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Directions: Answer the following questions substantially. Each item merits ten (10) points.

1. Although geography became a distinctive and respected discipline only in the 19th
century, people in the past had a broad geographical understanding of the world. In what
way geography influences the history of a country?

 A certain country was greatly influenced by its geographic location. Our

country, Philippines is a tropical rainforest where we have been experiencing
long rainy seasons. Hence, we are known producing and exporting some of the
agricultural products such as Banana, Mangoes, tobacco and etc.

2. How are the basic concepts and skills in geography such as map reading, use of the globe,
map scaling and chart/graph interpretation among others beneficial in your everyday life
as a teacher and to the learners?

 These basic concepts and skills in geography serve as our guide and help us lead
to the right direction where we wanted to go using these skills. Most importantly,
as a teacher we take part instilling in the mind of our learners the importance of
these skills.

3. Successful strategies in teaching are mainly dependent to many factors such as the type of
learners, the physical environment, the amount of available resources, the learning styles
of learners, and the like. As a classroom teacher, how should geography classes look

 As a teacher, we should understand that our learners have diverse culture,

norms and beliefs. Our usual practice of using differentiated learning activities
will address the needs of our diverse learners.

4. The world has changed tremendously over the course of time especially during the start
of the Industrial Revolution. In what way/s do the activities (both good and bad) of
people affect the geo-sphere?

 In every development there is always an advantage and disadvantage that

greatly affects the geo-sphere. The technological advancement makes human
activities swiftly and quickly done. On the other hand, its negative effects in our
environment are very much evident where human and other organisms were at

5. The behavior of people is greatly influenced by their environment. How does the
geographical setting of a country/continent affect the socio-economic and political
activities of the people?
 In our country the habitual activities of the people were farming, fishing, and
animal production due to our geographic location. Our political practice is
democratic form where people choose their leaders through an election.

6. The world today can be divided into a technological world of mainly industrialized
countries, relatively prosperous countries, agriculturally developing countries and
relatively poor countries. Does the geography of the place have something to do with this
global condition? Justify your answer.

 Yes, because each country is a contributory factor in global issues regardless of

the status and so, each must adhere to the agreed treaty concerning this global

7. Given today’s global pandemic, what do you think are its major effects to the geography
of people and place?

 Pandemic halted people to do their usual activities however; they were able to
slowly adopt these changes. With this the world economy has fallen. Each
country is doing great effort to stabilize the economy while the lives of the people
were not at risk.

For the succeeding items, describe the major geographical features of the different regions of the
world and how its location affects the ways of living of people in these regions. (5 points each)

8. Philippines as part of Southeast Asia

 Our location is tropical rainforest that is why the major source of living of
people is farming. We are also surrounded by the bodies of water secondary to it
is fishing.

9. Africa

 The distinct identity of the people is very poor. Their foods is very limited due to
its deserted area.

10. Europe

 Europe is said or considered as Peninsula of peninsulas. A peninsula is a piece of

land surrounded by water on three sides. Navigable rivers and harbours provide
many European cities with trading ports of goods that will help their economy.

11. The Americas

 The expanse of this region encouraged other indigenous communities to live

nomadic lifestyles. These cultures did not institute urban areas or agricultural
centers. Instead, they followed favorable weather patterns, animal migrations
and natural agricultural cycles.

12. Oceania and Australia

 The most important economy in Oceania and Australia is forestry and fishery
because of its location. Their products are different kinds of woods like sawn
wood, wood-Based panels and etc,. Fisheries are also one of the livelihoods of
many local peoples that support their daily lives.

13. Antarctica

 This country has an extremely cold and dry climate. People living in Antarctica
do their best to minimise their impact on the environment and their foods
supplies are, however, very limited.

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