can be accessed without paying. I hope that
students during learning usually focus on their learning again because sometimes there
are students who open the material after that they are distracted by other videos that
have nothing to do with the learning material at that time. (Interviewee 5)

Last argument from the sixth interviewee.

She said,

In my opinion, what needs to be improved is more about the personality of each

student, because in my opinion, no matter how good the learning media used to teach,
if the students are lazy and less enthusiastic, the results will be less than the desired
target. and in this case also not only from the student's personality that needs to be
improved but also the teacher as a teacher as well as a facilitator for students who must
also be more active, creative, and innovative looking for new things that will be
conveyed to students, utilizing technology that is close to students as well so that
students are not easily bored to continue to process and learn. (Interviewee 6)
The important points that can be selected to conclude from these results. The
resource person as an English teacher does have several criteria in deciding to be
assisted by English language teaching media. This is done to avoid the possibility of
problems encountered during the teaching and learning process. First, the sudden
pandemic made teachers confused about how these teaching and learning activities
could still run smoothly despite the pandemic conditions that required everything to be
done at home. With this situation, teachers have to think hard so that students at home
can still study as usual even though they can only do teaching and learning activities at
home which require everything to be done online.

In this completely online situation, teachers must also be active in finding suitable
learning media to use by considering various aspects. Aspects that are considered
include the platform or media used is not familiar among children or teachers as
teachers, the next aspect is whether the platform or media is effective or not used
during online learning. In addition to effectiveness, other aspects that must be
considered are the advantages, disadvantages, and obstacles that will occur in the
future because if many disadvantages and obstacles will occur, it can be concluded
that this platform and media are not appropriate to use for online teaching and learning

After considering the aspects of platforms and learning media that are suitable for
use, a suitable platform and media will be chosen, namely YouTube and video blogs.
After the media is selected, the targets must be achieved by using the platform and
media. One of the targets achieved is to improve students' speaking skills through the
platforms and media that have been selected. After using this platform and media for a
while, the effects of using this media will appear. there is a good influence and not
infrequently there is also a bad influence. With some influences that appear the teacher
as a teacher and student, the facilitator must analyze what the teacher should improve
from the teaching and learning process using the YouTube platform and the video blog

C. Discussion

The findings of this particular perceptual dimension are quite different

from those of the other two. The results of the study indicate that teachers have
different perceptions but are related to one another.

The research here is about the teacher's perception of the use of YouTube
and video vlogs in learning students' speaking skills. there are eight questions
given to the interviewees sequentially through interviews, the questions asked are
the reasons why teachers use YouTube and video blogs for online learning, the
effectiveness of using YouTube and vlogs in learning, how to use YouTube and
vlogs in learning, advantages, disadvantages, and obstacles the use of this
platform and media, the effect of using YouTube and vlogs on students' speaking
skills, and finally what needs to be developed or improved from using YouTube
and vlogs during online learning.

The teaching of English can be seen from their responses to statements

number 1 to number 8 from the interview data. The statement talks about how
special media bring benefits to teachers and students. This statement is a
representation of Sanky's (2013) thoughts on learning media.

Furthermore, the elaboration of the teacher's views on the use of YouTube

and vlogs to improve students' speaking skills is enriched by the results of
interviews with six people who were interviewed as representatives of teachers
who use YouTube and video blogs during online learning. Interviews revealed
that teachers use YouTube as a platform to find innovative learning materials and
vlogs are media to increase speaking skills. Media must have several criteria to be
used as a tool in learning English and each teacher simply chooses this media for
his English class. Overall, these criteria include effectiveness, how to use it,
advantages, disadvantages, and barriers, as well as flexibility, the media must be
familiar and mastered by the teacher.

From the results of interviews that have been carried out, several reasons
make teachers use YouTube and videos as platforms as well as learning media
during this pandemic. according to Azhar Arsyad (2002:75), to use audio-visual
media to function as learning media that can assist teachers in conveying
messages or lessons so that students can understand the lessons delivered, an
educator must choose and use audio-visual media in the learning process. teaching
and learning to achieve the goals achieved. This statement is one of the
implementations of the reasons for using YouTube as a learning platform that is
widely used by teachers because YouTube is a platform that combines audio and
visuals into one in the form of a video that students can easily capture what the
content of the video is and also to achieve the targets set by the teacher. do before

From the results of interviews that have been collected asking why
teachers use YouTube and videos during online learning, most of the interviewees
answered the reason because YouTube now has a lot of educational content that
can be used for the teaching and learning process. current students.

Not only that, the reason teachers use YouTube and vlogs as platforms as
well as media. Another reason that appears is that the teacher also sees that this
platform is also very familiar among students today, students can easily access
YouTube and search for information there. Because this learning is learning in the
new normal era, everything is limited and carried out online, the use of YouTube
is very helpful for teachers to carry out their duties as teachers and facilitators for

After the reasons that the teacher considers using YouTube and this video,
there is effectiveness that must also be considered when choosing platforms and
media for teaching and learning. From the results of interviews regarding the
effectiveness of using YouTube and videos, all teachers answered that they were
effective and some even thought they were very effective. This effectiveness is
seen in terms of being easily accessible by students, easy to use, familiar, and also
by using YouTube it can make it easier for students to understand the material to
be studied and make students not get bored quickly.

The next interview asked about how teachers use YouTube and video
blogs as platforms as well as learning media. In this interview, the interviewees
argued that they used YouTube by utilizing educational content on YouTube and
sharing it with students via WhatsApp or Google Meet. In this way, students feel
that they understand the learning being taught better than the teacher just
explaining or distributing books to study alone at home. similar to the use of
YouTube, the teachers are also compact in providing almost the same argument
regarding the use of video for learning. teachers take advantage of this video by
giving students an assignment to make videos about their daily activities during
online learning. This video is used to explore students' speaking skills while
studying at home.

The use of YouTube and this video blog has its advantages and
disadvantages. the teachers state that the advantages of this platform are many,
including the advantages of YouTube and this video making students more active
in participating in online learning, by using video material from YouTube students
understand what the teacher teaches faster, and make students not easily bored
following online learning. the use of video blogs as student assignments also has
various advantages, with this video assignment students can explore their
speaking skills while studying at home, students can also improve their speaking
skills independently, and teachers can also see how much students' speaking skills
are during school from home.

Although there are many advantages to using YouTube and this video
blog, it is not uncommon for there to be a disadvantage to using YouTube and this
video blog. the lack of using YouTube and video blogs according to the teacher's
perspective, it is not uncommon for students to misuse YouTube during lessons by
watching videos that are not related to learning at that time. there is also a
technical disadvantage, such as unstable signals in each house, but these
disadvantages do not have a big impact on the continuity of online teaching and
learning activities.

After the advantages and disadvantages of using YouTube and videos for
learning during the pandemic, the teachers also found the obstacles they felt while
using this platform and media. As for perceived obstacles, such as unstable signals
at students' homes and resulted in some students sometimes not being able to open
YouTube or access material videos due to internet signal problems.

The use of YouTube and this video also impact students' speaking skills.
This impact was conveyed by the teacher at the time of the interview, the teachers
said that the use of this platform and media greatly influenced the development of
students' speaking skills, especially with the task of making videos further
increasing students' speaking skills and students were also able to explore their
speaking skills with good even if only studying at home. By using YouTube and
this video, students can also explore how to speak properly and correctly through
videos on YouTube.

Meanwhile, the end of the interviews was conducted with the teachers
regarding their perceptions, asking about what needs to be improved in learning
using YouTube and videos during the pandemic. according to the perception of
teachers, teachers expect a special YouTube with a variety of learning materials
that can be accessed by students and teachers for free.

Thus, it can be concluded that most teachers use YouTube and this video
blog because both teachers and students are familiar with YouTube and video
blogs. YouTube is used by sharing videos of learning materials or educational
videos that are still related to learning speaking in particular. YouTube is used by
teachers as a learning platform because from the teacher's perspective, students
understand the material better if they use media that combines audio and visual
and YouTube provides many videos about the material in schools with interesting
and innovative audio-visual integration techniques. The video is used as a
student's assignment at home with the aim of the teacher being able to monitor
student progress, especially in students' speaking skills, and also for students to
explore their speaking skills at home independently. There are many advantages
to using YouTube and videos as platforms as well as learning media, including
making students understand the material more quickly, making students not easily
bored by participating in online learning, and making students remember in the
long term.

Although there are many advantages, it is undeniable that there are also
shortcomings in the use of YouTube and this video, such as some students
abusing the use of YouTube when learning begins by watching videos that have
nothing to do with learning at that time. and when making assignment videos, it is
not uncommon for students to make random and produce only modest results.
teachers encounter a few obstacles when learning to use YouTube, the obstacles
that teachers encounter on average are unstable internet signals in each house. but
some teachers have found a solution to the obstacles that occur during this online
learning. In the teacher's opinion, many positive impacts appear during the use of
YouTube and this video is the most striking impact, especially on the students'
speaking skills that develop and students also explore their speaking abilities a lot,
even though they only study at home, but this impact is felt by students and
teachers. as a teacher and student facilitator. However, teachers also still have
some opinions so that the learning process is more effective and focused again,
teachers hope that there is a special educational YouTube that provides content in
the form of school materials or other educational materials related to education
and can also be accessed free of charge by students or teachers. so that students
focus on learning and targets to be achieved and desired.

D. Other Findings

At the end of the interview session, the researcher specifically asked the
interviewees about their reflection on what they had done so far, in this context
related to ELT media. The researcher conducted this interview with 4 out of 6
interviewees who were interviewed in the initial session. The researcher
specifically conducted this additional interview because of several things that
made the researcher interested in the answers of the interviewees in the first
season interview. All those interviewed focused on teacher performance, how
teachers handle the classroom, make teaching strategies and manage themselves.

The fourth interviewee said,

If possible, I want training on media and platforms for learning that is
suitable for use during the pandemic so that teachers are not confused. during
online learning activities. (Interviewee 4)

The fifth interviewee said,

I want facilities from the government or schools to support the continuity

of online learning because the pandemic persists where the number of cases can
spike at any time and make blended learning stop at any time and return to using
online learning as the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. (Interviewee 5)

The third interviewee said,

Elderly teachers like me want training in making learning videos and

presentations that are creative and innovative for learning. So, so that students'
abilities develop, the teacher's abilities also develop even though learning is
carried out at home. (Interviewee 3)

The first interviewee said,

I want computer or laptop training because some teachers are unable to
operate computers or laptops for online learning like this because of the age
factor. (Interviewee 1)



This chapter presents the final discussion of this research. Two points are presented in
this chapter. The first point presents the conclusions of the researchers drawn from the results of
the interviews. The second point presents the researcher's recommendations for the future in the
ELT media field.

A. Conclusion
The results of data analysis show that teachers use YouTube and videos as
platforms as well as learning media during the pandemic. The teachers said that they also
had a very good view of ELT media especially the YouTube platform and video blogs.
this is shown by the results of their interviews. Of the 6 teachers interviewed, most of the
teachers were familiar with YouTube and the teachers also chose YouTube to be a
platform for learning. One of the reasons is that today's students are very familiar with
YouTube and video blogs.

The use of YouTube and this video blog with various aspects considered, in terms
of effectiveness the teachers argue that this platform is very effective to use during a
pandemic because students easily catch the material delivered and students also don't get
bored easily taking online classes every day. As for the next aspect in terms of how to use
it, teachers use YouTube by providing video videos of material on YouTube and students
can explore materials related to learning themselves, while the use of this video is used by
teachers for the task of supporting their speaking skills when learning online at pandemic

The next aspect that must also be considered is the advantages of this platform
and media. the teachers argue that YouTube and video have many advantages, some of
the advantages of YouTube video are that students can absorb material easily, and also
students can develop and explore their speaking skills even if they only study online at
home. If there is an advantage of not being left behind, there are also disadvantage in a
media and learning platform, for the disadvantage of teachers to believe that there are not
few students who abuse learning using this YouTube by watching videos that have
nothing to do with learning.

In addition, there are also obstacles that teachers face when using YouTube and
this video for learning. The obstacles faced by teachers are on average the same,
problems with internet signals that are less supportive and some students don’t have
smartphone facilities like their other friends. but some teachers have been able to
overcome this obstacle with several solutions that are implemented, for example with
blended learning or home visits to the homes of students who have poor connections or
students who do not have smartphone facilities to support online learning.

Although some shortcomings and obstacles arise when using YouTube or video
blogs in learning English, especially speaking skills, the use of platforms and media
greatly affects students' speaking skills. students explore their speaking skills with the
task of making videos and also students understand the material that is conveyed faster by
using videos on YouTube.

In addition to some of the aspects that have been conveyed earlier, teachers also
hope that there will be platforms such as YouTube or YouTube, but specifically for
educational material content and related to education in schools. This hope is of course
that students focus more on learning and make it easier for teachers to find material for
learning that is creative, innovative, and not boring for students.

B. Suggestions

Some recommendations for researchers who are interested in researching ELT

media, especially the use of YouTube and video vlogs in students' speaking skills during
the pandemic. Researchers can research again in the section on the shortcomings of using
YouTube and video blogs in learning speaking during the pandemic because there is still
much that needs to be improved and requires more appropriate solutions to help teachers
so that students can do it according to the target.

Another recommendation is to research the evaluation used to measure student

achievement. As mentioned earlier, according to the teachers, some students abuse the
use of YouTube and this video by watching videos that are not related to learning and
working on their video speaking skills in a careless and improvised way which results in
poor results. Researchers also hope that there will be further solutions to this problem.

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