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TELP (021) 7412566 FAKS (021) 7412556
Kurikulum : KKNI/KBK Semester/Kelas : Reg. CK 01TPLK005
Fak/Jurusan : Teknik/Teknik Informatika Hari/tanggal : 11OKTOBER 2021
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I Ruangan : WFM
Bobot SKS 2 SKS Waktu 90 menit
Dosen : Darmawati, S. Kom.,M.Pd :

Write few paharagraphs by answering the questions below! Then post

your answer in PDF form with your final TEST Card !
1. What do you do?
2. Describe yourself !
3. Have you ever taken any courses that specifically help you with the job you want to apply?
4. What do you think of working as IT Support?
5. How long have you been working at your present job? How many hours do you work in a
6. How well do you get along with your friends and lecturers?
7. If you could own your own business, what would it be?
8. Do you think it is easy to find a job in Jakarta?
9. Name three occupations that you can do?
10. What are some jobs that you think would be boring?
11. What are some jobs that you think would be fun?
12. If you are a programmer, What are you responsible for?
13. What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like?
14. What do you like the most about your majoring?
15. What do you think is the best job for computer degree ?
16. What job do you want to have in five years' time?
17. What kind of volunteer work have you done?
18. What plans have you made for your better future?

19. Why are you learning English? How will you use the English you learn?
20. Which of these do you do: attend English classes at school, learn English with a tutor (private
teacher) or study English yourself (on your own), practice English with your partner?
21. What materials do you use for learning English? ( books, android apps, module, video,news)
22. how long have you been learning English?
23. Is it effective to practice English your own with ready-made materials and checking your own
24. Do you do grammar exercises based on real life situations?
25. How do you practice speaking English?
26. What do you use to improve your listening ability?
27. In what ways do you expand your English vocabulary?
28. Do you try to use what you have learned already in what you are learning now?
29. Do you sometimes communicate in English with native English speakers? In what ways?
30. Do you do oral and written translation exercises from your native language into English?
31. What is the most difficult thing about learning English? What typical mistakes you often
32. What area of English are you best at (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, listening
comprehension, speaking, reading or writing)?
33. What is your mother tongue? How many languages do you speak?
34. Is it possible to understand and write well but not be able to have a conversation?
35. What are your dificulties in learning English?
36. How can the Internet be a helpful tool when learning a foreign language?
37. Have you ever tried learning a new language from a textbook with audio tapes?
38. Have you ever tried learning English from English application?
39. Can you learn a language by youtube or watching television?
40. Do you use free language-learning exercises on the Internet? What program?
41. Is the classroom the best place to learn? Why or why not?
42. Can a good teacher influence how well you enjoy learning a language? Why?
43. What careers are possible if you speak English very well?
44. What other foreign languages would you like to learn in future after mastering English?

========GOOD LUCK=============

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