Potassium Transport in The Acetylcholinesterase-Deficient Erythrocytes of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

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Joseph V. Auditore, … , Robert C. Hartmann, Edward F. Cole
J Clin Invest. 1959;38(4):702-706. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI103849.

Research Article

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(From the Hematology Service, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine and Hospital, Nashville, Tenn.)
(Submitted for publication September 22, 1958; accepted December 22, 1958)

The mechanism by which certain mammalian Recently we reported that the acetylcho-
red cells accumulate potassium has been the sub- linesterase activity of erythrocytes of eight pa-
ject of extensive investigation. Maintenance of a tients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinu-
high intra-erythrocytic potassium concentration ria (PNH)1 was strikingly reduced (11, 12).
against a relatively low plasma concentration has Whether this defective cholinesterase activity is
been attributed to an active transport system. due to a deficiency of the enzyme per se or to the
The precise relationship of such a transport sys- action of inhibitors has not been settled. Never-
tem to cellular metabolism in general is obscure. theless, the PNH red cell provided an excellent
Glycolysis, an important energy-yielding process experimental tool for investigating the role played
in erythrocytes, has been held responsible for po- by this enzyme in maintaining the potassium gra-
tassium reaccumulation and sodium extrusion by dient of the human red cell. If the acetylcho-
cold-stored human red blood cells when rewarmed linesterase enzyme plays a major role in potas-
to 37.50 (1, 2). Certain metabolic poisons which sium transport, the cholinesterase-deficient PNH
inhibit glycolysis also affect cation transport in cell should show alterations in potassium move-
red blood cells (3). These observations support ment.
the concept that the active transport mechanism
may be geared to and utilize energy from glycoly-
sis. Yet the hypothesis of an active transport Patient material. The clinical studies and detailed
system in human erythrocytes has never been laboratory investigations regarding the finding of de-
creased erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase in PNH patients
absolutely established. have been documented (11, 12). Case 1 of the current
Some investigators have attempted to incrimi- manuscript corresponds to Patient 6 of the previous
nate a single enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, as re- publications and Case 2 to Patient 4.
sponsible for maintaining normal permeability in Collection of blood. Sixty to 80 ml. of blood were
human and canine erythrocytes (4-6). These collected from an antecubital vein into silicone-treated
tubes containing heparin.2 Saftidonor®3 sets were em-
workers noted a retarding effect of acetylcholine ployed for the collection of the blood.
on cation movement and on hemolysis and a re- Determination of acetylcholinesterase activity. A small
versal of this effect by physostigmine. These re- portion of the collected blood was centrifuged at high
ports stimulated much interest in the possible role speed (10,000 X G) for 10 minutes to pack the red cells.
of acetylcholinesterase in governing sodium and Following meticulous removal of the plasma, the red
cells were washed three times with large volumes of
potassium transport in erythrocytes. Other in- 0.85 per cent sodium chloride solution and finally packed
vestigators, however, were unable to find evidence again by centrifugation at 3,000 rpm for five minutes.
of a significant relationship between erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase activity of 0.2 ml. portions of
acetycholinesterase activity and potassium move- 1 The abbreviation PNH will be used throughout the
ment (7-10). manuscript.
* This study was supported by Research Grant H-3509 2 Heparin sodium, 1,000 U.S.P. units (10 mg.) per ml.,
from the Division of Research Grants, National In- was kindly supplied by the Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo,
stitutes of Health; the John A. Hartford Foundation, Mich.
Inc., New York, N. Y.; and a grant from the Committee 3 We are indebted to Dr. E. B. McQuarrie, Biochemical
on Research, Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, Research Division, Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, Cal.,
American Medical Association. for the Saftidonort sets.
washed, packed cells was determined manometrically us- Sampling of aliquots for efflux experiments. Four
ing the Warburg technique. Measurements were carried ml. samples were removed from the reconstituted mixture
out at 37.50 in a Ringer-Krebs bicarbonate medium. (labeled cells and Ringer-Krebs buffer) at 30 to 60 min-
The final volume was 2.0 ml. Acetylcholine bromide in a ute intervals over a four hour period. Potassium analysis
final concentration of 5 X 10' M was employed as the and radioactivity determinations were performed on the
substrate. The substrate had been recrystallized sev- supernatant and on the cells by the methods described
eral times from absolute alcohol. The vessels were
gassed with a mixture of 95 per cent N2 and 5 per cent for the influx studies.
CO2 for 10 minutes. The substrates and cells were mixed Mathematical treatment of the data. The treatment of
and allowed exactly three minutes to reequilibrate. Suc- the data is abstracted from that of Solomon (13). The
cessive manometric readings were made at intervals of following equation governs or describes these experiments:
10 minutes for one-half hour. The first 10 minute in- dp
terval reading was considered the most accurate. This = kabp + kbaq 1)
value was multiplied by six to give the rate per hour.
Although a volume measurement was used for the de- where p = plasma concentration of K42, q = red cell con-
terminations, the final expression of enzyme activity was centration of K4, kab and kb. = transfer coefficients (kab
in terms of dry weight (12). from plasma to cells and kba from cells to plasma). Multi-
Preparation of blood for influx and efflux studies.
Following removal of the plasma, packed red cells were plying this equation through by VP, one obtains the
washed five times with Ringer-Krebs buffer. following:
For influx studies 6.0 ml. of washed, packed cells was
mixed with 24.0 ml. of Ringer-Krebs buffer or of the dP
kab (L p + kb( q 2)
subject's own heparinized plasma. (Similar results were v~qdt
obtained whether Ringer-Krebs buffer or the subject's where P is the amount of K4 in the plasma, and v, and Vq
own plasma were used as the diluent.) Small amounts of are the volumes of plasma and cells, respectively. This
radioactive K4'Cl were added to both the normal and PNH equation gives the amount of P transported per unit time
specimens simultaneously. The suspensions were mixed per unit volume of cells, and this quantity is independent
well and allowed to incubate at 37.50 in a Warburg bath
with constant slow agitation. of vp and Vq. Therefore, kab (P) and kb (VP) are the
The efflux studies were performed under the following constants which are independent of the vp and Vq. The
experimental conditions: 8.0 ml. of washed, packed cells, efflux equations are of the same form as the influx equations.
8.0 ml. of heparinized plasma, and KUCl were mixed and
allowed to incubate with slow, continuous agitation for
four hours in silicone-treated Erlenmeyer flasks. The la- RESULTS
beled cells were separated by centrifugation and washed
thrice with Ringer-Krebs buffer (pH 7.4). To 6.0 ml. Acetylcholinesterase activity of normal and PNH
of these washed cells was added 24.0 ml. of Ringer-Krebs erythrocytes
buffer. The suspensions were mixed and incubated at
37.5° in a Warburg bath. Table I shows the acetylcholinesterase activity
Sampling of aliquots for influx studies. Four ml. sam- of the PNH red cells compared to the mean value
ples were removed immediately and at 30 to 60 minute of determinations on the cells of 20 normal sub-
intervals over a four hour period following the addition
of the isotope to the reconstituted mixtures. The samples jects. Under these experimental conditions the
were centrifuged for five minutes at 3,000 rpm to sepa- erythrocytes of Case 1 possessed no enzyme ac-
rate cells from plasma. One ml. of plasma was plated tivity. The activity of red cells of Case 2 was
in a planchette, baked dry, and the radioactivity deter- 17.3 per cent of normal.
mined in a Geiger counter. To another 1 ml. aliquot of
plasma 7.0 ml. of water was added and the protein pre-
cipitated by the addition of 2.0 ml. of 25 per cent tri- TABLE I
chloracetic acid. The filtrate was analyzed for potas- Acetylcholinesterase activity of normal and paroxysmal
sium by employing a Beckman spectrophotometer model nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) erythrocytes
DU with a flame attachment. One-half ml. of red cells
was hemolyzed by the addition of 4.5 ml. of water. One Manometric
ml. of the hemolysate was plated in a planchette, dried, data:
;L. Co2 per mg.
and the radioactivity determined. All counts were cor- dry weight % of
per hour normal
rected for decay and background. The remaining he-
molysate was rendered protein-free by the addition of Normal (average of 20) 15.0
trichloracetic acid. The filtrate was analyzed for Case I 0 0
Case 2 2.6 17.3

Potassium transport data tonic bicarbonate medium, it not only reduced the
The data obtained from two normal subjects loss of potassium but also delayed hemolysis. In
and the two PNH patients are plotted in Figures an isotonic sodium chloride or sodium bicarbonate
1 and 2. Each figure is typical of four separate medium containing 35 mM of KC1 per L. at
experiments. It can be seen that potassium trans- pH 8.0, the addition of acetylcholine produced a
port, which is characterized by the quantities small increase (5 to 10 per cent) in cellular po-
kab (vp/vq) and kba (vp/vq) in the case of the tassium. Physostigmine, an inhibitor of acetylcho-
influx studies, is virtually the same for normal and linesterase, reversed or blocked the above effects.
PNH cells. The computed transfer coefficients When benzoylcholine, a substrate not appreciably
are in good agreement with those reported by hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase, was substi-
Solomon (13). tuted for acetylcholine, such changes likewise did
The precision of the efflux experiments was not not occur. It was concluded from these studies
very high. Nevertheless, the curves obtained that cholinesterase activity is responsible in some
from the data appeared to have the same slopes, manner for maintenance of normal potassium and
indicating that there is no difference in the trans- sodium concentrations in human red cells (4-6).
fer coefficients of normal and PNH cells. Parpart and Hoffman (7) repeated the experi-
ments of Lindvig, Greig and Peterson (6). The
DISCUSSION addition of acetic acid to red cell suspensions
brought about the same results as the addition
Several investigators have suggested that spe- of acetylcholine with respect to retarding both
cific acetylcholinesterase, which is situated entirely cellular loss of potassium and hemolysis. They
in the cell membrane, is concerned with the perme- concluded that the effect of acetylcholine was due
ability of the red cell (4-6). When acetylcholine to the reduction in pH produced by the addition
was added to a suspension of red cells in an iso- of this substrate. Physostigmine failed to block
the effect of acetic acid but did abolish the acetyl-
choline effect, further evidence in favor of their
ERYTHROCYTES interpretation. These authors concluded that
(PNH CASE 1) there was no evidence linking cation permeability
7- of human red cells and the activity of the acetyl-
NORMAL cholinesterase system.
6.57mEq. K/liter Taylor, Weller and Hastings studied the effect
5- KobyA..2240
Vol of inhibitors of cholinesterase (physostigmine, di-
* .0151 isopropyl fluorophosphate) on the potassium con-
4- centration gradient as well as on the rate of po-
tassium exchange of human erythrocytes (8).
3- - .- - NORMAL------
Cholinesterase inhibitors brought about a loss of
180. potassium from the cells primarily by decreasing
t. PN H
the rate at which potassium entered the cell from
PNH the plasma. No direct relationship between in-
6.24 mEq. K /liter
_______ hibition of the enzyme and the rate at which po-
KobYVq * .2372 tassium left the cell was found. A loss of cellular
Kbal .0168
potassium was noted only when concentrations
of the inhibitors were at least 100 times that neces-
sary to inactivate the enzyme.
Goodman, Marrone and Squire found no evi-
I dence of a relationship between erythrocyte acetyl-
0 60 120 180 240 cholinesterase activity and the in vivo potassium
TIME (Minutes) gradient (9). Recently Gale, Brown and Eadie
FIG. 1. POTASSIUM TRANSPORT IN PNH AND NORMAL have demonstrated that inhibition of red cell cho-
ERYTHROCYTES (PNH CASE 1) linesterase with and without the addition of acetyl-
choline did not cause potassium loss from cells brane abnormalities or to altered metabolic proc-
at 40 or at 37.50 (10). Re-entry of potassium esses in the interior of the PNH erythrocyte.
at 37.50 in cells previously stored at 40 was also The blood platelet is another formed element
unaffected. bathed in the same fluid (plasma) as the red cell.
Our experiments revealed that human erythro- Recent studies have demonstrated that like the
cytes deficient in cholinesterase activity because human red cell, the human platelet contains a
of a disease state (PNH) were still capable of high concentration of potassium and a relatively
maintaining a normal potassium concentration low sodium concentration (17). Rather convinc-
gradient. The inward and outward potassium rate ing histochemical and manometric studies have
constants were similar for both PNH and normal demonstrated that normal human platelets contain
erythrocytes. no measurable cholinesterase (18). These ob-
The acetylcholinesterase activity of red cells of servations suggest that despite the absence of
Case 2 was approximately 17 per cent of normal. acetylcholinesterase activity, the platelet is cap-
Bullock, Grundfest, Nachmansohn and Rothenberg able of maintaining a high internal potassium con-
noted that a nerve may still transmit impulses even centration. In a similar vein the apparent lack of
when as much as 80 per cent of the enzyme ac- acetylcholinesterase in the erythrocytes of some
tivity is inhibited (14). This suggests the pos- mammalian species has led certain investigators
sibility that the residual acetylcholinesterase ac- to conclude that the enzyme cannot play a uni-
tivity in the PNH erythrocytes of Case 2 might versal role in maintaining cell permeability (18).
account for the normal transfer coefficients. On The acetylcholinesterase-deficient PNH red cell
the other hand, the red cells of Case 1 possessed provided an excellent opportunity to test the hy-
no enzyme activity when determined by the mano- pothesis that this enzyme is responsible for main-
metric method. Yet potassium influx and efflux taining normal permeability of the human erythro-
were not significantly altered. These observa-
tions are not compatible with the concept that 10
small amounts of the enzyme can account for the 9- POTASSIUM TRANSPORT IN PNH AND NORMAL--
maintenance of a high intracellular potassium con- ERYTHROCYTES
centration. It remains possible that other methods (PNH CASE 2)
of determining erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase NORMAL
might have revealed traces of enzyme activity in PLASMA CONTAINED
6.77mEq. K/liter
the cells of Case 1. On the other hand, Holland 5-~~~~~~~Koby-La .2990
and Greig demonstrated that only 60 per cent in- Vq
hibition of acetylcholinesterase activity was neces- Kbo vP
. .0197
4 __

sary to increase the permeability of the canine

erythrocyte membrane (5).
Cation transport in sickle cell anemia cells has
been investigated (15). Marked changes in cation 8-
transport occurred when the transformation of
the disc to the sickle shape took place. These PNH
marked changes in cation transport were not ac- ______PLASMA CONTAINED - -__ _ _ _
6.41 mEq. K /liter
companied by significant alteration in acetylcho- Kab VP .3120
linesterase activity. Similar observations were Kbo VDPa .0188
made in our laboratory during the current studies.
Hellem and Skaug demonstrated decreased
penetration of p32 through the PNH erythrocyte
membrane (16). Whether this is related to the 0 60 120 180 240
deficiency of acetylcholinesterase activity remains TIME (Minutes)
unsettled. These authors concluded that the de- FIG. 2. POTASSIUM TRANSPORT IN PNH AND NORMAL
creased permeability to p32 might be due to mem- ERYTHROCYTES (PNH CASE 2)

cyte. It was not necessary to inhibit acetylcho- Studies on permeability. V. The effects ot acetyl-
linesterase activity by drugs (e.g., physostigmine) choline and physostigmine on the permeability of
which in turn might have produced nonspecific human erythrocytes to sodium and potassium.
Arch. Biochem. 1951, 30, 241.
effects. That the PNH cell still showed normal 7. Parpart, A. K., and Hoffman, J. F. Acidity vs.
potassium influx and efflux rates provides evidence acetylcholine and cation permeability of red cells.
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some role in permeability of normal human eryth- effect of cholinesterase and choline acetylase in-
hibitors on the potassium concentration gradient
rocytes. Nevertheless, the present study indicates and potassium exchange of human erythrocytes.
that this enzyme is not essential for normal perme- Amer. J. Physiol. 1952, 168, 658.
ability in human erythrocytes. 9. Goodman, J. R., Marrone, L. H., and Squire, M. C.
Effect of in vivo inhibition of cholinesterase on
potassium diffusion from the human red cell.
Amer. J. Physiol. 1955, 180, 118.
The influx and efflux rates of potassium in nor- 10. Gale, G. R., Brown, I. W., Jr., and Eadie, G. S.
mal human and PNH (paroxysmal nocturnal Cholinesterase activity and potassium permeability
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transfer coefficients showed virtually no difference. 12. Auditore, J. V., and Hartnann, R. C. Paroxysmal
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linesterase activity is not essential for the mainte- 13. Solomon, A. K. The permeability of the human
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Physiol. 1952, 36, 57.
14. Bullock, T. H., Grundfest, H., Nachmansohn, D., and
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