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Name:Jan Aries G. Manipon Year/Course:_III BEED GEN


OBJECTIVE: Illustrate an understanding of traditional literacies by using a graphic


TASK: You have learned

the different basic
concepts of traditional
literacies as well as new
literacies. Let us see how
well you learned about it.
Illustrate your
understanding of the
topic through poster
making or drawing.
Explain your craft.

The poster I made is trying to tell us that the left side is where the traditional literacies we
often used in the past years. while the right side shows that the digital software we often use
nowadays is mocking the traditional literacies. Because we people in 21st century we use
gadgets or any digital soft and we suddenly forget about that old literatures were In light of the
foregoing study, I'll refer to "traditional literacy" as the reading of print and writing in formats
meant to be read as a print, and "new literacy" as the receiving and creation of information via
the complete range of digital media.
Evaluation: Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the
space provided:

1. Compare and contrast the traditional concepts of literacy to the modern view of
Literacy has long been defined as the capacity to read, write, and calculate. However, in
modern contexts, literacy refers to reading and writing at a level sufficient for
communication, or at a level that enables one to properly grasp and communicate in a
print society, and therefore literacy plays a part in granting power. Reading
comprehension, writing, and effective communication have traditionally been the core of
literacy instruction. Digital literacy has become an important aspect of comprehensive
literacy instruction as modern avenues of communication, collaboration, and research
shift increasingly to digital platforms.

2. Describe the 3 changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.
Literacy skills in the twenty-first century increasingly reflect technology use and the
talents required to solve problems, collaborate, and convey information using
multi-media. As technology becomes more accessible to all kids, literacy concepts shift.
Text messaging, blogging, social networking, podcasting, and videomaking are
examples of "new literacies" that emerge as a result of new technology. These digital
technologies change and expand our communication capabilities, combining text,
sound, and visual in many cases.

3. What teaching strategies and forms of assessment could you use to help
develop functional literacy?
Making Connections and Visualizing The brain is a powerful learning tool. Everything
you do, think, or wonder about has the potential to be stored in your brain as a neuron
or a cell. By branching out and connecting to neighboring neurons, these neurons form
communities. The neurons are clustered together based on their commonalities,
resulting in logical memories. Your understanding of the word 'round,' for example, aids
you in comprehending and making connections to a variety of objects, such as the moon
or a ball.

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