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Quick tips to help you to develop & pitch your project:

1. SCOPE: Define the scope of your idea. Remember that it must be scalable
○ L’Oréal Groupe: is the project scalable to all the L’Oréal groups worldwide?
○ L’Oréal Division: is the project focussed on any one division of the group or
○ L’Oréal Brand: is the project focused on a specific brand of the group or
○ L’Oréal Products & Services Axis: is the project focus 1 business axis, e.g: the
fragrances, the skincare diagnose, makeup, etc or is it multi-focus?
2. INNOVATION: Why and how does it match the innovation needs of your chosen track?
3. USE: Define if it is a product, service, experience, application, tool, etc.
4. COST/PRICE/FINANCIALS: Would it be feasible in terms of cost and profitability? What
would be approximately the selling price?
5. BUDGET: You have no constraints in terms of budget but do keep in mind feasibility,
long-term profitability of the idea, etc.

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