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Reading is one of the basic skills both English and Filipino. Researchers categorized

reading as input skill. It means when people read something, they will get information from it.

As a skill, reading can be trained and developed. People who want to be good and effective

reader must master reading skill.

This is in consonance to DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2002, where the Department of

Education implements “Every Child A Reader Program” (ECARP), a national program that has

its goal that every child will be a reader by the time they finish Grade Two. This is also in line

with item Five of Former President Aquino’s Ten Point Basic Education Agenda (2010) which

states that every child should be a reader by Grade 1. Unfortunately, young learners do not have

a good reading skill.

There are several problems appear in the field of education and to address DepEd’s call,

numerous interventions and remediation plans were conducted by teachers. Former secretary of

education Bro. Armin Luistro (2012) pointed out that if a pupil fails to mastery basic reading

skills at the outset, it will be a constant struggle for him to get through other disciplines

successfully, thus depriving him of the chance to become literate and productive individual.

In efforts to close the achievement gap in reading, Toril Elementary School has used a

variety of programs to help pupils with reading difficulties. However, the Division

Contextualized Early Grade Reading Assessment Tool (DCEGRAT) in Filipino test results of

Grade 2 showed that 18% or 3 out of 17 pupils were non-readers. This is very alarming since

reading is the key of learning, as one goes up to higher level.

With this situation, the researchers decided to conduct an action research to address the

reading problem of Grade 2 non-readers. Therefore, they will be given varied printed reading

materials to improve their reading skills with the teacher-parent partnership.

II. Action Research Questions

The main purpose of the study is to improve the reading performance of the Grade II

pupils in Toril Elementary School, Alburquerque District, Division of Bohol.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the pupils’ pretest and posttest results

1.1 readers

1.2 non - readers?

2. What is the status of the reading skills of the pupils

2.1 syllabic readers

2.2 word readers

2.3 sentence readers?

3 .What reading interventions does the teacher use to improve the reading skills

3.1 audio- video letter sounds and names

3.2 varied reading materials

4. What action plan could be proposed based on the result of the study?

This study used the Division Contextualized Early Grade Reading Assessment Tool

(DCEGRAT) as the basis for validation of the reading skills of the three (3) Grade II pupils

during the Pre-test administered last February,2021. The parents were informed of the test result

conducted through messenger. The researchers used varied printed reading materials and audio-

video recorded letter sounds and names. The pupils’ progress was monitored daily through

Facebook - group chat of the parents.


The researchers identified the three (3) Grade two learners who belong to non - readers in

the class upon validating the results of the DCEGRAT Assessment given last February,2021.

Teachers’ role in the delivery of quality instruction in the light of the New Normal

Education faced different issues in the Programs and Projects focusing on Quality and Relevance

in school. Nowadays literacy has a very high priority that needs immediate intervention. In our

school the Grade Two learners need improvement on the reading skills on the 3 or 18% of them

who lagged behind based on their Pretest assessment results in Division Contextualized Early

Grade Reading Assessment Tool (DCEGRAT) in Filipino. So, the school’s Continuous

Improvement (CI) Team with the researchers conduct CI Project and study as an initiative to

improve pupils’ reading assessment results.


The researchers performed the descriptive study of the reading skills in order to know the

beneficial effect of the project. The strategies used in obtaining the Voice of the Costumers

(VOC) include interview of the parents and teacher concerned following the COVID -19

protocols while the identified learners where virtually consulted. Therefore, condition, resources,

priority and parents engagement were the components of the VOC.

Post Implementation

The district CI and research validators shall monitor school CI team project and

researchers study whether it has been completed, validated and continuously facilitating the key

learning insights to other colleagues for its great impact in the new normal education and even

during face-to-face (F2F) situations. The school researchers will be the model in utilizing

community materials and resources in creating learner-friendly classroom using DCEGRAT as

our tool in assessing the reading abilities of the learners.

Thus, the school researchers shall be optimist and facilitate synergism of enhanced

teaching innovation, intervention and strategies.


The pupils reading proficiency in the basic education has caught much attention of the

present educators for it has been strongly identified to be the culprit of the low learning

performance of the learners in the different learning areas. For it has been the belief that reading

readiness affects positively all the rest of the academic areas.


The study will be conducted in Toril Elementary School, Alburquerque District Bohol

Division. The pre-implementation of the research started on February 2021, Quarter 2, S. Y.

2020-2021. The respondents include seventeen (17) Grade Two pupils, 8 male and 9 female, 17

parents and 1 teacher with the total of thirty-five (35).

The researchers chose the Grade Two learners as our participants in the study because

most of them were already word and sentence readers. Upon conducting the DCEGRAT

Assessment it was found out that there were three (3) learners who were identified as non-

readers in the class.

The researchers conducted the Pretest and Posttest using the same tool. During the

Pretest, there were three (3) learners identified as non-readers. With the teacher-parent

partnership, the reading abilities of these three (3) learners were enhanced thru varied

educational reading materials. After conducting the post test, it was found out that three non-

readers are now readers.

Data Gathering Methods

In formulating the questionnaires, the researchers will have a thorough analysis and

assessment criteria review on the tool’s validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discrimination of

power, and quality options with the School Principal and Public Schools District Supervisor

(PSDS). Pilot testing will be conducted to the next grade level in order to know the tool’s impact

on the written performance of the learners. Roll -out solutions will be implemented to the

remaining graders to validate the same purpose.

Upon approval of the proposal, the research proponents will personally administer the

questionnaire to the respondents and explain clearly the purpose of the study. After the pupils’

pretest-posttest survey, results will be collected for tabulation and interpretation to determine the

reading abilities of the Grade Two learners.

The data were classified, tabulated and statistically treated which became the bases for

analysis and interpretation of the data.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers kept confidentially the data gathered from the respondents and shall not

be disclosed to the public at any cause. This can be guaranteed by the following: like their names

will be replaced by codes and the data can’t be access to anybody.

Data Analysis

The researchers proponents will use the percentage formula to determine the performance

of the pupils exposed to the current written test and to enhanced the reading abilities of the


To find out the difference between the DCEGRAT pretest-posttest using the current

written test, the t-test for dependent samples will be used.

To establish the acceptability level of the reading abilities of the learners, the weighted

mean will be used.

IV. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Action plan is made to adapt key learning or insights to other teachers in school as well

as to other learning institution. The implementation of the action research, with more activities

and services offered by the active teachers, parents, and pupils of Toril Elementary School is

expected to be implemented after the table discussion of the research proponents with the co-

teachers, principal and PSDS in the third quarter of SY 2021.

Communication and endorsement of action research proposal will be done ahead of the

implementation of the study.


At the end of the of the 6 months’ time, the following can be possibly attained:
1. Research proponents can disseminate and utilize results in the school level forum to
discuss on the policy improvement;
2. Roll-out the utilization of learners’ reading abilities with the colleagues through LAC
Sessions or small group discussions;
3. Appreciate teacher respondent in replicating learners’ reading abilities in order to
create a learner- friendly environment.

Activities Target Persons Resources Budgetar Expected

Date Involved Needed y Outcome

1. The researcher Priority

should identify the -CI Team Improvement
customers, VOC, December, CI Team Project Area
and the current Research -Researchers’ Identified the
SIPOC 2020 Proponents Proposal P1,000 PIA for the
2. Researchers will -Bond paper, researchers’
validate root cause ink reference of
of the project for -snacks/food the study
the researchers’ MOOE Budget


Pilot testing of the CI Team Approved Conducted

tool utilizing Researchers Research by research
questionnaire April, 2021 Teachers and Proposal P1,000 study
Establish Grade 2 Hard copies of
acceptability level learners the tool
of the tool MOOE Budget

Post Implementation

Disseminate Last week Researchers’ Bound and pdf Disseminated

results of the study of June, co-teacher copies of the results of the
in the school level 2021 School Head study P1,000 study in
forum PSDS Snacks/Food school,
Request PSDS MOOE Budget district and
consent on the to the higher
result level.
dissemination in
the district level.
Identify grade First Researchers
levels which are week of CI Team Learners Gained
not respondents of July, 2021 Reading 100% impact
the study. abilities (hard in utilizing
copy) learners’
MOOE Budget reading
Researchers will
prepare and
present the reading
abilities in roll-
outing the
2nd week Researchers Power point Replicated
Prepare power
of July, Co-teachers Presentation innovative
point presentation
2021 School Head MOOE Budget written
of the researchers’
PSDS assessment
tool in school
assessment tool
district and
Facilitate buy-in of
higher level
Cost Estimates

First Tranche- P2,000.00 Estimate Cost

(67% of the maximum allocation of P3,000.00)
Activities Resources /Materials

Action research planning in school Snacks 2 researchers, 1 P200.00

level teacher, 17 pupils total of 20
X P10.00 each
Validation of the Action Research Snacks 2 researchers, X P 60.00
Proposal to the Secretariat of the P10.00 X 3 days
Schools Division Research
Committee (SDRC), Bohol Division Photocopy of Tools P 50.00

Orientation of the participants Snacks of 2 researchers, 1 P 200.00

(school level)- nature of research, teacher, 17 pupils total of 20
scope of participation, ethics and X 10 each
Profiling of the participants (2 Office Supplies (Folders, P100.00
researchers, 1 teacher, 17 pupils in Envelopes, sign pens, ball
Grade 2 of Toril ES, Alburquerque pens, staple/wire, bond
District, Bohol Division) papers,

Printer’s ink (1 black bottle) P240.00

Answering and retrieval of the Photocopy of tools of 17 P 50.00

research tool on the extent of pupils and 1 teacher total of
implementation (17 pupils and 1 18 pax
teacher, separately
Snacks of 17 pupils and 1
teacher, 2 researchers total of
20 X P10.00

Transportation Allowance From planning to validation P 100.00

SDRC (Gas allowance)
Tallying of results and treatment of 2 researchers and 1 teacher P 800.00
data. Snacks (P10.00 each) and 1
Writing of the Initial Findings lunch (P30.00 each).

Second Tranche –P1,000.00 Estimate Cost

(33% of the maximum allocation of P3,000.00
Activities Resource /Materials

Writing of the summary of findings, 2 researchers, P20.00 P 300.00

conclusions and recommendations 1 teacher, P10.00
Writing of the Proposed Action Php 30.00 X 10 days (p.m.
Plan/Improvements only)
Editing, Proof Reading and Binding

Communication and Endorsement Snacks of 2 researcher x 10 P 40.00

(School, Division and Regional) for 2 days (p.m. only)

Presentation and Feed Backing of the Snacks of 17 pupils and 1 P200.00

Results (School-respondents) Forum teacher
2 researchers total of 20 X

Presentation and Feed Backing of the Snacks an estimate of 15 P150.00

Results (School level with the PTA participants @ P10.00 each
Officers)- Forum

Table discussion of 1 teacher with 2 Snacks, an estimate of 10 P100.00

researchers, 1 SPG President, cluster participants @ P10.00 each
head and PSDS for policy

Transportation Allowance (Gas allowance) P100.00

Binding Fee 2 hard bound copies @ P110.00

P55.00 each


Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Hard and e-copy of the action research proposal is presented to the Secretariat of the

Schools division Research Committee (SDRC), Bohol Division for refinement on July 2021, and

oral presentation will be conducted on the following day with the teams of division panelists.

Schedule of Implementation

The implementation of the action research, with more activities and services offered by

the active teachers, parents and pupils of Toril Elementary School is expected to be implemented

in Third to Fourth Quarter (March 2021 to July 2021) School Year 2020-2021.

Evaluative Measures

Presentation and feed backing of results will be done after the implementation of the

study. Findings are to be presented in a school level forum to discuss on the policy improvement.

Immediate implementation of the policy important is highly encouraged to achieve the objectives

of the action plan. Further study will be conducted to assess the outcome of the action research

so that any interventions may be applied.


DepEd Order

DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2002 ECARP

DepEd Order No. 16, s 2017, Research



An Action Research Submitted to the Schools

Division Research Committee

Division of Bohol


Toril Elementary School
Alburquerque District
Division of Bohol
July, 2021

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