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I, the undersigned (NAME First name) …….……………………………………………………………….. born on ……….

…………… …………………….. at ……………………………………………… nationality…………………………………
profession…………… …………………………… residing at ……...
……………………………………………………………………………… ...


- National identity card or passport n° ……...…………………………….. issued on …………………………………...

By ………………………………………….. (name of issuing company)


Mr / Mrs ……………………………………………………………………………………. born on ……………………………………….. at

………………………………………………........ throughout the duration of his stay in Germany certifying that he
has sufficient space to do so.

It is recommended to produce:

- A copy of his residence permit or a copy of his identity card or his valid passport - A proof of address
which can be a receipt for water, electricity, gas or a rental lease.

At …………………………………………… on …………………………………….

“Read and approved” Signature of respondent

⚫registration fee 100€ paid to the account of the general hosting company


Pursuant to Article 154 of the Penal Code, anyone who has been unduly issued, either by making
false statements or by taking a false name or a false capacity, either by providing false information,
certificates or attestations, a permit, certificate, booklet, card, bulletin, receipt, passport, laissez passer
or other documents issued by public administrations in order to ascertain a right, identity or quality or
to grant authorisation.

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