Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability and Preparedness Assisted by Android-Based Media To Understand Landslide Through Physics Learning

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Volume 10. Issue 1.

101-109 APRIL 2021

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi P-ISSN: 2303-1832 e-ISSN: 2503-023X
DOI: 10.24042/jipfalbiruni.v10i1.8221

Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability and Preparedness Assisted by

Android-Based Media to Understand Landslide through Physics Learning

Ulfaturrona Nur Labibah1*, Mundilarto2, Syazana bt Sulaiman3

1, 2
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jalan Colombo No 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universiti Putra Malaysia Institut Teknologi Maju (ITMA) 43400, Selangor, Malaysia

*Corresponding Address:

Article Info ABSTRACT

This research aimed to understand the critical thinking ability
Article history: improvement and preparedness assisted by Android-based media to
Received: February 01st, 2021 understand landslides through physics learning and understand the
Accepted: April 24th, 2021 effectiveness of the media. This research provides knowledge about
Published: April 30th, 2021 disaster preparedness through physics learning in landslide-prone schools
using Android media. This research used quasi-experimental with Control
Keywords: Group Design. The research subjects included tenth-grade students in
class X (30 people) at SMA N 1 Kokap. The samples were selected using
Media; the lottery method and saturated sampling technique to determine the
Landslide; control and experiment groups (quasi-experimental with Control Group
Android; Design). The pretest and posttest were in the form of essay questions. The
analysis data used independent sample T-test and effect size. The results
show that the average critical thinking ability of the experimental class
increased from 18.13 to 65.00, and the average preparedness increased
from 68.75 to 81.88. The results of the independent sample t-test show the
value of Sig. (2-tailed) on critical thinking ability was 0.000 and
preparedness was 0.027 (Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05). Thus, it can be concluded
that there are significant differences in critical thinking ability and disaster
preparedness in the experimental class and the control class. The effect
size of using an Android-based understanding of landslide natural
disasters on students' critical thinking ability and preparedness is 2.0 with
high effectiveness. Media landslides and landslides through Android-
based physics learning can improve students’ critical thinking ability and
disaster preparedness.
© 2021 Physics Education Department, UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia.

INTRODUCTION Yogyakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation

In Indonesia, rains and landslides often Agency (BPBD) has mapped Kulon Progo
occur, especially in a mountainous area. Regency as a district with the highest
One of the mountainous areas that are prone landslide-prone zone than other provinces in
to landslides is in the province of Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta, precisely in Kulonprogo Efforts to encourage students'
Regency, whose territory is mountainous understanding of preparedness require
(Menoreh Hill) at the coordinates of 7°38'42 solutions for landslide mitigation, one of
"- 7°59'3" South Latitude and 110°1'37"- which is in the field of education. The lack
110° 16'26 "East Longitude. National of disaster preparedness education causes
Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) stated this, so efforts are needed to minimize the
that landslides in Kulonprogo Regency damage that will happen (Damanik & Restu,
occurred nine times in 2012. The 2012; Putranto & Susanto, 2017;
102 Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (1) (2021) 101-109

Wimbardana & Sagala, 2013). Observing with interesting material that is familiar in
and conducting interviews with three everyday life (Azizah, et al., 2015; Mustofa
physics teachers who teach at SMA N 1 & Rusdiana, 2016). One of which is a media
Kalibawang, SMA N 1 Girimulyo, and to understand landslide. Learning resources
SMA N 1 Kokap shows no understanding of are developed with disaster-based physics
landslides in Physics learning because the material (Anggraini et al., 2017). The
learning time is minimal. However, efforts physics material referred to in the
are being made in implementing the curriculum is about effort and energy, which
knowledge of landslide in Physics learning. can be applied in learning media by utilizing
There is also no disaster preparedness in technology.
schools, and materials related explicitly to The advancement of technology can be
landslides have not been included in the developed for educational purposes, one of
school curriculum considering that students' which is Android-based application because
residences and the schools are in the nowadays, many students already use
landslide-prone location Kulonprogo. Thus smartphones. The Android operating
preparedness about physical and system on a gadget is open source which can
environmental conditions which have a high be developed more quickly than Symbian,
risk is essential. iOS, or Windows. Learning physics with an
The goal is that students are responsive to Android-based application can encourage
disasters. The curriculum in disaster-prone students to understand the material's content
schools requires an educational curriculum and improve their understanding (Marhadini
based on local wisdom. (Desfandi, 2014; et al., 2017). Android-based applications
Syuaib, 2013). The realization requires an have a role as a medium for sharing
understanding of disaster itself. Disaster information about natural disasters and
understanding by students whose school is mitigation (Nadian et al., 2015; Winarni et
located in the disaster-prone area is al., 2018). Android-based application in the
beneficial (Parwanto, & Oyama, 2014; learning process can also improve critical
Septikasari, 2018; Setiawati, Rusilowati, & thinking ability (Astuti et al., 2018; Ismail &
& Khumaedi., 2013). Based on integrated Harun, 2016; Mulhayatiah et al., 2019).
science perspectives, a disaster curriculum Android-based applications in the learning
can be included in schools' learning process, process can also improve critical thinking
which strongly relates to the disaster. skills (Astuti et al., 2018; Ismail & Harun,
(Honesti & Djali, 2012). Efforts to grow 2016; Mulhayatiah et al., 2019). Students'
preparedness in students also need critical critical thinking ability and disaster
thinking in responding to disasters. preparedness using Android-based
The process for obtaining a variety of applications can be increased. Still, in
critical thinking knowledge is contained in implementation, it is not in disaster-prone
cognitive functions and mental activities schools (Rahmawati et al., 2020), so it
(Frederick, 2013; Surayya et al., 2014). One would be more appropriate if the media
of them is scientific knowledge in everyday could be implemented in disaster-prone
life. However, students' critical thinking school areas, for example, in Kulonprogo.
level is still poor because teachers are more However, learning activities in Kulonprogo
dominant in the learning process without Regency schools do not optimize
involving students actively (Andrisyah, technology utilization, primarily based on
2018). The result of observations from SMA Android.
N 1 Kokap is students tend to be passive Refers to it, efforts to improve critical
towards the teacher when learning takes thinking ability in learning physics,
place. One way for students to be active especially concerning natural disaster
during the learning process is using media preparedness in school’s landslide-prone to
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (1) (2021) 101-109 103

use Android-based application. An Android- physics learning. Critical thinking ability is

based application eases the teacher and measured using five essay questions on the
students to access offline. It can be used as a topic of effort and energy. Preparedness was
learning medium in physics, especially in measured using five essay questions.
landslide-prone areas where the dominant Questions about the validated critical
signal is minimal to access the internet for thinking ability and preparedness are shown
using media. The media includes physics in Figures 2 and 3,
material and landslide disaster preparedness
equipped with button features containing
significant numbers for landslide emergency
calls, disaster response videos, and learning
evaluations consisting of material questions
during the learning process. This research
aims to 1) understand the improvement of
critical thinking ability and preparedness
assisted by Android-based media to
understand landslides through physics
learning, 2) understand the effectiveness of
the media.

The research used quasi-experimental
with Control Group Design (Sugiyono,
2012) are shown in Figure 1:

Implementation Figure 2. The Critical Thinking Ability Questions
Pretest for critical
thinking ability Posttest According to the Indicator
Implementation in
Pretest for disaster control group with Posttest for critical
preparedness power point media thinking ability
Implementation in Posttest for disaster
experiment group preparedness
with Android-based

Figure 1. Structure of Method

Each class was chosen using a lottery

method and saturated sampling technique
Figure 3. Display of Preparedness Questions
with 30 students class X MIA at SMA N 1 According to the Indicator
Kokap with students age 15-16 years old
and given a pretest to find out the The test questions aim to improve
differences between the two classes in the students' critical thinking ability, and the
initial state. The experimental class was landslide disaster preparedness of students
treated with Android-based media and given can be measured. The test instrument is first
a posttest to know the effect of the validated by expert validation before being
treatment. used.
This research aims to understand the In the implementation, this research
improvement of critical thinking ability and refers to cognitive, intellectual, and attitude
preparedness assisted by Android-based aspects in preparedness to face landslides
media to understand landslides through before, during, and after a disaster. The
focus of the implementation of socialization
104 Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (1) (2021) 101-109

and simulation of emergency preparedness. (Android 4.0 platform). Media content in the
Target implementation at the school prone form of business materials and energy,
to landslides in mountainous or hilly landslide disasters, disaster preparedness,
regions, especially in Kulon Progo, evaluation with pictures and videos to
Yogyakarta, located in the Menoreh hills. support student's understanding. Media
Indicators of critical thinking ability display with images of landslides with
(Surayya et al., 2014) are shown in Table 1. several buttons that provide information
about how to use the media, silent mode
Table 1. Critical Thinking Ability Indicators
without background music, number
Identifying questions according to events in information necessary in case of disaster.
everyday life. Each class was given a pretest before
Knowing the problems that occurred following implementation. The experimental class was
the questions given. treated with Android-based media and given
Concluding the results after solving the a posttest to know the effect of the
problem given according to the events that treatment. The control class was treated with
PowerPoint media and given a posttest. The
Explaining the measurement results in solving
problems according to the questions. learning model in both classes used Think-
Setting strategies in analysis and preparation to Pair-Share (TPS). The research process is in
solve problems according to questions. Figure 6.

Validation experts and teachers have Developing Media

Establish control class
validated the media with appropriate and and experimental class
for Understanding
with 30 learners in
valid results for use in physics learning. Land-slides through
class X MIPA then
Display on the media is in Figures 4 and 5. Android-Based
implement media in the
Physics Learning
experimental class

Providing pretest
and posttest in each Determine the
class with 5 points effectiveness of the
of critical thinking use of Media to
ability essay and 5 Improve Critical
points of Thinking Ability and
preparedness essay Disaster Preparedness
Figure 4. The Media on Physics Material Related to
Critical Thinking Ability
Figure 6. Flow Chart of Research

The improvement of critical thinking

ability and landslide preparedness in the
experimental and control classes were tested
for differences from the pretest and posttest
means using the independent sample T-test.
The independent sample T-test is a
parametric statistical analysis so that the
data used must be normally distributed. If
Figure 5. Display of the media on landslide disaster not, it is replaced by a non-parametric
preparedness analysis of the Mann-Whitney test. The
Media for understanding landslide difference test phase compares the means of
natural disasters based on Android can be two different sample groups. If the data
accessed offline with the extension .apk from each group is normally distributed, the
using Android smartphone specifications difference test uses the t-test with the
formula below.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (1) (2021) 101-109 105

𝑥̅1 −𝑥̅2 Table 3. The Results of the Average Analysis of the

𝑡= (1)
𝑠𝑥1 𝑥2 .√𝑛
Group N Mean
Description: Critical Experiment 16 18.13
𝑥̅1: Means of group 1 Thinking Control 14 17.14
𝑥̅ 2: Means of group 2 Ability
𝑠𝑥1𝑥2 : Standard deviation of group 1 and 2 Preparedness Experiment 16 68.75
𝑛: Total sample from each group Control 14 60.78

If t count ≥ t table with degrees of The pretest results of critical thinking

freedom (db) = 2n-2 and a significance level ability in the experimental class were 18.13,
of 5%, then there is a difference in the mean and the control class was 17.14. The average
of the two different groups. pretest preparedness results in the
Effect size is a method so that the experimental class were 68.75, and the
influence or effectiveness of the media on control class was 60.78.
increasing critical thinking ability and Table 4. The Results of the Average Analysis of the
student preparedness can be known. Cohen's Posttest
formula (Thalheimer & Cook, 2002) was Group N Mean
used to calculate the effect size on the T- Critical Experiment 16 65.00
Thinking Control 14 48.57
𝑠 2 2
(2) Preparedness Experiment 16 81.88
(𝑛 −1)𝑠1 +(𝑛2 −1)𝑠2
𝑔𝑎𝑏=√ 1 Control 14 72.86
𝑛1 +𝑛2 −2

𝑛1: the number of samples in the The average posttest results of critical
experimental group thinking ability in the experimental class
𝑛2: the number of samples in the control amounted to 16 students of 65 and the
group control class amounting to 14 students of
𝑠1 : experimental group variance 48.57. The average posttest preparedness
result in the experimental class was 81.88,
𝑠22 : control group variance
and the control class was 72.86
Based on Tables 3 and 4, the average
The classification of the results from the
critical thinking ability and preparedness in
effect size (Becker, 2000) is as follows in
both the experimental and control classes is
Table 2.
improved. The average critical thinking
Table 2. Effect Size Classification ability of the experimental class increased
d Classification from 18.13 to 65.00, and the average of
0.8 d < 2.0 High preparedness increased from 68.75 to 81.88.
0.5 d < 0.8 Medium The mean from the experimental class is
0.2 d < 0.5 Low bigger than the control class.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Effectiveness of Critical Thinking

Ability and Disaster Preparedness
The Improvement of Critical Thinking
The analysis stage was to determine the
Ability and Disaster Preparedness
differences in the control and experimental
The analysis results are to determine the
classes with different tests, namely the
increase in critical thinking ability and the
independent sample T-test. The main
preparedness of students in the control and
requirement for the independent sample T-
experimental group by comparing the
test difference test is that the data must be
average pretest and posttest scores.
normally distributed and homogeneous. The
The average analysis of the pretest and
effectiveness of the use of the media is
posttest can be found in Tables 3 and 4.
106 Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (1) (2021) 101-109

known by performing the Effect Size landslide natural disaster media on

analysis. The media is tested in the increasing critical thinking ability and
experimental class. The results from the test preparedness can be seen in Table 7.
are obtained using an independent sample T-
Table 7. The Results of the Effect Size
test tested for normality and homogeneity Variable Effect Size Category
assisted by the SPSS 23 program can be Critical 2.0 High
found in Tables 5 and 6. thinking
Table 5. Summary of Difference Test the Result of
Preparedness 2.0 High
Normality Data and Homogeneity Data
Variable Class Normali Homogene
ty ity Based on Table 7, the effect size of
Critical Experime 0.064 0.181 media use for understanding natural
Thinking nt landslide disasters based on Android on
Ability Control 0.255
students' critical thinking ability and
Preparedn Experime 0.269 0.78
ess nt preparedness is 2.0 with significant/high
Control 0.061 effectiveness.
The relationship of media with critical
Based on Table 5, the Sig. (2-tailed) on thinking ability is that students can
the normality data result, namely the understand the material of energy business
experimental class 0.064 (critical thinking through landslide natural disasters that often
ability) and 0.269 (preparedness), and the occur in landslide-prone areas where they
control class 0.255 (critical thinking ability) live. Indicators of critical thinking ability
and 0.061 (preparedness). The data is are identifying, knowing, analyzing,
normally distributed in both the concluding, and evaluating. Learning with
experimental class and the control class this media encourages students to think
because of Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05. logically by identifying examples of cases
The homogeneity test results showed that that exist in the media and can be done
critical thinking ability was 0.181 and through practicum so that students interpret
preparedness was 0.780, so they were the physics concepts that exist in landslide
included in the homogeneous data because natural disasters. The relationship between
of Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05. media with disaster preparedness is students
can understand what must be done to
Table 6. The Result of Independent T-test prepare themselves for landslides before,
Variable Class Independent
during, and after a disaster occurs.
Critical Experiment 0.000 Preparedness indicators are education,
Thinking Control mitigation, preparedness (BNPB, 2013).
Ability Students understand landslide natural
Preparedness Experiment 0.027 disasters through explanations from videos
Control on the media and briefly explain how to deal
with landslides. After a landslide disaster
The results of the independent sample T- simulation is carried out, students are more
test showed the value of Sig. (2-tailed) on alert and responsive to independent
critical thinking, the ability is 0.000 and evacuations.
preparedness 0.027, so it can be concluded Increased critical thinking ability and
that there are differences in critical thinking preparedness can be achieved using an
ability and preparedness of the experimental Android-based understanding of landslide
class and the control class because of Sig. natural disasters media. The final result of
(2-tailed) <0.05. the media trial is that it is effectively used
The results of the effect size analysis because students' critical thinking ability
using an Android-based understanding of
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (1) (2021) 101-109 107

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