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Rule 69 Partition two or more persons.

Thus, it was ruled

that a division of property cannot be
Calderon, Chatch L.,
ordered by the court unless the existence
Destajo, Leslie Ann F., of co-ownership is first established , and
Samson, Abigail C., that an action for partition will not lie if
Soriano, Alyssa Chantelle Deb P. the claimant has no rightful interest in the
property. (Co Giuk Lun vs. Co)
What is Partition?
An action for partition is typically brought The rule allowing partition originates
by a person claiming to be the owner of a from a well-known principle embodied in
specified property against defendants the Civil Code that no co-owner shall be
whom the plaintiff recognizes as co- obliged to remain in the co-ownership.
owners (Ignacio vs. Reyes, July 12, 2017) Thus, he may demand, at any time, the
partition of the property owned in
It is the separation, division, and common, insofar as his share in
assignment of a thing held in common concerned. (Article 494, New Civil Code)
among those to whom it may belong.
(Article 1079, New Civil Code) What are the instances when a co-owner
may not demand partition?
Partition is the division between two or (Bar 2010)
more persons of real or personal property, 1. There is an agreement among the co-
owned in common, by setting apart their owners to keep the property undivided
respective interests so that they may enjoy for a certain period of time but not
and posses these in severalty, resulting in exceeding ten years. The term may,
the partial or total extinguishment of co- however, be extended by a new
ownership. (Leoveras vs. Valdez) agreement.
2. When partition is prohibited by the
Nature of Partition donor or testator for a period not
Partition among heirs is not legally exceeding twenty years.
deemed a conveyance of real property 3. When partition is prohibited by law.
resulting in change of ownership. It is not 4. When the property is not subject to a
a transfer of property from one to the physical division and to do so would
other, but rather, a confirmation or render it unserviceable for the use for
ratification of title or right of property that which it is intended.
an heir is renouncing in favor of another 5. When the condition imposed upon
heir who accepts and receives the voluntary heirs before they can
inheritance. It is merely a designation and demand partition has not yet fulfilled.
segregation of that part which belongs to
each heir. (Heirs of Ureta, Sr. v Heris of Effects of Partition
One of the legal effects of partition,
Partition presupposes the existence of a whether by agreement among the co-
co-ownership over a property between owners or by judicial proceeding, is to
terminate the co-ownership and property, or any interest therein, the
consequently, to make the previous co- jurisdiction shall be determined by
owners the absolute and exclusive owner inquiring into the assessed value of the
of the share allotted to him. (Leoveras vs real property. Thus, an action for partition
Valdez) of real property may be filed with the
MTC depending on the assessed value of
Prescription of Action the property.
An important principle to note is that
prescription does not run in favor of a co- Where the action is not merely for
owner or co-heir against his co-owner or partition but for annulment of title and
co-heir as long as there is a recognition of documents, the action is incapable of
the co-ownership, expressly or impliedly. pecuniary estimation and thus, cognizable
(Article 494, New Civil Code) by the Regional Trial Courts.

A case held that while the action to Sec. 19 (2) of B.P. 129 as amended by
demand partition of a co-owned property R.A. 11576
does not prescribe, a co-owner may
acquire ownership thereof by prescription Sec. 19 (2) of B.P. 129, as amended by
where there exists a clear repudiation of R.A. 11576 In all civil actions which
the co-ownership and the co-owners are involve the title to, or possession of, real
apprised of the claim of adverse and property, or any interest therein, where the
exclusive ownership. (Heirs of Restar vs. assessed value exceeds Four Hundred
Heirs of Cichon) Thousand Pesos (P400,000.00) except for
forcible entry into and unlawful detainer
The right of action to demand partition of lands or buildings, original jurisdiction
does not prescribe except where one of the over which is conferred upon the
interested parties openly and adversely Metropolitan Trial Courts, and Municipal
occupies the property without recognizing Trial Courts in Cities, Municipal Trial
ownership, in which case, acquisitive Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial
prescription may set it. Courts

Court with Jurisdiction Notes:

The primary issue to be determined in an 1. Once the jurisdictional value of a
action for partition boils down to whether potential case breaches the
or not the plaintiff has a right to partition, appropriate threshold provided under
an issue incapable of pecuniary RA 11576, then the case should be
estimation. filed before the RTC and not the
An action for partition of real property 2. Exceptionally, unlawful detainer or
also involves “interest in real property”. forcible entry cases, which cover
Under B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. cases where a lessor intends to
11576, it requires that all civil actions judicially evict a delinquent lessee and
involving the title to, or possession of, real despite being an action concerning
possession over real property, will co-owners are made parties. If the
always be cognizable by the MTCs court find that there must be
regardless of the assessed value of the partition, the aggrieved party may
property involved. appeal the decision.

What are the two ways in which partition 2. Actual Partitioning of the Subject
may be made? Property.
 The parties may agree on the
1. By agreement of the parties; or partition by executing a Deed of
2. By judicial proceedings under the Partition, where it will become
Rules of Court (Article 496, Civil final after the court approves it.
Code) when the parties cannot The aggrieved party may appeal
reach an agreement (Figuracion- the decision.
Gerilla v. Veda. De Figuracion,  If the parties does come into an
499 SCRA 484, 490) agreement as to how to partition
the property, the case will be heard
Is the right of the co-owners to opt for an through trial by commissioner.
agreement of partition in lieu of a judicial
partition recognized by the Rules of NOTE: No partition of personal
Court? property.

Yes, as provided under Section 12, Rule Are multiple appeals allowed in an
69 of the Rules of Court that nothing in action for partition? If so, in what
this rule xxx shall be construed xxx as to proceedings and actions are they
restrict or prevent persons holding real allowed?
estate jointly or in common from making
an amicable partition thereof by Yes, the action for partition is subject to
agreement and suitable instruments of multiple appeals and would require a
conveyance without recourse to action. record on appeal. 

What are the stages/phases in partition? Multiple appeals are allowed in:
First Phase Second Phase
In Lacbayan v. Samoy the court described
the stages or phases of partition as A suit is taken up commences when it
follows: with the appears that the parties are
determination of unable to agree upon the
TWO(2) STAGES: whether or not a co- partition directed by the
1. Determination of the Propriety of ownership in fact court
the Partition. exists, and a
Includes the question whether or partition is proper *In that event, partition
not the property is owned in and may be made shall be done for the
common or whether or not all the by voluntary parties by the court with
agreement of all the the assistance of not more - Demand for accounting of the
parties interested in than three (3) rents, profits and other income
the property. commissioners. from the property which he may be
1. special proceedings entitled to the share (this must be
2. Actions for recovery of property included in the action because it is
with accounting part of the cause of action of the
3. Actions for partition of property partition) (Sec. 8, Rule 69, Rules of
with accounting Court)
4. Special civil actions of eminent
domain and foreclosure of Note: If the allegations allege the
mortgage plaintiff’s exclusive ownership of the
property, it is not an action for partition,
The rationale behind allowing more than but action for recovery of property.
one (1) appeal in the same case is to
enable the rest of the case to proceed in Order for partition; final order is
the event that a separate and distinct issue appealable
is resolved by the court and held to be The court shall determine the following:
final (Roman Catholic Archbishop of - Whether or not the plaintiff is truly
Manila v. Court of Appeals, 258 SCRA
a co-owner of the property
186, 194)
- There is indeed a co-ownership
Are co-owners indispensable parties?  among the parties
(Bar 2009) - Co-ownership is not legally
Yes, all the co-owners must be joined. proscribed
Accordingly, an action will not lie without
the joiner of all co-owners and other If indeed it is found that the plaintiff has
persons having interest in the property the right to demand, the court shall issue
(Moran, Comments on the Rules of Court) an order for partition which may be
All the co-owners, therefore, are appealed. (Sec. 2, Rule 69, Rules of
indispensable parties. Court)

Matters to be alleged in a complaint:

- Nature and extent of his title
- Adequate description of the real
Partition by agreement
and personal estate which partition
is demanded
1. The order directs the parties or co-
- Must join all other persons
owners to partition the property
interested in the property as
among themselves. If they agree,
defendants of the complaint (Sec. 1
the court will confirm the said
and Sec 13, Rule 69, Rules of
partition agreed by the parties and
shall be recorded in the registry of - An interested party may also ask
deeds of the place where the the said thing to be sold, in which
property is situated. (Sec. 2, Rule case, the court shall order the
69, Rules of Court) commissioners to sell the property
2. If they do not come into an at a public sale. (Sec. 5, Rule 69,
agreement, the next stage will be Rules of Court)
the appointment of commissioners.

Partition by court appointed Report of the Commissioners

commissioners; appointment
(Sec 6, Rule 69, Rules of Court)
- If agreement will not be reached - Report to the Court of all partition
among the parties, the court shall proceedings
- Copies of such report shall be
appoint not more than three (3)
served by the Clerk of Court to all
commissioners to make the interested parties
partition for the parties. (Sec. 3, - Parties will be served a notice that
Rule 69, Rules of Court). they are allowed to file objections
- The commissioners only make or to the findings of the report
effect the partition and does not - Filing of objections shall be made
grant them authority to adjudicate within 10 days from receipt of the
questions of title or ownership.
- It is not meant to prejudice, defeat
Action of the Court
or destroy the rights of any person
holding a title paramount to the Sec. 7, Rule 69, Rules of Court)
title of the parties among whom the Upon hearing, the court may:
partition shall have been made. - Accept the report and render
judgment in accordance with the
When division would be prejudicial same;
- Recommit the same to the
commissioners for further report of
- If the property cannot be divided if facts, instead of accepting the
the interests of the parties will be report;
prejudiced, the court may order it - set aside the report and appoint
to be assigned to one party, new commissioners;
provided that the said party shall - accept the report in part and reject
pay other parties such amounts as in part; or
- make such order and render such
the commissioners deem equitable.
judgment that shall effectuate a fair
(Sec. 5, Rule 69, Rules of Court) and just partition of the estate.
estate is situated.
Binding Effect
(Sec 6, Rule 69, Rules of Court) - The expense of such recording
shall be taxed as part of the costs of
- The Court must accept the report of action.
the Commissioners and render
judgment thereon. Expenses to be Paid from the Estate
- In effect, it shall bind the parties or (Figuracion-Gerilla v. Vda. De
pass title to the property. Figuracion, 499 SCRA 484,490-491)

Effects of Judgment of Partition Rule:

- When there remains an issue as to
(Sec 11, Rule 69, Rules of Court) the expenses chargeable to the
estate, partition is inappropriate.
- The partition shall vest in each - Determination of the expenses such
party to the action the portion of as for deceased’s final illness and
the real estate assigned to him. burial cannot be done in an action
- If the whole property is assigned to for partition.
one of the parties upon his paying - The heirs must first submit the
to the others the sum or sums decedent’s estate to settlement.
ordered by the Court, the effect of - In estate settlement proceedings,
the judgment shall be to vest in the there is a proper procedure for the
party making the payment the accounting of all expenses
whole of the real estate free from answerable by the estate.
any interests on the part of the - The heirs or distributes of the
other parties to the action. properties may take possession
thereof even before the settlement
- If the property is sold and the sale of accounts, as long as they first
is confirmed by the court, the effect file a bond conditioned on the
of the judgment shall be to vest the payment of the estate’s obligations.
real estate in the purchaser or
purchasers making the payment or Partition of Personal Property
payments, free from the claims of (Sec. 13, Rule 69, Rules of Court)
any of the parties to the action.
- Rule 69 is applicable to partitions
Recording of Judgment of personal property.
(Sec. 11, Rule 69, Rules of Court) - It is also applicable to both real and
personal property.
- A certified copy of the judgment
shall be recorded in the Registry of
Deeds of the place where the real

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