Ashirvad DBMS Project File

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Database Management System

Project File

BBA 4th Semester

SUBMITTED BY: Ashirvad Kumar

SUMBMITTED TO: Vandana madam

Ashirvad Kumar

Ashirvad Kumar
A Database is a collection of related data organised in a way that data
can be easily accessed, managed and updated. Database can be
software based or hardware based, with one sole purpose, storing data.
During early computer days, data was collected and stored on tapes,
which were mostly write-only, which means once data is stored on it, it
can never be read again. They were slow and bulky, and soon computer
scientists realised that they needed a better solution to this problem.

What is DBMS?
A DBMS is a software that allows creation, definition and manipulation of
database, allowing users to store, process and analyse data easily.
DBMS provides us with an interface or a tool, to perform various
operations like creating database, storing data in it, updating data,
creating tables in the database and a lot more.
DBMS also provides protection and security to the databases. It
also maintains data consistency in case of multiple users. Here
are some examples of popular DBMS used these days:

• My SQL

• Oracle

• SQL Server


• PostgreSQL

• Amazon Simple DB (cloud based) etc.

Ashirvad Kumar
Data and Information
Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or
instructions in a formalized manner, which should be suitable for
communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic
machine. Data is represented with the help of characters such as
alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,= etc.)

is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful
values for the receiver. Information is the processed data on which decisions
and actions are based.

Study of MS-Access Basics

MICROSOFT ACCESS is a Database Management System offered by

Microsoft. It uses the Microsoft Jet Database Engine and comes as a part
of the Microsoft Office suite of application.
Microsoft Access offers the functionality of a database and the
programming capabilities to create easy to navigate screens (forms). It
helps you analyse large amounts of information, and manage data

Important Terms and Basic Objects

Database File:
It is a file which stores the entire database. The database file is saved to
your hard drive or other storage devices.

Datatypes are the properties of each field. Every field has one datatype like
text, number, date, etc.


Ashirvad Kumar
• A Table is an object which stores data in Row & Column format to
store data.
• A Table is usually related to other tables in the database file.
• Each column must have Unique name
• We can also define Primary Key in a table. Query

• Queries answer a question by selecting and sorting and filtering data

based on search criteria.

• Queries show a selection of data based on criteria (limitations) you

• Queries can pull from one or more related Tables and other Queries.
• Types of Query can be SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.


• A form is a database object that you can use to create a user

interface for a database application.
• Forms help you to display live data from the table. It mainly used to
ease the process of data entry or editing.

 A report is an object in desktop databases primarily used for
formatting, calculating, printing, and summarizing selected data.
 You can even customize the report's look and feel.

Macros are mini computer programming constructs. They allow you to set
up commands and processes in your forms, like, searching, moving to
another record, or running a formula.

Modules are procedure (function) which you can write using Visual Basic for application

Ashirvad Kumar
2.Study of MS-Access Data types
MS Access common data types are listed below: -

Type of Data Description Size

Text or combinations of text Up to 255 characters.

and numbers, including
Short Text numbers that do not require
calculating (e.g., phone

Lengthy text or combinations of Up to 63, 999 characters.

Long Text
text and numbers.

Numeric data used in 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (16 bytes if set to

Number mathematical calculations.
Replication ID).

Date and time values for the 8 bytes

years 100 through 9999.

Currency values and numeric 8 bytes

data used in mathematical
calculations involving data with
one to four decimal places.

A unique sequential 4 bytes (16 bytes if set to

(incremented by 1) number or
AutoNumber random number assigned by Replication ID).
Microsoft Access whenever a
new record is added to a table.

Yes and No values and fields 1 bit.

Yes/No that contain only one of two
values (Yes/No, True/False, or

Ashirvad Kumar
Files, such as digital photos. Multiple files Up to about 2 GB.
can be attached per record. This data
type is not available in earlier versions of

OLE objects can store pictures, audio, Up to about 2 GB.

video, or other BLOBs (Binary Large

Text or combinations of text and numbers Up to 8,192 (each part of a

stored as text and used as a hyperlink Hyperlink data type can
address. contain up to 2048

The Lookup Wizard entry in the Data Dependent on the data type
Type column in the Design view is not of the lookup field.
actually a data type. When you choose
this entry, a wizard starts to help you
define either a simple or complex lookup
Lookup field.
Wizard A simple lookup field uses the contents of
another table or a value list to validate
the contents of a single value per row. A
complex lookup field allows you to store
multiple values of the same data type in
each row.

You can create an

You can create an expression that uses expression that uses data
data from one or more fields. You can from one or more fields. You
designate different result data types from can designate different result
the expression. data types from the

Ashirvad Kumar
3.Creation of Data Bases in MS-Access

To create a database from a template, we first need to open MS Access and we will
see the following screen in which different Access database templates are displayed.

To view the all the possible databases, we can scroll down or we can also use the
search box.

Ashirvad Kumar
Let us enter project in the search box and press Enter. We will see the database
templates related to project management.Select the first template. We will see more
information related to this template.

After selecting a template related to our requirements, enter names in the FILE
NAME field and we can also specify another location for our file if we want.

Ashirvad Kumar
Now, press the Create option. Access will download that database template and
open a new blank database as shown in the following screenshot .

Now, click the Navigation pane on the left side and we will see all the other objects
come with this

Ashirvad Kumar
Click the Projects Navigation and select the Object Type in the menu.

We will now see all the objects types — tables, queries, etc.

Ashirvad Kumar
For Creating Blank Database
Sometimes database requirements can be so specific that using and modifying the
existing templates requires more work than just creating a database from scratch. In
such case, we make use of blank database.
Step 1 − Let us now start by opening MS Access.

Step 2 − Select Blank desktop database. Enter the name and click the Create button

Ashirvad Kumar
Step 3 − Access will create a new blank database and will open up the table which is
also completely blank.

Ashirvad Kumar
5.Study about my SQL
What is SQL?
SQL is Structured Query Language, which is a computer language for
storing, manipulating and retrieving data stored in a relational database.
SQL is the standard language for Relational Database System. All the
Database Management Systems (RDMS) like MySQL, MS Access, Oracle,
Sybase, Informix, Postgres and SQL Server use SQL as their standard
database language.

What Can SQL do?

▪ SQL can execute queries against a database
▪ SQL can retrieve data from a database
▪ SQL can insert records in a database
▪ SQL can update records in a database
▪ SQL can delete records from a database
▪ SQL can create new databases
▪ SQL can create new tables in a database
▪ SQL can create stored procedures in a database
▪ SQL can create views in a database
▪ SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views

▪ RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
▪ RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems
such as MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft
▪ The data in RDBMS is stored in database objects called tables. A table
is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and

Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar
5 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden
Berglunds Christina Berguvsvägen
snabbköp Berglund 8

7.Retrieving data from DBMS

WHERE Clause Example
T he following SQL statement selects all the customers from the
country "Mexico", in the "Customers" table:

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Mexico';

Text Fields vs. Numeric Fields

SQL requires single quotes around text values (most database systems will
also allow double quotes).

However, numeric fields should not be enclosed in quotes:


Operators in The WHERE Clause

The following operators can be used in the WHERE clause:

Ashirvad Kumar
Operator Description

= Equal

> Greater than

< Less than

>= Greater than or equal

<= Less than or equal

Not equal. Note: In some versions of SQL this operator may be
written as !=

BETWEEN Between a certain range

LIKE Search for a pattern

IN To specify multiple possible values for a column

Ashirvad Kumar
9.Comparison between My SQL and MS-Access


MS-Access can have only 255 SQL can handle the 32 k

concurrent users. concurrent users.

MS-Access can use filters to SQL can retrieve the data using
fetch the data. select statemen.

Access data size is 2GB. SQL database can hold up to

500000 TB.

Access is less scalable then SQL is more scalable than

SQL. Access.

For simple database application FOR complex database

user can use MS-Access. application user need to use

To show the simple relationship SQL can be used to show very

between data Access can be complex relationship between
used. databases.

User cannot tune MS-Access User can tune SQL


Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar
Ashirvad Kumar

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