Integrated Design of Diesel Hydrotreating Processes

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chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036

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Integrated design of diesel hydrotreating processes

Muhammad Imran Ahmad a,∗ , Nan Zhang b , Megan Jobson b

aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, NWFP University of Engineering and Technology, 25000 Peshawar, Pakistan
bCentre for Process Integration, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester,
PO Box 88, Sackville Street, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK

a b s t r a c t

This work presents an integrated approach for the design of diesel hydrotreating processes employing a simu-
lated annealing optimisation algorithm. The modelling of reactor, separation and heat recovery system for diesel
hydrotreating processes is discussed, and a novel optimisation framework is developed for the design of complex
refinery processes. A comparison with conventional approach to process design, i.e. sequential evolution of design,
is given to illustrate the ability of proposed approach to obtain overall hydrotreating process designs with minimum
total annualised costs. The proposed integrated approach takes into account the trade-offs between capital and oper-
ating costs, as well as interactions between the hydrotreater, distillation column, and the associated heat exchanger
© 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Integrated design; Hydrotreating; Process optimisation

1. Introduction umn for the separation of the final diesel product, taken out as
the bottom product of the distillation column (Meyers, 1997).
A hydrotreating process consists of three subsystems, i.e. a The vapour from the first high pressure flash separator is
reactor, a separation system and an associated heat recovery cooled and fed to the cold high pressure separator after water
system. A typical diesel hydrotreating process flow sheet is injection, in order to absorb hydrogen sulphide, and ammonia.
shown in Fig. 1. The liquid light hydrocarbon is separated from the vapour and
The feed to the diesel hydrotreating process is mixed liquid water in the cold high pressure separator and sent to
with hydrogen-rich gas and heated to the reactor operating the low pressure separator. The hydrogen-rich gas from this
temperature. This mixture is fed to the diesel hydrotreater, a flash unit is sent to the amine unit for further purification, i.e.
fixed-bed catalytic reactor. The diesel hydrotreating reactions removal of hydrogen sulphide, that was not absorbed in water,
occurring in the presence of metal-oxide catalyst produce through contact with lean amine solution. The hydrogen-rich
hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, and saturated hydrocarbons gas after purification is recycled back to the diesel hydrotreater
as the main products (Gary and Handwerk, 2001). The reactor after necessary compression. A fraction of this gas is purged,
effluent, consisting of the reaction products and the un- and fresh hydrogen is mixed with the recycle gas, to avoid
reacted feedstock along with hydrogen, is cooled before being build-up of light hydrocarbons and to maintain the desired
sent to the separation system. The separation system of the hydrogen partial pressure in the reactor.
diesel hydrotreating process consists of high and low pressure Design of refinery processes such as diesel hydrotreating
flash separation units and a distillation column. There are two process is conventionally carried out sequentially due to its
high pressure flash separation units namely the hot high pres- hierarchical nature, i.e. the design calculations start with the
sure separator (HHPS) and the cold high pressure separator reactor moving out to the separation system. The reactor and
(CHPS). The first high pressure flash separator recovers hydro- separation system, along with recycle, establish the material
gen and makes a rough split between light and heavy reaction and energy balance of the process thereby defining the heating
products. The liquid from this high pressure flash unit is sent and cooling duties for the heat recovery system (Smith, 2005).
to the low pressure separator and then to the distillation col- The overall process design is evolved in this step-by-step

Corresponding author. Tel.: +92 91 9218180; fax: +92 91 9218180.
E-mail address: (M.I. Ahmad).
Received 11 March 2010; Received in revised form 23 November 2010; Accepted 29 November 2010
0263-8762/$ – see front matter © 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1026 chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036

approach. However, the design and operating conditions of

Nomenclature individual components of a process may influence each other
and contribute to the overall performance of the process
a capital cost coefficient (Smith, 2005; Sadighi et al., 2009; Budzianowski, 2010a). For
AF annualisation factor example, recycle of carbon monoxide and water to oxyform-
AHX total area of heat exchangers, m2 ing reactor, after separation of hydrogen and carbon dioxide,
C area cost coefficient for heat exchangers helps overcome the thermodynamic limitations of water
Cm concentration of matrix entries in Eq. (1), mol/L gas shift reaction and improves hydrogen production with
Cni concentration of nitrogen species in Eq. (6) carbon dioxide capture in auto thermal catalytic oxyforming
Cf fixed charge for heat exchanger unit of methane (Budzianowski, 2010b). Such interactions are not
Cost capital or operating cost accounted for fully if a sequential design strategy is followed.
Cp mean molar heat capacity of a stream A novel approach is developed in this paper for integrated
CP stream heat capacity flow rate, kW/K design of diesel hydrotreating processes. In the proposed
Cut cost per energy unit for utility framework, individual sub-systems of the hydrotreating pro-
Ea,g activation energy of hydrodesulphurisation cess namely the reactor, separation and heat recovery systems
reactions in Eq. (3) are handled simultaneously in order to capture the overall
Km adsorption constant of molecule m in Eq. (1), picture and achieve optimal hydrotreating process design.
Kni adsorption constant of nitrogen species in Eq.
2. Integrated approach for process design
kni rate constant of hydrodenitrogenation reaction
This section introduces a novel approach for integrated
in Eq. (5)
design of hydrotreating processes using the molecular type
kop combined rate parameter in Eq. (1), L/kgcat s
and homologous series (MTHS) matrix representation of
Kop equilibrium ratio in Eq. (1)
petroleum fractions. Previous research studies using MTHS
NHX number of heat exchangers
matrix representation (Peng, 1999; Zhang, 1999; Sun, 2004)
PH2 hydrogen partial pressure
have been focused on individual subsystems of refinery pro-
PH2S partial pressure of hydrogen sulphide
cesses such as modelling of reactor or separation systems.
R reflux ratio of distillation column. Also used to
However, the interaction between hierarchical levels of pro-
represent the radius of diesel hydrotreater in
cess design, namely the reactor, separation and heat recovery
Eq. (9)
system has not been explored in previous studies employing
rg rate of reaction of sulphur compound
the molecular type and homologous series matrix represen-
rni rate of hydrodenitrogenation reaction in Eq. (5)
tation. The optimisation framework developed for integrated
rop rate of aromatic hydrogenation reaction in Eq.
design of hydrotreating processes is presented in this paper.
(1), mol/kgcat s
A detailed account of the modelling of individual sub-systems
SRGO straight run gas oil
of diesel hydrotreating processes may be found elsewhere
T temperature, ◦ C
(Ahmad, 2009).
T10 true boiling temperature at which 10% liquid is
vaporised, ◦ C
T50 true boiling temperature at which 50% liquid is 2.1. Reactor design for diesel hydrotreating processes
vaporised, ◦ C
T90 true boiling temperature at which 90% liquid is In this section the model for diesel hydrotreater, employed for
vaporised, ◦ C the integrated design and optimisation of diesel hydrotreat-
TAC total annualised cost ing process is presented. The three main reaction groups
x mole fraction of a component in diesel hydrotreating process are aromatics hydrogenation
Z length of reactor, m (AH), hydrodesulphurisation (HDS), and hydrodenitrogenation
Hr heat of reaction in Eq. (8) (HDN) (Girgis and Gates, 1991).
H˛,g heat of adsorption for hydrodesulphurisation
reactions in Eq. (4) 2.1.1. Aromatic hydrogenation
 catalyst site for hydrogenolysis pathway of Aromatic hydrogenation reactions are reversible and exother-
hydrodesulphurisation reactions mic with equilibrium conversions of hydrocarbons often less
 catalyst site for hydrogenation pathway of than 100% under practical processing conditions (Girgis and
hydrodesulphurisation reactions Gates, 1991). Analysis of petroleum fractions shows that the
aromatic compounds in petroleum mixtures mainly fall into
Subscripts four groups, namely monoaromatics, diaromatics, triaromat-
 catalyst site for hydrogenation pathway of ics and polycyclic aromatics (Stanislaus and Cooper, 1994).
hydrodesulphurisation reactions The polycyclic aromatics with four or more condensed ben-
g sulphur compounds zene rings are usually present in high-boiling fractions (boiling
m molecules in molecular type and homologous range >350 ◦ C), while the first three types are present in mid-
series matrix, also represented by s in Eqs. (7) dle distillates. The reaction networks for aromatic compounds
and (8) of diesel hydrotreating feedstocks are obtained from the lit-
ni nitrogen compounds erature (Girgis and Gates, 1991; Korre et al., 1994, 1995) and
presented in Fig. 2.
The rate of aromatic hydrogenation reactions may be
expressed in a simplified form of a Langmuir–Hinshelwood–
chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036 1027

Fig. 1 – A typical diesel hydrotreating process flow sheet (Meyers, 1997).

Hougen–Watson (LHHW) rate expression to account for reac- et al., 1978; Gates et al., 1979; Nag et al., 1979; Vrinat, 1983;
tivity, equilibrium and competitive adsorption of all aromatic Aubert et al., 1986; Van Parijs et al., 1986; Moreau et al., 1987;
hydrocarbons (Korre et al., 1994): Sauer et al., 1989).
A model for hydrodesulphurisation reactions proposed by
kop (Co − Cp /Kop ) Hidalgo-Vivas (1999) is incorporated in the diesel hydrotreater
rop =  (1)
1+ K C
m m m model. The model for hydrodesulphurisation reactions pro-
posed by Hidalgo-Vivas (1999) is derived from the LHHW
where rop (mol/kgcat /s) is the rate of reaction of aromatic formalism, assuming the surface reaction is the rate deter-
molecule o to naphthenic molecule p; Co , Cp , Cm (mol/L) are mining step. The hydrodesulphurisation model assumes
the concentrations of molecules o, p and m, respectively; kop non-competitive adsorption of sulphur containing com-
(L/kgcat /s) is the combined rate parameter; Kop is the equi- pounds and hydrogen, and molecular adsorption of hydrogen:
librium ratio and Km (L/mol) is the adsorption constant of
molecule m, m represents molecule in the MTHS matrix. Reac-
Kg, Cg KH2 , CH2
tion rate parameters for aromatic hydrogenation reactions of rg = kg,  2

the aromatic species existing in the middle distillate fractions 1+ K C + KH2 S CH2 S
g g, g
(1 + KH2 CH2 )
are also available in the literature (Aubert et al., 1988; Moreau
Kg, Cg KH2 , CH2
et al., 1990; Korre et al., 1995). + kg,    (2)
1+ K C + KAro CAro
g g, g
2.1.2. Hydrodesulphurisation
The sulphur compounds in middle distillates may be clas-
sified into five groups in molecular type and homologous  −E 
series matrix representation (Ahmad et al., 2010): SI to a,g
kg = kog exp (3)
SV. SI homologous series includes mercaptans and similar RT
compounds while the other four groups account for the thio-
phenic sulphur compounds namely alkyl benzothiophenes, a,g
Kg = Kgo exp (4)
dibenzothiophenes and alkyl dibenzothiophenes without sub- RT
stituents at the 4- and 6-positions, alkyl dibenzothiophenes
with only one of substituents at either the 4- or 6-position, and where rg is the rate of reaction of sulphur compound g, Cg , CH2 ,
alkyl dibenzothiophenes with two of the alkyl substituents at CH2 S , CAro , are the concentrations; kg is the rate constant; Ea,g
the 4- and 6-positions (Ma et al., 1994). is the activation energy; Kg , KH2 , KAro , KH2 S are the adsorption
The reaction networks and rate expressions for constants and Ha,g is the heat of adsorption.
hydrodesulphurisation reactions have been investigated
extensively, based on model compounds such as thiophene,
benzothiophene, dibenzothiophene, and isomers of benzon- 2.1.3. Hydrodenitrogenation
aphthothiophene, and are available in the literature (Houalla Nitrogen compounds in middle distillate fractions are present
as heterocyclic aromatic compounds and nonheterocyclic
organonitrogen compounds (Girgis and Gates, 1991). Nonhete-
rocyclic organonitrogen compounds such as anilines, aliphatic
(C8,1A) (C8,1N) amines and nitriles are usually in very minute quantities and
are denitrogenated very rapidly. Thus they are of very lit-
tle importance in hydroprocessing of heavy feeds (Girgis and
(C10,AA) (C10,AN) (C10,NN)
Gates, 1991). The nitrogen heterocyclic compounds are classi-
fied as basic nitrogen compounds such as pyridine, quinoline
and non-basic nitrogen compounds, e.g. indole, and carbazole
(C14,AAA) (C14,AAN) (C14,NAN) (C14,NNN)
(Klein et al., 2006).
Fig. 2 – Aromatic hydrogenation reactions in diesel Mathur et al. (1982) determined the hydrodenitrogenation
hydrotreating process (Sun, 2004). rates of several basic nitrogen heterocyclic compounds. The
1028 chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036

hydrodenitrogenation reaction rate can be expressed as:

Table 1 – Economic data of diesel hydrotreater (Sun,
k Cni
rni = ni PH2 ˇ
(5) Atmospheric gas oil 131 $US/m3
1+ K C
m ni ni
Light cycle oil 121 $US/m3
Diesel 141.03 $US/m3
where rni is the rate of hydrodenitrogenation reaction, kni is
H2 price 0.002 $US/scf
the rate constant, Cni is the concentration of nitrogen species
ni Catalyst cost 9679 $US/day
ni, Kni is the adsorption constant, PH2 ˇ is the hydrogen partial Cost of catalyst replacement 1,500,000 $US
pressure with ˇ as a coefficient (Sun, 2004).

2.1.6. Estimation of annualised catalyst cost

2.1.4. Cracking reactions
The catalysts in diesel hydrotreating processes are primarily
The formation of light gases due to cracking of paraffinic
de-activated due to carbon containing deposits. Therefore, the
molecules is taken into account in this work. The production
de-activation model estimates the catalyst activity based on
of light gases is correlated with the concentration of H2 S and
the amount of coke, deposited on the catalyst, calculated as a
is given as (Hidalgo-Vivas, 1999):
function of time and process conditions. The de-activation of
  the catalyst in diesel hydrotreater is calculated using the coke
ln = 4.603 × 10−6 · PH2 S (6) formation model and reactivity-coke relationship developed
1 − Xcracking
by De Jong (1994a,b).
where Xcracking is the yield of light gas, and PH2 S is the par- The run length calculation for the diesel hydrotreater oper-
tial pressure of hydrogen sulphide. The composition of light ation, i.e. the estimation of catalyst life, is carried out using
gas is assumed to be constant due to mild operating condi- dynamic programming approach for optimisation of catalyst
tions generally employed in diesel hydrotreating process. A life of fixed bed reactors (Kuchcinski, 2002). The strategy is
detailed account of the cracking model can be found elsewhere based on the breakdown of catalyst life into fixed interval
(Hidalgo-Vivas, 1999; Sun, 2004). operating periods, e.g. two weeks. The diesel hydrotreater
model calculates the reactor temperature needed to satisfy
2.1.5. Reactor modelling of diesel hydrotreater the product specifications, such as the sulphur content, for
A one-dimensional pseudo homogeneous reactor model of each operating period, starting with a new catalyst. Based on
Sun (2004) is employed in this work based on the following the reactor temperature and the aromatic content of the feed-
assumptions (Sun, 2004): stock, the de-activation model predicts the coke formation
and the de-activation coefficient. This de-activation coeffi-
1. The reactor operates adiabatically under isobaric and cient serves to represent the loss in catalyst activity resulting
steady-state conditions. in decrease in rate of diesel hydrotreating reactions. The cat-
2. There is no radial profile of concentration within the reac- alyst activity for the consecutive period is updated based on
tor. the de-activation coefficient. The reactor operating tempera-
3. The reactor behaves like a plug-flow reactor. ture for this current operating period is calculated again using
4. Evaporation of diesel oil occurs instantaneously only at the diesel hydrotreater model discussed. These calculations
the entrance of the reactor, liquid volume in the reactor are repeated sequentially until the termination criterion for
remains constant. shutting down the process is satisfied (Sun, 2004). The termi-
5. The catalyst particles are completely wetted. nation criterion may be based on an upper limit of the reactor
temperature and/or a lower limit on the catalyst activity.
The rate of mass transfer between gas, liquid and solid The cost data for the reactor and catalyst are taken from
phases has been ignored as the hydrogenation reaction is Sun (2004) and presented in Table 1. The annualised catalyst
kinetically controlled (Cooper and Donnis, 1996). Also, ade- cost is estimated as a function of the size of reactor and the
quate gas and liquid distribution is assumed for complete catalyst life:
wetting of the catalyst particles as is commonly accepted for  1

commercial hydroprocessing units (Shah and Paraskos, 1975). Cat.Cost($US/year) = a × R2 × Z × (9)
A detailed account of modelling techniques can be found else-
where (Froment and Bischoff, 1990). Both mass and energy
where R is the radius of the reactor, Z is the length of reac-
balance are considered:
tor, and a = 62018.452 $US/m3 is the catalyst cost coefficient. A
dCs rs B linear correlation is developed for estimation of catalyst life
= (7) from the simulation results of the diesel hydrotreater model
dz US
for run-length calculation using the method discussed above:

dT (−H ) r
=  rss (8)
dz Cps Cs = 9.843 − 0.01172 × T(K) (10)

where rs is the rate of reaction of molecule s, B is the catalyst where T is the operating temperature of the diesel
bulk density, i.e. catalyst weight per unit volume of reactor, hydrotreater at the start-of-run, i.e. when the catalyst is 100%
US is the superficial velocity, CPs is the heat capacity, Cs is the active. The catalyst life depends on the start-of-run temper-
concentration, z is the reactor length, T is the temperature of ature of the reactor, which influences the rate of catalyst
the bed, Hr is the heat of reaction. The differential equations de-activation, hydrogen partial pressure in the reactor, and the
of pseudo-homogeneous model are integrated numerically aromatic content of the feedstock. The above correlation has
using fourth order Runge–Kutta method (NAG, D02PCF) for the been developed based on the feedstock for diesel hydrotreater,
design of a new reactor. i.e. straight run gas oil (SRGO), employed in the case study in
chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036 1029

correction factor for material, Fp is the correction factor for

Table 2 – Key factors of diesel hydrotreater (Sun, 2004).
Catalyst volume (m3 ) 374
The cost of column trays is estimated using the following
Catalyst weight (kg) 330,000
Reactor inlet Press. (bar) 34
Purge rate (Nm3 /h) 6400  M&S.Index 
H2 composition (volume%) 81.6 ColumnTray .Cost(US$) = 4.7(Dcolumn ) HTrays Fc
C1 3.5
C2 3.1 (13)
C3 4.1
C4 4.0
C5 2.8
>C5 0.74 Fc = Fs + Ft + Fm (14)
H2 S 0.07

where HTrays is the height from top to the bottom tray in ft,
Fs is the correction factor for tray spacing, Ft is the correction
Section 4. The case study in Section 4 is based on the example
factor for tray type.
case from Sun (2004). Therefore, all key factors in relation to
The height of the distillation column is calculated based on
diesel hydrotreater catalyst such as properties of the catalyst,
the number of trays and the tray spacing:
void fraction, and hydrogen partial pressure in the reactor are
same as in the work of Sun (2004) and are presented in Table 2.
Hcolumn = (Nreal − 1) · htray + htop + hbottom (15)
It is worthwhile to note that the above correlation, i.e. Eqs. (10),
is limited to the specific feed composition investigated in the
where Nreal is the number of real trays.
case study in Section 4. The reason for this simplification is
The tray spacing, top and bottom spacing used are:
to avoid the iterative procedure for the calculation of catalyst
• htray = 0.46 m
• htop = hbottom = 2.0 m.
2.2. Separation system design for diesel hydrotreating
The number of real stages is calculated based on the theo-
retical number of trays and tray efficiency:
The separation system of a diesel hydrotreating process may
consist of high and low pressure flash units and a distillation Ntheoretical
column. In this work the flash separation is modelled using Nreal = (16)
the method for calculation of vapour–liquid equilibrium from
Sandler (1989). The size and cost of high and low pressure flash The tray efficiency is calculated using the following correlation
units have not been taken into account in this framework. (Douglas, 1988):
The reason for this simplification is that the operating condi-
tions of flash separation units have been assumed to remain efficiencytray = 101.6975−0.252 log(·˛) (17)
constant while comparing the proposed integrated design
approach with the conventional sequential design approach. where  is the viscosity of feed in cp, and ˛ is the average
The amount of diesel feedstock to be treated in the design relative volatility between the top and bottom section.
calculations also remains constant. Therefore, this simplifi- The diameter of the distillation column is calculated based
cation may be justified for comparing the integrated design on the vapour flow and the vapour velocity in the column:
approach developed in this work with the sequential approach 
for design of overall diesel hydrotreating process. 4V
Dcolumn = (18)
The distillation column is modelled using the  · V · (1 − KXS)
Fenske–Underwood–Gilliland (FUG) short-cut method based
on the models developed by Fenske (1932), Gilliland (1940), where V is the vapour flow, V is the vapour velocity, and KXS
and Underwood (1948). The capital cost of the distillation is the area of down comer as a fraction of the cross sectional
column is calculated based on the cost of the column shell area of the column (usually 12%).
and the cost of column trays. The cost correlations have been The vapour velocity is calculated from the maximum allow-
taken from Douglas (1988). able vapour velocity calculated using the following correlation
The cost of column shell is calculated using the following (Sounders and Brown, 1934):
L − V
V,Max = KV · (19)
ColumnShell .Cost(US$) V
1.066 0.802
= 101.9(DColumn ) (HColumn ) (2.18 + Fc ) (11) where KV is the empirical constant.
KV = 0.243 for the tray spacing chosen. The vapour veloc-
ity is assumed to be 70% of the maximum vapour velocity
(Triantafyllou, 1991). The diameter of the column is calculated
Fc = Fm · Fp (12) for the top and bottom section and the maximum value is used
in cost estimation.
where M&S.Index represents the Marshall and Swift cost index, The short-cut model employed in this work requires
DColumn is the diameter of the column in ft, HColumn is the height key components and their recoveries to be specified for a
of the column in ft, Fc is the cost correction factor, Fm is the desired separation. However, in refinery processes, such as
1030 chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036

diesel hydrotreating process, the products of distillation pro- design and the cost estimation of the heat recovery system.
cess are specified in terms of the boiling range and bulk The heat capacities of diesel hydrotreater streams are calcu-
physical properties (Watkins, 1979). In order to model the lated using the heat capacities and mole fractions of individual
distillation column of a diesel hydrotreating process, using components:
short-cut models, the product specifications in terms of boil-
ing curve temperatures need to be translated in terms of key 

components and their recoveries. Chen (2008) developed a Cp = xi · Cpi (20)

methodology for specifying boiling curve temperatures, and i=1

flow rates for products of a distillation column. This method-

where Cp is the heat capacity of the stream, xi and Cpi rep-
ology employs the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (Gill and
resent the mole fraction and heat capacity of component i,
Murray, 1978). The methodology developed by Chen (2008)
respectively. The individual component heat capacities are
treats key components and recovery of key components as
estimated using group contribution methods, e.g. Joback and
optimisation variables, i.e. degrees of freedom, and not as
Reid (1987). Pinch analysis is based on the assumption of
specifications for a desired separation. A detailed account of
constant thermal properties. Therefore, mean molar heat
the methodology for specifying boiling curve temperatures of
capacities are calculated for diesel hydrotreater streams:
products of distillation can be found elsewhere (Chen, 2008).
This methodology is employed along with the short-cut model T2
for distillation so that the diesel product, i.e. bottom product of Cp =
distillation column may be specified in terms of boiling range T2 − T1
and flow rate.
where Cp is the mean molar heat capacity of a stream.
2.3. Heat recovery system design for diesel
hydrotreating process 2.4. Optimisation framework for integrated process
Heat exchanger networks provide a means of recovering the
heat available from hot process streams and transferring to The optimisation of the design of diesel hydrotreating pro-
cold process streams, thereby reducing the heating and cool- cesses is a complex problem due to the simultaneous handling
ing duties of external utilities such as steam and cooling water. of different non-linear models such as the diesel hydrotreater
The heating and cooling duties of the heat recovery system model, the short-cut distillation model, and the flash model
depend on the design and operating conditions of reactor and for high pressure and low pressure flash separation. A
separation system. Stochastic optimisation method is applied for the optimi-
Capital and operating costs may be estimated for a given sation of the design of diesel hydrotreating process due
heat recovery system using the material and energy balances to the non-linear nature and complexity of the problem.
of process streams. These estimates provide an opportunity Stochastic optimisation techniques have higher probability of
to screen design options conveniently without the actual escaping local optima and finding solutions in the vicinity
design of heat exchanger networks (Smith, 2005). Pinch anal- of the global optimum for complex non-linear and non-
ysis (Linnhoff and Hindmarsh, 1983) is a widely used tool for convex problems compared to deterministic methods (Arora,
estimation of minimum hot and cold utility demand, mini- 2004).
mum number of units and minimum investment cost for a Simulated annealing is implemented in this framework for
given set of process streams. In this paper, capital and energy optimisation of the integrated design of diesel hydrotreating
cost targeting for a heat recovery system is briefly introduced process because of its successful applications in a wide range
for the benefit of understanding the integrated approach for of problems relating to process synthesis and optimisation
design of diesel hydrotreating process. (e.g. Dolan et al., 1989; Floquet et al., 1994; Athier et al., 1996,
The stream data for hot and cold process streams of a 1997; Linke, 2001). The optimisation algorithm makes use
heat recovery system depends on the reactor and separation of the values of the objective function at randomly chosen
system design. This stream data, i.e. stream temperatures, points in the search space. It is worth mentioning here that
flow rates and enthalpies, are used to estimate the minimum one of the drawbacks of simulated annealing is the higher
hot and cold utility requirement using the pinch analysis. In computation time required to search for solutions in the
order to estimate the capital cost of the heat recovery sys- vicinity of global optimum. The higher computation time of
tem, the number of heat exchangers and the heat transfer area simulated annealing optimisation may be attributed to two
required for the heat recovery system needs to be estimated. factors. Firstly, the random nature of search requires higher
The minimum number of heat exchangers required for the number of evaluations of objective function. Secondly, black-
heat recovery system is estimated from the number of process box treatment in simulated annealing algorithm may also
streams and the pinch point (Hohman, 1971; Linnhoff et al., result in excessive computation time, i.e. the time required
1979). The heat transfer area required for a heat recovery sys- for solving complex models after each perturbation by the
tem is estimated assuming vertical heat transfer (Townsend optimisation algorithm (Chen, 2008). This drawback can be
and Linnhoff, 1984; Linnhoff and Ahmad, 1990). a limiting factor in application of simulated annealing in
The integrated approach for the design of diesel hydrotreat- treating larger problems. The simulated annealing algorithm
ing processes developed in this work is the first of its kind is discussed in detail in Section 3.
using the molecular type and homologous series matrix repre-
sentation. Therefore, a methodology is needed to translate the 3. Simulated annealing algorithm
detailed molecular level information employed in the diesel
hydrotreater model to bulk macroscopic thermal properties, Simulated annealing was first employed for the optimisa-
such as heat capacities of process streams, required in the tion of combinatorial problems by Kirkpatrick et al. (1983).
chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036 1031

Fig. 3 – Simulated annealing algorithm (Rodriguez, 2005).

The simulated annealing algorithm of Kirkpatrick et al. (1983) chain length and termination criterion constitute the simu-
employed in this work is shown in Fig. 3. lated annealing parameters. Metropolis acceptance criterion
The optimisation process starts with an initial guess repre- (Metropolis et al., 1953) is employed in this work. A detailed
sented as a feasible initial solution in Fig. 3. This initial design discussion on simulated annealing parameters can be found
is modified by a random change, termed as random move. elsewhere (Rodriguez, 2005; Chen, 2008; Ahmad, 2009).
The objective function, i.e. total annualised cost of a design, is
evaluated against that of the previous trial solution. Any ran- 3.2. Simulated annealing moves
dom change, made to a current design, may be accepted or
rejected based on the acceptance criterion. This procedure is The modifications or changes made by the simulated anneal-
carried out a number of times (N) as specified by the designer ing algorithm to a current design are known as random
through a parameter known as Markov chain length (Nmax ). moves. The random moves made by the optimisation algo-
The annealing temperature, a control parameter for the opti- rithm depend on the nature of the optimisation problem and
misation algorithm, is reduced after a number of candidate the variables involved. Table 3 presents a list of simulated
designs have been obtained. This cycle is continued until the annealing moves for modifications to the integrated design
termination criterion is satisfied. of diesel hydrotreating process along with the range for each
The constraints for the optimisation of integrated design variable searched by the optimisation algorithm. The variables
of diesel hydrotreating process are the modelling equations presented in Table 3 serve as the degrees of freedom in the
for the reactor, the de-activation model, equations for estima- optimisation of integrated design of diesel hydrotreating pro-
tion of catalyst life, short-cut distillation model, equations for cess.
flash calculations, and the equations for modelling of the heat The integrated design problem consists of two sub-
recovery system. systems: the diesel hydrotreater and the separation system.
The heat recovery system depends on the design of the diesel
3.1. Simulated annealing parameters hydrotreater and the separation system, since only targeting
of heat recovery system is employed and not the actual heat
Simulated annealing parameters govern the optimisation pro- exchanger network design. The move probabilities are clas-
cess and effect the performance of an optimisation algorithm. sified into two groups based on these sub-systems with the
The annealing temperature, acceptance criterion, Markov probability p for a diesel hydrotreater move and 1 − p for dis-
1032 chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036

Table 3 – Simulated annealing moves for integrated design of diesel hydrotreating process.
Integrated design moves for diesel hydrotreating process

Diesel hydrotreater move (p) Distillation column move (1 − p)

Reactor operating temperature move (320–380 C) Column feed temperature move (100–370 ◦ C)
Hydrogen partial pressure move Column operating pressure move (1–10 bar)
R/Rmin of column move (1.05–2)
Key components move
Key components recovery move (60–99.7%)

Table 4 – Properties of feedstock of diesel hydrotreater Table 6 – Operating conditions of the flash separation
for case study on design of diesel hydrotreating process. units of diesel hydrotreating process.
Feed SRGO Operating conditions of flash separation units

Density (kg/m3 ) 830 High Low

Distillation (ASTM D86) pressure pressure
Initial boiling point 155 flash unit flash unit
0.1 230
0.3 260 Temperature (◦ C) 50.0 50.0
0.5 275 Pressure (bar) 32.0 8.0
0.7 300
0.9 325
Final boiling point 350 heat exchanger network, CostColumn is the capital cost of dis-
Total sulphur (wt%) 0.3 tillation column, Cat.Cost is the catalyst cost calculated using
Eq. (9), Cut is the operating costs of utilities based on the load,
and QUt is the total load, i.e. the heating and cooling provided
tillation column move. The probabilities for random moves by steam and cooling water in distillation column and heat
of individual optimisation variables provide flexibility to the exchanger network.
optimisation procedure and are specified on the basis of the
influence of a design variable on the overall performance of 4. Case study
the process (Chen, 2008).

A case study is presented in this section to illustrate the appli-

3.3. Objective function for integrated design of diesel
cation and benefits of the proposed integrated approach for
hydrotreating process
the design of diesel hydrotreating processes. The objective of
the case study is to design the diesel hydrotreating process for
The objective function for the optimisation of integrated
a given feedstock satisfying the commercial product specifica-
design of diesel hydrotreating process is the total annualised
tions for diesel fuel. The case study is taken from Sun (2004) for
cost. The total annualised cost of the process consists of the
a diesel hydrotreating process using straight run gas oil (SRGO)
sum of all annualised capital costs and operating costs. The
as the diesel hydrotreater feed. The properties of the feedstock
capital costs include the catalyst cost of the reactor, invest-
are shown in Table 4. The sulphur content of the diesel product
ment costs of the distillation column and heat exchangers
is specified to be at most 10 ppm, i.e. ultra-low sulphur diesel.
while the operating costs account for the energy costs. The
The specifications for the bottom product of the distillation
energy costs consist of the cost of hot utility and cold util-
column, i.e. the diesel stream are shown in Table 5.
ities, i.e. steam and cooling water respectively, required by
The cost data for the heat recovery system are taken from
the distillation column and heat exchanger network of the
Verheyen and Zhang (2006). The heat recovery system target-
diesel hydrotreating process. The objective function may be
expressed as:
Table 7 – Sequential design of diesel hydrotreating
TAC = AF · Cf · NHX + AF.C.AHX + AF · CostColumn + Cat.Cost process.
Diesel hydrotreater Sequential Integrated
+ Cut · QUt (22) approach approach

where TAC is the total annualised cost of the overall process, Reactor operating 322.52 324.74
temperature (◦ C)
AF is the annualisation factor, Cf is the fixed cost of heat
Length of reactor (m) 11.522 11.522
exchanger units, NHX is the number of heat exchanger units, C Distillation column
is the area cost coefficient, AHX is the total area required by the Column pressure (bar) 5.926 1.296
Reflux ratio 1.795 1.064
Light key recovery (%) 86.95 74.44
Table 5 – Bottom product specifications for the
Heavy key recovery (%) 61.09 64.86
distillation column of diesel hydrotreating process.
Total number of stages 44 16
Flow rate specification (kmol/s) 0.127 Column feed temperature 232.43 152.56
True boiling point specification (◦ C) (◦ C)
T10 201.10 Feed pre-heat duty (kW) 2417 1322
T50 251.70 Total condenser duty (kW) 6090 5343
T90 310.70 Reboiler duty (kW) 7311 6294
chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036 1033

Table 8 – Stream data of diesel hydrotreating process from sequential design approach.
Stream Inlet temperature Outlet Enthalpy
(◦ C) temperature (◦ C) difference (kW)

Reactor feed 25.0 322.52 33240.9

Reactor product 322.52 50.0 −29724.6
Column feed 50.0 232.43 2416.93
Condenser stream 238.95 230.48 −6089.88
Distillate product 230.48 50.0 −764.782
Reboiler stream 328.50 340.57 7310.74
Bottom product 340.57 25.0 −3115.08

Table 9 – Comparison of cost breakdown of integrated Table 11 – Design results obtained using integrated
design with sequential design for diesel hydrotreating approach with an additional constraint on distillation
process. column operating pressure.
Sequential Integrated Diesel hydrotreater
design design
Reactor operating temperature (◦ C) 324.74
Catalyst cost (£/year) 2,733,000 2,758,000 Length of reactor (m) 11.522
Column capital cost 366,000 182,000 Distillation column
(£/year) Column pressure (bar) 5.0
Heat exchanger area 1,209,000 1,277,000 Reflux ratio 1.428
cost (£/year) Light key recovery (%) 60.53
Energy cost (£/year) 978,000 911,000 Heavy key recovery (%) 63.18
Total annualised cost 5,287,000 5,128,000 Total number of stages 14
(£/year) Column feed temperature (◦ C) 167.26
Feed pre-heat duty (kW) 1515
Total condenser duty (kW) 5254
Reboiler duty (kW) 7164

ing is carried out for a minimum approach temperature of

20 ◦ C. The operating conditions of the high pressure and low It can be seen from Table 7 that in sequential approach for
pressure flash separation units are fixed for both the design design the start-of-run temperature, i.e. the reactor operating
approaches and correspond to the range of operating condi- temperature at the beginning of catalyst life, is as low as pos-
tions in commercial hydroprocessing units (Meyers, 1997). The sible while satisfying the product specifications, e.g. sulphur
operating conditions of the flash separation units are shown content. In this way a maximum catalyst life and conse-
in Table 6. quently, a minimum catalyst cost is ensured. The capital cost
The sequential approach to process design is taken as of the distillation column is then minimised while satisfying
the base case in this case study for evaluation and compar- the flow rate and boiling range specification of diesel product.
ison of the novel integrated approach for design of diesel However, this sequential approach of process design neglects
hydrotreating process developed in this work. For the sequen- the interactions of individual subsystems of the overall pro-
tial evolution of design of diesel hydrotreating process, first cess. For example, the reactor operating temperature may
a quadratic interpolation method is used to minimise the affect the product composition, boiling range and enthalpies
diesel hydrotreater cost (NAG, E04ABF). The separation system of the product streams. These factors in turn may influence
is designed for the reactor products using COLOM software the capital and operating costs of the distillation column and
version 2.1 minimising the capital cost of distillation column. the heat recovery system.
The simulated annealing algorithm is used for optimisation The cost breakdown of the design of diesel hydrotreat-
of capital cost of distillation column. Finally, the capital and ing process obtained using the sequential design approach
energy costs are estimated using the methods discussed in is shown in Table 9. The currency exchange rate, for con-
Section 2.3. The major features of the overall process design version of US dollars to British pounds, used in this work is
obtained from the sequential approach for the system under 1 GBP = 0.666 $US.
consideration are shown in Table 7. The process stream data The major features of the design, obtained using the pro-
of this design are shown in Table 8. posed integrated approach, are also shown in Table 7. The

Table 10 – Stream data of diesel hydrotreating process from integrated approach for design of diesel hydrotreating
Stream Inlet temperature Outlet Enthalpy
(◦ C) temperature (◦ C) difference (kW)

Reactor feed 25.0 324.74 33528.9

Reactor product 324.74 50.0 −29999.7
Column feed 50.0 152.56 1321.66
Condenser stream 167.26 156.44 −5342.71
Distillate product 156.44 50.0 −409.193
Reboiler stream 238.41 251.48 6293.74
Bottom product 251.48 25.0 −2124.32
1034 chemical engineering research and design 8 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1025–1036

Table 12 – Stream data of diesel hydrotreating process from integrated approach with an additional constraint on
distillation column operating pressure.
Stream Inlet temperature Outlet Enthalpy
(◦ C) temperature (◦ C) difference (kW)

Reactor feed 25.0 324.74 33528.9

Reactor product 324.74 50.0 −29999.7
Column feed 50.0 167.26 1515.49
Condenser stream 228.66 219.87 −5254.02
Distillate product 219.87 50.0 −682.627
Reboiler stream 313.59 326.73 7164.14
Bottom product 326.73 25.0 −2992.05

Table 13 – Comparison of cost breakdown of integrated design, with an additional constraint on distillation column
operating pressure, with sequential design for diesel hydrotreating process.
Sequential Integrated design
design (pressure

Catalyst cost (£/year) 2,733,000 2,758,000

Column capital cost (£/year) 366,000 198,000
Heat exchanger area cost (£/year) 1,209,000 1,205,000
Energy cost (£/year) 978,000 980,000
Total annualised cost (£/year) 5,287,000 5,141,000

process stream data of this design are shown in Table 10. The hydrotreater is the same as in the design, obtained using the
computation time for the design, using simulated annealing integrated approach, without the pressure constraint for dis-
optimisation is 1 h, 2 min, and 13 CPU seconds (Pentium® 4 tillation column. However, the energy cost is increased due to
CPU 3.00 GHz processor and 512 MB RAM). The cost break- higher reflux ratio resulting in slightly lower savings compared
down of the design obtained using the proposed integrated to the original integrated design.
approach is shown in Table 9 in comparison with the design The savings suggested in the above case study may require
obtained using the sequential approach. critical analysis as the cost calculations, and models employed
The design obtained using the integrated approach pro- in this work remain subject to a certain degree of inaccu-
vides a saving of 0.16 MM £/year corresponding to 3% reduction racy. The annealing schedule and random nature of search
compared to the design obtained using sequential approach. in simulated annealing also contributes to obtaining a range
In the integrated design the distillation column satisfies the of solutions. However, the focus of this paper is to present
bottom product specification while operating at a lower pres- a novel approach to account for the interactions of sub-
sure and reflux ratio. Therefore, the column capital cost and systems in the design of overall diesel hydrotreating process.
energy costs are lower compared to the design obtained using These issues may be addressed in future extensions to
sequential approach to process design. this integrated approach for design of diesel hydrotreating
Another scenario may be analysed for the given system as processes.
it may be argued that the compression costs would be higher
for downstream processing of the distillation column products 5. Conclusions
for the design obtained using the novel integrated approach.
In order to account for this scenario, an additional constraint The approach developed for integrated design of diesel
of minimum operating pressure of the distillation column of hydrotreating processes helps obtain designs with lower total
5 bar is enforced on the integrated design framework. annualised costs as illustrated by the case study. The novel
The major features of the design, obtained using the integrated approach developed in this work for design of diesel
integrated approach with an additional constraint on the hydrotreating processes takes into account the interactions of
operating pressure of the distillation column, are shown in individual subsystems, i.e. the diesel hydrotreater, the sepa-
Table 11. The process stream data of the design for this new ration system, and the heat recovery system. The proposed
scenario are shown in Table 12. The computation time for framework may serve the purpose of analysing the effects of
this second design, obtained using the proposed integrated modifications to the operating conditions of individual sub-
approach is 2 h, 31 min, and 50 CPU seconds (Pentium® 4 CPU systems, e.g. diesel hydrotreater, and distillation column, on
3.00 GHz processor and 512 MB RAM). the overall costs of diesel hydrotreating process at conceptual
The cost breakdown of the design obtained using the pro- design stage.
posed integrated approach for this new scenario is shown in
Table 13 in comparison with the design obtained using the
sequential approach. The design obtained using the proposed
integrated approach with an additional constraint on the oper-
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