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Violence or in another word, abuse is a serious matter where these

days it keeps increasing especially not just in working environment but

also at home and in relationship where it supposed to provide the most
happiness in the world for everyone. Imagine being a three year old
little boy and being attacked by your mother for going to the bathroom
in your pants. A little boy named Noah was brutally beaten to death for
doing something any three year old would accidently do. His mother
and her boyfriend had spanked and punched him leading to his last
breath. This is an example of physical abuse. Physical abuse is the
infliction of physical injury to a person. There is no leading cause to this
type of abuse.
Physical abuse can cause kids not only physical pain but also
emotional pain. Yablonsky states that kids who are physically
abused “denigrate themselves, feel worthless and are less likely to
care about what happens to them.” Yablonsky findings show that
physical abuse makes kids more likely to commit crimes and join
gangs. Kids, unlike adults, get easily sad over small problems.
Physical abuse can make kids feel depressed and terrified which
consequently develop low self-esteem. They feel it is worthless to
live in this chaotic world. As a result, they do whatever they want
even if it is bad thing. Therefore, kids who are physically abused
are more likely to commit crimes and engage in criminal
Generally, abuse can be a domestic or international and when it comes
to abuse, the only ideas that come out of people mind are that it only
involves physical and sexual since those two are the most popular cases
that frequently reported in mass media but it is actually more than
that, where all those types of violence and abuse will include these kind
of behaviours such as manipulate, humiliate, isolate, blame, giving
pain, bully or injuring someone.
Perhaps the most negative effects of physical abuse is the
emotional problems that occur. After the victim is abused, the
trauma is great. With the victim in shock, that person might turn to
drugs and alcohol to cope with the problem, but all that escalates
to is more troubles. For instance, drugs and alcohol can both
mentally disorient the victim, this can increase the chance of the
person’s ability to make bad decisions, and a more likely chance
of being in motor accident or possibly participate in other crimes.
As stated by Meditrend. Another problem that the victim has to
deal with is the guilt, shame and self blame. With the person
feeling “down” about themselves this leads to a lack of
concentration. For example, that person might be going to school
and with the lack of concentration he or she has a greater chance
of getting lower grades, which then can lower self esteem and
possibly decrease any hope of having a decent future. Also, the
traumatized individual might feel “helpless” about themselves.
This can escalate to an unhealthy situation. For instance, a
person might not feel the need to eat, but over time they can
develop an eating disorder which ultimately leads to frustration,
disappointment, and constant worrying about the individual’s body
image. Overall emotional problems can impact the decisions an
individual makes.
Emotional abuse or mental abuse is considered to be any act
including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation,
intimidation, infantilizing, or any other treatment which may
diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth. Emotional
abuse is also known as psychological abuse or chronic verbal
aggression. Emotional abuse can happen to anyone at any time in
their lives. Children, adolescents, and adults all are capable of
experiencing emotional abuse. Just because emotional abuse
doesn’t come with physical marks doesn’t mean this type of abuse
should be taken lightly. Emotional abuse like other type of abuse
tend to take on a cycle.
People pride themselves on individuality and self-worthiness, but
the most damaging thing to the ideology is being emotionally
abused. We shall argue that tis form of abuse causes
deterioration in individualism, self-worthiness and self-esteem, it
erodes the idea of individuality on self-esteem and self-
worthiness. Records show the abuse goes on without being
detected by either parties. In an instance with two individuals, one
an abuser and the other a victim, none is aware of what they
indulging on. it is not specific to any gender and it can be present
in any relationship. Intensity and effects can be loss of ones’
sense in individuality or values. This can lead to emotional hurt
and psychological wounds to the abused party. This can be
described to be systematic abuse, in such a way that the abuse
progresses with time.
Constant use of harsh words from a single individual to another is
classified as s form of abuse. Take for instance the abuser has
been informed by the victimized individual to stop using harsh
words during an argument but there is no change forthcoming. An
expert is quoted to say that the presence of patterns of verbal
mistreatment which compel the individual to be afraid or shameful
in a relationship, it is probable that they are in an abusive

Another common form of abuse is called gas lighting, in this form

of abuse the victim is compelled to doubt themselves. The
common feature of gas lighting is that it evokes self-doubting
feelings in the victims causing them to second guess themselves.
In cases where one of the parties apologises even for mistakes
not committed then chances are they are in an abusive
relationship. Psychologists say that this could go on unless the
victim decides to put a stop to the abuse.

Another observed behaviour is the instance where the victim

never gets to accomplish their own tasks. Often than not they are
dragged to do tasks in the schedule of the abuser. Most of the
task that are to be done tend to favour the abuser. It is highly
probable that when an individual does every single thing their
partners demand, then they are in an abusive relationship. The
victim in most cases is manipulated by the abuser through

Mental and emotional well-being is crucial for an individual’s

growth, when that is taken away then the individual is in a toxic

relationship. Emotional abuse not only can result in psychological issues, but it can also
cause physical issues like frequent headaches or back, leg, and stomach problems. Long term

effects of emotional abuse can lead to depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and

difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Sadly, it also continues the cycle of abuse, as many

abused individuals become abusers themselves.

The duration and intensity of the mental health and social support
services needed to treat the victims is limited to time support and
resources needed. Many programs that exist for victims of
emotional abuse is less than 6 months. Research shows that
short term programs designed to change behaviour have the least
likely hood to succeed. The most effective method to curb
emotional abuse is for individuals to reflect on their relationship
and put an end to the behaivour..
Without intervention, frequency and severity of abuse usually increase over time.

Treatment depends on the dynamics of the abuse. Abuse resulting from family dysfunction may

benefit from access to appropriate community services like nurse and social worker home visits

to provide help to change behaviors or prevent abuse in high-risk families.

Abuse resulting from mental illness, substance abuse, or physical disabilities may benefit

from social services and professional mental health interventions. Separating victims and their
abusers may be necessary to secure victims’ safety and wellbeing. Leaving the environment is

essential if there is any indication that abuse is escalating or physical violence may follow.

Counseling for both abusers and victims of abuse can provide channels for discussion and

mitigating solutions to end the cycle of violence.

Leaving an abusive relationship can be difficult and dangerous. Having a place to go for
protection, help, and support is important. Usually such places are with family or friends.
However, if they are not available, then local shelters or other organizations that provide
assistance for safely leaving an abusive relationship should be sought.

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