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Forgotten Circles Scenario Asset Requirements

Version 2.0
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
96 – Unexpected Visitors B4b Earth Demon Altar (3)
C1a Flame Demon Barrel (2)
Links: C2b Frost Demon Boulder 1x1 (1), 1x2 (2)
Gloomhaven I1a Wind Demon Cabinet (2)
I2b Coin (3)
Requirements: Crystal (2)
End of Gloom (Global) Complete Dark Corridor (6)
Hot Coals 1x2 (2)
Goal: Stalagmite (2)
Destroy altars d, e, and f Table (3)
Thorns (4)
FAQ: Treasure Tile (1)
The special rules were made clearer due to a printing error in the scenario Wood 1x2 (2)
guide. They are displayed properly below.

Special Rules:
Dark Corridors a, b, and c are portals to different planes of existence. All non-
adjacent portal hexes sharing the same identifier (e.g. a, b, or c) are
considered adjacent for the purposes of movement and finding focus but not
for line-of-sight.

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. Starting from the
fourth round, at the end of every round, one demon spawns adjacent to a
portal, in the order of a) Frost Demons, b) Flame Demons, c) Earth Demons,

All demon spawns are normal for two characters. Earth Demon spawns are
elite for three characters. Frost and Flame Demon spawns are elite for four

Section Links:
The first time any character enters portal:
a) read section 34 on page 36
b) read section 01 on page 27
c) read section 24 on page 34

Scenario Goal:
When all altars are destroyed, read section 38 on page 38.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
97 – Lore Untold A3b Aesther Scout Bookcase (4)
E1a Black Imp Coin (6)
Links: L1a Deep Terror Dark Corridor (5)
Dimensional Travel L2b Living Bones Pressure Plate (4)
N1a Living Corpse Sarcophagus (3)
Requirements: Stairs (2)
None Stone Door (4)
Stone Pillar (4)
Goal: Treasure Tile (4)
Loot four Goal treasure tiles Wall Section (4)


Special Rules:
Add two CURSE cards to each character’s attack modifier deck as a scenario effect.

All doors are locked and cannot be opened until instructed.

Section Links:
The first time any character ends their turn on pressure plate:
a) read section 23 on page 33
b) read section 40 on page 39
c) read section 112 on page 60
d) read section 119 on page 62

Scenario Goal:
When four Goal treasure tiles have been looted, read section 07 on page 28.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
98 – Past in Flames A4b Ancient Artillery Bookcase (1)
B1a Bandit Archer Fountain (1)
Links: B2a Bandit Guard Hot Coals 1x1 (2), 1x2 (2), 1x3 (1)
Gloomhaven B3a Spitting Drake Man Made Stone 1x2 (1)
B4a Shelf (2)
Requirements: H3b Stairs (2)
None Stone Pillar (4)
Table (1)
Goal: Treasure Tile (1)
Save one or both Orchid records before the flames consume Wall Section (6)
them Water (?)
Wood 1x1 (1), 1x2 (2)
FAQ: Wood Door (2)
Replace a single hot coals hex overlay with a double hot coals
hex overlay. A miscount of overlay tiles leads to a shortage of
single hot coals hexes here. The correct count is shown to the

Special Rules:
Tiles B1a and B4a represent ship a. Tiles B2a and B3a represent
ship b.

At the start of every round, place 1 damage token next to both

ships a and b. If there are ever 12 or more damage tokens next
to a ship, the Orchid record on that ship is destroyed. If both
Orchid records are destroyed, the scenario is lost.

Whenever the Ancient Artillery would perform a ranged attack,

place 1 damage token next to ship a instead. If that ship has 12
or more damage tokens next to it, place 1 damage token next to
ship b instead.

Wall sections c are ship railings and cannot be moved or


Any character adjacent to fountain d may forgo a top action

(discarding one card instead) to pick up a bucket of water,
signified by placing a water tile on that character’s mat. Each
character can only hold one bucket of water at a time. This water
can be used later to help dowse the flames on the Orchid ships.

Section Links:
The first time any character enters a ship railing bordering ship a
or opens door 1, read section 04 on page 27.

The first time any character enters a ship railing bordering ship b
or opens door 2, read section 32 on page 36.

Scenario Goal:
If the Record of Accounts is saved and the Record of the Journey
is destroyed, read section 59 on page 44.

If the Record of the Journey is saved and the Record of Accounts

is destroyed, read section 55 on page 43.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
98 – Past in Flames - Continued

Scenario Goal - Continued:

If both Orchid records are saved, read section 82 on page 51.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
99 – Aftershocks L1a Black Imp Bush (1)
L2b Cultist Earth 1x1 (4), 1x2 (4)
Links: N1b Deep Terror Man Made Stone 1x2 (4)
Dimensional Travel Valrath Savage Number Tokens 1-8
Fountain (1)
Requirements: Stone Door (1)
None Stump (1)
Table (1)
Goal: Tree (2)
Kill all enemies and protect at least four civilians a Thorns (3)
Treasure Tile (1)
FAQ: Wall Section (6)

Special Rules:
All characters start the scenario with MUDDLE as a scenario effect.

Whenever a Cultist would summon a Living Bones, it summons two normal

Black Imps instead.

Civilians a, represented by numbered tokens, have 2x(L+C) hit points. They

are allies to you and enemies to all monster types. They have an initiative
of 50 for the purpose of monster focusing. If five or more civilians are
killed, the scenario is lost.

Section Links:
The first time any civilian a is killed, read section 08 on page 28.

When any character opens door 1, read section 100 on page 57.

Scenario Goal:
If all enemies are killed and exactly four civilians are alive, read section 25
on page 34.

If all enemies are killed and five or more civilians are alive, read section 16
on page 31.
Scenario # - Name – Information Map Monsters Tokens
100 – Shifting Gears B2b Ancient Artillery Bear Trap (3)
B3b Living Spirit Bookcase (2)
Links: C2b Stone Golem Boulder 1x1 (5), 1x2 (4)
Dimensional Travel D1a Coin (7)
F1a Number Tokens 1-4
Requirements: I1b Pressure Plate (6)
None Rubble (6)
Sarcophagus (2)
Goal: Spike Pit (5)
Reveal all tiles and kill all enemies Stone Door (3)
Stone Pillar (1)
FAQ: Treasure Tile (3)
None Water 1x1 (1), 1x2 (1)

Special Rules:
Place four numbered tokens next to the round tracker. These will be used
to keep track of the number of gears deactivated throughout the scenario.

Stone pillar a cannot be moved or destroyed.

Doors 1 are locked and cannot be opened until instructed. If any figure
occupies a door when it closes, they suffer trap damage and move to the
closest unoccupied hex on tile F1a.

If players arrive at a previously revealed room, do not reset it. Instead,

leave it in its current state and place a damage token next to the room. All
characters will then suffer damage equal to the number of damage tokens
next to the room. If there are ever 4 damage tokens next to a single room,
the scenario is lost.

Section Links:
Throughout the scenario, when any character ends their turn on pressure
plate b or c, close doors 1, refer to the number of tokens next to the round
tracker, and read the section indicated in the table for the current room
(see below).

Number Pressure Pressure

of tokens plate b plate c
4 14 on 22 on
page 30 page 33

If there are ever no numbered tokens next to the round tracker, read
section 110 on page 60.

Scenario Goal:
When all tiles are revealed and all enemies are killed, read section 36 on
page 37.
Scenario # - Name – Information Map Monsters Tokens
101 – Shrouded Crypt D1b Living Bones Altar (1)
H3b Living Corpse Barrel (2)
Links: J1b Living Spirit Boulder 1x1 (2)
Dimensional Travel J2b Night Demon Dark Corridor (4)
Rending Drake Dark Fog Door (7)
Requirements: Spitting Drake Earth 1x1 (1)
None Log (2)
Man Made Stone 1x1 (1), 1x2 (1)
Goal: Nest (2)
Destroy the source of unnatural darkness Pressure Plate (2)
Rock Column (1)
FAQ: Spike Pit (2)
The single stone floor tile next to a should be a double stone floor Stone Door (1)
overlay tile. The correct count is shown to the right. Thorns (4)
Treasure Tile (1)
Special Rules: Water 1x1 (2), 1x2 (6), 1x3 (1)
Add three CURSE cards to each character’s attack modified deck as
a scenario effect.

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the start of

every round, both Spitting Drakes gain IMMOBILIZE. Additionally,
they are immune to all forced movement.

At the end of every round, one Rending Drake spawns at both a and
b, if the adjacent Spitting Drake is alive and without STUN.

The drake spawns are both normal for two characters, normal at a
and elite at b for three characters, or both elite for four characters.

Door 1 is locked and cannot be opened until instructed.

Any character may forgo a top action (discarding one card instead)
to PUSH boulder c onto pressure plate d. If the pressure plate is
occupied, the boulder cannot be moved onto it.

Section Links:
When boulder c occupied pressure plate d at the end of a round,
read section 64 on page 46.

Scenario Goal:
When the source of unnatural darkness is destroyed, read section
63 on page 45.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
102 – Bazaar of Knowledge B1a None Altar (3)
B2a Barrel (3)
Links: B3a Bookcase (4)
Dimensional Travel F1a Bush (1)
G2b Cabinet (2)
Requirements: H3b Crate (2)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE I2b Man Made Stone 1x2 (1)
Number Tokens 1-12
Goal: Rubble (2)
Intimidate or persuade 6+C inhabitants without raising too much suspicion Shelf (2)
Stairs (2)
FAQ: Stone Pillar (1)
The southern shelf overlay tile next to b should be a table overlay tile. The Table (1)
correct count is shown to the right. Treasure Tile (2)
Tree (1)
Special Rules: Wall Section (2)
Shuffle numbered tokens 1-7 and place them facedown on each a Water 1x2 (1)
throughout the scenario. These represent important Orchid inhabitants. Wood Door (5)
Then shuffle numbered tokens 8-12 and place them facedown on each b
throughout the scenario. These represent important Quatryl inhabitants.
Intimidation (I) /
All inhabitants are neither allies nor enemies to you. Persuasion (P) Values:
Token I Val P Val
Any character adjacent to an inhabitant may perform an Attack or Heal 1 4 4
ability targeting the inhabitant to make an intimidation or persuasion check, 2 5 3
respectively. In either case, the character ignores Advantage, all effects and 3 6 2
ranged values, and draws an attack modifier card, applying its value to the 4 4 3
check. Each condition that would be applied, adds +1 to the result. 5 5 5
6 5 4
After calculating the final value of an intimidation or persuasion check, flip 7 6 3
the facedown token faceup and refer to the table to the right. If the final 8 3 5
value exceeds the necessary value listed in the table, the attempt is 9 4 4
successful and the inhabitant is removed from the map. Otherwise, the 10 3 6
attempt is a failure and the inhabitant remains, numbered token faceup, for 11 4 5
players to attempt to intimidate or persuade again. 12 5 4

If a persuasion check fails, place 1 damage token next to the round tracker.
If an intimidation check fails, place 2 damage tokens instead.

Damage tokens next to the round tracker represent the level of suspicion in
Velcyll Harbor aroused by players’ actions. If the level of suspicion ever
exceeds 12-L, the scenario is lost.

Section Links:
When any character opens door:
1) read section 03 on page 27
2) read section 21 on page 32
3) read section 115 on page 61
4) read section 12 on page 29
5) read section 105 on page 58

Scenario Goal:
When 6+C inhabitants have been intimidated or persuaded, read section
114 on page 60.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
103 – Where it is Needed C2a Random Boulder 1x1 (2), 1x2 (2), 1x3 (1)
D1b Monster Bush (2)
Links: L1b Deck from: Light Fog Door (4)
Dimensional Travel M1b Log (2)
Corrupted Number Token 1
Requirements: Cutthroat Scenario Aids: a
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE Drowned Stump (1)
Mangy Treasure Tile (1)
Goal: Rotting Water 1x1 (1), 1x2 (2)
Protect the Orchid caravan a until it reaches safety d Tribal
FAQ: Wild

Special Rules:
There are no defined monsters for this scenario. Instead, players
will use the monster cards from the Game Variant: Random
Dungeon Deck, and set up each revealed room, including the first,
as they would set up a monster card (see pp. 50-51 of the rule book
for details).

Instead of using the entire monster deck, use only those shown to
the right.

The Orchid caravan a, represented by a numbered token, has

2x(C+L)+3 hit points. It is an ally to you and an enemy to all monster
types. It acts on initiative 99 each round, performing a “Move 2”
towards safety d on tile M1b, opening doors and springing traps if

If the Orchid caravan is killed the scenario is lost.

Section Links:
When the Orchid caravan a or any character opens a door b, open
the other door b and read section 09 on page 29.

Scenario Goal:
When the Orchid caravan reaches safety, read section 89 on page
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
104 – A Gaping Wound D2b Harrower Infester Natural Stone 1x1 (2), 1x2 (2)
K1b Lurker Number Tokens: 1-4
Links: K2a Spitting Drake Rock Column (3)
Dimensional Travel Sun Demon Rubble (6)
Scenario Aids: a
Requirements: Stalagmites (3)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE Treasure Tile (1)

Protect Hail a until she seals portals 1, 2, 3, and 4


Special Rules:
Place four numbered tokens as shown. These represent portals 1
to 4.

Hail a, represented by a numbered token, has 6+(2xL) hit points.

She is an ally to you and an enemy to all monster types. She acts
on initiative 99 each round, performing “Move 3” towards portal
1. If Hail is killed, the scenario is lost.

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the end

of every even round, one monster spawns adjacent to a portal in
the order of 1 (Lurkers), 2 (Sun Demons), 3 (Spitting Drakes), 4
(Harrower Infesters), repeat.

All spawns are normal for two characters, Sun Demons and
Harrower Infesters are elite for three characters, and all spawns
are elite for four characters.

Section Links:
When Hail enters portal 1, read section 52 on page 43.

Scenario Goal:
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
105 – Monstrosities of a Cult B3a Bandit Guard Barrel (2)
F1b Cave Bear Bush (2)
Links: I2b Hound Earth 1x2 (3)
Dimensional Travel L1b Valrath Tracker Log (1)
L3a Shelf (1)
Requirements: Spike Pit (6)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE Table (1)
Hunting the Hunter (Party) INCOMPLETE Thorns (4)
Treasure Tile (2)
Goal: Tree (1)
Kill all enemies Water 1x1 (1), 1x2 (10), 1x3 (1)
Wood Door (4)

Special Rules:
All characters start the scenario with WOUND as a scenario effect.

If “Dimensional Equilibrium” (Party) is incomplete, all Bandit Guards

are one level higher than the scenario level, up to a maximum of 7.

Section Links:
When any character opens a door:
1) read section 06 on page 28
2) read section 28 on page 35

Scenario Goal:
When all enemies are killed, read section 88 on page 53.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
106 – Intricate Work A1a Aesther Scout Altar (4)
D1a Ancient Artillery Bear Trap (5)
Links: D2a Earth Demon Boulder 1x1 (2), 1x2 (1)
Dimensional Travel M1a Flame Demon Element Discs: All 6
Frost Demon Rubble (4)
Requirements: Savvas Icestorm Sarcophagus (1)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE Savvas Lavaflow Spike Pit (6)
Wind Demon Stone Door (2)
Goal: Stone Pillar (6)
Kill all enemies Treasure Tile (1)
Wall Section (4)
FAQ: Water 1x2 (3)

Special Rules:
Place all six elemental infusion tokens on stone pillars a to f as shown.
These stone pillars cannot be moved or destroyed.

Any element on a stone pillar cannot be infused (it is suppressed). Each

stone pillar can only suppress one element at a time.

Any character adjacent to a stone pillar with an elemental token on it may

spend a free action during their turn to release that element and place its
token on the Inert column of the elemental infusion board. Released
elements may be infused normally.

If an element is Strong, any character adjacent to a stone pillar with no

elemental token on it may spend a free action during their turn to
suppress that element and place its token on the adjacent stone pillar.

Section Links:
When any character opens door:
1) read section 13 on page 30
2) read section 35 on page 37

When the elemental tokens are arranged on the stone pillars as follows:
a=Fire, b=Light, c=Ice, d=Earth, e=Air, f=Dark, read section 11 on page 29
a=Ice, b=Dark, c=Fire, d=Air, e=Light, f=Earth, read section 18 on page 31
a=Air, b=Light, c=Earth, d=Ice, e=Dark, f=Fire, read section 68 on page 47
a=Dark, b=Fire, c=Air, d=Light, e=Earth, f=Ice, read section 87 on page 53
a=Fire, b=Dark, c=Ice, d=Earth, e=Light, f=Air, read section 91 on page 54
a=Air, b=Fire, c=Dark, d=Ice, e=Earth, f=Light, read section 124 on page 63

Scenario Goal:
When all enemies are killed, read section 116 on page 61.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
107 – Mechanical Genius A1a Living Spirit Boulder 1x1 (3), 1x2 (3), 1x3 (4)
A2a Vermling Scout Dark Corridor (6)
Links: A3b Vermling Shaman Number Tokens 1-11
Dimensional Travel A4b Pressure Plate (6)
B2b Stone Door (7)
Requirements: L1a Treasure Tile (2)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE L2b Wall Section (6)
N1b Wood Door (5)
Kill all enemies


Special Rules:
Doors 1 to 11 are locked and cannot be opened until instructed.
Place a numbered token faceup on each, referencing the layout
below for a complete depiction. Throughout the scenario, players
will be instructed to flip these tokens over (from facedown to
faceup or vice versa). When flipping one facedown, the door
unlocks and can be opened normally. When flipped faceup, it
closes, locks, and cannot be opened. If any figure occupies a door
when it closes, they suffer trap damage and move to the closest
unoccupied hex not on tile N1b.

All unmarked doors can be opened normally.

Add characters add +2 Move to all their Move actions. The

Aesther Diviner may not Teleport any figure (including herself) to
any hex that cannot be traced back to the origin of the Teleport
without going through a wall or closed door.

Line-of-sight may be drawn such that it starts and/or ends at the

corner of any wall, so long as it does not touch any part of a wall
otherwise along its path.

Section Links:
The first time any character reveals tile:
A2a read section 15 on page 31
A4b read section 92 on page 54
L2b read section 42 on page 39
L1a read section 96 on page 55
A1a read section 95 on page 55
B2b read section 126 on page 63
A3b read section 127 on page 64

Scenario Goal:
When all enemies are killed, read section 48 on page 41.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
108 – Prologue to the End A4a City Archer Bush (3)
L1b City Guard Earth 1x1 (2), 1x2 (4)
Links: L3a Human Commander Log (2)
Dimensional Travel N1a Valrath Commander Natural Stone 1x2 (3)
Valrath Savage Rock Column (2)
Requirements: Valrath Tracker Rubble (6)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE Thorns (3)
Tree (2)
Kill all enemies and loot all treasure tiles


Special Rules:

Section Links:
Before starting the scenario, players must choose how they will
approach it.

A (easy): If they decide to assist the Valraths, read section 44 on page 40.

B (normal): If they decide to assist the humans, read section 37 on page


C (hard): If they decide to fight both sides, read section 101 on page 57.

Boss Special 1:
The commander summons one normal monster for two characters or
one elite monster for three or four characters.

Boss Special 2:
The command summons one normal monster for two or three
characters, or one elite monster for four characters.

Scenario Goal:
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
109 – Epilogue of a War L1b City Archer Boulder 1x1 (?)
L3a City Guard Bush (2)
Links: M1b Valrath Savage Earth 1x1 (4), 1x2 (5)
Dimensional Travel Valrath Tracker Rubble (6)
Treasure Tile (2)
Requirements: Tree (2)
Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE Water (?)

Survive for ten rounds and protect the monsters from each other


Special Rules:
All Valrath Savages and Trackers are allies to each other and enemies to you
and all other monster types. All City Guards and Archers are allies to each
other and enemies to you and all other monster types.

A monster will always prioritize focusing on an enemy monster over a

character or character summon when they are the same distance away,
regardless of initiative.

If “Zangroth’s Aid” (Party) is complete, do not place City Guard a during setup.
Characters may treat all Valrath Savages and Trackers as allies for Heal and
Shield abilities. Place one DISARM trap next to each character mat. Any
character may forgo a top action (discarding one card instead) to place their
trap in an adjacent empty hex.

If “Diamara’s Aid” (Party) is complete, do not place Valrath Savage b during

setup. Characters may treat all City Guards and Archers as allies for Heal and
Shield abilities. Place one water tile next to each character mat. Any character
may forgo a top action (discarding one card instead) to place their water tile
in an adjacent empty hex.

If “Angels of Death” (Party) is complete, do not place City Guard a or Valrath

Savage b during setup. Place one boulder obstacle next to each character
map. Any character may forgo a top action (discarding one card instead) to
place their boulder in an adjacent empty hex.

If C+1 monsters are killed or any character becomes exhausted, the scenario
is lost.

Scenario Goal:
Track the number of round throughout the scenario. At the end of the tenth
round, if no more than C monsters were killed, read section 58 on page 44.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
110 – A Circular Solution B2b City Guard Coin (6)
B3b Earth Demon Man Made Stone 1x1 (2)
Links: C1a Flame Demon Poison Gas (6)
Dimensional Travel C2b Lurker Stone Pillar (4)
M1a Ooze Treasure Tile (1)
Requirements: Savvas Lavaflow Water 1x1 (1), 1x2 (1)
None Valrath Tracker
Vermling Shaman
Kill all named enemies

Marcel created Monster Stats cards for all of the named monsters within
this scenario, to make it easier to track all of their abilities. Access the
FAQ at to
download these monster stat cards.

Special Rules:
Doors 1 and 2 are locked and cannot be opened until instructed.

The Valrath Tracker is Selah Naberis and has hit points equal to an elite
Valrath Tracker’s regular hit point value. He adds “Target@C” and
“PIERCE 10” to all his attacks.

The Vermling Shaman is Sraka the Wise and has CxH/2 (rounded up) hit
points, where H is an elite Vermling Shaman’s regular hit point value.
The value of all her heals are doubled, and all CURSE and BLESS
conditions she applies are applied twice. Any time she performs a Heal
action, if the City Guard is within range and is damaged, she will
prioritize healing him.

The City Guard is The Steel Lion and has CxH/2 (rounded up) hit points,
where H is an elite City Guard’s regular hit point value. He adds +1 to all
his Move actions. As long as he is alive, all his allies gain “Shield X”,
where X is the shield value printed on his stat card. The first C times he
suffers 6 or more damage from a single source, he suffers no damage
instead. All attacks targeting his allies when they are adjacent to him,
target him instead, regardless of range.

The Savvas Lavaflow is Uyart Ikkuma and has CxH/2 (rounded up) hit
points, where H is an elite Savvas Lavaflow’s regular hit point value. All
its summons are elite for three or four characters. Any consume element
effects on its ability cards are applied if the element’s corresponding
demon is present on the map.

Section Links:
Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the end of the
fourth round, read section 129 on page 64.

At the end of the eight round, read section 134 on page 65.

Scenario Goal:
When all four named enemies are killed, read section 76 on page 49.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
111 – The Shackles Loosen A2a Aesther Ashblade Bear Trap (6)
A3b Aesther Scout Dark Fog Door (8)
Links: A4b Black Imp Fountain (1)
Gloomhaven C1a Harrower Infester Spike Pit (6)
F1a Night Demon Thorns (4)
Requirements: G1b Vermling Shaman Treasure Tile (1)
None H1b Wall Section (2)
H2b Water 1x1 (7), 1x2 (6), 1x3 (1)
Goal: H3b
All characters must escape through an exit a


Special Rules:
The elite Aesther Ashblade is the Husk. It has HxC hit points, where
H is an elite Aesther Ashblade’s regular hit point value, and is
immune to STUN, DISARM, IMMOBILIZE, and all forced

The Husk cannot be reduced below 1 hit point.

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the end of

every third round, the Husk gains INVISIBLE.

Escape occurs when all characters occupy, or have become

exhausted while occupying, an exit a on tile C1a. If any character
becomes exhausted while not occupying an exit a, the scenario
goal below cannot be achieved.

Section Links:
The first time any character opens a door 1, read section 67 on
page 47.

If the Husk is ever reduced to 1 hit point, read section 66 on page


Scenario Goal:
When all characters escape, read section 99 on page 56.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
112 – The Bottom of It D1a Ancient Artillery Altar (4)
D2a Living Bones Bear Trap (4)
Links: K1a Stone Golem Fountain (1)
Dimensional Travel K2b Man Made Stone 1x1 (2), 1x2 (4)
Pressure Plate (6)
Requirements: Spike Pit (4)
None Stone Door (6)
Stone Pillar (4)
Direct the beams emitted by altars a to fountain b or survive for
fourteen rounds


Special Rules:
Altars a emit energy in the direction of their stairs along a straight
line of hexes. If the path of any beam is interrupted by a figure,
obstacle, or wall, it does not continue, except in the case of a
mirror, wherein the beam would continue outward in a 60 degree
or 180 degree angle, relative to its entry point, depending on the
mirror’s orientation. To see further details and examples of these
rules, read section 121 on page 62.

Mirrors 1 to 6 correspond to the pressure plate of the same

number. If any character ends their turn on a pressure plate, they
may rotate the corresponding mirror by 60 degrees or 120
degrees and/or move the corresponding mirror to an empty hex
adjacent to its current position.

Scenario Goal:
When all four beams emitted by altars a have an unblocked path
to fountain b, read section 130 on page 64.

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the end

of the fourteenth round, read section 69 on page 47.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
113 – The Lost Thread D2b Deep Terror Crystal (2)
J1b Living Bones Dark Corridor (6)
Links: J2b Living Corpse Dark Fog Door (4)
Dimensional Travel L2a Living Spirit Rock Column (4)
L3b Stone Golem Rubble (6)
Requirements: Scenario Aids: b
None Stalagmites (3)

Destroy four seals a and protect Naaret b

There is a problem with the section links, the last two should read as follows (the
links are swapped):
L2a read section 30 on page 35
L3b read section 108 on page 59
These are shown correctly in the Section Links below

Special Rules:
Seals a have 5xC hit points. Any seal at or beyond the threshold of having 5, 10, or
15 damage tokens on it cannot suffer damage from any source until all other seals
have at least the same multiple of 5 damage tokens on them.

Naaret b, represented by a numbered token, has 4+(2xL) hit points. He is an ally to

you and an enemy to all monster types. He has an initiative of 50 for the purpose of
monster focusing. If Naaret is killed, the scenario is lost.

Dark Corridors c, d, and e are portals to different locations on the map. Portals c
connect tiles D2b and L3b, portals d connect tiles D2b and L2a, and portals e
connect tiles L2a and L3b. All non-adjacent portal hexes sharing the same identifier
(e.g. c, d, or e) are considered adjacent for the purposes of movement and finding
focus but not for line-of-sight.

The Stone Golem is the Warden. It cannot be damaged in any way.

Section Links:
The first time any character reveals tile:
J1b read section 94 on page 55
J2b read section 60 on page 44
L2a read section 30 on page 35
L3b read section 108 on page 59

Scenario Goal:
When all seals are destroyed, read section 117 on page 61.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
114 – Ink Not Yet Dry A1b Aesther Ashblade Barrel (3)
G2b Aesther Scout Cabinet (1)
Links: I1a Wind Demon Crate (2)
Gloomhaven I2b Rubble (5)
Scenario Aids: a
Requirements: Shelf (2)
None Spike Pit (2)
Stairs (2)
Goal: Stone Pillar (3)
Protect Hail a until she reaches cabinet b Table (3)
Wood 1x1 (1), 1x2 (2)
FAQ: Wood Door (1)
Replace the left most table with a shelf. Replace the bottom 1x1 wooden
floor with a Stone Pillar. The correct count is shown to the right.

Special Rules:
All characters start the scenario with POISON as a scenario effect.

During the first two rounds, the initiative values of all monsters are
considered 10 lower than the values on their ability cards.

All Aesther Scouts and Ashblades are immune to all forced movement.

Hail a, represented by a numbered token, has 4+(2xL) hit points. She is an

ally to you and an enemy to all monster types. She acts on initiative 99 each
round, performing “Move 2” towards cabinet b, opening doors and
springing traps if necessary. If Hail is killed, the scenario is lost.

Section Links:
When any character or Hail opens door 1, read section 17 on page 31.

Scenario Goal:
When Hail ends her turn adjacent to cabinet b, read section 98 on page 56.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
115 – Future Uncertain D2b Aesther Ashblade Altar (2)
J1b Aesther Scout Dark Corridor (4)
Links: J2b Black Imp Hot Coals 1x1 (2), 1x2 (2), 1x3 (2)
Dimensional Travel MoC Natural Stone 1x1 (4), 1x2 (4)
Valrath Savage Treasure Tile (1)
Requirements: Valrath Tracker

Kill the Manifestation of Corruption (MoC)

The boss is immune to any ability or effect that would affect its
position on the map in any way (e.g. push, pull, forced
movement, teleport, etc.).

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the

start of every round, remove one damage token from each altar
a and b. Remove an additional damage token at the start of the
tenth round from each altar a and b.

The above text is shown correctly in the Special Rules below.

Section Links:
Read section 20 on page 32 for the scenario map.

Special Rules:
Add three CURSE cards to each character’s attack modifier deck
as a scenario effect.

Open envelope D.

The MoC does not use the boss monster ability deck. Instead, it
uses its own deck of ability cards found in this envelope. To
build this deck, remove all cards with a level higher than the
scenario level, plus the following legendary cards:

A. if “A Circular Solution (110)” is complete; B. if “The Shackles

Loosen (111)” is complete; C. if “The Bottom of It (112)” is
complete; D. if “The Lost Thread (113)” is complete. Shuffle the
remaining cards into a facedown pile.

At the start of every round, The MoC plays its top two cards
facedown and reveals them normally, using the first as its lead
card for initiative. During its turn, it performs the bottom action
of the first card, then the top action of the second.

If the MoC has fewer than two cards in its deck at the end of
any round, it will perform a short rest, losing one random level
0 card from its discard pile and shuffling the remaining discards
into a new facedown pile, below any card that may still be in its
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
115 – Future Uncertain - Continued

Special Rules – Continued:

If the Aesther Diviner is adjacent to altars a or b, she may forgo a top action (discarding one card
instead) to place 5 damage tokens on it.

Track the number of rounds throughout the scenario. At the start of every round, remove one
damage token from each altar a and b. Remove an additional damage token at the start of the
tenth round from each altar a and b. The MoC heals C/2 hit points (rounded down) for each
damage token removed.

At the end of both the fifth and tenth rounds, spawn one Valrath Savage and Tracker at c if altar a
has no damage tokens on it, and three Black Imps at d, if altar b has no damage tokens on it. All
spawns are normal for two characters, Valrath Savages and one Black Imp per spawning are elite
for three characters, and all spawns are elite for four characters.

The MoC cannot be reduced below 1 hit point unless both altars a and b have at least 1 damage
token on them.

At the end of the fifteenth round, if the MoC has not been killed, the scenario is lost.

Scenario Goal:
When the MoC is killed, read section 51 on page 42.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
Diviner Solo – Forecast of the Inevitable G1a Earth Demon Bush (4)
H2b Valrath Savage Light Fog Door (3)
Links: L3a Log (1)
None M1b Thorns (4)
Tree (1)
Requirements: Water 1x1 (1), 1x2 (3), 1x3 (1)
Diviner Level 5



Special Rules:
Place one rift token at each a. These have 3+L hit points and are
immune to all conditions. They are considered allies to you and
enemies to all monster types but may still be moved through
normally. Any rift within three hexes of you cannot be focused on or
damaged in any way. Any time a rift would suffer damage, you may
lose one card from your hand (or two from your discard pile) to
negate the damage. If any rift is destroyed, the scenario is lost.

You cannot place any more rift tokens. Any time you would place one,
move a rift currently on the map to the target hex instead. This rift
retains any damage it has suffered. A rift cannot occupy the same hex
as another rift.

If any monster enters a hex containing a rift token, or vice versa, that
monster suffers 3 damage. Otherwise, all monsters cannot be
damaged in any way.

The elite Earth Demon has Hx3 hit points, where H is an elite Earth
Demon’s regular hit point value.

Special Links:
When you open door 1, read section 29 on page 35.

Scenario Goal:
The scenario goal is unknown at this point.
Scenario # - Name - Information Map Monsters Tokens
Challenge – Tower to the Stars N1b Ancient Artillery Bear Trap (6)
Aesther Ashblade Coin (2)
Links: Black Imp Spike Pit (4)
None City Archer Stairs (3)
City Guard Stone Pillar (4)
Requirements: Deep Terror Thorns (2)
Boldness Earth Demon Treasure Tile (1)
Flame Demon Wall Section (2)
Goal: Frost Demon Water 1x1 (4), 1x3 (2)
Reach the top of the tower and kill all enemies Forest Imp
Harrower Infester
FAQ: Hound
Section 103, page 58 there is a problem with the overlay tiles. Replace the Savvas Icestorm
two top Thorns (dangerous terrain overlay tiles) with two Water (difficult Savvas Lavaflow
terrain overlay tiles). The correct count is shown to the right. Wind Demon

Special Rules:
This scenario can only be attempted once, then it is locked forever to all

Throughout the scenario, only once all monsters in a room are killed, may
characters ascend to the next room by ending their turn on a numbered
stairs (e.g. 1, 2, etc.). Remove their figure and any summons they own
from the map. Do not alter their current hit point value, experience
points, conditions, or cards in any way. For now, they cannot perform any
abilities and are no longer considered to have a turn.

If any character is exhausted, the scenario is lost.

Section Links:
When all characters have ascended stairs 1, remove everything from the
map and read section 47 on page 41.

Scenario Goal:
When all characters reach the top of the tower and all enemies are killed,
read section 65 on page 46.

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