Electric Heater With Filter Pitch Material

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Unsafe water is one of the world’ s largest health and environmental problems –
particularly for the poorest in the world. Lack of access to safe water sources is a
leading risk factor for infectious diseases, including cholera, diarrhea, dysentery,
hepatitis A, typhoid and polio (WHO, 2019). It also exacerbates malnutrition, and in
particular, childhood stunting. In the chart we see that it ranks as a very important risk
factor for death globally. In 2020, 6% of the world population did not have access to an
improved water source. Moreover, many of those who have access to the public water
supply must still collect water from communal taps. And, since public water is supplied
intermittently, usually for only three to four hours a day, many of those who have access
to the public water supply must often rely on other sources of drinking water, such as
private wells (Rijal, Fujioka and Ziel, 1996). Water pollution related diseases cannot be
dodged because anyhow we must use water either for drinking, cooking, or washing.
The diseases related to water might be of any type viz. viral, bacterial, protozoal,
helminthic and leptospiral. (Aisha Parveen and Shifa Zaidi, 2017)

Water purification systems for domestic use have drawn much of attention over
the past few years. This can be related to improvement of public health and concerns
for water contamination.

Slow Sand Filter (SSF) dates back to the Eighteenth century as its need was felt
after discovering that the outbreak of diseases like cholera and typhoid were linked to
the consumption of contaminated water (Huisman and Wood, 1974). As suggested by
the name, a Slow Sand Filter uses a sand bed as a filter medium followed by a coarser
material such as gravel. Most of the biological treatment is done by the sand, and the
gravel is used to prevent sand from clogging the under-drain piping. The under-drainage
system is used to collect the filtered water from the filter. SSF is very effective in
removing particulate matter which is greater than the pore size of the filter. Some
bacteria and viruses, therefore, percolates deeper into the sand bed before removal,
however, with passage of time, the size of the pores gets reduced because of the
deposition of particulate matter and the filtering effectiveness is increased. It was found
that virus removal efficiency of SSF increases with increasing bed depth and decreasing
rate of filtration and increasing water temperature (Troyan and Hansen, 1989). The run
time of the filter ranges from 60 to 80 days, but in some cases, it may also reach 100
days (Ellis, 1985). The cleaning of SSF is done by draining the water level down to the
sand bed level and then removing 1 to 2 cm of the bio film.

On the other hand, hot water is essential to maintain one’ s personal and
household hygiene. Hygiene is of utmost importance when it comes to healthy
living.Water heating may account for as much as 40% of the total energy consumed by
a regular residential building (Duse et al., 2003). Electric water heater has more energy
efficient storage tank designs and strategies of operation can be of result when
evaluating correlations. Up to 12% savings were observed when compared to normal
operation. (Kepplinger et al., 2015). Therefore, global access to electricity has been
steadily rising in recent decades. In 1990 just over 71% of the world population had
access; by 2016 this had risen to over 87%.

Consumers should be able to implement a system that suits their geographical

and hot water requirements, with the suitable financial support from the governing body,
in order to reduce the use and dependency on fossil fuels. Energy efficient systems,
with applicable knowledge of the advantages these systems, may offer a decrease in
the severity of the energy crisis
II. Solution

Electric Heater with Filter

To address the different problems and relative target market, an equipment

called Electric Heater with Filter shall be made. This Electric Heater with Filter have
potential to bring more cleaner and safety of drinking water to the people not only in
cities but also in provinces. This equipment also provides easily to operate, and it is
handy equipment. An electric water is an electrical appliance, that has a self-contained
heating unit, for heating water, and automatically switches off when the water reaches
boiling point or at a preset temperature below 100 °C.

Over the past few years, the growing working population has led to the need to
save cooking time, which is promoting the product’s consumption. A large number of
consumers prefer to purchase this product for a hassle-free water boil process. Electric
water heaters are made to work on different intensities of electrical energy including 220
to 230 volts and 2 to 3 kilowatts.

Product Niche and Process:

Electric Heater with Filter will automatically off if the water is on its maximum

The electric heater with filter has automated equipment which can be totally off
when it hits it's maximum in point, it will not consume any more energy when it's off
even the plug is still plugin, this could be helpful even without proper attention to the
equipment and it can provide less problem like to mitigate the fire in houses and others.

Electric Heater with Filter have a Filter to clean the water used to drink

The electric heater with filter provides a filter that can carry out bacteria coming
from the water source. These probably used anywhere since there are lot of places that
has not safety to drink the water this filter can be filterized there water to be drinkable,
this filter can be replaceable and easily to take off.

Electric Heater with Filter have an adjustable filter

The electric heater with filter provides a filter that is adjustable, the water to be
used will poured to the filter and after it goes to the filter, the filter should be take ofto
the equipment so that the bacteria that the filter remove will not be mix into the heated
Electric Heater with Filter can bring anywhere

The electric heater with filter is a handy equipment which can be carried
anywhere, it can provide to the people who used it to be in a good mood to bring, less
hassle and less problem anywhere, good for everywhere.
III. Competitors
Whether you’ re in the market for a new electric heater or just want to
compare our product to different brands and models, you’ ll need to check out this
list of the three well known competitors of our product, Xiaomi Stainless Steel 1.5L
Electric Water Kettle, Philips HD9316 Electric Kettle 1.7L, and Imarflex IK-515S
Insulated Electric Kettle. They possess some services and some features that are
mostly identical to our product.

For identification, the photos of the aforementioned products are shown


Figure 1. Electric Heater

Figure 2. Xiaomi Stainless Steel Figure 3. Philips HD9316 Figure 4. Imarflex IK-515S

Table I. Competitive Comparison

Product Features Electric Philips Imarflex Ordinary
and Characteristics Heater HD9316 IK-515S Heater

Capacity (1.5 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Speed (1.5-2 min) ✓ ✓ ✓ X X
Ease of Use ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
 Cordless X X X X ✓
 Corded ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
 Illuminated ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
 Water Filters ✓ X ✓ X X
 Cool-touch ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
 Keep Warm X X ✓ X X
 Temperature X ✓ X X X
Auto Shutoff ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Advertising support X ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Notify if the water is already boiling through:
 Noise X X X X ✓
 LED Indicator ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Durability ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Weight ✓ X ✓ X X
General Characteristics:
 Plastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
 Metal (Stainless ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
 Glass X X X X X
 Ceramics X X X X X
 Standard ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Price ₱2,500.00 ₱1,450.00 ₱3,995.00 ₱1,500.00 ₱120.00 -

The table above shows the comparison of the features and characteristics
of our product to our competitors. As what is shown, the capacity off all the
products except the ordinary kettle or heater carries almost the same litters of
water. However, only three of them (including our product) can boil water faster
than the ordinary one. It is also shown that the four of them are easy to use.
Moreover, the features of our product are almost similar to what the other products
have. In contrast, one of our competitors excel for a little bit, but regardless of their
functions, all of them plays well. In addition, our product is still not supported by
advertisements,still our product can be patronized by customer since our product
is not even costy yet the quality is rest assured.
(Outer view) as you can see the drawing our product is made if steel and
plastic which the plastic is placed on the handle so that it could be mitigate to be
hot on that surface which is we usually pick it up. This is a 360° heater which
colud car to 1-1.5 literof water as you can See there is an level of water based on
the leveling in transparent in the body of our product.
( Inner view) as you can see in our product Our filter is placed on the
center which water being poured first and then it can be removable
since it is important to pick it out before starting the heater

(Based of our product) as you can see our based is 360° ch is
8.6 in diameter it is made of of plastic since that's based to
reduced the heat factor coming from the body of our Heater
Lean Canvas Model
Our target market are the professionals and non-professionals whether working in the
workplace or even for just making a tea in the household. As long as there is an
electricity in the office or in the household this product suits to everyone. Global access
to electricity has been steadily rising in recent decades. In 1990 just over 71% of the
world population had access; by 2016 this had risen to over 87%. On the other hand,
the majority of residential electric water heaters use 220 volts. There are two types of
water heaters: single element and double element. It's a good idea to check the label on
your water heating system. However, the voltage of a motolite battery for a car has 12
volts only.

The pioneer customers who will basically use the product are the seller's family,
relatives, friends and friends of friends. They were the first people who will give the
feedback to the product for the development, improves efficiency, reduces cost,
increases market penetration, or raises the early adopter's social status. After all of the
adjustments and improvements of the product, it is now ready to sell in the global

The following are the hardships encountered by the customer segments:

Lack of supply clean water: Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of people, an alarming
figure that is projected to rise as temperatures do. Although 2.1 billion people have improved
water sanitation since 1990, dwindling drinking water supplies are affecting every continent.
Only 71 percent of the global population, 5.2 billion people, had safely-managed
drinking water in 2015, but 844 million people still lacked even basic drinking water.

Water Contamination: Contamination of drinking water supplies can occur in the source
water as well as in the distribution system after water treatment has already occurred.
The presence of contaminants in water can lead to adverse health effects, including
gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders.


The existing alternative in the target market are Xiaomi, Philips,imarflex and etc.

Xiaomi and imarflex are just like an ordinary heater, while Philips uses also an filter but
costy this are the available alternative in the market.


The mode of income of the proposed product will be the following:

Electric water heater: The product itself is the primary source of income that is going to
be offered to the valued customers/companies. The consumers have been shifting their
focus towards purchasing the kettle appliances with the advanced features including
perfect grip handling, quick heat-up time, and easy light indicator.

Partnerships: Co-branding is a strategic marketing and advertising partnership

between two brands wherein the success of one brand brings success to its partner
brand, too. Co-branding can be an effective way to build business, boost awareness,
and break into new markets, and for a partnership to truly work, it has to be a win-win
for all players in the game. Each partner receives a distributive share of the profits and
losses of the business each year. Payments are made based on the partnership
agreement, and the partners are taxed individually on these payments.
The proposed equipment can give more useful to users through:

Safety drinkable water: by having filter in an electric heater gives more credibility that
the water being used is clean ,so that user of this equipment will give more safety for
their health.

Less hassle: since this equipment is very handy it would be less hassle to carry whenever
the user want to take it, this equipment have an auto power off that user could do other things
without waiting for it.

Durable: this product is made of plastic and stainless steel it's very durable and handy
equipment,the handle of this is plastic so that when a user carry the handle it will never be hot
to avoid minor accident .


For the Users:

-provides cleaned drinkable water, since this product was customized by filter it can
be very helpful to the user to satisfied their needs clean water

-easily used the product,since this product is handy it will very assure that the user
would be very like it to have more convenient to used.


Electric Heater with Filter ,the heater of masses

- we provide a good heater with filter to the masses not only in the rural but also
in the urban places which this product could provide a clean water to the

Word of Mouth: when the user used this product and can reach with their expectations, they
can tell and persuade others like their neighbors ,family. Friends to get this product .

Public relations: we will make social media accounts like ( facebook, TikTok, YouTube, etc.)
For this social media we will be posting some proper used of this product, the qualities of this
product to be more catch and advertised our product.


To measure progress and the overall state of the product, the following will be


*Demand: this is one variable needed to consider to know the flow of our product, if the
demands boom or not this shows how the status of our product.

* Income: this is one of the most important variable in determining the status of our
product, usually our income will be based on how many products we sold .

* Feedback: our team will be active in getting some feed feedback in our customers especially
in social media where in it is the easiest way to share there feedbacks, whether their feedback
back is good and bad we will take it seriously to improve of our product and be open ideas
came from our customers.

These are the necessary fixed and variable costs in order to start development,
maintain, and continue to improve the product.

Product Development

 Materials and Features: To make the proposed product comes into reality, these are
the materials and different features does the product consists:

1. Raw materials (such as stainless steel, metal, wires and etc.), providing double-
walled designs which boils water quicker and keeps it warm for a longer time and so
that consumers don’t face hot exterior problems, has a system that detects if the
boiling water reaches to 100 degree Celsius and it automatically turn off the power.
 Estimated Cost — Php 2,500,000.00

 Product Testing and Development

 Estimated Cost — Php 1,000,000.00

 Future Improvements/Upgrades of the Product

 Estimated Cost — Php 2,500,000.00

Total Start-up Cost (1st Year) = Php 6,000,000.00


To have a better gap with our competitors ,our product provides cheaper yet good
quality product.
- since our product is cheaper than other competitors could provide this is our
advantage to gather customer to buy our product.

1. WHO (2019) – Fact sheet – Sanitation. Updated June 2019.

2. Rijal, G. K., R. S. Fujioka and C. Ziel. Assessing the Microbial Quality of Drinking
Water Sources in Kathmandu, Nepal, 1996.

3. Aisha Perveen and Sayeda Shifa Zaidi. (2017). Effects of Water Pollution on Human
Health: A Review. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 7,
Issue 1, 503-509.

4. Troyan, J. J., & Hansen, S. P. (1989). Treatment of microbial contaminants in potable

water supplies: technologies and costs. Noyes Data Corp. Park Ridge, N.J. Pp.5-54.
Website: https://www.webmd.com (Accessed 2nd Sep,2018)

5. Ellis, K.V. (1985). Slow Sand Filtration. CRC Critical Reviews In Environmental
Control, 15(4): 315-354

6. Huisman, L and Wood, W E (1974). Slow Sand Filtration. World Health Organization,
Geneva, Switzerland, Pp 1-89.

7. Duse A.G., Da Silva M.P., Zietsman I. Coping with hygiene in South Africa, a water
scarce country Int. J. Environ. Health Res., 13 (sup1) (2003), pp. S95-S105

8. Kepplinger Peter, Huber Gerhard, Petrasch Jörg Autonomous optimal control for
demand side management with resistive domestic hot water heaters using linear
optimization Energy Build., 100 (2015), pp. 50-55

9. Kimz House (2021). Best Electric Kettles in The Philippines – Top Brands in 2022.


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