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Processing, Microstructure, and Residual Stress Effects

on Strength and Fatigue Crack Growth Properties

in Friction Stir Welding: A Review

The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of friction stir welding
(FSW), as well as to introduce current research and applications involving this relatively new
process. FSW is a new, efficient way of joining metal alloys that are considered unsuitable for
welding via conventional fusion joining methods, and is capable of welding dissimilar metals
with ease. This process also has the benefit of being solid-state, which mitigates the need for
liquid filler metals that are common with conventional fusion welding techniques. This review
will examine different facets of the FSW process, exploring the resulting static and dynamic
properties and factors that influence these properties including weld zone boundaries, grain
refinement, residual stress, and addition of reinforcing particles. Highlights of current research
in this area and applications of this process in various industries will also be presented and

DOI: 10.1007/s11663-012-9716-5
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2012

I. INTRODUCTION Friction stir weld microstructures consist of four

distinct zones. The dynamically recrystallized zone
FRICTION stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state (DXZ or nugget) is a region consisting of very fine,
joining process invented by The Welding Institute in equiaxed grains that were subjected to the high strain
1991. This process is capable of producing high quality and thermal energies from the weld pin. Just beyond the
welds in both similar and dissimilar metals, includ- nugget is the thermo-mechanically affected zone
ing many alloys deemed unsuitable for conventional (TMAZ), which is a zone unique to FSW. The grains
fusion welding, such as some magnesium and aluminum in TMAZ are highly elongated as a result of high strain
alloys.[1] In addition, this process results in lower forces from the rotating pin, but do not experience
temperatures, and therefore reduced thermal gradients enough thermal energy for recrystallization to occur.
within the weld zone compared to many fusion welding Next to the TMAZ is the heat affected zone (HAZ),
techniques. This is an important consideration for which is common to most welding operations. The size
welding alloys in an age-hardened state because degra- of this zone is dependent on the heat input into the weld,
dation of peak mechanical properties is a function which is a function of the processing parameters. Plastic
of maximum weld temperature.[1–3] deformation does not occur in the HAZ.[1] Beyond the
The FSW process uses a non-consumable cylindrical HAZ is the parent material, which was relatively
or conical tool to provide both the frictional heating and unaffected by either thermal or strain energies from
the stirring action required to join the metals. Figure 1 welding. A typical FSW microstructure can be seen in
schematically illustrates the FSW process. During weld- Figure 2.
ing, the tool is plunged into a rigidly clamped workpiece The FSW process also introduces residual stresses
while rotating, and traverses the weld seam at a constant into the material, like any other welding or joining
velocity. As the tool travels, frictional heat is created technology. The benefit of FSW is that it is able to easily
through the contact friction between the shoulder and generate compressive residual stresses on the surface of
the workpiece, and due to the resulting plastic defor- the weld, thereby improving properties of the weld,
mation of the material in the stir zone (SZ). The high specifically related to fatigue crack initiation and
strain and heat energies experienced by the base metal growth. Processing parameters have a significant effect
during stirring causes dynamic recrystallization, which is on the residual stresses, and therefore play a critical role
the formation of new grains in the weld zone.[3] in dictating the performance of the weld.
Developments in FSW led to the creation of a related
technology called Friction Stir Processing (FSP). FSP is
ANDREW L. BIRO and BRENDAN F. CHENELLE, Graduate a solid-state process that was first proposed by Mishra
Students, and DIANA A. LADOS, Associate Professor, are with the et al.[3,5] Unlike FSW, FSP is not used to join two
Integrative Materials Design Center, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, separate workpieces; rather it uses the same technology
100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA 01609. Contact email: andrew. to refine the grains in critical regions where compressive
Manuscript submitted January 6, 2012. residual stresses and improved strength would be
Article published online September 6, 2012. beneficial. The ability of FSP to produce zones of grain


welding requires very high temperatures, which leads to
significant thermal gradients within the material, and
large thermally affected weld zones. While this is not
always a problem, this melting can result in several
issues, including overaging (in precipitation-strength-
ened alloys) and the introduction of significant residual
stresses. This can result in reduced strength, warping,
and cracking of the weld joint.[3,7–10]
High heat input via fusion welding can also be
detrimental to the microstructure in the weld zone.
Many high strength materials undergo unique process-
ing steps that can be both difficult and time consuming
Fig. 1—Schematic representation of the FSW process; modified from in order to refine microstructures and optimize grain
Ref. [3].
size.[3] The microstructure of fusion welds is generally
dendritic, often resulting in weakened mechanical
properties compared with the refined microstructure
of the bulk, non-welded material. Precipitation hard-
ened metals are particularly susceptible to degradation
at high temperatures. Melting can trap foreign particles
and gasses in the weld zone, leading to defects, which
can degrade mechanical properties. In addition, iden-
tification of small defects in a finished joint is difficult.
This may result in defective parts being put into
Because FSW is able to be conducted at much lower
temperatures, no melting occurs (ideally), and the
overall heat energy in the system is significantly reduced.
The reduced heat not only lowers the thermal and
Fig. 2—Example of a typical friction stir weld from a 6061-T651
residual stresses, but also eliminates the dendritic
alloy.[4] microstructure common to fusion welding. In addition,
solidification cracking is absent in FSW because it is
refinement with excellent dimensional accuracy allows solid state.[1] FSW is also capable of welding alloys that
this process to be used in the final stages of manufac- have been considered ‘‘unweldable’’ by traditional
turing. Other uses of FSP include locally refining and methods, such as magnesium and aluminum-lithium
homogenizing alloys, eliminating porosity in parts alloys.[3,10–14] This can be very beneficial to automotive
produced by powder metallurgy or casting, and refining and aerospace industries, where dissimilar and light-
metal matrix composites.[3,5,6] weight materials are used frequently. FSW is also a low
Many alloys used for FSW/FSP are light metals that waste process. No shielding gas or weld filler is
derive their strength from precipitation hardening. necessary, thus eliminating the cost of these expendable
Precipitation-hardened alloys gain strength via the items and reducing wasted material.[1,3,15–18]
development of coherent secondary phases within the However, as with any process, FSW has some
matrix. Because the size of the precipitate particles is drawbacks. While it is relatively tolerant of welding
dependent on temperature, the thermal history is critical parameters, it requires careful monitoring of the bond
for controlling the strength of the material. High quality and welding parameters to ensure complete and
temperatures of conventional fusion welding eliminate consistent joining. If the rotation or transverse speed is
the strengthening properties of these particles by allow- such that there is insufficient heat and stirring, the base
ing them to overage and become incoherent, leaving the material may not be able to accommodate the extensive
joint with degraded mechanical properties. plastic deformation, resulting in long voids in the weld.
Because the temperatures of FSW/FSP can be con- In addition, if the heat input is insufficient, the two
trolled with varying process parameters, friction stir surfaces may not form a continuous bond, resulting in a
welds can be altered to create super-saturated solid solu- weak joint that is difficult to detect. If the heat input is
tions, which then benefit from post weld aging through too great, melting can occur in one or both of the
development of coherent precipitates.[2,7,8] In addition, materials, resulting in poorer weld quality and reduced
with the incorrect process parameters, friction stir welds weld strength.[19–22]
can also cause overaging of precipitates in the weld
zone, thereby weakening the material; thus, a careful
control of the process parameters is necessary.[3] II. RELEVANT PROCESSING PARAMETERS
A. FSW vs Fusion Welding
Processing parameters in FSW influence temperature/
Several drawbacks exist within conventional fusion heat input, porosity, and overall weld quality and
welding technologies that are addressed by FSW. Fusion efficiency; thus, controlling these parameters is critical


for weld optimization. The main welding parameters, Peel et al.[26] determined that as the traverse speed
which can be controlled in the FSW process for a given increased, there was less overall heat applied to the
tool, are the rotational speed of the tool, the traverse system because the tool was moving more quickly
speed of the tool, the axial force of the tool shoulder on through the material, thereby reducing the amount of
the workpiece, and the angle of contact between the tool frictional heating.[26] This study was conducted on 5083
and the workpiece. aluminum alloys. In addition, it was concluded that if
Zhang and Zhang[23] examined the effects of welding the transverse speed was too high, large, tunnel-like
parameters on the quality, temperature distribution, and defects occurred that were difficult to detect with
residual stress distribution in FSW parts, and deter- conventional weld inspection methods.[3,20]
mined that through careful process control, weld quality Weld pitch and thread orientation also play a critical
could be accurately predicted and controlled by sample role in the overall weld quality, as shown by Chowdhury
size, fixture size, and most importantly the rotation et al.[25] This study was conducted with AZ31B-H24
speed of the tool.[23] Effects of rotational speeds were magnesium alloys, and three parameters were adjusted
also studied by Zeng et al.[24] in magnesium alloys, and within this experiment: the thread orientation (left-
by Kwon et al.[6,15] in aluminum alloys. These studies handed and right-handed), welding speed (5 to 30 mm/
focused on the importance of rotation speed and heat on seconds) and rotational speed (1000 to 2000 RPM). The
weld quality. Figure 3 illustrates that welding quality left-handed tool resulted in improved bonding because
generally improved at higher rotational and traverse material was forced down the pin to the bottom of the
welding speeds.[24] It is important to note that this trend weld, whereas the right-handed tool pulled material up
is common to all alloys, however the exact speed and from the bottom, often creating voids at the base of the
feed rates are alloy specific. weld.[25]
In addition, Kwon et al.[6,15] concluded that a linear
correlation between rotational speed and maximum
temperature existed for constant transverse speeds in III. CHARACTERISTIC MICROSTRUCTURE
aluminum alloys. The slope and intercept of this line was OF FSW JOINTS
dependent on the alloy, tool, and geometry of the part.
Lower rotational speeds were found to produce more The solid-state nature of the FSW process results in a
refined grain structure due to reduced thermal energy unique microstructure among welding processes. While
for grain recrystallization. This was also concluded by FSW shares some weld zones common to all welding
Benavides et al.,[20] who demonstrated that significant processes, there are also some specific to FSW. In FSW/
grain refinement could be achieved by pre-cooling the FSP, three distinct microstructural zones exist—the
workpiece. This allowed temperature control while still nugget, TMAZ, and HAZ.
utilizing a high degree of stirring action. Minimizing the
energy for growth after recrystallization resulted in
A. Weld Nugget (Dynamically Recrystallized Zone)
smaller grain size and an increase in strength, as
predicted by the Hall-Petch equation, The weld nugget is the zone located where the tool pin
contacts the base material during welding. This region is
k sometimes referred to as the DXZ because there is
ry ¼ ro þ pffiffiffi :
d sufficient thermal and strain energy for grain recrystal-
lization to occur. The microstructure consists of fine,
This was also concluded by Chowdhury et al.[25] The equiaxed grains, which are often one order of magnitude
smaller grain size resulted in increased strength (both smaller than those of the base material. The final grain
yield strength and tensile strength), and a significant loss size in the nugget is primarily a function of the peak
of ductility over the bulk material.[20,24] temperature and the quenching rate from that temper-
ature.[1] This influence has been demonstrated in multi-
ple alloy systems, including aluminum, magnesium, and
titanium.[3,17,21,22,27] The DXZ is characteristic of FSW/
FSP, and does not occur in other welding processes.[3]
Figure 4 shows a typical micrograph of the weld nugget
Within the weld nugget, banded circular ‘‘sub-
regions’’ are often observed, a result of plastic flow
and recrystallization of the base material. These regions
take the form of concentric rings in the weld nugget, and
are commonly referred to as ‘‘onion rings’’ because they
resemble the sections of a halved onion. The nature of
these bands appears to be a difference in grain size and
particulate density caused by characteristic plastic flow
paths within the weld.[28] Band thickness and spacing
can be controlled by adjusting the welding parameters.
Fig. 3—Effect of welding parameters on magnesium FSW joints; Figure 5 illustrates the appearance of these bands in a
modified from Ref. [24]. weld nugget of a 6061-T651 alloy.[4]


Fig. 6—TMAZ in a 6061-T651 friction stir weld (etched with
Barkers reagent) on the advancing side (top) and the retreating side
Fig. 4—Typical weld nugget microstructure with fine dynamically (bottom).[4]
recrystallized grains.[4]

grains that have not been mechanically deformed by the

FSW process, but have been subjected to the heat of
welding. This results in overaging of the precipitates,
thereby causing a loss of coherency and reduced
mechanical properties. Unlike the TMAZ, the grains
are not affected by the stirring action of the FSW tool
and remain free of plastic deformation.[3,5]
If the thermal history in the HAZ is such that the
material is exposed to sufficiently high temperatures to
enable artificial aging, precipitate growth occurs. This
can result in overaging and a decrease in mechanical
properties. For age-hardenable aluminum alloys,
Mahoney et al.[9] defined the HAZ to be the region
exposed to more than 523 K (250 C). Heinz and
Fig. 5—Weld nugget exhibiting the onion ring phenomenon in a Skrotzki[11] took observations of the FSW HAZ in
6061-T651 alloy.[4] 6013Al, and found significant coarsening of the precip-
itates in this zone.
B. Thermo-Mechanically Affected Zone (TMAZ) The location of the HAZ is especially difficult to
The next weld zone characteristic of the FSW process detect using a micrograph, however the HAZ is often
is the TMAZ. This zone consists of severely deformed correlated to be near the minimum hardness value on a
grains of the base material, which have been exposed to microhardness plot across the weld.[1] It is important to
both heat and plastic deformation during welding. The note that the minimum hardness value may not neces-
deformation is caused by the stirring action of the tool sarily be in the HAZ—it is a function of the thermo-
and the force exerted by the tool shoulder. However, mechanical processing experienced by the nugget and
unlike in the weld nugget, the temperature and strain the resulting heat dissipation rates in the adjacent
rate energies are insufficient for recrystallization. In regions.[1] Thus, the minimum hardness value can be
precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys, the precipi- located in the HAZ, TMAZ, or along the interface
tates in this zone lose coherency as overaging occurs.[1,3] between the two.
The grains in this zone have also been shown to contain Bussu and Irving took a microhardness profile of a
a high percentage of subgrains compared to the sur- FSW butt joint in 2024-T351 aluminum alloy. The
rounding regions.[29] results of this microhardness profile are similar to those
Kwon et al.[15,30] characterized the structure of the shown in Figure 7, in which the boundaries between the
TMAZ for aluminum alloys by illustrating a sharp TMAZ and HAZ can be observed to generally correlate
transition between weld nugget and TMAZ on the to the ‘‘valleys’’ in the W-shaped profile, which
advancing side of the tool. On the retreating side, was determined based on micrographs and pin
however, the transition was gradual, with no defined geometry.[1,31]
edge. This is due to a difference in plastic flow
characteristics between the two sides. These transitions D. Bulk Material
can be observed in Figure 6.[4]
The bulk metal is defined as the region that is far
enough away from the weld to not be affected by the
C. Heat Affected Zone (HAZ)
heat or plastic deformation from the tool. The distance
HAZ is common to all conventional and FSW from the center of the nugget to the bulk material is not
processes. In FSW, the HAZ consists of base material clearly defined, and can best be identified using a


microhardness profile, as shown in Figure 7. The HAZ IV. CHARACTERISTIC RESIDUAL STRESS
transitions into the bulk material very gradually; no sig- PROFILES IN FSW JOINTS
nificant hardness change exists like in the HAZ/TMAZ
boundary. Microstructural changes that occur during FSW are
accompanied by significant residual stress changes. Both
tensile and compressive residual stresses exist within the
E. Effects of Processing Parameters on FSW weld. The maximum tensile stresses are located in the
Microstructure HAZ, and the minimum compressive stresses are located
Changes in processing parameters have a noticeable on the advancing side just beyond the weld zone.[3,32,33]
effect on both the grain size and the band spacing in FSW, This change in residual stress is important for under-
as demonstrated by Chenelle and Lados[4] (Figure 8). In standing the weld performance, particularly under
this study, it was observed that as the rotational speed of dynamic loading and fatigue and crack growth.
the tool increased from 1000 to 1500 RPM, the grain size To determine the stress distribution in FSW samples,
in the DXZ increased from 8 to 18 lm. An increase in Fratini et al.[32,33] employed the cut-compliance method
grain size from 8 to 17 lm was also observed when the in the longitudinal direction. Using this method, the
traverse speed was increased from 2.0 to 3.0 mm/seconds. HAZs surrounding the weld nugget were found to be in
In both cases, the increases in grain size were attributed to compressive residual stress. The interior of the weld
an increased stirring, which introduced additional fric- nugget was in tensile stress. Figure 9 shows the stress
tional heat input, and therefore, additional energy for distribution revealed by the cut-compliance method.
grain growth after recrystallization. Changes in band The residual stress displayed in Figure 9 shows the
spacing were also observed with the changes in rotational typical M-shaped stress field associated with friction stir
and traverse speeds.[4] The band spacing is attributed to welds in the longitudinal direction.[33] Interestingly, the
how much the tool advances within the weld per rotation main contributor to the residual stresses in FSW was
of the tool. The higher traverse speed (3.0 mm/seconds) attributed to the localized heating and constrained
created the largest band spacing (160 lm), while the cooling. The rigid clamping of the part during the
higher rotational speed (1500 RPM) created a narrower welding process did not allow stress relief during the
band spacing (120 lm) compared to the baseline band differential cooling of the HAZ, which introduced a
spacing (150 lm corresponding to 1000 RPM and residual stress field across the HAZ.
2.0 mm/seconds). The overall trend in which the highest
traverse rate correlated to the highest band spacing was
anticipated and observed.

Fig. 7—Microhardness profile of a FSW joint in a 6061-T651 Fig. 9—Longitudinal stress distribution in a FSW joint; modified
alloy.[4] from Refs. [32,33].

Fig. 8—Effect of processing parameters on grain size and band spacing in 6061-T651 FSW for (a) 1000 RPM at 2.0 mm/s, (b) 1000 RPM at
3.0 mm/s, and (c) 1500 RPM at 2.0 mm/s.[4]


Table I. Longitudinal Tensile Properties of FSW 7075-T651
Aluminum; Modified from Ref. [9]

UTS YS Elongation
Condition (MPa) (MPa) (pct)
Base metal, T651 622 571 14.5
As-FSW 525 365 15
Post weld age* 496 455 3.5
*PW aging = 394 K (121 C)/24 h.

Table II. Transverse Tensile Properties of FSW 7075-T651

Aluminum; Modified from Ref. [9]

UTS YS Elongation
Condition (MPa) (MPa) (pct)
Fig. 10—Surface residual stress perpendicular to the weld plotted
as a function of distance from weld centerline in Al 7050-T7451; Base metal, T651 622 571 14.5
modified from Ref. [19]. As-FSW 468 312 7.5
Post weld age* 447 312 3.5
*PW aging = 394 K (121 C)/24 h.
Pouget and Reynolds[10] obtained a similar residual
stress distribution also using the cut-compliance meth-
od. Donne[34] used standard X-ray diffraction, high
mechanical properties of the weld. Properties such as
energy synchrotron X-rays, and neutron diffraction to strength, ductility, and fatigue have been studied in
measure the residual stress in a FSW joint. All testing many aluminum alloys.[3] The strength of the nugget in
methods resulted in the characteristic longitudinal
longitudinal and transverse directions in 7075-T651
M-shaped stress profile. To gauge the homogeneity of
aluminum alloys was studied by Mahoney et al.[9] The
the stress profile, readings were taken at various depths. longitudinal samples contained only nugget material,
This revealed that variation of the residual stress profile
whereas the transverse samples contained all four weld
existed throughout the thickness of the sample, indicat-
zones (parent material, HAZ, TMAZ, and nugget). The
ing that the stress profile changed from the shoulder of tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation were
the tool to the tip of the pin as a result of reduced heat
measured and are shown in Table I (longitudinal
input at the tip of the tool.
direction) and Table II (transverse direction).
Donne[34] determined that the residual stresses were Sato et al.[35] also studied the effect of post-weld (PW)
most often tensile in the direction parallel to the weld, aging on the transverse strength characteristics of FSW
and compressive in the perpendicular direction. Addi-
6063-T5 aluminum. The two PW aging cycles investi-
tionally, the longitudinal stresses were always greater gated were: (1) PW aging [448 K (175 C)/12 hours] and
than the compressive transverse stresses. This was also (2) PW solution heat treatment and aging [803 K
determined by John et al.[19] Residual stresses were
(530 C)/1 hours + 448 K (175 C)/12 hours]. It was
measured at the top surface (shoulder contact plane)
observed that the weld strength and elongation
and on the root surface (backing plate contact plane). improved with both aging cycles, however the solution-
As illustrated in Figure 10, the transverse residual stress
izing cycle yielded higher strength and elongation than
was significantly lower than the reported 150 MPa
only aging (Figure 11).
average residual stress measured in the weld parallel to Aydin et al.[2] arrived at similar conclusions in 2024-
the welding direction (not shown). The highest residual
T4 FSW aluminum samples that were subjected to PW
stresses were located in the HAZ, which was concluded
aging and solution heat treatments. They determined
in several other studies too.[3,10,32,33] A study by Zhang that the post weld heat treatments caused abnormal
et al.[27] also concluded that the residual stresses in the grain growth in the nugget of the weld compared to the
longitudinal direction were significantly greater than
base material, which resulted in a decrease in the
those in the transverse direction. This change in the
hardness of the weld.[2] It was concluded that the aging
residual stress profile is critical for modeling and temperature had a substantial effect on the mechanical
predicting the performance of the weld in various
properties of the welds. Table III summarizes the results
applications, especially those that are fatigue critical.
of the study by Aydin et al.[2]
The results of PW aging can be explained by the
distribution and coherency of the precipitates in the
V. EFFECTS OF MICROSTRUCTURE AND weld.[2,9,35,36] In an as-welded sample, the reduced
RESIDUAL STRESS ON WELD PROPERTIES strength was attributed to the mitigation of coherent
precipitates due to overaging within the weld nugget.
A. Strength and Hardness in FSW
However, after a PW solutionizing step, a solid solution
Microstructural changes and residual stresses that was formed. The aging process then lead to the
result from FSW have a significant impact on the development of coherent precipitates, which resulted in


significant strength improvement. In these samples, 1. Modeling FCG
tensile failures occurred along the advancing side There are two schools of thought on the modeling of
interface between the weld and the parent material.[35] fatigue properties and designing for fatigue resistance.
The microhardness profile of the as-welded 6063-T5 The first approach, commonly referred to as the ‘‘fail-
sample was documented by Sato et al.,[35] and is shown safe’’ or stress-life approach, plots numbers of cycles to
in Figure 12. The same W-shaped profile discussed in failure (N) against applied stress amplitude (S). An S-N
Figure 7 was observed. TEM observation of the precip- curve is typically used to determine the number of cycles
itates revealed that there were two primary types: that a part can withstand prior to failure at a given stress
needle-like, coherent precipitates averaging 40 nm in (or conversely, the stress that can be applied to a
length, and incoherent rod shaped precipitates that were component in order to satisfy a given number of
200 nm in length. They reported that the microhardness required loading cycles). The stress-life approach is
profile across the weld was more strongly affected by the most commonly utilized when a part is subjected to
coherent precipitates distribution than grain size.[35] mostly elastic strain.[36] While S-N curves are used to
predict the number of cycles to failure, they do not
provide detailed information on the crack growth
B. Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Growth (FCG) in FSW
behavior, such as crack propagation threshold, crack
In addition to the static properties and microhardness growth rates and stress intensity factors at various
profiles in the weld, the microstructural changes and stages, all of which are of critical importance in
residual stresses imparted to the workpiece during FSW understanding and predicting fatigue life of real mate-
affect the dynamic behavior and FCG rates through and rials that contain flaws and have a limited life before
across the welds. these flaws become propagating cracks.[36] Thus, a
different approach must be considered. The second
method is called the ‘‘damage tolerant’’ approach, and
uses FCG rates to incorporate the materials’ properties
into life predictions and design. In this approach, crack
growth models are used to predict the growth of cracks
from initial flaws towards failure, using experimental
data and fracture mechanics principles. Figure 13 shows
a typical sigmoidal FCG curve, where crack growth rate

Fig. 11—Tensile properties of FSW and aged 6063-T5: (a) yield and Fig. 12—Typical microhardness profile of FSW 6063-T5; modified
tensile strengths and (b) elongation; modified from Ref. [35]. from Ref. [35].

Table III. Tensile Properties of FSW 2024-T4 With and Without PW Heat Treatment; Modified from Ref. [2]

0.2 pct Proof Ultimate Tensile Elongation

Sample ID Strength (MPa) Strength (MPa) (pct) Fracture Location
2024-T4 unwelded parent metal 351 492 21.9 —
As-welded joint 279 389 9 interface btw DXZ
and TMAZ, advancing side
W temper (8 months) 289 402 12.1 FSW zone on advancing side
T6 temper [373 K (100 C), 10 h] 248 379 11.3 FSW zone on advancing side
T6 temper [463 K (190 C), 10 h] 345 430 6 FSW zone on advancing side
O temper 105 227 5.2 FSW zone on advancing side


stress intensity required for crack growth to occur. This
parameter is affected by both microstructure and resid-
ual stress. The last point in Region III of the damage
tolerant model represents part failure, and is denoted as
DKFT, representing the fracture toughness of the mate-
rial; DKFT is commonly associated with KIC when the
material does not have excessive plasticity (otherwise,
plasticity corrections need to be applied to determine the
correct DKFT from a FCG test).

2. Role of microstructure on FCG in FSW

Microstructural changes that result from FSW affect
the crack propagation rates through the weld. Lemmen
et al.[37,38] demonstrated this effect by propagating
cracks through welds at different orientations relative
to the welding direction (0, 90, and 45 deg from the
welding direction), and observing the microstructural
damage after failure. It was determined that crack
growth through the weld was primarily Mode I (tensile),
Fig. 13—Fracture mechanics approach to FCG, da/dN vs DK curve. however several examples of Mode II (shear) failure
were present in the 7075 aluminum alloy oriented at
45 deg to the weld. It was also noted that crack growth
(da/dN) is plotted as a function of stress intensity factor through the nugget was dominated by the presence of
range (DK). brittle secondary phases that were moved into patterns
Using this method allows for determination of impor- by the stirring action of the tool. The FCG in the nugget
tant parameters that the S-N curve does not account for, was dependent on the fatigue initiation location and the
such as initial vs critical flaw sizes, crack propagation direction of crack growth. Studies illustrated that when
thresholds, crack growth rates over time, and stress cracking was initiated within the nugget, the banded
intensities on the crack at different stages during FCG. structure did not affect crack growth.[38] After exiting
Careful monitoring of these parameters can allow flawed the SZ, the cracking changed direction to grow parallel
parts to remain in service, thereby reducing maintenance to the welding direction. This illustrated the significance
and unnecessary replacement part costs. This method of the microstructural/grain size changes between the
also allows for designing components for FCG resis- HAZ and the nugget.
tance. Evaluation of crack growth rates on parts in The significance of microstructure refinement on FCG
service is generally conducted using the Paris-Erdogen was also investigated by Tra et al.[39] in 6063-T5
relationship describing the stable crack growth in aluminum. They concluded that the grain refinement
Region II: from welding was the single most influential factor in
determining crack propagation rates. These tests were
da conducted at R = 0.1 and 25 Hz in laboratory atmo-
¼ CðDKÞm
dN sphere at both room temperature and at 473 K (200 C).
It was observed that the refined microstructures of the
where a is the length of the crack, N is the number of nugget, and advancing and retreating interfaces resulted
cycles, DK is the cyclic stress intensity factor range, in higher propagation rates than the bulk material. The
and C and m are material constants dependent on the changes in DK were correlated to changes observed in
environment, test conditions, and material properties. fatigue fracture modes—low DK cracks propagated via
The stress intensity factor is strongly dependent on the an intergranular mode in the nugget, with more trans-
flaw size, a, geometry of the flaw, and the applied granular paths observed beyond this zone.[39] However,
stress, r, through the relationship: at high DK values the fracture path switched to fully
pffiffiffiffiffiffi transgranular within the nugget. Kim et al.[40] observed
DK ¼ YDr pa
that the crack growth rates were higher in the bulk
where Y is a factor that describes the location and material than the recrystallized nugget due to high
geometry of the flaw present and the sample geometry. residual stresses in the welds. Similar results were
The applied stress in a fatigue test is cyclic, and as observed by John et al.[19]
such has minimum and maximum values. The ratio of Chenelle and Lados[4] conducted several FCG studies
the minimum applied stress to the maximum applied along the DXZ of FSW 6061-T651 in order to study the
stress is commonly referred to as the stress ratio, R. effect of banding on the crack growth rate and mech-
rmin anisms (Figure 14). They concluded that crack growth
R¼ at low DK was not affected by the banding in the DXZ
(Figure 14(a)). However, at increased DK levels, the
crack exhibited a unique ‘‘sawtooth’’ growth pattern
Also identified in the fracture mechanics model is the (Figure 14(b)). The DK transition to the sawtooth
FCG threshold, DKth, which describes the minimum growth pattern was correlated to Kmax, the band


Fig. 14—Effect of band spacing and orientation on the FCG mechanisms at various stages of crack growth: (a) low Region II
(DK < 6.6 MPaÆm), (b) high Region II (DK ~ 6.6 MPaÆm), and (c) high Region III (DK > 6.6 MPaÆm).[4]

spacing, the angle between the banding and the crack weld nugget, oriented such that the crack advanced
growth direction, and the plastic zone ahead of the crack perpendicular to the weld line and entered the weld
tip. The sawtooth effect was not observed, even at high nugget. Cracks were propagated through the sample at
DK levels, when the bands were perpendicular to the constant stress intensity, comparing the growth rates
crack growth direction. At very high DK, tearing was through the various weld zones, and highlighted the
observed and the crack was less affected by the effects of microstructure and residual stress on crack
individual band spacing (Figure 14(c)). growth. In a purely homogeneous material, the crack
growth rate in a constant stress intensity test is expected
3. Role of residual stress on FCG in FSW to be constant. Therefore, the observed deviations in
Crack growth is significantly affected by the stresses crack growth rates from the homogenous case were due
surrounding the crack tip, which include residual to residual stresses and microstructural changes.
stresses from heat and stirring forces exerted from the As expected, crack growth was slowest in the HAZ
FSW process, and from machining processes. For due to compressive residual stress. In the weld nugget,
propagation to occur, the culmination of these stresses increased hardness and refined microstructure became
must be greater than the energy needed for crack the dominant contributors to the crack propagation,
surfaces to form. Typically, a crack propagating in a offsetting the effects of the tensile stress. In fact, the
compressive stress field will grow more slowly. This can zone exhibiting the highest growth rate was at the
be explained by the crack closure phenomenon. Effec- TMAZ, which had neither the shielding of compressive
tively, the changes in residual stress alter the R-ratio of residual stresses nor the microstructural refinements
the fatigue load during cyclic testing. Compressive that enabled the weld nugget to resist crack propaga-
residual stresses reduce the amount of tensile stress at tion. After conducting the same tests on a stress-relieved
the crack tip, thereby requiring a higher applied stress sample, Fratini et al.[32,33] determined that the crack
for propagation to occur. Therefore, at the right growth in the HAZ increased substantially when the
locations, compressive stress fields can beneficially compressive residual stresses were removed, confirming
contribute to crack retardation and better fatigue that the decrease in crack growth rate originally
life.[19,31,32,34] observed in the HAZ was primarily due to the residual
Conversely, tensile residual stresses have the effect of compressive stress, rather than a metallurgical change
opening the crack tip, adding to the damaging effect of (Figure 15(b)).
an applied force. Given that in a static workpiece Similar results were obtained by Bussu and Irving,[31]
residual stresses exist in a state of equilibrium, each who also performed FCG and residual stress measure-
region of beneficial compressive stress is balanced by a ment studies, both orthogonal and parallel to the weld
region of detrimental tensile stress. These effects have direction using surface crack and C(T) specimens.
strong implications on the fatigue behavior of the part; Constant amplitude crack propagation tests were per-
the stress field can either hinder or accelerate crack formed at 15 Hz, with an R ratio of 0.1. The same
advance, depending on the location of crack initiation experiment was repeated in samples that had been
with respect to the stress field.[19,31,32,34] Thus, under- plastically yielded. Results showed that the microhard-
standing residual stress magnitudes and distributions in ness profile and observable microstructure remained the
friction stir welds allows the designer to accurately select same as non-yielded samples. This indicated that the
application regions and loading conditions. only effect of the plastic yield was the removal of
The majority of fatigue evaluation in FSW is con- residual stresses.
ducted using the damage tolerant approach and FCG The crack growth rates in the nugget in Fratini et al.’s
testing. Most of these studies focused on the relationship experiments[32,33] remained unchanged from the non-
between residual stresses and the crack growth rate in stress relieved samples, indicating that the crack growth
different zones of the friction stir weld. Fratini et al.[32,33] in this region was controlled by the inherent micro-
studied compact tension, C(T), specimens containing the structure. By conducting these tests, Fratini et al. were


Fig. 15—Crack growth rate vs distance from the weld centerline for samples (a) with residual stress and (b) with and without residual stresses;
modified from Ref. [32].

able to isolate the effects of residual stress from

microstructure effects on crack growth. The importance
of microstructure was also studied by Tra et al.,[39]
whose samples were very low in residual stresses. Bussu
and Irving[31] also found that without residual stress
gradients, the crack growth rate throughout the joint
approached that of the parent material. In addition,
Bussu and Irving[31] noted that tensile residual stresses
above a threshold value had negligible impact on crack
growth, and suggested that this threshold is the mini-
mum amount required to open the crack. Stresses above
this minimum value were not expected to increase
propagation rates.
The residual stresses introduced by FSW resulted in Fig. 16—Computed variation of Kres as a function of crack length;
different FCG rates for the base material and different weld modified from Ref. [19].
regions. John et al.[19] conducted a study on the effects of
residual stresses in the near threshold regime in 7050-T7451 method. In the crack compliance method, the residual
aluminum. At low stress ratios (R = 0.05), the FCG stress was calculated from the experimentally deter-
threshold of the FSW region was significantly higher than mined Kres using a weighing function; while in the
that of the parent material (DKth ~ 5.2 MPaÆm vs contour method it was calculated using strains (exper-
2.2 MPaÆm). However, at higher stress ratios, the thresh- imentally obtained roughness measurements were trans-
old of the weld sample decreased significantly, and was lated into displacements, which were then converted into
much closer to that of the parent material strains). It was found that the two methods showed the
(DKth ~ 1.6 MPaÆm). Results proved that even low con- same trends and gave similar results in the tensile
stant residual stresses (~5 MPa) generated a residual stress dominated sample shown in Figure 17(a). However, in
intensity factor Kres > 2 MPaÆm, which was on the same the compressive dominated sample (Figure 17(b)), the
order of magnitude as the DKth of the material. Thus, even sudden changes in residual stress as the crack passed
low residual stresses played a significant role in the FCG through the HAZ, TMAZ, and nugget were not as
through the weld region. Kim et al.[40] also observed more accurately detected by the contour method. This indi-
significant changes in crack growth rates between parent cated that both methods were able to provide the correct
material and SZ due to the high residual stresses measured trends, but the contour method was less sensitive to
in their samples. Figure 16 illustrates the variation of Kres detecting sudden and drastic changes in residual stress.
with the crack length for various wrought aluminum Pouget and Reynolds[10] attempted to predict the
alloys.[19] crack growth behavior in both the weld and parent
Chenelle et al.[41] also studied the effect of residual material using a mathematical model. They calculated a
stress on FCG rates in FSW 6061-T651 aluminum stress intensity factor, Kres, which the crack experiences
alloys, and observed crack deceleration/acceleration in due to the residual stress, similarly to John et al.[19]
compressive/tensile residual stress fields, respectively. In Next, using constant applied DK, they attempted to
this study, Chenelle and Lados also evaluated residual predict the crack growth rate using fatigue data gathered
stress on C(T) specimen geometries using two different from the base material. They found a strong correlation
methods: the crack-compliance method and the contour between the measured residual stress profile and the


20 30 40 50
Crack Length (mm)
2.0x10-4 0 20 40
8 Residual Stress, Compliance
4 Residual Stress, Contour

Residual Stress (MPa)

Residual Stress (ksi)
da/dN (mm/cycle)

Kres (MPa m)
0 20

8.0x10-5 0 0


4.0x10 -20

Kres versus crack length -4

Growth rate versus crack length

0.0x10 -8 -40
20 30 40 50 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2

Crack Length (mm) Crack Length (in)

Crack Length (mm)
20 30 40 50
2x10-4 0 20 40
Kres versus crack length 60
Growth rate versus crack length 4

Residual Stress (MPa)

Residual Stress (ksi)
da/dN (mm/cycle)

Kres (MPa m)
0 20

8x10-5 0 0


4x10-5 -20

Residual Stress, Contour
Residual Stress, Compliance
0x100 -8 -40
20 30 40 50 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2

Crack Length (mm) Crack Length (in.)

Fig. 17—Residual stress evaluations using the crack-compliance and contour methods in (a) tensile dominated and (b) compressive dominated
samples; FCG rates for the two cases are also given.[41]

crack growth rate. This prediction proved to be accurate

in the HAZ, but the correlation broke down within the
weld nugget. In the weld nugget, the mathematical
prediction consistently underestimated the experimental
crack growth.[10] For greater accuracy in the mathemat-
ical model, the problem was treated as a piecewise
solution of two problems. Outside the weld, the base
material properties were adequate to predict growth,
however in the nugget the weld properties needed to be

4. Fatigue crack propagation trends in FSW

Another phenomenon noticeable in several fatigue
experiments was the tendency for the crack to follow the
ridges of welding flash on the surface. This was reported
by Pouget and Reynolds,[10] John et al.,[19] and Lemmen
et al.[37,38] Figure 18 shows an example of a deviated
crack path that followed the weld flow-lines in a C(T)
Lemmen et al.[37,38] evaluated the fatigue crack Fig. 18—Schematic of crack deviation at the friction stir weld in a
propagation direction in aluminum 2024-T3 FSW joints. C(T) specimen; modified from Ref. [10].
It was noted that FSW resulted in significant residual
stresses in the longitudinal direction, with minimal
stresses in the transverse direction, as illustrated in than those that initiated in the nugget and TMAZ zones,
Figure 19. Cracks that started in compressive residual which was attributed to plasticity and closure effects at
stress fields from the HAZ yielded longer fatigue life the crack tip.[38] These results were in agreement with


In addition, the change in crack growth direction can
be attributed to the non-proportional loading attributed
to the loading direction and residual stresses not being
aligned for the 45 deg specimen. Recent research by
Pettit et al.[42] was focused on modeling this phenom-
enon. Given the significant contributions of both micro-
structure and residual stress on crack growth in FSW, it
is anticipated that future studies will pursue this topic in
order to fundamentally understand and quantify their
combined effects, as well as partition individual

Fig. 19—Longitudinal vs transverse FSW residual stresses; modified

The unique properties of FSW/FSP are attractive to
many areas of industry including aerospace, nuclear,
transportation, and military applications.

A. Uses in Ground Transportation

and Aerospace Industries
FSW is a very attractive alternative to using fasteners
and rivets due to its ease of manufacture, reduced part
complexity, weight savings and cost reduction up to
30 pct.[35,43–45] FSW is applicable to nearly every type of
aluminum alloy used in the automotive industry. A list
of such alloys is presented in Table IV.
FSW has been successfully used by numerous
automotive companies, including BMW, Ford, and
General Motors. The three piece suspension arm on
Fig. 20—Schematic of the crack deviation in notched specimen the BMW 5 series are friction stir welded in order to
based on welding direction; modified from Ref. [38]. reduce road noise and weight by eliminating the use of
fasteners and bolts.[35] In 2003, Tower Automotive
successfully produced aluminum suspension links for
those from John et al.,[19] who also studied the effect of Ford Motor Company utilizing the FSW process,
residual stress on crack propagation. which was the first time the technology had been used
In addition, welding direction had a significant effect on an automotive component in the United States.[44]
on crack propagation direction, as shown in Figure 20. Additionally, Hydro Aluminum in Norway utilized
For crack propagation in samples tested at 45 deg to the FSW in their inner wheel rim, an example of the ability
welding direction, it was shown that after propagating of FSW to be used in cast products in addition to
through the weld along a weld band (as shown), the wrought alloys.[44]
direction of crack growth through the parent material FSW is also used extensively in the train, aero, and
on the other side of the weld was based on the welding marine fields, particularly in joining sheet metal.
direction. This was also observed in the study by Alstom LHB and Hitachi of Japan use FSW on floor
Lemmen et al.[38] and wall panels on their commuter trains.[45] According
The crack was observed to follow the banding to Lockheed Martin, FSW is extensively used in the
structure that resulted from the stirring of the tool. production line of the space shuttle external tanks
Investigation into this phenomenon revealed that within using 2219/2195 aluminum alloys for butt welding
the band regions, there existed areas of increased sheets ranging from 0.32 to 0.65 in. in thickness. These
intermetallic particle densities. This banded structure same alloys were also butt welded using FSW to
provided reduced local crack growth resistance, thus develop the full scale prototype Space Launch Initia-
providing a path of low crack growth resistance through tive (SLI).[43] Lockheed Martin also has many appli-
the weld. The crack growth direction of a FSW was cations for FSW under development, including using
found to be asymmetric due to the different flow 7075 and 2297 aluminum alloys for the wing box on
patterns within the nugget and to the TMAZ size the fighter aircraft. The C-130 freight aircraft uses
difference between the advancing and retreating sides of FSW on 7249 aluminum alloys for the cargo bay
the weld.[37] The HAZ showed fully symmetrical behav- floors.[43] Additional information on the extended use
ior because it is only affected by heat, and not the of FSW in aircraft technology at Lockheed Martin is
directional stirring forces. listed in Table V.


Table IV. Applications and Types of Aluminum Where FSW has been Used in Auto Industry; Modified from Ref. [44]

Aluminum in the Auto Industry

Inner and outer body panels 2008, 2010, 2036, 3004, 5052, 5192, 5754, 6009, 6010, 6016, 6022, 6111
General structural components 6005, 6005A, 6009, 6061
Extrusions 6063, 6082, 7005
Luggage racks, air deflectors 6463
Spare tire carrier parts 6061
Bumper components
Ace bars 5052, 6009
Reinforcements 6009, 6061, 7003, 7004, 7021, 7029
Brackets 6009, 7021
Shells 7036, 6010
Headrest bars 7116, 7129
Tracks 6010, 5182, 5754, 6009
Load floors 2036, 5182, 5754, 6009
Wheels 5454, 6061, A356.0
Suspension components 6061 (forging)
Drive shaft 6061 (tube), aluminum metal matrix composites
Engine mounts 5454, 5754
Sub-frames & engine cradles 5454, 5754, 6061, 6063
Radiator tubes & fins 3003, 3005
Condenser tubes 3102
Condenser fins 7072

Table V. Applications of FSW in Aerospace Industry; Modified from Ref. [43]

Y-Chord HIMARS Circular Weld C-130 Cargo

Name Demonstration Sponson Door Fighter Wing Box Demonstration Floors
Alloy Al2014 Al5052 Al7075 and Al2297 Al2195 and Al2297 Al7249
Joint 0.250¢¢ butt 0.100 to 0.125¢¢ 0.125¢¢ butt, L-T 0.200 to 0.280¢¢ butt 0.090 to 0.150¢¢ butt
configuration T-joint and lap-joints
Size 2¢ 9 2¢ 2¢ 9 4¢ 4¢ 9 4¢ up to 12¢¢ diameter 16¢ length
Status development development development development development

B. Uses in the Nuclear Industry Ductility in the weld nugget was found to be excellent,
1. FSW of high strength metals with elongation to fracture greater than 50 pct.
In addition to low density alloys in the transportation A study conducted by Ishikawa et al.[48] reported
industry, FSW has been increasingly used on high similar results on 304 stainless steel. In this study, welds
strength steels and advanced alloys in the nuclear and were produced at 600 RPM for various transverse
military industries.[46] For example, Austenetic 304L speeds from 1 to 20 mm/seconds. The mechanical
stainless steels were FSW with a polycrystalline cubic properties of the weld nugget were found to be better
boron nitride (PCBN) FSW tool spinning at 500 RPM than those of the base material, which is in agreement
with a traverse speed of 1.5 mm/seconds. It was discov- with the study by Reynolds et al.[47]
ered that the microstructure of the FSW 304 steel In addition to steels, FSW technology has been utilized
consisted of fine, equiaxed recrystallized grains, and on Inconel 600, a nickel-based superalloy commonly used
typical bands were observed inside the nugget.[47] in applications where its high strength, corrosion resis-
Reynolds et al.[47] studied the effects of using different tance, and elevated temperature properties are attractive,
rotational speeds of 300 and 500 RPM. Both cases such as chemical plants and jet engines. Song et al.[49]
exhibited higher yield strengths than the base material, successfully joined Inconel 600 plates at an optimized
with the 300 RPM having the highest strength. This was speed of 400 RPM and 150 to 200 mm/min using a WC-
attributed to the effects of grain refinement in the weld Co tool. A reduction in grain size from 19 lm in the
nugget. The base, 500, and 300 RPM welds had grain parent material to 3.4 lm in the nugget was reported. In
sizes of 15, 13, and 7.6 lm respectively. Thus, the metal addition, significant improvements in hardness (163 to
with the smallest grain size exhibited the highest 245 HV) and in tensile strength (683 to 721 MPa) from
strength, as predicted. It should be noted that the parent material to nugget were reported.
smaller grains present in the 300 RPM case were due to Similar results were reported from Sato et al.[50] on
a lower peak temperature as recorded during welding. friction stir welded Inconel 600. The nugget material


outperformed the base material in both yield and
ultimate tensile strengths, without a significant decrease
in ductility.
FSW has also been implemented in titanium alloys
including CP titanium, Ti-6AL-4V, and Ti-15V-3Cr-
3Al-3Sn.[1,46] In a study by Lienert et al., Ti-6Al-4V was
welded, with surface temperatures approaching 1373 K
(1100 C). Microstructural evaluation of the weld
revealed that temperatures exceeded the b-transus tem-
perature, resulting in a microstructure of acicular a in
b.[1,46] Microhardness profiles illustrated that a hardness
increase occurred in the HAZ, a result of the phase
changes from a to b, and due to straining and cold
working upon cooling.[1] By contrast, Cam reported
several findings whereby the hardness in the weld zone
varied—some results indicated that the hardness in the
HAZ were lower than that of the SZ, while others
indicated that the hardness increased. This variation was
attributed to different tool materials, and varying Fig. 21—Reactivation current ratios for different regions in FSW
processing parameters for FSW of Ti-6Al-4V, both of and GTAW; modified from Ref. [53].
which affected the thermal history of the weld.[46]

2. Corrosion resistance considerations speeds from 1 to 20 mm/seconds. Each weld was

Another material parameter that is vital to the nuclear examined for microstructural defects and then subjected
industry is corrosion resistance. Conditions inside a to a salt spray test to determine the corrosion resistance.
reactor are extremely detrimental to the material, and Welds produced up to 20 mm/seconds were defect free,
any increase in corrosion resistance is critical. Chrome is with tunnel voids forming at 20 mm/seconds due to lack
often alloyed in metals for corrosion protection due to of heat input to the weld. Corrosion resistance of the
its ability to readily form chromium (III) oxide, a welds was found to be highly dependent on the welding
passive layer that forms on the surface of the metal that parameters, with increasing transverse speeds resulting
protects the metal from oxidation. However, traditional in better corrosion resistance. This is due to the lower
fusion welding often results in lowering corrosion peak temperature reached during a high transverse
resistance due to sensitization, which occurs when Cr speed weld, thus lowering the fraction of sigma phases
diffuses to the grain boundaries and forms Cr-rich that deplete the weld of chromium.[48–50]
carbides. These carbides pull Cr out of the metal, FSW is also very well suited to the construction of
thereby reducing the ability of the Cr to act as a hermetic seals and tanks, which are of vital importance
protecting agent. This process occurs at temperatures to the nuclear industry. The low porosity and high
from 773 K to 1073 K (500 C to 800 C) in most strength allow the welds to withstand pressure and
stainless steels. Since the FSW process involves a much pressure cycling associated with this application. Swe-
lower temperature than conventional fusion welding, it den recently undertook a reliability study of the FSW
results in less sensitization of the welded joint.[51,52] process for the construction of its nuclear waste con-
Park et al.[53] examined the microstructure of FSW tainment tasks. The critical nature of this weld calls for
304 stainless steel. The dynamically recrystallized nugget stringent guidelines for weld performance and repeat-
was found to have a non-homogenous distribution of ability. The FSW process was found to satisfy all the
the detrimental Cr-rich intermetallics (sigma phase). requirements, producing an excellent weld suitable for
This phase formed preferentially on the grain bound- the containment of hazardous substances.[54] Likewise,
aries of the advancing side, which increased the sensi- FSW was studied for the production of liquid rocket
tization in this region. The SZ of the weld as a whole combustion chamber liners. This is another critical
was shown to have much better corrosion resistance location where non-optimized parameters would result
than even the base material, and much better than that in catastrophic failure. FSW was applied to GRCop-84,
of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) (Figure 21). which is a copper-chromium-niobium alloy, producing
However, the advancing side was shown to have a welds of controllable and repeatable quality.[55]
much lower performance than the retreating side, due to
the Cr depletion caused by the formation of the sigma
phase. This particular study did not focus on the effects VII. CONCLUSIONS
of welding parameters on corrosion resistance; all welds
were done at 550 RPM and 1.33 mm/seconds. FSW is a technology with enormous growth potential
Another study conducted by Ishikawa et al.[48] due to its inherent benefits. The goal of this review was
attempted to isolate the effects of different welding to provide a comprehensive introduction into the FSW
parameters on the corrosion resistance of the 304 process, discuss the effects of processing parameters,
stainless steel welds. Keeping the rotation speed con- microstructural changes, and residual stresses on
stant at 600 RPM, welds were produced with transverse mechanical properties, as well as review current and


potential applications of this process. Some important 15. Y.J. Kwon, I. Shigematsu, and N. Saito: Scripta Mater., 2003,
conclusions that drawn from this review are: vol. 49 (8), pp. 785–89.
16. S.W. Williams: Air Space Europe, 2001, vol. 3 (3–4), pp. 64–66.
 FSW is a solid-state process that is capable of welding 17. J. Su, T.W. Nelson, and R. Mishra: Acta Mater., 2003, vol. 51 (3),
both similar and dissimilar metals. pp. 713–29.
18. A. Kostka, R.S. Coelho, and J. dos Santos: Scripta Mater., 2009,
 Careful control of processing parameters is required vol. 60 (11), pp. 953–56.
to obtain optimized welds/properties. 19. R. John, K.V. Jata, and K. Sadananda: Int. J. Fatigue, 2003,
 All metals require different parameters for optimal vol. 25 (9–11), pp. 939–48.
welds. 20. S. Benavides, Y. Li, and L.E. Murr: Scripta Mater., 1999, vol. 41
(8), pp. 809–15.
 FSW can weld alloys considered conventionally 21. L. Commin, M. Dumont, and J. Masse: Acta Mater., 2009, vol. 57
unweldable. (2), pp. 326–34.
 FSWs can have better mechanical properties com- 22. X. Cao and M. Jahazi: Mater. Des., 2009, vol. 30 (6),
pared to fusion welds. pp. 2033–42.
 FSW refines the grain structure in the weld nugget. 23. Z. Zhang and H.W. Zhang: J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2009,
vol. 209 (1), pp. 241–70.
 FSW imparts compressive residual stresses on the 24. R. Zeng, J. Chen, and W. Dietzel: Corros. Sci., 2009, vol. 51 (8),
weld surface. pp. 1738–46.
 Residual stresses can be measured in FSW using both 25. S.M. Chowdhury, D.L. Chen, and S.D. Bholea: Mater. Sci. Eng.
destructive and non-destructive techniques. A, 2012, vol. 527 (21–22), pp. 6064–75.
26. M. Peel, A. Steuwer, and M. Preuss: Acta Mater., 2003, vol. 51
 Crack growth rates and directions in FSW are (16), pp. 4791–4801.
dependent on alloy, welding direction, and micro- 27. Y. Zhang, Y.S. Sato, and H. Kokawa: Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2008,
structural characteristics. vol. 485 (1–2), pp. 448–55.
 FSW has many applications in various industries 28. M.A. Sutton, B. Yang, and A.P. Reynolds: Mater. Sci. Eng. A,
including aerospace, nuclear, transportation, and 2002, vol. 323 (1–2), pp. 160–66.
29. Y.S. Sato, H. Kokawa, and M. Enomoto: Metall. Mater. Trans. A,
defense. 1999, vol. 30A, pp. 2429–37.
30. Y.J. Kwon, I. Shigematsu, and N. Saito: Mater. Lett., 2008,
vol. 62 (23), pp. 3827–29.
31. G. Bussu and P.E. Irving: Int. J. Fatigue, 2003, vol. 25 (1), pp. 77–
32. L. Fratini, S. Pasta, and A.P. Reynolds: Int. J. Fatigue, 2009,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vol. 31 (3), pp. 495–500.
33. L. Fratini and B. Zuccarello: Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 2006,
The authors would like to thank the consortium vol. 46 (6), pp. 611–19.
members of the Integrative Materials Design Center 34. C. Dalle Donne: in Investigations on Residual Stresses in Friction
and Worcester Polytechnic Institute for their support Stir Welds, 3rd International Symposium on Friction Stir Weld-
of this work. ing, Kobe, Japan, 2001.
35. Y.S. Sato, M. Enomoto, and R. Kato: ‘‘Application of Aluminum
Extrusions to Suspension Arms,’’ SAE International, SAE Tech-
nical Paper 982331, 1998.
36. M. Meyers and K. Chawla: Mechanical Behavior of Materials,
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