Name: Padilla, Heinz Mae M. Date: January 24, 2022 Schedule: (MWF: 4 PM - 5 PM)

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NAME: Padilla, Heinz Mae M.

DATE: January 24, 2022


ACTIVITY 4 - WRITING EXERCISE: Compare and contrast the views of those in favor and
against RA 1425, considering the context of 1950, would similar arguments still have force

Dr. José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, commonly known as Dr. Jose
Rizal, is one of the most famous figures among Filipinos. They might know him as the national
hero of the Philippines as he dedicated his whole life fighting for the country. In relation to this,
some Filipino politicians suggested ideas and came up with a law to honor Rizal. This law is the
Republic Act No. 1425 which is known as the Rizal Law. It was made possible by the former
President of the Philippines, Ramon Magsaysay, and it aims to let the Filipinos learn more about
the life and works of Rizal. But as soon as Rizal Law was established, Filipinos were split into
two factions as some of them have shown their favor while the others have opposed it.
Looking to the historical context of Rizal Law, politicians such as Jose P. Laurel along
with Jacob Gonzales and Claro M. Recto presented some bills to the government. Laurel
introduced the Rizal Law as he came up with House Bill No. 5561. This bill states and provides
importance to inculcate nationalism and patriotism among Filipinos through Rizal’s writings.
Later on, both Gonzales and Recto came up with the Senate Bill 448 which informs the students
about the oppression of Filipinos during the Spanish colonization in the Philippines. In addition,
the Filipino identity is prioritized in this bill as the greatness of Rizal is emphasized. The Rizal
Law was supported not only by some politicians but also by some organizations such as the
Knights of Rizal, Alagad ni Rizal, Veteranos de la Revolucion, and Freemasonry. Everything
was looking great for the people and the government but other politicians such as Sen.
Decoroso Rosales, Mariano Cuenco, and Francisco Rodrigo were against the said law. It is
because they believe that the law violates the religious freedom of the Filipinos. The Catholic
Church along with organizations such as the Catholic Action of the Philippines, Congregation of
the Mission, and the Catholics’ Teachers Guild also opposed because of the impious, immoral,
and anti-clerical themes in Rizal’s works. Considering the context of 1950, I do think that the
arguments presented by the Catholic Church along with others who opposed the Rizal Law
would have a weak force but the people and organizations who were in favor would have a
strong force today. It is because the current world and the current generation have mostly
become more open to new ideas and things. Unlike before, we are freer to choose whatever we
want for ourselves as long as we either follow our hearts or minds. Religions and beliefs are still
factors for others but some people would rather believe the logical things. In addition, the Rizal
Law is important for Filipinos as it helps them learn life lessons and knowledge about the past.
Through Rizal’s novels and other works, we can strengthen our love for the Philippines and
learn to not do the same mistakes from the past.
It is an undeniable fact that Dr. Jose Rizal is declared the national hero of the Philippines
as he has shown his great love for the country. Abiding and understanding the law under Rizal’s
name is one of the various ways of honoring and showing respect for him. Despite having
different stands on the Rizal Law, it is still important for us to understand the history as we can
strengthen not only our love for the country but also our identity as Filipino.

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