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Attribute test: 2D6 + Attribute + modifiers ≥ 10 (or else a specific result).


Opposed roll: two characters roll 2D6 and add their attribute + modifiers. Turns will be regarded as « combat turns » whenever there is an enemy 12
Height: Creature size: squares or less away from another character in an already explored area of
0. Ground. 1. Small (1 square). Ex: Goblin, Kobold. the board, or « exploratory turns » otherwise.
1. Tables, barrels. 2. Average (1 square). Ex: Human, Elf. 1. Recovery:
2. Cupboards, doors. 3. Large (2x2 squares). Ex: Troll, Ogre. • If a character is Stunned, roll 1D6. Removed on a result of 4+.
3. Large statues. 4. Huge (2x2 squares minimum). • If character is Knocked Down, stand up automatically unless has
4. Big trees, walls. Ex: Dragon, Giant. one or more adjacent enemies (pass an Agility Test to stand up).
5. Sky. • If he suffered the Knocked Down condition in his previous
Conditions: activation, he will automatically pass the Agility Test.
• Stunned: -1 to all attributes (except Vitality & Armor). Character is not • After standing up from Knocked Down condition, a character will
able to run (he recovers during character recovery phase). still be affected by the “Stunned” condition.
• Wounded (character has only 1 Vitality left): same penalties as 2. Activation:
Stunned (but those are only removed if Vitality is above 1). • Perform one Action and one move, in an order of your choice.
• Diseased/ Poisoned: Same as Stunned. Only potions healing spells or • In addition, character can perform a Quick Action at no cost. It
healers can remove this condition. can be performed at any time during the move as long as the
• Weight Excess: Same as stunned, if hero carries more than max character does not run. Move can be resumed after performing
allowed [(Strength + Vitality) x2] or breaks equipment one limit (5 it. Examples: giving an object to an adjacent companion (the
weapons, 2 armors, 1 shield, 30 coins). If 2 limits are broken or 1 limit same item cannot be used by 2 characters during the same game
is broken twice, hero is not be able to move or perform any action. turn), dropping or picking up an object, activating a lever,
• Knocked Down: Same as Stunned. No Melee Range, does not block opening/closing a door giving access to an area already explored,
Line of Sight, no move, shoot, cast spells or perform Exploratory equipping objects, drinking a Potion.
Actions. Attacker gets +1 to Melee & defender cannot use shield. • You can replace one Action with a second Quick Action.
• Knocked Out: Character has his Vitality reduced to 0 or below. Heroes • Actions and quick actions may not be performed within an
will lie face down and do nothing else during the rest of the game. enemy’s Melee Range, except when so indicated in the Action
Others are removed from the game. itself (therefore, melee attacks, weapons drawing, or spell
Conditions are cumulative. Knocked Out, Wounded, and Diseased effects casting are possible. Drinking a potion or changing armor are not
are not cancelled at the end of a quest. possible).


1. Starting Reserve Points (RP) = Value Points (VP) of heroes, After a critical failure (result of double 1) while doing an exploratory action,
Mercenaries, Animals, Magic Objects, Relics, Special Objects + 2 Dark Player will obtain 1 Reserve Point. Heroes get 1 point for every special
points/hero if group has previously done that same scenario. element or main room discovered, for detecting, disarming a trap, for
2. Choose and pay a Leader for the scenario (not yet including the cost unlocking a door, solving a riddle. Mercenaries and animals accompanying
of any optional upgrades) + Magic Object or Relic for your Leader heroes can’t perform any Actions or visualize unexplored sections.
3. Shuffle “Obstacles” and “Power” cards. Draw 5 cards per hero to Unlocking Closed Doors: Dexterity Test (can be done diagonally). Only one
create deck. Draw 1 card. attempt per group. Unlocking does not open the door, opening a door is
4. Draw one “Special Creature” from “Encounters” cards, Shuffle another action. Gain 1 Achievement Point.
remaining cards and draw 2 cards per hero to create the deck. Draw 1 Opening Chests: Dexterity Test. Success: draw 1 Treasure card. Gain 1
card for your hand (in addition to the “Special Creature”). Achievement Point.
Breaking Doors and Chests: Attack against static target with Melee weapon
DARK PLAYER’S TURN (hits automatically) or Ranged weapons (+2) with the Detonation rule only.
1. Achievement points: add 1 unless Main Room discovered Ordinary door/chest: Armor 5, Vitality 5. Reinforced door: Armor 6, Vitality
2. Card Drawing: Unless Main Room discovered, draw 1 card from 6. If there are enemies on the other side of the door, they will get a +1 to
either the “Obstacle and Power” deck, or the “Encounters” deck. the Initiative roll for each turn the heroes needed to break it.
Hand size limit = 2 x nb of heroes (min 4, max 10). Discard excess. Solving Riddles: Intelligence Test, with a -2 penalty. Only one attempt for
3. Activation: Play one or more cards in hand by paying the the group. Fail: the door may be broken and considered reinforced (Armor
corresponding Reserve Points for each card. Activate creatures 6, Vitality 6). Gain 1 Achievement Point.
one by one (can’t perform any Exploratory Actions). Searching for Secret Doors: Perception Test. Cannot be combined with
Placing the Dark Player’s Creatures: movement. Discovered doors are ordinary ones. Gain 1 Achievement Point.
• No Encounter cards in the section where the heroes start. Searching Rooms: Perception Test. Cannot be combined with movement.
• May not be placed at 2 squares or less from heroes. Only one attempt for the whole group. If passed, character finds 1D3 coins.
• Up to half of the creatures placed may have ranged weapons If the result is double 6, draw a Treasure card.
(throwing weapons are excluded) or long-range weapons. Searching Corpses: after a combat, roll 1D6 for each enemy eliminated. 2D6
• As soon as the Leader is placed pay all the upgrades. if it was a champion level enemy or 3D6 if it was a leader level enemy. With
Obstacle Cards: each result of 4+, you find 1 coin. In addition to that,
• Obstacles other than traps must be placed as soon as the heroes • 3 results of 6, you find a random Common Object.
reveal a new section. • 4 results of 6, a Potion Special Object.
• No room or corridor trap cards can be activated as long as there • 5 results out of 6, you find one random Magic Object (never a Relic).
are any creatures in the same section. Searching or Interacting with Elements: Only once per quest. Check the
• No more than one Obstacle m the same door or chest. corresponding Furniture or Special Element card. The effects will be the
• No two different traps can be activated in the same square. same for all heroes unless otherwise stated.
The Dark Player will only be able to set traps in these cases: Transporting Knocked Out or Unconscious companions: -1 to move value.
• When a hero places himself adjacent to a closed chest or an Companion’s weight = his max. weight limitation [(Strength + Vitality) x2].
unexplored door and declares that he opens them.
• When a hero steps on a square marked with exploration arrow. ACTIONS AVAILABLE DURING COMBAT TURNS & EXPLORATORY TURNS
• When a hero intends to step on a square with the exact location Using Fortune Points
of a trap, as indicated on the Adventure Sheet. • Character roll 1D6. On a result of 5+ he ignores a “Knocked Out” result,
• When a hero intends to step on any other square. In this case, avoiding both the condition and the damage suffered. If the roll is
he may not place traps in a square which is 2 or less squares away failed, spend one extra point to automatically get the same result.
from the one where a character begins his activation or from the • Character may choose to reroll his last roll instead, or that of an
one where his activation or that of an ally has finished. This opponent. New result applies.
radius will be called the Safe Zone. • Add 1 achievement point for the Dark Player for each point spent
• When a hero gets a blunder result while searching a piece of
furniture where the possibility of activating a trap is indicated.
4. Discards: Earn Reserve Points for each unused discarded card.
Move and exploration related actions • If the hero passes a Perception test (-2 if hero running), the activation
Moving: Character can move (and change facing) as many spaces as his of the trap is paused, and a marker is placed on the square. The hero’s
Move value (even diagonally, but not if there is an obstacle in a corner). movement stops before stepping on that square. On a result of double
• Large and Huge Creatures: A large creature can move normally but 6, heroes will get +1 to the subsequent test to deactivate it.
must end its movement in an area where its entire base fits. It ignores • If the trap is not detected, it will be triggered, and the hero will occupy
the Melee Ranges of much smaller enemies. It will also be able to the square with the trap.
advance through the squares occupied by enemies. A Large creature Deactivating Traps: a character may perform a Dexterity Test to deactivate
will be regarded as passing through difficult terrain when it enters or a detected trap (+1 if previously double 6 to detect it). Gain 1 Achievement
remains in spaces 1 square wide (including doors). A Huge creature Point. Fails: trap is triggered.
will not be able to enter or remain in spaces 1 square wide. Great Jump: Agility Test.
• Occupied Squares: A character will not to move through a square • -1 if the obstacle is more than 1 square wide,
occupied by an enemy or an impassable obstacle. He will be able to • -1 if the character is within an enemy’s Melee Range.
pass through (but not remain on) the square of an ally, as long as the Maximum traveled distance equal to the character’s Move value.
ally is not engaged in a combat, spending one extra movement point. Falls: In the event of a fall (due to a failure while performing a great
• Difficult Terrain: If a character enters or remains on a difficult terrain jump, or because of having been pushed into a precipice),
square, he must invest one more point for each space he wishes to - Falls from a height of 3 or more, Knocked Down condition and 1
advance, and suffer a -1 to Melee, Ranged Attack, Agility and Spells damage die against Natural Armor for each point of height (pits
Casting until his next turn. cause 4 damage dice). End of activation.
• Higher Ground: If a character advances to a square higher or of lesser - Falls from a height of 2 or less do not cause any damage but
height than himself (i.e., when climbing over a surface), he will have character will be Stunned unless he passes an Agility Test.
to spend one extra Movement point for each square he moves Helping with an Obstacle: A character adjacent to a pit or precipice, and
through in this way. In addition, he will be regarded as being in an equipped with a rope, may declare during his activation that he devotes his
elevated position. This will increase the height at which the character Action to helping an ally who is attempting to jump over or climb such an
or creature is, for Line of Sight purposes and melee hitting modifiers. obstacle. If an ally fails a test while performing a great jump or climbing, the
• Unexplored Section: Any movement that ends with the character character with the Rope will try to pass a Strength Test. If it is passed, the
about to visualize an unexplored part of the scenario must be ally will be considered to have performed a successful test.
completed just before entering the unexplored area, with the • For each ally (animals and mercenaries included) adjacent to the one
character adjacent to it. When a character steps on a square with an who is helping with the Rope, +1 to the test.
exploration arrow facing in the same direction, he will be able to see • Large characters attempting to jump over or climb a pit will give a -1
the unexplored section beyond. The arrow will be removed, and the penalty to the test of whoever intends to help them.
new section will be displayed. Mercenaries and animals accompanying Climbing out of Pits: Agility Test. -1 if the character is within an enemy’s
heroes are not be able to visualize unexplored sections. Melee Range. Ends the hero’s activation.
• Impassable Terrain or Obstacles: No character may pass through Combat, Magic & Miscellaneous Actions
elements of a height equal to or greater than his own height, unless Picking up a weapon within an enemy’s Melee Range: Dropped in the
he is able to climb through them and circumvent them. same square or an adjacent one, requires a normal Action and an Agility
• Vertical Ladders: A character may climb or descend a vertical ladder Test. Quick action if not within an enemy’s Melee Range.
as if making a normal movement (running is not allowed), but the Putting Armor on or off: Cannot be combined with movement and can’t
entire length of that ladder will be regarded as difficult terrain if he is be done within enemy’s Melee Range.
using some object that requires at least one of his hands. Defensive Shot (Reaction): Shoot -2 modifier. Can be carried out during the
• Melee Range: All squares adjacent to one character. A character who enemy’s turn and against enemies who try to engage the shooter. Made
is not running can enter an enemy’s Melee Range. Any character that when the enemy is 3 squares away. If successful and target loses at least 1
enters a square which is part of an enemy’s Melee Range must end his Vitality, target stops its advance (double critical for Large or Huge targets).
movement and becomes engaged. A character ignores an enemy’s Cannot be made if the weapon is in “Reloading”. No more than 1 defensive
Melee Range in those cases in which there is an ally already adjacent shot per turn not allowed if the target started its movement from a position
to such enemy (they are regarded as engaged). Large and Huge 3 squares away or less from the shooter.
creatures engage 2 Smaller enemies and 3 Much Smaller enemies. Shielding (Reaction): As soon as a character is attacked, he may declare that
• Deep Waters: In deep water terrain, only adjacent enemies can he will try to use his shield to block the attack. He can reroll all the dice to
engage in combat and only using daggers or natural weapons. All try to block hits, but during next activation he won't be able to attack or run.
nonaquatic creatures will get a -1 to their Melee. Characters won’t be Taking a position (after combat): If an enemy is eliminated, Knocked Down
able to shoot, cast or dispel spells. or pushed, his square can immediately be occupied by the attacker.
Moving within a Melee Range: If a character is engaged with an opponent, Dispelling (Reaction): characters 8 squares or less away from the spellcaster
he may move to an adjacent square within the opponent’s Melee Range, who cast the spell or from the spell's target can dispel it with an Intelligence
without disengaging, as long as his attack is directed at him. Test. Its result must exceed the result with which the spell was cast.
Disengaging From/Leaving a Melee Range: An engaged character may Successful dispelling will consume 1 mana point. Gain 1 Achievement Point.
ignore his opponent’s Melee Range as long as he passes an Agility Test Casting Superior spell: Cannot be combined with movement, requires 2
before performing an Action (one test for each Melee Range. he wishes to Mana points. Gain 1 Achievement Point.
leave). If he fails, he will remain engaged and his activation will be over. Identifying Magic Powers and Poisons: if a magic object is found, its effects
With a blunder result, he suffers an automatic impact from his opponent. will not be known unless a character with the skill “Secrets of Magic” passes
Swimming: Roll 2D6 at the start of the activation. In case of a blunder an Intelligence Test. If a potion is found, its typology and effects will be
(double 1), no advance at all. Success: the character can advance as many known only if a character with the skill “Alchemist” passes an Intelligence
spaces as his Move Value. -1 if he wears a shield, -1 if he wears heavy armor. Test. Roll 1D6 in order to determine the kind of potion: 1) Poison; 2)
If his is negative at the end of his activation, 3 damage dice against Natural Dexterity; 3) Heroes; 4) Strength; 5) Mana; 6) Healing.
Armor. Activating a Source of Light: An object that emits light may be placed on a
Flying: Regarded as a move, even if the character remains on the same square or be carried in a hand. It illuminates the whole section where it is
square. Ignores enemy Melee Ranges, difficult terrain, non-impassable located (or an area with a radius of 6 squares outdoors). Characters within
obstacles, and may normally pass through (but not remain on) squares the Aera of Effect will not be affected by any penalties related to darkness.
occupied by other characters. Non-flying characters can move through Moving Furniture: a character may use an Action to move a piece of
squares occupied by flying ones. In corridors, a flying character will only be Furniture to an adjacent square (such furniture must be in contact with him
able to move half the squares of his usual capacity. All the tests are and never be higher than himself). If the element is of equal height to the
automatically passed when jumping or climbing. character trying to move it, it will be successfully moved if a Strength Test is
Running: Must be declared before moving. Roll 2D6 + your Move value. The passed. If it is of smaller height the test is not required.
distance traveled can’t exceed the double of Move value. With a result of Building Footbridges: Two characters can declare they'll build a footbridge
double 1 character only advances half of his Move value. A character has -2 if they're adjacent to the cliff at opposite ends. One of them must
to Perception while running and cannot perform a quick action. immediately spend 1 pickaxe and 1 rope card (which cannot be reused).
Opening Unexplored Doors: character must be adjacent to the door (not They will need to use as many full turns (without moving) to perform this
diagonally). Opening a door leading to an explored aera is a quick action. task as the width of the cliff. After these turns, at the beginning of the
Detecting and Avoiding Traps: The hero stops moving as soon as the Dark following one, the footbridge is finished and can be crossed.
Player declares that there is a trap.
COMBAT & SPELLS 3. Melee Result
Placing Enemies: no creature may be placed at 2 squares or less from one • If the defender wins, the attack missed its target.
of the characters on the heroes’ side. If the defender was using a shield
Initiative: Initiative Test (Opposed Perception Roll) against the nearest - he can push equal or smaller-size attackers,
enemy. Highest Intelligence wins ties. Reroll if still tied. - If he had a double critical, the attacker is stunned.
+ 1 for enemies during next encounter for each use of gunpowder weapons. • If the attacker wins, he will hit his target.
If there are enemies on the other side of the door, they will get a +1 to the • A blunder both while attacking and defending causes the
Initiative roll for each turn the heroes needed to break it. character’s activation to end. A weapon breaking roll is required.
• Heroes win, a new turn immediately begins (no cards may be drawn, Possible shield breaking for the defender.
and no Achievements added for the Dark Player). 4. Apply Shields effects. If a Melee Attack is successful, defender using a
• Heroes lose, the turn ends, the turn of the opposing side begins. shield must roll 1D6 (unless blunder during defensive roll).
If new enemies are spawned when the heroes’ side is already in combat, • If the result is equal to or greater than the shield’s blocking
• enemies lose, they will not act on the turn in which they are placed capability (usually 5+), the impact is blocked.
and will have to wait for their next turn. • The roll has a -1 if the hit was a critic.
• enemies win, they may act immediately as soon as they are placed. • A double critical when attacking overrides any possible blocking.
Caught By Surprise!: Enemies at 6 or less squares from the character or • A double critical when defending, attacker is stunned.
creature that wins the Initiative Test (Opposed Perception Roll) will be • If the defender declared Shielding, character may reroll shield-
Caught by Surprise if the individual results of the two dice rolled by the blocking rolls, but cannot run or attack during next activation.
winning side equal or exceed their Intelligence. Winner places affected Shield breaking:
enemies in an adjacent empty square with a facing of his choice. • If used against a weapon that can break shields, do a break roll.
• If the shield is broken, user takes 1 die damage die.
Melee Combat • A defender who uses a shield and gets a blunder, will randomly
Blunder result while disengaging Melee, automatic impact from opponent. choose whether to drop his shield or his weapon (breaking roll).
Maximum of 3 attacks (except huge creatures). 5. Damage Roll. Each damage die (usually determined by strength +
Use of natural weapons requires both free hands. weapon) will cause 1 wound to the target if it equals or exceeds
May carry 1 weapon in each hand, needs the appropriate skill to use both. target's Armor.
1. Defender declares Shielding. As soon as a character is attacked, he • Defender’s Armor may reach a maximum of 6
may declare that he will try to use his shield to block the attack. That • A character will always roll 1 damage die minimum. If he rolls 0
turn he can reroll all the dice to try to block hits with his shield, but dice, he still rolls 1 dice, but opponent’s armor is increased by +1.
during his next activation he won't be able to attack or run.
• For every 6 (critical hits) obtained during Melee roll, attack deals
2. Opposed Melee roll + Modifiers to hit.
1 extra damage die.
In case of a tie, the character with the highest Agility wins. In case of a
• Results of 1 on a damage die will never cause a wound,
new tie, the one using a shield wins. If the tie persists, the defender
regardless the modifiers applied.
always wins.
6. Pushing & Taking a position.
A blunder both while attacking and defending causes the character’s
• If the attacker wins the opposed roll, he can push back an equal
activation to end. A weapon breaking roll is required. If a shield is used
or smaller size opponent to an adjacent empty square. If there
when defending, either the weapon or shield is lost at random (making
are no empty squares, the opponent takes 1 extra damage die
the proper breaking roll).
from the attack.
Melee Modifiers
• A Defender using a shield can push equal or smaller-size
• Rival has cover: -1 to attack.
attackers if the opposed Melee roll is won.
• Elevated position: +1 for those who have the advantage.
• If an enemy is eliminated, Knocked Down or pushed, his square
• Difficult Terrain: If a character enters or remains on a difficult
can be occupied by the attacker without regarding it as
terrain square, he suffers a -1 to Melee until his next turn.
movement or action.
• Deep Waters: only adjacent enemies and only using daggers or
7. Additional Effects
natural weapons. All nonaquatic creatures will get a -1.
Attacker’s vs Extra effects
• Attack from the back: +1 to the attack & defender cannot use
Defender’s size Normal Critical Double Critical
shield. The front of a character or creature will be the 6 squares
Much Larger Knocked Down Knocked Down Knocked Down
(8 for a huge creature) that he has before him or to his sides,
Larger No Effect Knocked Down* Knocked Down
taking into account his facing. The 3 squares (4 for a huge
creature) behind him will be considered his back. Must start Same No Effect No Effect Knocked Down
movement from a square located on the back of the target or be Smaller No Effect No Effect Stunned
already positioned on it Much Smaller No Effect No Effect Stunned
• Attack knocked down enemy: +1 to the attack & defender
cannot use shield. * In attacks performed by average-size creatures against small-size Leaders,
• Drawing a weapon in the enemy’s Melee Range: -1 this result will have no effect.
• Long-range weapon: -1 penalty to Combat Skill when fighting an Stunned: -1 to all attributes (except Vitality & Armor). Character is not able
enemy in an adjacent square. This type of weapon expands the to run (he recovers during character recovery phase).
bearer's Melee Range to 2 squares instead of 1, allowing their Knocked Down: Same penalties as Stunned. No Melee Range, does not
users to engage their enemies without getting engaged block LOS, no move, shoot, spells casting/dispelling, Exploratory Actions.
themselves. Can’t be used to attack through squares occupied Attacker gets +1 to Melee & defender cannot use shield.
by other characters or heavy cover. Enemies that successfully hit
a target armed with a long-ranged weapon advance to a square Achievement Points
adjacent to his enemy, roll the damage dice and then push him Dark Player: Value Points of all Knocked Out hero.
if he wishes to do so. Heroes: 1 per enemy slain, 2 per Elite, 3 per Champion, 5 for Quest Leader.
• Flying target: -1 to attack
• Stationary target: no roll needed. Automatic hit.
• Flaming attack or damage: for creatures vulnerable to fire, this
type of attack adds 1 extra damage die.
• Potion Effects: effects are not cumulative. The moment a potion
is taken or used, the effects of the previous one are cancelled.
Ranged Attacks Magic
Forbidden with enemy’s melee range (unless handgun). Mana Pool: spellcaster has 2 mana per spell learned (max Intelligence x 3).
1. Check Line of Sight (LOS). Mana recovery potions: in addition to recovering mana points, allow the
• Clear LOS if unobstructed straight line from the center of the wizard to remove 1 mana marker placed on the card of a spell already cast.
attacker’s square to the center of the target’s square. Spell casting: Intelligence Test (one free hand required).
• No creature will be able to have LOS through elements of the • Sorcery Levels: during a quest, one spell may be cast a maximum of
same height or higher, unless the target is higher than the - 2 times if VP value of Spellcaster is below 18 (Apprentice Level),
interposing elements. - 3 times below 40,
• If LOS is present but with obstacles, target will be regarded to - 4 times if 40 or above (Master).
have cover. Put a Mana token on the spell card as a reminder.
- if the drawn line touches only the corner of a square • Superior spell: 2 Mana points, cannot be combined with movement.
occupied by an element (i.e., an obstacle or a character), • Permanent spell: lasts for as many turns as the highest result of the 2
without crossing it. dice rolled in the test. No more than 1 permanent spells active.
- If it crosses a lower height element that does not block the • A new spell may be cast while another spell is active with a -1
LOS and provided the target is adjacent to that element. Intelligence penalty. Cancels currently active permanent spell.
Depending on the elements, they will be regarded as light cover Area of Effect: Possible values 1, 2 or 3, or no symbol.
(tables, fences) or heavy cover (walls, columns, statues). • If there is no symbol, it means that it only affects target character or
2. Shooting Test + Modifiers to hit. square and therefore has no Area of Effect.
Ranged Attacks Modifiers • A 1, 2 or 3 means that the spell affects squares located within a radius
• Target’s Agility is greater than shooter’s: -1 of the same number counting from the selected target.
• Attack from the back: +1 • The spell's card indicates if the spell affects allies, enemies or both.
• Small target -1 • Characters not selected as targets, but within Area of Effect, will suffer
• Large/Huge target: +1/+2 2 less damage dice than target, unless description states otherwise.
• Stationary target: +2 Range: maximum distance expressed in squares for this spell. Range 1
• Flying target: -1 means it can only be cast on adjacent characters or creatures.
• Moving and shooting (projectile weapons only): -1 (-2 if Modifiers to casting
character moved more than half of his Move value). • Components: +2 to casting spells.
• Difficult Terrain: If a character enters or remains on a difficult Magic Scroll: +2 to casting or dispelling. Spellcasters with Mana only.
terrain, he suffers a -1 to his Shooting skill until his next turn. Spellcasters may only use one magic scroll or components for magic
• Deep Waters: Characters won’t be able to shoot per turn. Spent after usage.
• Light cover (tables, fences): -1 • Control Spells: do not affect Leaders/Champions. -1 against Large
• Heavy cover (walls, columns, statues): -2 creatures/ -2 against Huge or Elite level creatures.
• Defensive shot: -2. Reaction during the enemy’s turn and against • Difficult Terrain: If a character enters or remains on a difficult terrain
enemies who try to engage the shooter. Shot made when the square, he suffers a -1 to Spell Casting until his next turn.
enemy is 3 squares away. If the shot is successful and target loses • Deep Waters: cannot cast spell or dispel.
at least 1 Vitality, target stops its advance (Large or Huge targets Modifiers to result
will only stop in case of a double critical). This shot cannot be • Cover/Shield:
made if the weapon is “Reloading”. No more than 1 defensive - magic projectiles deal -1 damage die if target has light cover or
shot per turn and not allowed if the target started its movement uses a shield (-2 if heavy cover).
from a position 3 squares away or less from the shooter. - Characters not selected as targets, but within the spell's Area of
• Distance to target: Effect, or being traversed by the trajectory (including allies), will
- (1-3; point-blank): no penalty suffer 2 less damage dice than the target, unless spell's
- (4-6; short): -1 description states otherwise.
- (7-9; average): -2 - Magic projectiles act in a straight line, affecting all squares.
- (10+; long): -3 Unless stated otherwise, a magic projectile does not affect the
When target is at more than half the maximum range, critical squares adjacent to target.
results will not generate extra damage dice. Does not apply to • Sorcery Levels: an apprentice Spellcaster (VP below 18) has his
throwing weapons. offensive spells cause 1 less damage die than usual (this also includes
3. Ranged Attack Result the damage dealt by any Elementals he may summon), and the
• If the defender wins, the attack simply missed its target. duration of his permanent effect spells will be reduced by -1.
• If the attacker wins, he will hit his target. Spell Result
• In case of blunder (double 1), shooter ends its activation and hits • Each result of 6 while casting spells that require rolling for damage will
the closest ally among those adjacent to the squares crossed by be regarded as critical and will deal extra damage
the trajectory of the shot. Then he must make a weapon • Double-critical result while casting a spell results in spell impossible to
breaking roll. be dispelled by any means.
• If the shot fails with a single result of 1, it will hit the closest • Failure: Mana not spent unless Blunder.
adjacent ally (if possible) unless ally smaller than target. • Blunder: 5 damage dice against caster’s Intelligence. Caster is
• In case of blunder (double 1), Gunpowder weapon causes 1 Stunned. Mana, components and scrolls are spent.
damage die to the shooter. • Shield breaking: If used as a cover against a magic projectile, a break
4. Apply Shields effects. If a Ranged Attack is successful, defender using roll must be made. If shield is broken, user takes 1 damage die.
a shield must roll 1D6 Dispelling: characters 8 squares or less away from the spellcaster who cast
• If the result is equal to or greater than the shield’s blocking the spell or from the spell's target can dispel it with an Intelligence Test.
capability (usually 5+), the impact is blocked. • Its result must exceed the result with which the spell was cast.
• The roll has a -1 if the hit was a critic. • Successful dispelling will consume 1 mana point.
• A double critical when attacking overrides any possible blocking. • Characters can't try to dispel when they have no mana left.
Note: Shield is regarded as light cover against Breath attacks.
5. Damage Roll. Each damage die (usually determined by weapon) will Achievement Points
cause 1 wound to the target if it equals or exceeds target's Armor. Dark Player: Value Points of all Knocked Out hero.
• Defender’s Armor may reach a maximum of 6. Heroes: 1 point (up to 5) for every cast or dispelled spell, 1 per enemy
• A character will always roll 1 damage die minimum. If he had 0 slain, 2 per Elite, 3 per Champion, 5 for Quest Leader.
dice, he still rolls 1 die, but opponent’s armor is increased by +1.
• For every 6 (critical hits) obtained during Ranged Attack roll,
deals 1 extra damage die.
• Results of 1 on a damage die will never cause a wound,
regardless the modifiers applied.

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