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Campaign against Drug user is not a new thing here in the Philippines. but, here in the Philippines Drug
user has been chronic even today. Having this Campaign against Drug user hope will reach everyone’s
attention. Putting many lives on the line here in this campaign against war on drugs are needed to have
resolution causing many lives and even abandoning their own company. Hope this problem will have its
resolution soon

The campaign's goal is to raise awareness and motivate individuals to take action against drug abuse. The
campaign purpose is also consist of preventing the cause of taking drugs. These goals are met through
three primary functions: research, advice, and support to governments in the adoption and implementation
of various crime, narcotics, terrorism, and corruption-related conventions, treaties, and protocols, as well
as technical and financial assistance to governments in these areas.

After winning a landslide victory in June 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte immediately carried
out a campaign promise and launched a so-called "war on drugs." He publicly endorsed the arrest and
killing of suspected drug users and sellers, even promising police officers that they would face no
consequences if they did so.
According to international human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, 3,906 suspected
drug users and dealers died at the hands of police between July 1, 2016 and September 26, 2017, while
thousands more were killed by unidentified gunmen, bringing the total death toll to over 12,000 people.
When you consider that just 68 people died at the hands of the police in drug-related incidents in the six
months before Duterte took power, this is a huge increase.
As soon as President Rodrigo Duterte assumed office in 2016, the Philippines initiated a comprehensive
anti-drug campaign centered on enforcement-led anti-illegal narcotics policies mostly carried out by the
national police. Following that, a rash of murders happened as a result of both known police activities and
unknown assailants. A victim-level dataset of druids is compiled in this study. Between May 10, 2016,
and September 29, 2017, 5021 persons were slain, according to the data. Data systematically collected
through online search procedures and current listings of media organizations detailing details about drug-
related police operations and drug-related killings in a 'vigilante-style' manner. Police are manipulating
evidence to justify unlawful killings, according to Human Rights Watch study. Despite mounting calls for
an investigation, Duterte has pledged to press on with his campaign. Extrajudicial violence on a large
scale as a crime solution was a defining feature of Duterte's 22-year stint as mayor of Davao City, as well
as the centerpiece of his presidential campaign. "If I make it to the presidential palace, I will do just what
I did as mayor," Duterte assured a gathering of more than 300,000 on the eve of his May 9, 2016 election
triumph. "You drug dealers, holdup men, and do-nothings, get out of here or I'll kill you." Campaign
against Drug user has a very serious issue here in our country. Even in other country Drugs has been
Chronic and many get addicted
Hope everyone will support this campaign against Drug user. The estimated needed in the campaign is
more probably 100 pesos for the time and printing process.

If you have any question regarding into this campaign kindly contact this number:09298128932

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