4 Easter

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Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

Archdiocesan website : liverpoolcatholic.org.uk
Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : ourladysbryn@rcaolp.co.uk
Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : www.ourladysbryn.org.uk

Masses for the week 14 - 22 May 2011 Eucharistic Service: Mon - Fri 7.30am
Fourth Sunday of Easter Rosary Mon - Sat 8.30am; Sun 9.30am
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon
Sunday 10.00am Esther Gallagher Novena Wednesday 7.30pm.
Weekday Masses Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm
Monday 9.00am Special Intention
Tuesday 9.00am Hannah Naylor Memorial Book
Wednesday 9.00am Peggy Burns 15th May Len Cunliffe
Ann Duffy
Thursday 9.00am Brian Topping
Yvonne Mary Webb
Friday 9.00am James & Margaret Sands
Donal Roderick P. Kenny
Saturday 9.00am Mae Leadbetter
16th May Mary Roberts
Fifth Sunday of Easter
17th May Jane Rowley
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners 18th May Victor Leech
Sunday 10.00am Ralph Pickston 19th May Brian Topping
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for 21st May Evelyn Ainscough
Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Margaret Nevins

Vocations Sunday: The gospel of the Good Shepherd which we hear this weekend is traditionally the
opportunity for us to pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life. There is a pastoral letter
this weekend from the Bishop and a retiring collection will be taken for the Priests’ Training Fund. Gift aid
envelopes are available if you are a tax-payer.
‘Let us pray the Mass’ : our weekly newsletter in preparation for the introduction of the new missal in
October focuses this week on the Veneration of the Altar at the beginning of Mass and the Greeting. It mentions
here the first change that will be noticed : the response to the greeting “The Lord be with you” will in future be
“ And with your spirit.” in place of “And also with you.” A fuller explanation to this change will be given next
Planned Offertory Giving : Many thanks to everyone for your generous offerings in support of the parish.
Next weekend I will report to you on the parish finances over the last 12 months but I am pleased to say that,
during this time, overall offertory income went up. However, there is always a down-side. For various reasons
the number of Gift-aid donors continues to decline and following changes to the tax system, the amount of tax
we can claim back via the Gift-aid scheme will be reduced by over 10%. In the next few weeks, new planned-
giving envelopes will be available. If you do not already do so, please consider using them and if you pay tax,
make enquiries about joining the Gift-aid scheme or take a leaflet from the back of church.
Parish Cemetery : Please note that, for those who have a family plot, the annual maintenance fee of £30 is
now due. As I end up putting the bins out, may I also ask for your co-operation in ensuring that garden and
other waste is put in the appropriate bin.
Coffee Morning : There will be a Coffee Morning this Wednesday (18 May) in the Parish Centre between 9.30
- 11.00am. All are welcome.
First Holy Communion: The next meeting for parents and children making their First Holy Communion will
be held in Our Lady’s School on Wednesday of this week (18 May) at 6.00pm.
Congratulations to Clare May and Adam Kelly who will be married here next Saturday (21 May) at 1.00pm.
‘May God bless you all the days of your life together.’
Readers and Eucharistic Ministers please collect the new list from the back of church.
Last week’s collection ; Gift Aid : £335.25 Loose Plate : £250.00 Total : £585.25.
St George’s Night : £256 Many Thanks.
Question of the Week : How are you a shepherd to those in your care? What will you do this week to show
you love those around you?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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