12 Stem 1 & 2 Practical Exam (Video Presentation) Guidelines For Virtual Video Presentation

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(Video Presentation)

Guidelines for Virtual Video Presentation

1) You should prepare a video presentation of your chosen topic, having you
presenting in front of a camera or your voice over the PowerPoint or combination of
any other creative methods of presentation. You may use multiple screens, one for the
PowerPoint presentation and a smaller one including you as the presenter.
2) This video should not be more than 20 minutes in length.
3) All information such as the Title of your Report, Student’s Name, Grade &
Section, as well as your photo must appear on the first slide of your presentation.
4) The audio and all information on the slides (like links of resources) must be clearly
5) No background music is allowed. (except for the short clip you inserted, if available)

1) The grade of your video presentation is equal to 100 points based on the attached
2) If any student were caught with the same answer, they will both be deducted by 20
3) STRICTLY No Late Submission.

Submission process:
1. Compile your Video presentation and PowerPoint slides on one (1) folder. Submit
your activity through MS TEAMS
2. The deadline is on Feb. 26, 2021 at exactly 12:00 noon.

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