Significance of The Study

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Significance of the Study

This section will provide brief description on the various significance of the study given
the problems of Purok Caimito regarding Waste Segregation.

To the office of Barangay Baculin. The proposed study serves the Barangay officials,
personnel as their references or guide in creating their program concerned with Waste

To the constituents. The proposed study will help the constituents of barangay to have
a deeper understanding to the programs that their barangay officials are making. By this study
they will come up easier and powerful programs that could enhance the programs that the local
barangay would conduct.

To future researchers. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher
as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study.

The Barangay Baculin has some problem in terms of solid waste segregation,
specifically in garbage Recycling. Thereore, if the people of Purok Caimito would be encouraged
in exercising proper waste recycling then it would be a bid help to the community in preventing
floods, numerous counts of garbage that is needed to be disposed and it could also help in
preventing Global Warming.

Background of the Study

The study provides an analysis of the waste segregation program of Purok Caimito.
The barangay shall be the responsible for the collection, segregation, recycling of biodegradable,
recyclable, compostable and reusable wastes.

Waste disposal and management is both an urban and rural problem. Every person is
a potential generator of waste and thus a contributor to this problem. To generate waste is one
thing, the type of waste generated is another and yet also the way the generated waste is managed
or disposed o is quite a different issue. Waste is generated by, and from different sectors;
domestic, commercial, industry and other and in many instances; the waste management
responsibility has been left to the government or administrative authorities.

This study was carried out in Purok Caimito which is located in Baculin, Davao Oriental.
There is growing consensus that the immediate stakeholders in the issue of wastes, in the case
the residents need to join hands with environmental and human health effects.

Definition of Terms

Alleviating – to reduce the pain or trouble of something to make something painful, difficult or

LGU – (Local Government Unit) is a form of public administration which in a majority of

contexts, exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state.

Provision – the act or process of supplying or providing something that is done in advance to
prepare for something else.

Stakeholders – A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization.

Segregation – the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethic group by enforced or voluntary
residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate education facilities, or
by other discriminatory means.

Environment: The sum total of all living and non-living things that affect any living organism.

Industrial Ecology: Identifying and implementing strategies for industrial systems to more
closely emulate harmonious, sustainable ecological systems.

Reuse: Rely more on items that can be used over and over instead of throw away
items. For example, take a refillable coffee cup to the office instead of plastic
throw away cups. %

Repurpose: Use something for another purpose instead of throwing it away. For instance,
the use of a car tyre for making a swing.

Recycle: The process of recovering discarded products and materials for reprocessing
and conversion into new or different products for re-use

Regulations: Legal restrictions promulgated by a government authority to manage waste.

Sustainability: The ability of the earth's various systems, including human cultural systems and
economies, to survive and adapt to changing environmental conditions
Review of related Literature
Ecological Waste Segregation Act of 2000

RA 9003 describes wastes segregation as a discipline associated with the control of

generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal wastes. The
manner by which these activities are conducted shall be accord with the best principles of public
health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthitics, other environmental consideration, and
public attitudes. The Act provides for a comprehensive ecological waste segregations program
by creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, appropriating funds, declaring
certain acts probihited, and providing penalties, Comprehensive Waste Segregation.

Waste Characterization and Segregation.

The solid waste generated within the area of jurisdiction shall be characterized for initial source
of reduction and recycling element of local waste management plan. A separate container is
required for each type of waste for on site collection properly marked as “compostable” , “non-
recyclable” , ”recyclable” or “special waste”. Waste segregation shall primarily be conducted at
the source including household, commercial, industrial and agricultural sources.

Source Reduction. This refers to the method by which the LGU’s can reduce a sufficient
amount of solid waste disposed within (5) years. LGU are expected to divert at least 25% o all
solid waste from waste disposal facilities through re-use, recycling and composing activities. The
rate of waste diversion is a set to increase every three (3) years.

Collection and Transport of Solid Waste. The geographic subdivisions are taken into account
in the coverage of the solid waste collection area n every barangay ensuring 100% collection
efficiency within 24 hours from all sources. The plan shall define and identify specific strategies
and activities into account the availability and provision of properly designed containers in
selected collection points while awaiting collection and transfer, segregation of different types of
waste, hauling and transfer of solid waste from collection points to final disposal sites, issuances
and enforcement of ordinance for effective implementation, and provision of properly trained
officers and workers. All personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste must be
equipped with personal protective gears for their protection.

Recycling Program. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) , in coordination with other
concerned agencies, is directed to publish an inventory of existing markets for recyclable
materials, product standards for recyclable and recycled materials and products. Moreover, a
coding system of eco-labeling is expected from (DTI). Non-environmentally acceptable products
shall be allowed within one (1) year after public notice as alternatives available to consumer but
a cost not exceeding ten (10) percent of the disposable product. The use of non-environmentally
acceptable packaging is strictly prohibited by the Act.
The Statement of the Problem
The citizens of Purok Caimito need proper application for registration and to know
about the procedures that would discourage time consuming processes and administrative
complications. Likewise, citizens need to know about waste segregations services such as
collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. A cost
of effective and a people/user friendly application that allows citizens of purok caimito to report
and to file complaint regarding waste segregation in order to developed their community.

* I segregate properly waste disposal?

* Did the people participation in terms of wastes disposal?

* I identify biodegradable, Non-biodegradable and solid waste material?

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