Rockflow: Climate Adaptation in The Urban Environment. Using 100% Circular Stone Wool Solutions

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Climate adaptation in the urban

environment. Using 100% circular
stone wool solutions.
Our climate The climate is changing. The earth’s temperature is rising. Climate
change affects the quality of life in towns and cities. The effects of
climate change in the urban environment are obvious:

is changing 1 2 3

We can see
and feel it all
around us
Too much water Too little water Heat stress
Heavy downpours cause Long periods of drought Lack of vegetation and
local flooding and drainage mean urban greenery does shadow in cities causes heat
problems. not get enough water and islands with extremely high
wilts. temperatures.

60% x10
Increase in number of days with Due to climate change, the
extreme rainfall since the 1960s. risk of 70 mm of rain falling
within 60 minutes has increased
by a factor of 10.
(rainfall statistics STOWA KNMI)
European regulations to combat the Climate change problems. Local solutions
effects of climate change To combat the effects of climate change at

Climate adaptation
Climate change and its consequences make local level, local situations are assessed and
urban climate adaptation essential to keep modifications made where necessary.
our towns and cities liveable for the future. In urban areas it is becoming more common

in the urban
European regulations provide a framework to install sustainable solutions for capture,
for modernisation of how cities deal with retention and infiltration of rainwater.
rainwater. On the one hand we have the
challenge of processing large quantities The high levels of hard surfacing present one

of rainwater during heavy downpours. On of the challenges in the urban environment.
the other hand, water must be retained in Adding more greenspaces helps to counter
dry periods. The most significant European the effects of climate change in urban areas.
regulations for combatting climate change in In places where vital functions such as living
urban areas are: and transport have to be maintained, local
capture and infiltration of rainwater is being
Water Framework Directive chosen more frequently, as opposed to
Aims to safeguard the quality of groundwater transporting rainwater in pipes for discharge
and surface water. National and local to surface water.
authorities must limit and prevent pollution at
source. Capturing rainwater locally and allowing it to
infiltrate reduces the risk of flooding during
Floods Directive heavy showers and restores the natural water
These procedures imposed on provinces and balance.
local authorities are intended to prevent and
limit the negative consequences of flooding.
In addition, it stimulates measures for
retention of water.

Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive

Has the aim of reducing pollution due to
discharge of waste water. Government bodies
must maintain sewage systems and manage
rainwater runoff.
Climate adaptation
using stone wool
Rockflow builds towards urban climate
adaptation, making use of ingenious solutions
made of 100% circular stone wool.
Our underground system offers solutions for
collection, storage and infiltration of rainwater
in the same place it fell, leaving the space
aboveground available to be used for functions
such as urban infrastructure. The rainwater
is rapidly captured underground, preventing
possible flooding. Depending on the situation,
the water then infiltrates into the groundwater,
can be used for urban greenspaces or is
diverted to the existing sewer system with a

Rockflow for rainwater

Heavy rainfall puts pressure on the existing sewer pipe infrastructure.
There is also a desire to infiltrate rainwater where it falls.

Rockflow creates a circular infrastructure of stone wool infiltration buffers

for capture and infiltration of rainwater into the soil.

This retains the natural water balance, there is less local flooding during
extreme downpours, it meets European regulations, as well as being a
sustainable investment in climate adaptation.
This is how Rockflow works
High drainage and buffer capacity
Rockflow can absorb up to 95% of its own volume in
water. This provides sufficient capacity in areas where
space is limited. This also makes Rockflow ideal for places
with a high groundwater level.

High load-bearing capacity

An infiltration system under the ground needs to be
strong and capable of carrying loads, particularly in busy
cities with heavy daily traffic. The strong structure of
stone fibres provides high load-bearing capacity. This
makes Rockflow ideal for use under roads, public squares,
buildings and parks. 1 Modular Rockflow stone wool elements are in-
stalled below ground level.
2 A system of pipes rapidly transports the rainwater
to the Rockflow unit of stone wool elements.

Maximum flexibility
Underneath the ground there is a chaotic tangle of
cables, pipes and other obstacles to avoid when installing
rainwater solutions. The shape of the buffer and the
individual elements can easily be adapted without
reducing the system’s functionality or capacity.

3 When it rains, the water flows through the drains to

the lower part of the stone wool element.
4 The empty spaces between the stone wool fibres
then completely fill with water. The Rockflow ele-
ments can absorb up to 95% of their own volume in
Fully circular water.
Rockflow’s stone wool elements are largely composed
of recycled materials added to an inexhaustible natural
resource: basalt rock.
ROCKWOOL produces stone wool sustainably and
Rockflow is fully recyclable.

Capture, retention, infiltration and reuse of rainwater

The material properties of Rockflow stone wool make it a
versatile product with a wide range of applications. 5 As the Rockflow element is being filled with water
from below, the air is expelled from the top via air
6 The system can be designed to make full capacity
available again within 24 hours, either by infiltra-
ventilation channels, enabling the buffer to fill tion, overflow to the sewer or a combination of both.
rapidly enough.
Solutions using Rockflow
4 Urban greenspaces

There is no need to waste rainwater. In addition

to the possibility of infiltration into the ground,
rainwater can be reused for urban greenspaces.
In this case, the water retained by the Rockflow
system is used to supply plants and trees with
their water needs, enabling urban greenery to
obtain sufficient water, even in dry spells. This
is how we contribute to a sustainable solution
both for capturing rainwater and preventing
local flooding.

3 Swales

Rockflow increases the buffering capacity of

swales. Capturing rainwater in urban areas is
important. A sustainable and green method
of doing this is to install a swale. As well as
1 Line infiltration being a sensible way of capturing water, it
also increases the green character of an area.
For line infiltration, a system of Rockflow If there is limited space, as is often the case
stone wool elements are placed in parallel in urban areas, swales may often need to be
underneath or next to a road. The infiltration relatively deep to meet high rainwater storage
line captures rainwater from the street, the requirements. This can create unsafe situations
pavement and the surrounding plots. In the and make maintenance difficult. Rockflow stone
majority of situations, line infiltration replaces wool elements can be used to make swales
the rainwater sewer. Waste water from toilets, shallower, without reducing capacity or the
5 Sport
washing machines and showers is transported 2 Central buffer green appearance of the area.
for water treatment through a second adjacent On sunny days, artificial grass sports fields can
pipe. In some cases, the existing system is inadequate to cope become extremely hot. By installing Rockflow
with large volumes of rainwater. This may be due to housing stone wool underneath artificial grass, the
development, if several systems intersect or if rainwater pitch and its surroundings can be cooled by
storage requirements cannot be met with the existing evaporating water. Far less watering is required
solution. These are all examples of situations where the to keep pitches functional, even during hot
installation of a central buffer is the perfect solution. Using a weather.
central buffer, the water is drained from the surrounding area
towards a central place. This is often a car park, square or
park. The rainwater from the surrounding area is captured at
this central place and infiltrates either into the groundwater
or is gradually discharged into the sewer system.
Current projects
Rockflow is providing the solution to climate adaptation in an increasing
number of places. Nevertheless, every project is unique and we collaborate
with the parties concerned to design a tailor-made solution.

Rockflow means tailor-made Eindhoven

solutions The city is heavily compacted. It is covered with increasing
Smart water management using amounts of hard surfacing and the number of inhabitants,
Rockflow is always a tailor-made businesses and sewer connections is rapidly increasing. Due to
solution. In its simplest form, it the changing climate, heavy downpours mean the sewer system is
consists of stone wool elements that able to drain less effectively - resulting in local flooding.
are buried and covered over, allowing
the water that has been buffered to Advantages of Rockflow for this project: Sweden
infiltrate gradually into the soil. ■ Suitable for the many underground obstacles Denmark
■ Ideal for applications in narrow streets
United Kingdom The Netherlands
Belgium Germany
In more complex situations, for ■ Water stays where it fell
instance in heavily built-up areas, Italy
Read the whole case on:
or underneath roads or industrial
estates, the design, calculation
and sizing of the system is done in China
Amsterdam Dubai
collaboration with an engineering
The ‘Amsterdam Rainproof’ platform has the goal of increasing the
firm. In this case, the stone wool
resilience of Amsterdam to more frequent heavy rainfall.
elements are connected to a carefully
designed system of pipes and drains.
Challenges of this project:
■ Rainwater cannot soak into the ground

■ Limited space

■ No time for intensive maintenance

Read the whole case on:


Hedemora, Sweden
Increased building and hard surfacing resulting in an overloaded
rainwater system.
solutions are
Challenges facing this project: being used in
more and more
■ Heavy traffic on the route through the city

■ Collection point for water from the upstream area

■ Overloaded sewer system

Read the whole case on:
Fully circular,
Circularity is the norm in the natural world. All living beings live,
die and return to life - sometimes in a new form - in a never-
ending circle. Our products are made of stone, meaning they
are naturally circular. At the end of their life cycle, we take our
products back and use them as a raw material for new Rockwool
stone wool products. The current Rockflow stone wool elements
consist largely of recycled materials from the building industry and
industrial waste flows.

ROCKWOOL has had a stone wool recycling factory since 1992.

This is where used stone wool elements and other building
industry waste flows are processed to become the raw material
for new stone wool products. Half of the raw materials used in
Rockflow’s stone wool elements are recycled materials. The other
half is made from a naturally occurring materials in the earth:
basalt. In nature, stone wool is often found close to volcanoes
where the melted rocks (basalt) are thrown about during an
eruption and then deposited in a thin fibrous structure. We imitate
this process for the production of Rockflow, using recycled basalt
rock as one of the raw materials. This is an inexhaustible resource
as the earth more than replaces stocks every year.

ROCKWOOL strives for a fully circular economy.

ROCKWOOL fulfils the UN’s Sustainable Development

Goal 12 with its Rockcycle programme.

‘Waste no more’
ROCKWOOL’s Rockcycle programme provides
professional support in 14 places for collection and
processing of stone wool waste. In 2020 we processed
a total of 163,000 tonnes of stone wool to make new,
sustainable products.
of the world’s
will need
more water
by 50% in 2050

population will live

in cities

more food

To address our global challenges, the UN has defined

5 In addition to energy, to live 6 and building 7 and waste:
comfortably we need to More17
thansustainable development goals:
consider noise pollution Buildings in EU
As part of the ROCKWOOL Group, we make an active account for

contribution to achieving 10 of the 17 goals. As a group, we are

doing sleep
of Europeans' our utmost to meet theseofsustainable goals
Europeans who lose their for 2030.
is currently disturbed lives in fires die from the impacts of
smoke and toxic gases

To address these challenges

the UN has identified
17 Sustainable Development
Goals: The ROCKW

9 of
We are committed to these goals by 2030: Additionally we contribute t
We are proud that S&P Global Trucost has once again classified
Health, Safety and Wellbeing:our products
Water Energy and CO2 savings
as Management:
SDG positive. This means that they have a positive
Driving a zero accident culture Reduce water consumption in factories ROCKWOOL products save
impact on the achievement of the UN’s sustainable development
(m3/t Wool)
goals. Sustainability is at the heart of our company andCO
aim for

10% reduction in LTI

0 fatalities 2
throughout their

per year aperfact-based
year lifespan
and verifiable approach, maximising the sustainability
of our products and minimising
20% the impact of our activities.”
10% by 2030 Durability and consistent
by 2022
CO2 Emissions and Energy: lifetime performance
Reduce CO2 from factories Thermal resistance, dimension
(t CO2/t Wool) and form stability
Circular Economy:
Sustainability is an integral part of our business strategy.
ROCKWOOL contributes to tackling climate challenges,
10% 20%
by 2022 by 2030
Increase the number of countries where
we offer reclaiming of products from
the market
Fire resilience
Non-combustible and
creating new opportunities to enrich modern life and to making
withstands temperatures

safe, healthy and climate-proof cities. Improve energy efficiency in own

(non-renovated) building stock kWh/m2
countries by 2022 countries by 2030
of at least
Health, safety and wellbeing
Reduce landfill waste Noise reduction achieved
ROCKWOOL has signed the Science Based Targets initiative from ROCKWOOL insulation and
(SBTi) and committed itself to an ambitious, monitored and ROCKFON ceilings improves
35% 75% 40% 85% V sleep, learning
approved plan. Savings Savings by 2022 by 2030 and work efficiency
by 2022 by 2030

Core elements of this plan are:

■ A 38% reduction of the absolute emissions from our factories

by 2034 (compared to 2019)

■ A 20% reduction of all remaining greenhouse gas emissions

by 2034 (compared to 2019) We release the natural power of stone to enrich mod
In 2020, ROCKWOOL achieved two of its six interim
sustainability targets, two years earlier than planned. These two
targets are a 40% reduction of production waste being sent to
landfill - ROCKWOOL achieved 50% - and a 10% improvement
in water efficiency in its factories.
Case Study > Project in Groessen

Rainwater infiltration: The project in Groessen is a major undertaking. To

start with, the waste water sewer will be replaced,

the threefold challenge

then the Rockflow elements will be installed and
the rainwater drainage from the houses and the
street drains will be connected to the buffer. The

in Groessen
Rockflow system will be laid at the same level as the
cables and pipes. In places where these are ‘in the
way’, the Rockflow buffers will be interrupted and
connected to each other using pipes. This will create
How do you infiltrate rainwater with the threefold challenge of a high
a connection and allow it to function as a system.
groundwater level, torrential showers and extended dry periods?
Groessen is tackling these issues and finds a flexible, natural and
The Rockflow system provides a solution for
sustainable solution in Rockflow.
these major challenges

1. Too much water

The current situation 2. Too little water
■ Groessen, close to Arnhem, is searching for a solution for rainwater 3. Heat stress
capture and infiltration.
■ Groessen’s groundwater level is high so that low-lying solutions would be The result
underwater for large portions of the year. The result of this project is in line with all the
■ Existing underground cables and pipelines also have to be taken into challenges Groessen has to face:
account. With a solution using a rainwater drainage system, existing A system above the high groundwater level
cables and pipes would have to be diverted or the pipe would have to be
Groessen has a high groundwater level. In the rainy
laid deep underground, in the groundwater.
period the groundwater level reaches to just below
the Rockflow system. Other forms of water retention
were limited or impossible.
The solution: stone wool
One solution for all the different K values
The team in Groessen has found an infiltration
solution that meets all their specific needs: stone There is strong variation in the K values, or the
wool. The existing rainwater drainage system will be infiltration values of the soil, varying from 0.4 metres
replaced by Rockflow line infiltration underneath the to 2.5 metres per day. Since Rockflow has a large
road for a distance of 800 metres. Rainwater will be infiltration surface area, it can also infiltrate soil
effectively captured below the street by Rockflow. It areas in Groessen which have a relatively low K
will be infiltrated into the ground in a natural way in value.
the same place it falls. Large-scale, cheap water retention
Rockflow creates no less than 30 mm of water
The Rockflow buffer is made of a naturally occurring storage. In the traditional set up, a large pipe would
material: stone wool. This material can rapidly be required to create this capacity. That would have
absorb up to 95% of its own volume in water, then made the project many times more expensive.
gradually infiltrate it into the ground. Infiltration is Together with the contractors, the Rockflow team
thus significantly different from the original solution ensures correct and rapid installation of the system.
using pipes in which the water is transported away.
Project details
This means that they give clear instructions
Rockflow causes less pressure on the sewer network
Project location Groessen beforehand and that Rockflow shares its knowledge
and contributes to restoring the natural water
Client Municipality of and experience from previous projects. Before,
Duiven during and after the installation, the Rockflow
Partners NTP Infra, Zevenaar experts remain closely involved
Solution Line infiltration

Watch the video:

At the ROCKWOOL Group, we’re committed to enriching
the lives of everyone who experiences our solutions. Our
expertise is perfectly suited to tackle many of today’s
biggest sustainability and development challenges, from
energy consumption and noise pollution, to fire-resilience,
water scarcity and flooding. Our range of products reflect
the diverse needs of the world, while supporting our
stakeholders in reducing their own carbon footprint.

Stone wool is a versatile material and forms the basis of all

our businesses. With over 11,500 passionate colleagues in
39 countries, we’re the world leader in stone wool solutions,
from building insulation to acoustic ceilings; external
cladding systems to horticultural solutions; engineered fibres
for industrial use to insulation for the process industry –
as well as marine and offshore.

Rockflow is a registered trademark of ROCKWOOL

All rights reserved.

Visiting address
Rockflow (ROCKWOOL B.V.)
Delfstoffenweg 2
6045 JH Roermond
The Netherlands

Postal address
Rockflow (ROCKWOOL B.V.)
P.O. Box 1160
6040 KD Roermond
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 4 75 35 35 55

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